
野口 忠秀

ノグチ タダヒデ  (Tadahide Noguchi)


自治医科大学 医学部 歯科口腔外科学講座 教授







  • 杉浦 康史, 林 宏栄, 尾田 誠一郎, 土肥 昭博, 作山 葵, 森 良之, 野口 忠秀
    頭頸部癌 50(2) 169-169 2024年5月  
  • 岡田 成生, 七條 なつ子, 相澤 恵美, 尾田 誠一郎, 山下 雅子, 野口 忠秀, 長濱 浩平, 榎本 勤, 森 良之
    日本顎変形症学会雑誌 32(2) 153-153 2022年5月  
  • 上野 泰宏, 神部 芳則, 早坂 純一, 柏崎 朋子, 野口 忠秀, 森 良之
    日本口腔診断学会雑誌 35(1) 113-113 2022年2月  
  • Natsuko Hichijo, Tadahide Noguchi, Kenichi Sasaguri, Yoshiyuki Mori
    Applied Sciences 11(23) 11541-11541 2021年12月6日  
    Background: Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy (MNTI) is a very rare tumor, and case reports of orthodontic treatment for patients with MNTI may be previously unreported. This article describes the orthodontic treatment for a 7-year-old girl with MNTI in the mandible. Case: Her chief complaint was anterior crossbite. Although she had an MNTI diagnosis at the age of 8 months, it remained subclinical. Therefore, she has been regularly followed-up by computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging without aggressive treatment. We had worried about the stimulation of MNTI on the mandible by changing her occlusal position with orthodontic treatment. Therefore, we sufficiently explained to her and her family that orthodontic treatment was at risk for worsening MNTI. However, they desired treatment that consisted of maxillary protraction and slow expansion to correct anterior crossbite and encourage the permanent tooth eruption. After 19 months of active orthodontic treatment, the anterior crossbite was improved, and the eruption of permanent teeth made good progress. No evidence of progression and exacerbation of MNTI has been found by both CT and MR imaging. As the observation period is still short, we need a careful and long-term follow-up of her occlusion and MNTI. Furthermore, when we encounter rare cases without previous experience and reports, informed consent was of particular importance.
  • 上野 泰宏, 神部 芳則, 早坂 純一, 柏崎 朋子, 野口 忠秀, 森 良之
    日本口腔内科学会雑誌 27(2) 113-113 2021年12月  
  • 七條 なつ子, 加持 秀明, 笹栗 健一, 野口 忠秀, 森 良之
    日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 80回 220-220 2021年11月  
  • 古藤 悠希, 野口 忠秀, 土屋 欣之, 大谷津 幸生, 岡田 成生, 早坂 純一, 去川 俊二, 森 良之
    日本口腔腫瘍学会誌 33(3) 107-112 2021年9月  
  • 杉浦 康史, 野口 忠秀, 土肥 昭博, 作山 葵, 岡田 成生, 森 良之
    頭頸部癌 47(2) 180-180 2021年5月  
  • Ota Y, Noguchi T, Ariji E, Fushimi C, Fuwa N, Harada H, Hayashi T, Hayashi R, Honma Y, Miura M, Mori T, Nagatsuka H, Okura M, Ueda M, Uzawa N, Yagihara K, Yagishita H, Yamashiro M, Yanamoto S, Kirita T
    International Journal of Clinical Oncology 26(4) 623-635 2021年  査読有り
    For doctors and other medical staff treating oral cancer, it is necessary to standardize the basic concepts and rules for oral cancer to achieve progress in its treatment, research, and diagnosis. Oral cancer is an integral part of head and neck cancer and is treated in accordance with the general rules for head and neck cancer. However, detailed rules based on the specific characteristics of oral cancer are essential. The objective of this article was to contribute to the development of the diagnosis, treatment, and research of oral cancer, based on the correct and useful medical information of clinical, surgical, pathological, and imaging findings accumulated from individual patients at various institutions. Our general rules were revised as the UICC was revised for the 8th edition and were published as the Japanese second edition in 2019. In this paper, the English edition of the "Rules" section is primarily presented.
