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LEGAL MEDICINE 15(6) 303-309 2013年11月 査読有り責任著者To develop DNA markers for forensic analysis, we examined the hypervariable region 1 (HVR1) sequences of 447 pure-bred domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) that had been bred and raised in Japan. HVR1 is a 660-bp stretch of mitochondrial (mt) DNA. Among the 447 HVR1 sequences examined, we identified 58 haplotypes from 47 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and two insertion-deletion (InDel) polymorphisms. The haplotype diversity inferred from inter-breed analysis (N = 154, 88 breeds) was 0.929 +/- 0.011. Intra-breed analysis showed that the haplotype diversity of Golden Retrievers (N = 53), Labrador Retrievers (N = 67), Miniature Dachshunds (N = 61), Toy Poodles (N = 62), and Welsh Corgis (N = 50) was 0.624 +/- 0.052, 0.722 +/- 0.029, 0.922 +/- 0.010, 0.877 +/- 0.020, and 0.443 +/- 0.084, respectively. The results of this genotype analysis were used to construct a dataset consisting of dog mtDNA HVR1 sequences for use in forensic applications in Japan. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
COMMUNITY GENETICS 11(3) 150-159 2008年 査読有り責任著者Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate genetic heterogeneity among local Japanese populations. Methods: We performed a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) study of four demographically distinct local populations (population 1: a large city; population 2: isolated islands; populations 3 and 4: rural areas). Seventy SNPs in a region spanning 5 Mb of chromosome 17 known to be a candidate region for essential hypertension were genotyped and linkage disequilibrium analyses were performed. Results: Statistical analyses of SNP allele frequencies and haplotype distribution showed significant divergence among the populations, mostly between population 2 and the other populations. Pairwise D' declined with increasing population size, and smaller populations retained a high linkage disequilibrium. Conclusion: Population 2 is likely to have a different ancestry from the majority of the Japanese population, whereas the heterogeneity among the other populations may result from differences in population size or geographic background. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Eur J Hum Genet. 14(12) 1295-1305 2006年 査読有り責任著者
FEBS JOURNAL 272(11) 2696-2704 2005年6月 査読有り責任著者The rhesus (Rh) blood group antigens are of considerable importance in transfusion medicine as well as in newborn or autoimmune hemolytic diseases due to their high antigenicity. We identified a major DNaseI hypersensitive site at the 5' flanking regions of both RHD and RHCE exon 1. A 34 bp fragment located at -191 to -158 from a translation start position, and containing the TCCCCTCCC sequence, was involved in enhancing promoter activity, which was assessed by luciferase reporter gene assay. A biotin-labelled 34 bp probe isolated an mRNA transporter protein, Aly/REF. The specific binding of Aly/REF to RH promoter in erythroid was confirmed by chromatin immunoprecipitation assay. The silencing of Aly/REF by siRNA reduced not only the RH promoter activity of the reporter gene but also transcription from the native genome. These facts provide second proof of Aly/REF as a transcription coactivator, initially identified as a coactivator for the TCR alpha enhancer function. Aly/REF might be a novel transcription cofactor for erythroid-specific genes.
Legal Medicine 5(4) 246-250 2003年 査読有り責任著者We report a clinical mishap based on sample contamination of cytological specimens. Bronchial lavage fluid collected from three male patients was submitted to a pathological institute for cytological diagnosis and to the clinical laboratory in the hospital for tuberculosis screening. Cytological slides of two patients were diagnosed as lung adenocarcinoma and lobectomy was carried out on one patient. However, diagnosis of the surgical specimen was tuberculoma. To resolve the discrepancy, genome DNA was isolated from patients' blood, cytological slide glasses and the mycobacterial culture tubes. Analysis of mitochondrial hyper-variable sequence and microsatellite revealed sample contamination in the cytological slide of the tuberculoma patient. DNA from the mycobacterial culture tubes showed identical results with the cytological slides, suggesting that the contamination occurred at the bed-side. Preservation of part of cytological specimen will be a help to avoid dispute between pathological laboratory and hospital over responsibility of incident. © 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 277(48) 46463-46469 2002年11月 査読有り責任著者We cloned a rat ABO homologue and established human A- and B-transferase transgenic rats. A DNA fragment corresponding to exon 7 of the human ABO gene was amplified from Wistar rat genomic DNA and sequenced. Using the amplified fragments as a probe for Southern blotting, multiple hybridized bands appeared on both EcoRI- and BamHI-digested genomes of seven rat strains, which showed variations in the band numbers among the strains. Four cDNAs were cloned from a Wistar rat, three of which showed A-iransferase activity and one of which showed B-transferase activity. These activities were dependent on the equivalent residues at 266 and 268 of human ABO transferase. Wild Wistar rats expressed A-antigen in salivary gland, intestine, and urinary bladder tissue, but B-antigen was not stained in any organs studied, whereas a transcript from the ABO homologue with B-transferase activity was ubiquitous. Human A-transferase and B-transferase were transferred into Wistar rats. A-transgenic rats expressed A-antigen in ectopic tissue of the brain plexus, type II lung epithelium, pancreas, and epidermis. B-antigen in the B-transgenic rat was expressed in the same organs as A-transgenic rats. These results may shed light on the function and evolution of the ABO gene in primates.
