附属病院 鏡視下手術部

細谷 好則

ホソヤ ヨシノリ  (Yoshinori Hosoya)


自治医科大学 附属病院鏡視下手術部 教授





  • Takehiro Kagaya, Atsushi Miki, Jun Watanabe, Rihito Kanamaru, Shiro Matsumoto, Kentaro Kurashina, Shin Saito, Takumi Teratani, Yoshinori Hosoya, Yasunaru Sakuma, Joji Kitayama, Naohiro Sata
    World Journal of Surgery 2024年6月24日  
    Abstract Background Osteopenia reflects frailty and has been shown to be associated with outcomes in cancer patients. This study was undertaken to examine whether osteopenia is an independent prognostic factor in patients with esophageal cancer after resection. Methods A total of 214 patients who underwent surgery for esophageal cancer were analyzed retrospectively. Bone mineral density (BMD) of the 11th thoracic vertebra was measured by computed tomography scan, and patients classified into osteopenia and normal BMD groups with BMD <160 Hounsfield units as the cutoff. Clinicopathological data and prognosis were analyzed. Results The 5‐year survival rate was 55.4% for the osteopenia group and 74.7% for the normal BMD group with a significantly worse prognosis in the osteopenia group (p = 0.0080). In multivariable analysis, osteopenia was a significant independent risk factor associated with overall survival (hazard ratio [HR] 1.90, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.27–3.34, and p = 0.0151) along with R1/2 resection (HR 3.02, 95% CI 1.71–5.18, and p = 0.0002). Conclusion In patients with esophageal cancer undergoing resection, osteopenia may be a surrogate marker for frailty and an independent predictor of prognosis.
  • Yurie Futoh, Hideyo Miyato, Hironori Yamaguchi, Misaki Matsumiya, Rei Takahashi, Yuki Kaneko, Yuki Kimura, Hideyuki Ohzawa, Naohiro Sata, Joji Kitayama, Yoshinori Hosoya
    Scientific Reports 14(1) 2024年4月3日  
    Abstract The vagus nerve is the only pathway for transmitting parasympathetic signals between the brain and thoracoabdominal organs, thereby exhibiting anti-inflammatory functions through the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway. Despite often being resected during lymph node dissection in upper gastrointestinal cancer surgery, the impact of vagotomy on postoperative outcomes in gastric cancer patients remains unclear. Sub-diaphragmatic vagotomy was performed on C57BL/6 mice. Three weeks later, syngeneic murine gastric cancer cell line YTN16P was injected into the peritoneal cavity, and the number of peritoneal metastases (PM) on the mesentery and omentum compared with control mice. The phenotypes of immune cells in peritoneal lavage and omental milky spots one day after tumor inoculation were analyzed using flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry. Intraperitoneal transfer of 3 × 105 YTN16P significantly increased the number of metastatic nodules on the mesentery in the vagotomy group compared to the control group. The omental metastasis grade was also significantly higher in the vagotomy group. Phenotypic analysis of immune cells in peritoneal lavage did not reveal significant differences after vagotomy. However, vagotomized mice exhibited a notable increase in milky spot area, with a higher presence of cytokeratin(+) tumor cells, F4/80(+) macrophages, and CD3(+) T cells. Vagus nerve signaling appears to regulate the immune response dynamics within milky spots against disseminated tumor cells and inhibits the development of PM. Preserving the vagus nerve may offer advantages in advanced gastric cancer surgery to reduce peritoneal recurrence.
  • 太白 健一, 堀江 久永, 太田 学, 村橋 賢, 本間 祐子, 熊谷 祐子, 津久井 秀則, 東條 峰之, 佐田友 藍, 森 和亮, 井上 賢之, 伊藤 誉, 鯉沼 広治, 味村 俊樹, 山口 博紀, 細谷 好則, 北山 丈二, 佐田 尚宏
    日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 77(4) 268-268 2024年4月  
  • 太白 健一, 堀江 久永, 太田 学, 宮原 悠三, 本間 祐子, 津久井 秀則, 東條 峰之, 村橋 賢, 森 和亮, 佐田友 藍, 井上 賢之, 伊藤 誉, 鯉沼 広治, 味村 俊樹, 山口 博紀, 細谷 好則, 北山 丈二, 佐田 尚宏
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 124回 SF-7 2024年4月  
  • Yuki Kaneko, Hideyo Miyato, Mineyuki Tojo, Yurie Futoh, Kazuya Takahashi, Yuki Kimura, Akira Saito, Hideyuki Ohzawa, Hironori Yamaguchi, Naohiro Sata, Joji Kitayama, Yoshinori Hosoya
    Scientific Reports 14(1) 2024年2月24日  
    Abstract The spleen is a key source of circulating and tumor-infiltrating immune cells. However, the effect of splenectomy on tumor growth remains unclear. At 3 weeks after splenectomy, we subcutaneously injected LuM1 cells into BALB/c mice and evaluated the growth of primary tumors and lung metastases at 4 weeks after tumor inoculation. In addition, we examined the phenotypes of immune cells in peripheral blood by using flow cytometry and in tumor tissue by using multiplex immunohistochemistry. The growth of primary tumors was reduced in splenectomized mice compared with the sham-operated group. Conversely, splenectomized mice had more lung metastases. Splenectomized mice had fewer CD11b+cells, especially monocytic MDSCs (CD11b+Gr-1neg-lowLy6chigh), and NK cells (CD49b+CD335+). The proportion of NK cells was inversely correlated with the number of lung metastases. In splenectomized mice, the density of CD3+ and granzyme B+ CD8+ T cells was increased, with fewer M2-type macrophages in primary tumors, but NK cells were decreased markedly in lung. Splenectomy concurrently enhances T cell-mediated acquired immunity by reducing the number of monocytic MDSCs and suppresses innate immunity by decreasing the number of NK cells. Splenectomy has opposite effects on primary and metastatic lesions through differential regulation on these two immune systems.