  • 杉浦 康史, 野口 忠秀, 土肥 昭博, 早坂 純一, 去川 俊二, 森 良之
    頭頸部癌 46(2) 210-210 2020年7月  
  • 作山 葵, 神部 芳則, 早坂 純一, 岡田 成生, 野口 忠秀, 森 良之
    日本口腔内科学会雑誌 26(1) 52-55 2020年6月  
  • 田村 知子, 野口 忠秀, 今野 悠, 七條 なつ子, 仁保 千秋, 笹栗 健一, 須永 中, 森 良之
    日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 45(2) 184-184 2020年5月  
  • 佐藤 元, 作山 葵, 立川 敬子, 早坂 純一, 野口 忠秀, 神部 芳則, 春日井 昇平, 森 良之
    栃木県歯科医学会誌 72 3-7 2020年4月  
  • 田中 理紗子, 岡田 成生, 七條 なつ子, 野口 忠秀, 笹栗 健一, 森 良之
    栃木県歯科医学会誌 72 13-15 2020年4月  
    Le Fort I型骨切り術(LI)単独と馬蹄形+LIを比較し、馬蹄形+LIによる上下顎移動術の有用性について検討した。当院で施行した上下顎移動術22症例のうち、馬蹄形+LI 4症例を対象とした。出血量については、馬蹄形+LIは約635mL、LIは約379mLとなり、馬蹄形+LIとLIの出血量には有意差が認められた。手術時間は馬蹄形+LIは約5時間24分、LIは約5時間2分であり、馬蹄形+LIとLIの手術時間には有意差は認められなかった。馬蹄形の予定上顎移動量と実際の上顎移動量の比較については、前方部の予定移動量は3.75mm、実際の上顎移動量は3.3mm、後方部の予定移動量は4.25mm、実際の上顎移動量は2.8mmとなった。後方部の実際の上顎移動量が予定の上顎移動量より少なくなった理由として、後方部は蝶形骨翼状突起をはじめ下行口蓋動脈周囲の骨の干渉が完全に取り除けていなかったことなどが考えられた。
  • 白石 晃平, 野口 忠秀, 今野 悠, 杉浦 康史, 土肥 昭博, 作山 葵, 神部 芳則, 森 良之
    栃木県歯科医学会誌 72 9-12 2020年4月  
  • Masako Yamashita, Tadahide Noguchi, Yoshinori Jinbu, Yoshiyuki Mori
    The Journal of craniofacial surgery 31(2) 501-503 2020年3月1日  
  • 若林 宣江, 戸田 浩司, 鈴木 祐子, 山川 道代, 杉浦 康史, 土肥 昭博, 岡田 成生, 野口 忠秀, 神部 芳則, 森 良之
    日本口腔診断学会雑誌 33(1) 83-84 2020年2月  
  • 大谷津 幸生, 串田 淳子, 杉浦 康史, 田村 知子, 仙名 あかね, 渡邊 秀紀, 岡田 成生, 野口 忠秀, 神部 芳則, 森 良之
    日本口腔診断学会雑誌 33(1) 103-103 2020年2月  
  • 作山 葵, 早坂 純一, 杉浦 康史, 岡田 成生, 野口 忠秀, 神部 芳則, 森 良之
    日本口腔診断学会雑誌 33(1) 134-135 2020年2月  
  • Noguchi T, Konno Y, Sugiura Y, Dohi A, Okada N, Sasaguri K, Oyatsu Y, Fujita A, Miyazaki H, Mori Y
    Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 31(8) 1-7 2020年  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 若林 宣江, 戸田 浩司, 鈴木 祐子, 山川 道代, 杉浦 康史, 土肥 昭博, 岡田 成生, 野口 忠秀, 神部 芳則, 森 良之
    日本口腔内科学会雑誌 25(2) 73-74 2019年12月  
  • 岡田 成生, 長島 優太, 杉浦 康史, 土肥 昭博, 野口 忠秀, 神部 芳則, 森 良之
    日本口腔内科学会雑誌 25(2) 92-92 2019年12月  
  • 大谷津 幸生, 串田 淳子, 杉浦 康史, 田村 知子, 仙名 あかね, 渡邊 秀紀, 岡田 成生, 野口 忠秀, 神部 芳則, 森 良之
    日本口腔内科学会雑誌 25(2) 93-93 2019年12月  
  • 作山 葵, 早坂 純一, 杉浦 康史, 岡田 成生, 野口 忠秀, 神部 芳則, 森 良之
    日本口腔内科学会雑誌 25(2) 124-125 2019年12月  
  • 加藤 圭一郎, 早坂 純一, 中村 知寿, 長島 優太, 仁保 千秋, 杉浦 康史, 作山 葵, 岡田 成生, 野口 忠秀, 神部 芳則, 森 良之
    栃木県歯科医学会誌 71 27-31 2019年4月  
  • Tadahide Noguchi, Yasushi Sugiura, Naruo Okada, Yoshiyuki Tsuchiya, Jun-Ichi Hyasaka, Ken-Ichi Sasaguri, Shunji Sarukawa, Akifumi Fujita, Yusuke Amano, Yoshiyuki Mori
    Journal of medical case reports 13(1) 58-58 2019年3月12日  査読有り筆頭著者