Transfusion 42 481-489 2002年 査読有り責任著者
VOX SANGUINIS 81(4) 254-258 2001年11月 査読有り責任著者Background and Objectives Mutations detected in 161 weak D samples from Caucasians have been classified into 16 types. Because flow cytometry using monoclonal anti-D antibodies (mAbs) has shown that weak D red cells display type-specific antigen density, these mutations in transmembranous regions have been assigned weak D phenotypes. The present study attempts to confirm or refute this assignment. Materials and Methods We amplified DNA from four Japanese weak D samples using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and directly sequenced the amplified DNA. Using site-directed mutagenesis, we constructed three vectors expressing mutant RHDs - G212C, V270G (weak D type 1) and G358A (type 2) - in K562 cells. The expression of RhD antigens was examined by flow cytometry using mAbs. Results A new mutation resulting in a conversion at amino acid residue 212 (Gly to Cys) was detected in a Japanese weak D sample. K562 cells transduced with mutant RhD cDNA reacted weakly in a type-specific manner with mAbs. Conclusions The mutations - G212C (new weak D type), V270G (weak D type 1) and G358A (type 2) - in transmembranous regions had obvious effects on the D epitopes recognized by mAbs. The results of this study provide direct evidence that these mutations can account for weak D phenotypes.
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY 68(2) 106-114 2001年10月 査読有り責任著者The specificity of autoantibodies in autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AlHA) has been studied using the serological procedure and immunoprecipitation technique with rare phenotype red cells. We attempted to analyze specificity using recombinant rhesus (Rh) blood group and band3 antigens expressed on erythroleukemic cell lines, KU812E. The autoantibody eluates were isolated by the acid elution procedure from the red cells of 20 ANA patients. The recombinant Rh antigens, RhD, cE, ce, CE, and chimera antigens CE-D and D-CE, were obtained by retroviral cDNA transduction into KU812E cells, and the cell line expressing the antigens was cloned. Band3 cDNA was also obtained and introduced into KU812E and cloned KU812 expressing RhcE. The reactivities of ANA eluates with recombinant Rh and band3 antigens were studied by flow cytometry. Fifteen eluates reacted with at least one of the RhcE, ce, or CE antigens, and four eluates reacted with RhD. Seven eluates with strong Rh specificity were studied further using chimera antigen. Five eluates showed reduced or lost reactivity, although two eluates reacted identically with the chimera antigens as wild type. These results indicated that conformational epitopes constituted by RhD or CE specific exofacial peptide loops are important for autoantibodies in most cases. Seven eluates reacted with band3, five exclusively, The coexpression study of RhcE and band3 did not enhance the expression of either antigen nor the reactivity with patient eluates, indicating that association of Rh and band3 was not involved in the appearance of autoantigen. Am. J. Hematol. 68:106-114, 2001. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
American Journal of Hematology 68(2) 69-74 2001年 査読有りTo evaluate the usefulness of flow cytometric detection of intracellular antigens (Ags) in establishing proper lineage affiliation and its contribution to the diagnosis of acute leukemia, we studied 100 consecutive patients in whom acute leukemia was diagnosed between January 1997 and July 1998. Immunological classification was assessed using a three-line panel of monoclonal antibodies for phenotypic characterization of leukemic blast cells as proposed at the First Latin American Consensus Conference for Flow Cytometric Immunophenotyping of Leukemia. We found 74 cases of B-cell lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), seven cases of T-cell ALL, and 19 cases of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). In this study cytoplasmic (cy) CD79a, cyCD22, cyCD3, and cyMPO were highly sensitive, specific B, T, and myeloid markers that were expressed in virtually all cases of B and T cell ALL and in all subtypes of AML. Applied in combination with immunophenotyping this knowledge led to improvement in diagnostic precision and refinement of immunological classification, ensuring the selection of the most appropriate therapy for the patients studied. In conclusion, intracellular Ags detection was of utmost importance in establishing correct lineage affiliation in cases lacking expression of B, T, or myeloid surface Ags or disclosing equivocal or ambiguous immunophenotypic features and in identifying biphenotypic acute leukemia. In combination with FAB morphology and immunophenotyping, we were able to reliably classify all patients with acute leukemia in this study. © 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 275(35) 27324-27331 2000年9月 査読有り責任著者fRhesus-associated glycoprotein is a critical co-factor in the expression of rhesus blood group antigens. We identified and cloned an