
野口 忠秀

ノグチ タダヒデ  (Tadahide Noguchi)


自治医科大学 医学部 歯科口腔外科学講座 教授







  • 野口 忠秀, 土屋 欣之, 宮城 徳人, 早坂 純一, 篠崎 泰久, 伊藤 弘人, 小佐野 仁志, 神部 芳則, 去川 俊二, 大岩 伊知郎, 草間 幹夫
    頭頸部癌 35(2) 152-152 2009年5月  
  • 草間 幹夫, 内海 仁志, 宮城 徳人, 早坂 純一, 池田 薫, 伊藤 弘人, 野口 忠秀, 神部 芳則
    栃木県歯科医学会誌 61 45-48 2009年4月  
    32歳女。右顎下部の腫瘤を主訴とした。3~4年前より疼痛を伴う腫瘤が出現し、超音波検査で下顎腫瘍が疑われた。受診時には右側顎下部に26×26mm大で弾性軟の腫瘤性病変を認めたが、神経学的所見や口腔内所見、臨床検査所見、オルソパノラマX線像に異常は認めなかった。しかし、腫瘤はMRI T1強調像で脂肪と同等の信号強度を示し、増強効果を認めないことから、右側顎下部脂肪腫と診断して全身麻酔下に腫瘍摘出術を行い、病理組織学的診断は脂肪腫であった。術後2年4ヵ月経過時点で再発はなく経過良好である。脂肪腫の顎下部発生は稀であり、若干の文献的考察を加えて報告した。
  • 土屋 欣之, 野口 忠秀, 佐瀬 美和子, 山下 雅子, 早坂 純一, 伊藤 弘人, 小佐野 仁志, 神部 芳則, 草間 幹夫
    栃木県歯科医学会誌 61 75-79 2009年4月  
  • 宮城 徳人, 野口 忠秀, 神部 芳則, 草間 幹夫, 早坂 純一, 串田 淳子
    日本口腔診断学会雑誌 22(1) 147-147 2009年3月  
  • Yasuhisa Shinozaki, Hiroto Ito, Ryuji Nakayama, Tadahide Noguchi, Yoshinori Jinbu, Mikio Kusama, Hiroshi Nishino, Keiichi Ichimura
    Asian Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 21(1-2) 43-47 2009年  査読有り
    A 76-year-old man undergoing haemodialysis for chronic renal failure presented with swelling in the right lower gingiva. Biopsy of the oral mass revealed clear cell carcinoma, and whole body computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging revealed a mass in the left kidney. The patient was treated with local radiotherapy and immunotherapy and remains alive with cancer at the time of writing. © 2009 Asian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.
  • Tadahide Noguchi, Yoshiyuki Tsuchiya, Hiroto Itoh, Koichi Matsumoto, Hitoshi Osano, Yoshinori Jinbu, Akifumi Fujita, Keiichi Tsukinoki, Toshihiko Sato, Mikio Kusama
    Asian Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 21(1-2) 10-17 2009年  査読有り筆頭著者
    Objective: The objectives of this study were to evaluate the efficacy and limitations of fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose-positron emission tomography for metastatic neck disease secondary to oral squamous cell carcinoma. This study specifically examined the limitations of the procedure. Materials and Methods: From April 2004 to October 2007, 35 patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma underwent computed tomography, ultrasound, and fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose-positron emission tomography before treatment with neck dissection. After neck dissection, the results of computed tomography/ultrasound and positron emission tomography imaging were correlated with the histopathological findings of the cervical lymph nodes. Results: Positron emission tomography of the cervical lymph nodes was positive for 20 patients, 16 of who were demonstrated to have metastases on histopathological examination. Of the 4 falsepositive results, 3 were reactive lymphadenitis and 1 was sarcoidosis. Positron emission tomography was negative for 15 patients. Two of these patients had false-negative results, as metastatic disease was found at neck dissection. In 1 patient, the metastatic lymph node was largely keratinised, while micrometastasis was evident in the other patient. Pathological findings were compared with imaging results to determine the relative efficacies of positron emission tomography (accuracy, 82.9% sensitivity, 88.8% specificity, 76.5%), computed tomography (accuracy, 85.7% sensitivity, 88.8% specificity, 82.4%), and ultrasound (accuracy, 88.6% sensitivity, 88.8% specificity, 88.2%). There were no significant differences on statistical analysis. Conclusion: Positron emission tomography appears to have significant potential for the detection of lymph node metastasis. However, fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose-positron emission tomography should not be used as the sole method of imaging for initial investigation of oral squamous cell carcinoma and cervical lymph node metastasis. The surgical management of neck lymph node metastasis should not be based on fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose-positron emission tomography findings alone. Use of other imaging modalities in addition to fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose-positron emission tomography should increase the diagnostic accuracy over fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose-positron emission tomography alone. © 2009 Asian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.