    BACKGROUND: Osteosarcomas of the head and neck region are rare entities that comprise < 10% of all osteosarcomas. Multimodality treatment of patients with osteosarcoma is well-established for osteosarcoma in long bones, and the benefits of chemotherapy in long bones are clearly known. However, there is no consensus regarding the effects of chemotherapy in cases of head and neck osteosarcoma. The prognostic factor for head and neck osteosarcoma is complete tumor resection with negative margin, which is a radical surgery. However, a clear margin may be difficult to achieve in the head and neck region. CASE PRESENTATION: We present a case of a 69-year-old Japanese woman who developed osteosarcoma of the condyle within the masticator space and infratemporal fossa, which was treated with radical surgery using a modified preauricular and transmandibular approach. Although we recommended adjuvant treatment after surgery, the patient refused this treatment. There was no evidence of local recurrence or distant metastasis through 30 months of follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Our modified preauricular and transmandibular approach allowed access to the masticator space and infratemporal fossa, thereby increasing complete resection of the tumor and resulting in minimal functional and cosmetic deficits.
  • 川嶋 理恵, 神部 芳則, 岡田 成生, 早坂 純一, 野口 忠秀, 森 良之
    日本口腔診断学会雑誌 32(1) 112-112 2019年2月  
  • 安野 ななほ, 若林 宣江, 鈴木 祐子, 井上 千恵子, 中村 知寿, 岡田 成生, 野口 忠秀, 神部 芳則, 森 良之
    日本口腔診断学会雑誌 32(1) 103-104 2019年2月  
  • Mitsunobu Otsuru, Yoshihide Ota, Souichi Yanamoto, Masaya Okura, Masahiro Umeda, Tadaaki Kirita, Hiroshi Kurita, Michihiro Ueda, Takahide Komori, Nobuhiro Yamakawa, Takahiro Kamata, Takumi Hasegawa, Takahiko Shibahara, Youichi Ohiro, Yoshihiro Yamashita, Kazuma Noguchi, Tadahide Noguchi, Kazunari Karakida, Hiroyuki Naito, Tomonao Aikawa, Tetsuro Yamashita, Daijiro Kabata, Ayumi Shintani
    Annals of surgical oncology 26(2) 555-563 2019年2月  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: This multicenter retrospective study aimed to determine whether elective neck dissection (END) can be performed for T1-2N0M0 tongue cancer. METHODS: Patients with T1-2N0M0 tongue squamous cell carcinoma who received treatment between January 2000 and December 2012 were enrolled at 14 multicenter study sites. The 5-year overall survival (OS) and 5-year disease-specific survival (DSS) were compared between the propensity score-matched END and observation (OBS) groups. RESULTS: The results showed that the OS rates among the 1234 enrolled patients were 85.5% in the END group and 90.2% in the OBS group (P = 0.182). The DSS rates were 87.0% in the END group and 94.3% in the OBS group (P = 0.003). Among the matched patients, the OS rates were 87.1% in the END group and 76.2% in the OBS group (P = 0.0051), and the respective DSS rates were 89.2% and 82.2% (P = 0.0335). CONCLUSION: This study showed that END is beneficial for T1-2N0M0 tongue cancer. However, END should be performed for patients with a tumor depth of 4-5 mm or more, which is the depth associated with a high rate of lymph node metastasis. The use of END should be carefully considered for both elderly and young patients.
