- 所属
- 自治医科大学 地域医療学センター 公衆衛生学部門 助教
- 201401058563621806
- Researcher ID
- AAE-8873-2019
- researchmap会員ID
- B000238368
2018年4月 - 現在
2016年5月 - 2018年3月
2016年4月 - 2016年5月
2014年4月 - 2016年3月
2012年4月 - 2014年3月
2003年4月 - 2009年3月
Hypertension research : official journal of the Japanese Society of Hypertension 2024年12月3日Uric acid, the final product of purine metabolism, plays a significant role in hypertension Research on uric acid has advanced significantly, particularly regarding its links to hypertension and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Our 2023 review covered the relationship between uric acid, hypertension; and CVD, however, numerous new studies have emerged since then. This paper provides an update, summarizing recent findings over the past two years on hyperuricemia and its association with hypertension, preeclampsia, arteriosclerosis, kidney disease, sleep-disordered breathing, CVD, and so on. Hyperuricemia, often driven by reduced uric acid excretion or increased production, is influenced by genetic factors and lifestyle habits, including high-purine foods, alcohol, and fructose intake. While hyperuricemia has been proposed to contribute to hypertension and CVD through mechanisms like inflammasome activation and oxidative stress, its causal role remains debated. Further clinical and basic science studies on hyperuricemia and purine metabolism are necessary to clarify its impact on CVD and guide therapeutic approaches.
Archives of disease in childhood 109(12) 1029-1034 2024年11月19日OBJECTIVES: To identify clinical characteristics of patients with non-refractory Kawasaki disease (KD), which were defined as those who successfully responded to the standard initial intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) treatment (2 g/kg/day, single infusion) without any secondary or later additional specific treatments, and to investigate the factors associated with the development of coronary artery (CA) complications in patients with non-refractory KD. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study. SETTING: Hospitals specialising in paediatrics and hospitals with ≥100 beds and a paediatric department throughout Japan. PATIENTS: A total of 122 489 patients who developed KD across Japan during 2011-2018. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: CA abnormalities identified after acute illness of KD (defined as CA sequelae). RESULTS: A total of 69 735 patients with non-refractory KD were identified, of which 672 (0.96%) experienced CA sequelae. Among patients with non-refractory KD, the presence of CA abnormalities identified at initial echocardiographic assessment was strongly associated with CA sequelae (adjusted OR (95% CI): 37.8 (31.9 to 44.7)). CA sequelae was also associated with male patients, infants (<12 months old), older patients (≥60 months old) and patients who received delayed initial IVIG treatment (>7 days from KD onset). Subgroup analyses demonstrated that delayed initial IVIG treatment was significantly associated with the development of CA sequelae in both patients with and without CA abnormalities identified at initial echocardiographic assessment. CONCLUSIONS: Approximately 1% of patients with non-refractory KD may develop CA sequelae. Our findings highlight the importance of initial echocardiographic assessment and early initiation of IVIG treatments for patients with KD.
Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases 103796-103796 2024年11月
小児科診療 85(3) 391-396 2022年3月川崎病全国調査は1970年から2年に1回の間隔で実施されてきた。今回、2021年に実施された第26回調査の結果について、過去の調査結果と比較しつつ以下の項目に分けて報告した。1)患者数・罹患率の年次推移。2)月別患者数の推移(2017〜2020年の比較)。3)患者の地域分布。4)診断の確実度。5)心障害。6)初回免疫グロブリン治療。7)初回免疫グロブリン不応例への追加治療。8)主要6症状とBCG接種部位の発赤。9)新型コロナウイルスPCR検査を受けた患者の割合と検査結果。
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2023年4月 - 2026年3月