  • Yoshiyuki Tsuchiya, Tadahide Noguchi, Kouichi Matsumoto, Toshio Matsumura, Kentarou Hoshi, Hiroto Ito, Hitoshi Osano, Yoshinori Jinbu, Mikio Kusama
    Japanese Journal of Cancer and Chemotherapy 36(1) 101-103 2009年  査読有り
    Six patients with advanced oral squamous cell carcinoma were treated with preoperative concurrent chemoradiotherapy. Chemotherapy consisting of CDDP (60 to 70 mg/m2, day 1) and 5-FU (600 to 700 mg/m2, day 1 to 5) with concurrent radiotherapy was accelerated hyperfractionation to target volume of 43-63 Gy. The clinical effect of this therapy on the primary tumor and cervical lymph node was examined in patients who visited our university hospital from 1994 to 2004. The five untreated and one recurrence patients were 3 males and 3 females. Their ages ranged from 23 to 76 years. The primary sites were the tongue in 3, lower gingiva in 2, and upper gingiva in 1 patient (s). Five cases were in advanced Stage IV A and 1 case in Stage III. The preoperative clinical responses of primary tumor: 1 case showed a complete response (CR). The response rate was 100%. We did not operate the case because of CR. Histological effect of the primary tumor (according to the grading system of Ohboshi and Shimosato) : 2 patients were CR. Pathological CR rate of primary site was 33%. However, the CR rate of the metastatic lymph nodes was 0%. In terms of adverse effects, all cases developed nausea, mucositis and leucopenia. The most severe were leucopenia (Grade III), sepsis and DIC. This combination chemoradiotherapy has been proven to be very histologically effective for the primary tumor.
  • 佐瀬 美和子, 土屋 欣之, 野口 忠秀, 山下 雅子, 早坂 純一, 伊藤 弘人, 小佐野 仁志, 神部 芳則, 草間 幹夫
    日本口腔粘膜学会雑誌 14(2) 76-76 2008年12月  
  • 山崎 あかね, 野口 忠秀, 早坂 純一, 伊藤 弘人, 神部 芳則, 草間 幹夫
    日本口腔腫瘍学会誌 20(3) 182-182 2008年9月  
  • 折居 大輔, 早坂 純一, 鹿志村 圭, 伊藤 弘人, 野口 忠秀, 小佐野 仁志, 神部 芳則, 草間 幹夫
    日本口腔外科学会雑誌 54(Suppl.) 199-199 2008年9月  
  • 野口 忠秀, 土屋 欣之, 池田 薫, 早坂 純一, 伊藤 弘人, 松本 浩一, 小佐野 仁志, 神部 芳則, 大岩 伊知郎, 草間 幹夫
    日本口腔外科学会雑誌 54(Suppl.) 210-210 2008年9月  
  • 土屋 欣之, 山下 雅子, 福島 聡, 早坂 純一, 中山 竜司, 伊藤 弘人, 野口 忠秀, 小佐野 仁志, 神部 芳則, 草間 幹夫
    栃木県歯科医学会誌 60 133-137 2008年8月  
  • 土屋 欣之, 山下 雅子, 早坂 純一, 中山 竜司, 伊藤 弘人, 野口 忠秀, 小佐野 仁志, 神部 芳則, 草間 幹夫
    栃木県歯科医学会誌 60 139-143 2008年8月  
  • Tadahide Noguchi, Yoshinori Jinbu, Kenichi Sasaguri, Yoshiyuki Tsuchiya, Keiichi Tsukinoki, Kaoru Kobayashi, Mikio Kusama
    Asian Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 20(1) 16-20 2008年  査読有り筆頭著者
    This report is of a 43-year-old woman with osteoma of the mandibular condyle causing facial asymmetry and malocclusion. Preoperative orthodontic treatment was performed after a clinical diagnosis of benign tumour of the left mandibular condyle was made. After 9 months of orthodontic treatment, condylectomy was performed under general anaesthesia. Histopathological examination revealed an osteoma. Postoperative orthodontic treatment was performed for 8 months, and the postoperative course has been favourable. The facial asymmetry and malocclusion have improved. © 2008 Asian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.