  • 川嶋 理恵, 神部 芳則, 岡田 成生, 早坂 純一, 野口 忠秀, 森 良之
    日本口腔内科学会雑誌 24(2) 100-100 2018年12月  
  • 安野 ななほ, 若林 宣江, 鈴木 祐子, 井上 千恵子, 中村 知寿, 岡田 成生, 野口 忠秀, 神部 芳則, 森 良之
    日本口腔内科学会雑誌 24(2) 91-92 2018年12月  
  • Y. Sugiura, S. Sarukawa, J. Hayasaka, H. Kamochi, T. Noguchi, Y. Mori
    International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 47(8) 983-989 2018年8月1日  査読有り
    The purpose of this study was to evaluate surgical outcomes in elderly patients who had undergone free fibula flap transfer for malignant head and neck tumours. A retrospective chart review was performed to identify patients who had undergone free fibula flap transfer for mandibular reconstruction after malignant tumour resection at Jichi Medical University Hospital between May 2009 and April 2015. Enrolled patients were divided into an elderly group (≥80 years old) and a younger group (&lt 80 years old). Seventeen patients met the inclusion criteria and were included in the elderly group. Age at surgery ranged from 80 to 92 years. Thirteen patients (76.5%) experienced postoperative complications. Surgical site complications occurred in seven patients. The success rate of free fibula flap transfer was 100%. Systemic complications occurred in nine patients, most commonly delirium (n = 6). No perioperative mortality was encountered. The overall 1-year survival rate was 94.1% (16/17). No patient reported gait disturbance as a donor site complication or any other major complication. The incidence of postoperative complications did not differ significantly between the elderly and younger groups. Almost no difference in postoperative course was seen between the groups. Elderly patients appear to tolerate free fibula flap reconstruction just as well as younger patients.
  • T Noguchi, S Sarukawa, Y Tsuchiya, N Okada, J Hayasaka, K Sasaguri, H Nishino, Y Jinbu, Y Mori
    International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 47(8) 990-997 2018年8月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Vascularized iliac bone grafts are used for mandibular reconstruction, but the factors affecting graft maintenance are unknown. This study explored the postsurgical changes in vascularized iliac bone grafts in patients who had undergone mandibular reconstruction after segmental resection. The study involved 24 patients (16 men and eight women) with oral tumours or osteoradionecrosis. Thirteen patients required bare bone grafting (BBG) and 11 patients required reconstruction with soft tissue coverage (six with a skin paddle and five with direct closure). The bone graft maintenance rate (with regard to the height of the centre of the graft) was calculated immediately after surgery and at 3, 6, 12, 24, and 36months after surgery. The maintenance rate was significantly lower in the BBG group than in the soft tissue coverage group at 3, 6, 12, 24, and 36months, and in those who were fitted with dentures compared to those who were not at 6, 12, 24, and 36months. Local infection also influenced the maintenance rate, but not significantly so. These findings indicate that the reconstruction technique and denture use can affect the bone graft maintenance rate after mandibular reconstruction with vascularized iliac bone grafts.
  • 早坂 純一, 去川 俊二, 林 宏栄, 杉浦 康史, 山川 道代, 作山 葵, 伊藤 弘人, 野口 忠秀, 神部 芳則, 勝又 敏明, 森 良之
    日本口腔科学会雑誌 67(2) 197-197 2018年7月  
  • 岩上 藍, 早坂 純一, 中村 知寿, 林 宏栄, 山川 道代, 作山 葵, 岡田 成生, 野口 忠秀, 神部 芳則, 森 良之
    日本口腔科学会雑誌 67(2) 182-182 2018年7月  
  • 作山 葵, 神部 芳則, 早坂 純一, 月村 久恵, 井上 公介, 林 宏栄, 岡田 成生, 野口 忠秀, 森 良之
    日本口腔内科学会雑誌 24(1) 7-12 2018年6月  
  • Hidetaka Miyazaki, Takafumi Ohshiro, Umberto Romeo, Tadahide Noguchi, Yutaka Maruoka, Gianfranco Gaimari, Georgi Tomov, Yoshitaka Wada, Kae Tanaka, Toshio Ohshiro, Shinichi Asamura
    Photomedicine and Laser Surgery 36(6) 320-325 2018年6月1日  査読有り筆頭著者
    Objective: This study aimed to retrospectively evaluate the efficacy and safety of laser treatment of oral vascular lesions using the multiple spot irradiation technique with a single-pulsed wave. Background data: In laser therapy for vascular lesions, heat accumulation induced by excessive irradiation can cause adverse events postoperatively, including ulcer formation, resultant scarring, and severe pain. To prevent heat accumulation and side effects, we have applied a multiple pulsed spot irradiation technique, the so-called "leopard technique" (LT) to oral vascular lesions. This approach was originally proposed for laser treatment of nevi. It can avoid thermal concentration at the same spot and spare the epithelium, which promotes smooth healing. The goal of the study was to evaluate this procedure and treatment outcomes. Patients and methods: The subjects were 46 patients with 47 oral vascular lesions treated with the LT using a Nd:YAG laser (1064 nm), including 24 thick lesions treated using a combination of the LT and intralesional photocoagulation. Results: All treatment outcomes were satisfactory without serious complications such as deep ulcer formation, scarring, bleeding, or severe swelling. Conclusions: Laser therapy with the LT is a promising less-invasive treatment for oral vascular lesions.