  • 田中 保平, 太田 学, 宮戸 秀世, 本間 祐子, 太白 健一, 佐田友 藍, 田原 真紀子, 鯉沼 広治, 笹沼 英紀, 山口 博紀, 佐久間 康成, 川平 洋, 堀江 久永, 細谷 好則, 味村 俊樹, 北山 丈二, 佐田 尚宏
    日本腹部救急医学会雑誌 43(2) 469-469 2023年2月  
  • 風當ゆりえ, 風當ゆりえ, 北山丈二, 北山丈二, 金子勇貴, 金子勇貴, 高橋和也, 高橋和也, 木村有希, 木村有希, 太田学, 熊谷祐子, 太白健一, 直井大志, 佐田友藍, 井上賢之, 大澤英之, 大澤英之, 宮戸秀世, 宮戸秀世, 鯉沼広治, 佐久間康成, 堀江久永, 細谷好則, 佐田尚宏
    日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌(Web) 75(9) 2022年  
  • 川平 洋, 鈴木 義彦, 前田 佳孝, 淺田 義和, 倉科 憲太郎, 原尾 美智子, 遠藤 和洋, 笹沼 英紀, 鯉沼 広治, 山口 博紀, 佐久間 康成, 堀江 久永, 細谷 好則, 味村 俊樹, 北山 丈二, アラン・レフォー, 松山 泰, 佐田 尚宏
    医学教育 52(Suppl.) 107-107 2021年7月  
  • 北山 丈二, 石神 浩徳, 山口 博紀, 斎藤 心, 倉科 憲太郎, 細谷 好則, 佐田 尚宏
    臨床外科 75(10) 1185-1189 2020年10月  
    <文献概要>ポイント ◆タキサン腹腔内反復投与は長期にわたり高い腹腔内濃度が維持され,全身化学療法と併用することで胃癌腹膜播種に対して著効を示す.◆全身+腹腔内併用化学療法が奏効し「腹膜播種が消えた」症例に対し,conversion gastrectomyを施行すると長期生存が期待できる.◆全身+腹腔内併用化学療法中の腹腔内液サンプル中のCEAmRNAの定量は,conversion gastrectomyの適応を決めるうえで有用な情報となる.
  • 本間 祐子, 安田 是和, 北山 丈二, 細谷 好則, 堀江 久永, 佐久間 康成, Lefor Alan, 佐田 尚宏
    自治医科大学紀要 42 29-34 2020年3月  