  • 早坂 純一, 神部 芳則, 宮城 徳人, 伊藤 弘人, 野口 忠秀, 草間 幹夫
    日本口腔粘膜学会雑誌 13(2) 84-84 2007年12月  
  • Yoshinori Jinbu, Keiichi Tsukinoki, Jiro Mitamura, Tomohiro Senna, Yuri Obi, Koichi Matsumoto, Hiroto Itoh, Tadahide Noguchi, Mikio Kusama
    Asian Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 19(1) 25-29 2007年  査読有り
    Objective: To analyse the relationship between the expression levels of manganese superoxide dismutase, and copper-zinc superoxide dismutase, and clinicopathological parameters in human tongue cancer. Materials and Methods: Oral biopsy specimens of 42 cases of tongue cancer were stained with antihuman manganese and copper-zinc superoxide dismutases, and the degree of staining in tumour cells was evaluated. Clinicopathological information was reviewed and the degree of tumour invasion was divided into four types. Results: The percentage of enhanced manganese superoxide dismutase expression in patients was significantly higher in patients older than 60 years than that in patients younger than 60 years. The percentage of enhanced manganese superoxide dismutase expression was higher in T4 patients versus T1 patients and in patients with lymph node metastasis versus patients without metastasis. A higher percentage of enhanced copper-zinc superoxide dismutase expression was shown in the 2+3 mode of invasion group compared with the advanced mode of invasion (4c+4d) group, and the percentage of reduced copper-zinc superoxide dismutase expression in patients in the 4c+4d group was significantly higher than that in patients in the less invasive group (2+3). The percentage of enhanced copper-zinc superoxide dismutase expression in patients without lymph node metastasis was slightly higher than that in patients with metastasis. Conclusion: These results demonstrate that expression levels of manganese and copper-zinc superoxide dismutases correlate with clinical stage, mode of invasion, and lymph node metastasis in tongue cancer. © 2007 Asian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.
  • 早坂 純一, 伊藤 弘人, 野口 忠秀, 松本 浩一, 神部 芳則, 草間 幹夫
    日本口腔腫瘍学会誌 18(4) 196-196 2006年12月  
  • 野口 忠秀, 土屋 欣之, 平塚 正樹, 山下 雅子, 早坂 純一, 松村 俊男, 伊藤 弘人, 神部 芳則, 草間 幹夫
    日本口腔外科学会雑誌 52(Suppl.) 71-71 2006年9月  
  • T Noguchi, Y Jinbu, H Itoh, K Matsumoto, S Sakai, M Kusama
    A case of epignathus combined with cleft palate, lobulated tongue, and lingual hamartoma is reported. A newborn female presented with a large skin-covered mass arising from the palate, cleft palate, and lobulated tongue with soybean-sized lingual lesion. The palatal and lingual masses were removed on the 9th day after birth. A cystic lesion was also found oil the nasal septum after removal of the palatal mass; this lesion was resected at its base. Glossoplasty was performed after excision of the lingual lesion. Histologically, the palatal mass was diagnosed as epignathus. The cystic lesion was suspected to be meningothelial tissues oil the basis of hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and immunohistochemical staining: Vimentin and epithelial membrane antigen were positive, and factor VIII was negative. The mass of the tongue dorsum was diagnosed as hamartoma. No recurrence of epignathus or evidence of meningocele have been observed after 5 years of follow up.
  • Yoshinori Jinbu, Kaoru Ikeda, Miki Aoki, Jiro Mitamura, Tadahide Noguchi, Mikio Kusama
    Asian Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 18(1) 67-71 2006年  査読有り
    This report is of a 65-year-old man with a granulocytic sarcoma presenting as a gingival swelling. The patient was diagnosed as having natural killer-cell acute leukaemia by bone marrow biopsy. The gingival swelling resolved after chemotherapy. © 2006 Asian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.
  • 小佐野 仁志, 松本 浩一, 野口 忠秀, 草間 幹夫, 櫻井 信司
    日本口腔外科学会雑誌 51(3) 136-139 2005年3月20日  
    A 76-year-old man presented with swelling of the right side of the maxilla. Spindle cell sarcoma was diagnosed on examination of a biopsy sample of the right maxillary sinus. We started CYVADIC (cyclophosphamide, vincristine, adriamycin, dacarbazin) chemotherapy. A favorable clinical response was obtained with 4 courses of chemotherapy. Partial resection of the maxilla was followed by 6 courses of CYVADIC therapy, because a small residual tumor was suspected. Histopathological examination revealed no residual tumor cells.<BR>Chemotherapeutic intervention appears to have been effective, with no apparent recurrence of lesions at present, 14 years after chemotherapy.