  • 去川 俊二, 杉浦 康史, 野口 忠秀, 森 良之, 西野 宏
    頭頸部癌 44(2) 104-104 2018年5月  
  • 杉浦 康史, 去川 俊二, 早坂 純一, 林 宏栄, 作山 葵, 岡田 成生, 野口 忠秀, 神部 芳則, 西野 宏, 森 良之
    頭頸部癌 44(2) 227-227 2018年5月  
  • 岩上 藍, 早坂 純一, 月村 久恵, 林 宏栄, 作山 葵, 野口 忠秀, 神部 芳則, 森 良之
    栃木県歯科医学会誌 70 3-5 2018年4月  
  • 村上 知弘, 大谷津 幸生, 小濱 亜希, 林 宏栄, 手塚 里奈, 杉山 知子, 岡田 成生, 早坂 純一, 笹栗 健一, 野口 忠秀, 神部 芳則, 森 良之
    栃木県歯科医学会誌 70 13-18 2018年4月  
    当科で行っている顎矯正治療システムについての概要を報告するとともに、最近5年間での当科における顎矯正手術症例の臨床統計の検討を行った。当科での顎変形症治療は、主に次の六つの段階に分けられる。検査・診断、術前矯正治療、術前診断、手術方法の選択、手術および周術期管理、術後矯正治療、保定。2012年1月~2017年8月までに当科にて手術施行となった顎変形症患者45例(男性19例、女性26例、平均23歳)を対象とした。診断では下顎前突症が最も多く、27例(60%)であった。術式のうち最も多かったのは上下顎骨切り術(2 Jaw surgery)の26例(58%)であった。平均出血量は下顎骨骨切り術で167.8ml、上下顎骨切り術で364.4ml、平均手術時間は下顎骨骨切り術で3時間42分、上下顎骨切り術で5時間18分であった。平均入院期間は下顎骨骨切り術で9.5日、上下顎骨切り術で10.1日であった。
  • 山崎 裕子, 神部 芳則, 早坂 純一, 野口 忠秀, 森 良之
    日本口腔診断学会雑誌 31(1) 108-108 2018年2月  
  • Yoshiyuki Tsuchiya, Kentaro Ushijima, Tadahide Noguchi, Naruo Okada, Jun-ichi Hayasaka, Yoshinori Jinbu, Hitoshi Ando, Yoshiyuki Mori, Mikio Kusama, Akio Fujimura
    Chronobiology International 35(2) 289-294 2018年2月1日  査読有り
    Docetaxel, cisplatin plus fluorouracil (DCF) regimen is a useful chemotherapy, but is sometimes withdrawn due to severe adverse effects (AE). In this study, we examined whether the chronotherapy of DCF regimen could reduce the drugs-induced toxicities in clinical practice. Patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma were enrolled. Chemotherapy started at 10:30 (Morning-dosing) or 18:30 (Evening-dosing) for 5 days by a cross-over design. AE were assessed for 14 days after an initiation of each dosing. The grades of nausea, vomiting and neutropenia were smaller during Evening-dosing than during Morning-dosing. These data suggest that the chrono-chemotherapy might provide a merit for reducing the DCF regimen-related severe AE.
  • Hiromi Otawara, Yoshinori Jinbu, Yasuhisa Shinozaki, Hiroto Ito, Tadahide Noguchi, Natsuki Segami, Kaoru Kobayashi, Naoyuki Matsumoto, Yoshiyuki Mori
    Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, and Pathology 30(1) 39-43 2018年1月1日  査読有り
    Ganglion cysts frequently occur on the dorsal side of the carpal joints, but rarely involve the temporomandibular joint. We encountered a 64-year-old woman with a chief complaint of swelling in the right cheek. Lipoma was observed in the right cheek on magnetic resonance imaging, along with a cystic lesion in the left temporomandibular joint. The cyst in the left temporomandibular joint was extracted under general anesthesia. Histological diagnosis was ganglion cyst. We report our experience with a case of ganglion cysts occurring on the temporomandibular joint with reference to the literature.