  • Michiko Nishimura, Yoshihiro Abiko, Kaoru Kusano, Mami Yamazaki, Masato Saitoh, Itaru Mizoguchi, Yoshinori Jinbu, Tadahide Noguchi, Tohru Kaku
    Medical electron microscopy : official journal of the Clinical Electron Microscopy Society of Japan 36(2) 94-7 2003年6月  査読有り
    Human beta-defensin 3 (hBD-3), an antimicrobial peptide, is produced by various epithelial and some nonepithelial tissues. hBD-3 mRNA is widely expressed in oral tissues, including oral epithelium and the salivary glands. Although the localization of hBD-1 and hBD-2 has been well demonstrated in tissue sections, the localization pattern of hBD-3 has not yet been shown. In the present study, we investigated the expression pattern of hBD-3 mRNA by in situ hybridization using specific RNA probes; the signal for hBD-3 was detected in upper spinous and granular layers in normal oral epithelium. In cases of leukoplakia, a strong signal of hBD-3 mRNA was observed in the granular layer. In lichen planus, the signal was strongly detected in the spinous and suprabasal layers. The signals were stronger than those of either normal oral epithelium or leukoplakia. The results indicate that the localization pattern of hBD-3 is very similar to that of hBD-2. hBD-2 and hBD-3 may function together or compensate each other for expressional loss.
  • Y Jinbu, M Kusama, H Itoh, K Matsumoto, J Wang, T Noguchi
    We investigated the clinical and histopathologic features of 26 cases of mucocele of the glands of Blandin-Nuhn. There was a female predominance, and most patients were younger than 20 years. Fifteen patients first visited a medical doctor and 9 visited a dentist before being referred to our department. The average duration from the time the lesion was first noticed to the patient's visit was 3.6 months. All lesions were located on the ventral surface of the tongue. In 17 patients, mucoceles were seen at the tip of the tongue, whereas 9 lesions occurred more posteriorly. Lesions were situated at the midline in 19 patients and laterally in 7 patients. All lesions presented as an exophytic mass, often with a polypoid appearance. All mucoceles were histopathologically of the extravasation type, suggesting that trauma may represent a frequent initiating factor.
  • 土屋 欣之, 神部 芳則, 野口 忠秀, 草間 幹夫
    日本口腔粘膜学会雑誌 9(2) 69-73 2003年  
    パラコートは, 除草剤として使われる農薬の一種である。それを誤って飲んだとき, 口内炎が必ず発現する。われわれは, パラコートによる口内炎の9例について報告した。対象は男性2例, 女性7例の計9例である。年齢は, 22歳から65歳で平均47.8歳であった。口腔粘膜症状は, ビランまたは潰瘍である。潰瘍の表面は, 白色の偽膜に覆われていた。病変粘膜の境界は, 明瞭であった。このパラコートをすぐ吐き出した2例では, 限局した粘膜に, ビランまたは潰瘍を認めた。<br>7例は, パラコートを嚥下した後に頻回に嘔吐した。そのため広い範囲に口内炎が発現した。潰瘍は, 1週から3週で上皮化し, 瘢痕の形成はなかった。2例は, 肺線維腫による呼吸不全のため死亡した。
  • Noguchi T, Jinbu Y, Sakurai S, Kusama M
    Oral Med Pathol 8 27-30 2003年  筆頭著者
  • N Umemoto, T Demitsu, S Toda, M Ohsawa, T Noguchi, M Kakurai, T Yamada, M Suzuki, H Nakagawa, A Komai, T Hashimoto
    DERMATOLOGY 207(1) 61-64 2003年  査読有り
    A 35-year-old Japanese woman had recurrent, pruritic, vesicular lesions on the face, neck and upper back as well as erosive lesions of the oral cavity and genitalia. The skin and mucosal lesions healed without scarring upon the systemic administration of corticosteroid and azathioprine. Direct immunofluorescence revealed linear deposits of IgG, IgA and C3 at the cutaneous basement membrane zone. indirect immunofluorescence on 1 M NaCl-split human skin sections demonstrated that the patient's IgG antibodies reacted with the dermal side of the split, while IgA antibodies weakly reacted with the epidermal side. By immunoblot analyses, the patient's serum reacted with the NC1 domain of type VII collagen as well as both the alpha(3)- and beta(3)-Subunits of laminin 5. We regarded our case as a nonscarring subepidermal blistering disease with autoantibodies to both type VII collagen and two different subunits of laminin 5. Such a case has not been previously reported. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel.
  • 草間 幹夫, 早坂 純一, 池田 敦, 伊藤 弘人, 野口 忠秀, 松本 浩一, 神部 芳則
    栃木県歯科医学会誌 54 17-20 2002年8月  
  • Y Abiko, Y Jinbu, T Noguchi, M Nishimura, K Kusano, P Amaratunga, T Shibata, T Kaku
    PATHOLOGY RESEARCH AND PRACTICE 198(8) 537-542 2002年  査読有り
    Human beta defensin 2 (hBD-2) is a major antimicrobial peptide that is produced by many types of epithelial cells, and is transcriptionally inducible by various proinflammatory agents, such as cytokines and bacteria. Although in vitro studies of the hBDs in oral epithelial cells have been well documented, only little is known about the in vivo pathological state of oral epithelium. We investigated the localization of hBD-2 peptide in tissue sections of oral lichen planus, leukoplakia, candidal leukoplakia and radicular cysts using immunohistochemistry. HBD-2 was stained in both the hyperkeratinized and the granular layers in cases of lichen planus with hyperkeratosis and leukoplakia. Expression in spinous and suprabasal layers was often strong in lichen planus. There were no significant differences in the number of S-100 positive dendritic cells between the widely stained areas and those with limited staining areas in lichen planus. In cases of candidal leukoplakia, the hyphae of candida were mainly detected on the surface of keratinization, which showed only negative or faint staining for hBD-2. These results suggest that hBD-2 is vigorously induced by lichen planus-related inflammation and that it plays an important role in protection from Candida albicans infection; however, it is not a strong chemotactic attractant for Langerhans cells in pathological conditions of oral epithelium.
  • 長谷部 逸人, 土屋 欣之, 早坂 純一, 宮城 徳人, 伊藤 弘人, 野口 忠秀, 神部 芳則, 草間 幹夫, 赤坂 庸子
    有病者歯科医療 10(1) 67-67 2001年8月  
  • Y Kimura, Y Akasaka, H Itoh, O Aoyagi, A Ikeda, A Numao, T Noguchi, K Matsumoto, S Watanabe, H Naito, Y Jinbu, K Ohashi
    17TH INTERNATIONAL CANCER CONGRESS, VOL 1 AND 2 1345-1349 1998年  査読有り


  • 岩上藍, 早坂純一, 中村知寿, 林宏栄, 山川道代, 作山葵, 岡田成生, 野口忠秀, 神部芳則, 森良之
    日本口腔科学会雑誌(Web) 67(2) 2018年  
  • 岡田 成生, 神部 芳則, 林 宏栄, 山下 雅子, 野口 忠秀, 森 良之
    日本口腔内科学会雑誌 = Journal of Japanese Society of Oral Medicine 22(2) 84-88 2016年12月  
  • 大田原 宏美, 神部 芳則, 篠崎 泰久, 伊藤 弘人, 野口 忠秀, 森 良之
    日本口腔内科学会雑誌 = Journal of Japanese Society of Oral Medicine 22(1) 8-12 2016年6月  
  • 山下 雅子, 神部 芳則, 野口 忠秀, 槻木 恵一, 森 良之
    日本口腔内科学会雑誌 22(1) 29-35 2016年6月  
    疣贅型黄色腫は泡沫細胞あるいはxanthoma cellの増殖を特徴とし、一般には真の腫瘍ではなく、反応性変化と考えられている。今回われわれは、口腔内に生じた疣贅型黄色腫の2例を経験した。本邦例についての臨床的検討を行ったので併せて報告する。症例1:83歳、女性。右下顎歯肉の外向性腫瘤。症例2:69歳、女性。舌下面の有茎性腫瘤。2例とも切除術を施行し、病理組織学的に疣贅型黄色腫の診断であった。(著者抄録)
  • 篠崎 泰久, 神部 芳則, 大田原 宏美, 早坂 純一, 土屋 欣之, 野口 忠秀, 森 良之, 伊藤 弘人, 飯田 幸弘, 勝又 明敏
    歯科放射線 56(増刊) 73-73 2016年6月  