  • Tadahide Noguchi, Naruo Okada, Yoshiyuki Tsuchiya, Shunji Sarukawa, Akifumi Fujita, Hiroshi Nishino, Yoshinori Jinbu, Yoshiyuki Mori
    Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 29(1) e18-e20 2018年1月1日  査読有り筆頭著者
    In this clinical report, we present the management of a brain abscess that was presumed to be caused by radiation osteomyelitis of the mandible. The patient underwent chemoradiotherapy for oropharyngeal carcinoma on the left side at the Department of Otolaryngology of our hospital in 2000. Local recurrence or metastasis did not occur post-treatment. In January 2009, the patient was diagnosed with radiation osteomyelitis of the mandible on the left side, complicated by a pathologic fracture. In July 2011, numbness occurred in the left upper extremity and the patient was transferred to the emergency center of our hospital. A computed tomography scan showed a tumor lesion in the brain that was diagnosed as a brain abscess by magnetic resonance imaging. Neurosurgeons performed burr hole drainage of the abscess, followed by administration of antibiotics. Although impaired fine movements of the left hand remain, progress has been relatively favorable with no recurrence of osteomyelitis or brain abscess post-surgery.
  • 早坂 純一, 林 宏栄, 佐瀬 美和子, 野口 忠秀, 伊藤 弘人, 神部 芳則, 草間 幹夫, 森 良之
    日本口腔腫瘍学会誌 29(4) 227-232 2017年12月  
  • 山川 道代, 神部 芳則, 大谷津 幸生, 早坂 純一, 野口 忠秀, 森 良之
    日本口腔内科学会雑誌 23(2) 100-105 2017年12月  
  • 山崎 裕子, 神部 芳則, 早坂 純一, 野口 忠秀, 森 良之
    日本口腔内科学会雑誌 23(2) 152-152 2017年12月  
  • 古藤 悠希, 岡田 成生, 西原 良治, 大谷津 幸生, 早坂 純一, 野口 忠秀, 神部 芳則, 森 良之
    有病者歯科医療 26(6) 544-544 2017年12月  
  • 去川 俊二, 杉浦 康史, 野口 忠秀, 吉村 浩太郎, 西野 宏, 森 良之
    顎顔面補綴 40(2) 46-47 2017年12月  


  • 岩上藍, 早坂純一, 中村知寿, 林宏栄, 山川道代, 作山葵, 岡田成生, 野口忠秀, 神部芳則, 森良之
    日本口腔科学会雑誌(Web) 67(2) 2018年  
  • 岡田 成生, 神部 芳則, 林 宏栄, 山下 雅子, 野口 忠秀, 森 良之
    日本口腔内科学会雑誌 = Journal of Japanese Society of Oral Medicine 22(2) 84-88 2016年12月  
  • 大田原 宏美, 神部 芳則, 篠崎 泰久, 伊藤 弘人, 野口 忠秀, 森 良之
    日本口腔内科学会雑誌 = Journal of Japanese Society of Oral Medicine 22(1) 8-12 2016年6月  
  • 山下 雅子, 神部 芳則, 野口 忠秀, 槻木 恵一, 森 良之
    日本口腔内科学会雑誌 22(1) 29-35 2016年6月  
    疣贅型黄色腫は泡沫細胞あるいはxanthoma cellの増殖を特徴とし、一般には真の腫瘍ではなく、反応性変化と考えられている。今回われわれは、口腔内に生じた疣贅型黄色腫の2例を経験した。本邦例についての臨床的検討を行ったので併せて報告する。症例1:83歳、女性。右下顎歯肉の外向性腫瘤。症例2:69歳、女性。舌下面の有茎性腫瘤。2例とも切除術を施行し、病理組織学的に疣贅型黄色腫の診断であった。(著者抄録)
  • 篠崎 泰久, 神部 芳則, 大田原 宏美, 早坂 純一, 土屋 欣之, 野口 忠秀, 森 良之, 伊藤 弘人, 飯田 幸弘, 勝又 明敏
    歯科放射線 56(増刊) 73-73 2016年6月  