erythroid-specific major DNase I-hypersensitive site located about 10 kilobases upstream from the translation start site of the RHAG gene. A short core enhancer sequence of 195 base pairs that corresponded with the major hypersensitive site and possessed position- and orientation-independent enhancer activity in K562 cells. In vitro DNase I footprint analysis revealed four protected regions in the core enhancer; two GATA motifs, an Ets-like motif and an unknown motif. The GATA motifs bound GATA-1 and mutagenesis analysis revealed that the proximal one is critical for the enhancing activity. Homology plot analysis using the 5' sequence of the mouse RHAG gene revealed four homologous stretches and multiple insertions of repetitive sequences among them; four LINE/L1 and four Alu in the human and as well as one LINE/L1 and one LTR/MaLR in the mouse gene. The highly conservative enhancer region was flanked by SINE and LINE/L1 in both species. These results suggest that the 5'-flanking sequence of RHAG gene is a preferable target sequence for retroviral transposition and that the enhancer was inserted in the same manner, resulting in the acquisition of erythroid dominant expression.
BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS 274(3) 670-683 2000年8月 査読有り筆頭著者dWe determined the entire nucleotide sequences of all introns within the RHD and RHCE genes by amplifying genomic DNA using long PCR methods. The RND and RHCE genes were 57,295 and 57,831 bp in length, respectively. Aligning both genes revealed 138 gaps (insertions and deletions) below 100 bp, 1116 substitutions in all introns and all exons (coding region), and 5 gaps of over 100 bp. Homologies (%) between the RH genes were 93.8% over all introns and coding exons and 91.7% over all exons and introns. Various short tandem repeats (STRs) and many interspersed nuclear elements were identified in both genes. The proportions of Alu sequences in the RHD and RHCE genes were 25.9 and 25.7%, respectively and these Alu sequences were concentrated in several regions. We confirmed multiple recombinations in introns 1 and 2, Such multiple recombination, which probably arose due to the concentrations of Alu sequences and the high level of the homology (%), is one of most important factors in the formation and evolution of RH gene. The variability of the Rh system may be generated because of these features of RH genes. Apparent mutational hotspots and regions with low of K values (the numbers of substitutions per nucleotide site) caused by recombinations as well as true mutational hotspots may be found in human genome. Accordingly, in searching for and identifying single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) especially in noncoding regions, apparent mutational hotspots and areas of low K values by recombination should be noted since the unequal distribution of SNPs will reduce the power of SNPs as genetic maker. Combining the complete sequences' data of both RH genes with serological findings will provide beneficial information with which to elucidate the mechanism of recombination, mutation, polymorphism, and evolution of other genes containing the RH gene as well as to analyze Rh variants and develop new methods of Rh genotyping. (C) 2000 Academic Press.
TRANSFUSION 40(5) 617-618 2000年5月 査読有り責任著者
TRANSFUSION 40(2) 256-258 2000年2月 査読有り責任著者
JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 45(3) 142-153 2000年 査読有り筆頭著者In a family study of a Japanese propositus with the D-- phenotype, the serological data of her D-phenotype and those of her parents were discrepant. Gene analysis of the propositus showed a gross deletion of the RI-ICE gene and a new rearrangement of RHCE to yield the CE-D-CE hybrid. It was demonstrated that the hybrid CE-D-CE gene consisted of exon 1 from the RHCE gene, followed by exons 3 to 7 from the RHD gene and exons 8 to 10 from the RHCE gene. However, whether or not exon 2 of the RND or the RHCE gene was contained in the CE-D-CE gene remained unclear. Moreover, spacer analysis be tween both RN genes and the family study suggested that the D-- gene complex from the paternal and maternal sides consisted of only the CE-D-CE hybrid gene and a single RHD gene, respectively. For the purpose of confirming the parent-child relationship, a paternity test using DNA fingerprint and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis at the D1S80 locus were performed, DNA fingerprints with two kinds of DNA minisatellite probes (33.15 and 33.6) confirmed that the parent-child relationship in the D-propositus was compatible. However, in the present case, at the D1S80 locus, the PCR product derived from the mother was lacking, thereby negating a parent-child relationship, it is probable that the RH genes and D1S80 locus exist in close proximity, because they are situated in chromosomes Ip 34.3-36.1 and Ip 36.1-36.3, respectively. These data suggested that at the stage of gametogenesis, both the RHCE gone and the D1S80 locus from the maternal side may have been deleted, thereby producing the D-- gene complex.
BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS 263(2) 378-383 1999年9月 査読有り筆頭著者Numerous variants of the Rh blood group system, discovered by Levine and Stetson in 1939, have been detected and more than forty antigens have been identified. By performing the molecular genetic analysis of the introns as well as the exons in both RH genes, it was elucidated that Rh variants were generated by gene conversion or recombination, deletions, or mutations. For understanding the generation of many Rh variants and Rh antigens in detail, it is necessary to analyze not only the RHCE and RHD genes but also the structure and the physical distance between both these RH genes. In order to achieve the aforesaid purpose, the spacer region between the RHD and RHCE genes were amplified by the long PCR method. Therefore the full spacer region was determined to be 12159 bp in length and contained the Alu consensus sequences and the putative CpG island. It was probable that the duplication of both RH genes occurred within about 12 kb region. Analysis of the spacer region provides new information for the research on the transcription-control region, the molecular evolution of RH genes, Rh variants, and the deletion of the RHD gene in Rh blood group system. (C) 1999 Academic Press.
HUMAN GENETICS 104(4) 301-306 1999年4月 査読有り責任著者We identified simple-sequence repeat polymorphisms in intron 8 of the RHD and RHCE genes, both of which contained the 5-bp repeat unit (AAAAT)n. We analyzed the polymorphisms of this short tandem repeat (STR) in 104 Japanese RhD-positive and 124 RhD-negative (87 RHD gene negative and 37 nonfunctional RHD gene positive) donors by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and subsequent typing by electrophoresis and silver staining. We found five alleles (10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 repeats) in the RHD gene and four (7, 8, 9, and 10 repeats) in the RHCE gene. The Rh phenotypes were closely associated with polymorphisms of the STR. The Ce allele had 12 repeats in the RHD gene and 9 repeats in the RHCE gene at high frequency. The cE allele frequently had 10-12 repeats in the RHD gene and 10 repeats in the RHCE gene. The 10 repeats in the RHCE gene were identified exclusively in the 87 RHD gene-negative donors and 9 repeats were identified only in those with the RhC antigen. These results indicate that both haplotypes of dce and dcE arose from single RHD gene deletion and recombination events, respectively. In the 37 RhD-negative donors with a nonfunctional RHD gene, 12 repeats in the RHD gene and 9 repeats in the RHCE gene were frequently observed. Thus, the RhD-negative with a nonfunctional RHD gene combination might have arisen from the DCe haplotype via a mutation that abolished RHD gene expression. These findings suggest that the STR polymorphisms might shed light upon the molecular evolution of RH haplotypes.
BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS 254(3) 786-794 1999年1月 査読有り責任著者Within the Rh blood group, the partial D phenotype is a well known RhD variant, that induces Rh-incompatible blood transfusion and hemolytic diseases in the newborn. The partial D category D-Va phenotype (D-Va Kou.) results from a hybrid of RhD-CE-D transcript, We demonstrated a genomic organization of the hybrid RHD-CE-D gene leading to the D-Va phenotype, and showed that the D-Va gene were generated from gene conversion between the RHD and the RHCE genes in relatively small regions. This study also revealed that the presence of a new partial D associated with the D-Va phenotype, which we termed the D-Va-like phenotype, In this phenotype, five RHD-specific nucleotides were replaced with the corresponding RHCE-derived nucleotides on the exon 5 of the RHD gene. In addition, two variants of the mutated RHD genes at nucleotide 697 were revealed in the RhD variant samples. These results will provide useful information for future research into the diversification of the Rh polypeptides. (C) 1999 Academic Press.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY 68(3) 257-268 1998年10月 査読有り責任著者Rh blood group antigens are associated with non-glycosylated human erythrocyte membrane proteins encoded by two closely related genes, RHCE and RHD, and with a glycoprotein, a critical co-er;pressing factor encoded by the RH50 gene. The sequence analysis of RHCE transcripts has revealed that RhE/e and C/c serological phenotypes are associated with a nucleotide substitution in exon 5 and six substitutions in exons 1 and 2 of RHCE gene, respectively. Smythe et al, have shown that the full length transcript of RhcE gene expressed c and E antigens and the transcript of RhD gene expressed D and G antigens, using retroviral-mediated gene transduction into K562 cells. We performed an epitope analysis of Rh antigen by constructing retroviral gene coding six RH cDNAs, which contain RhcE, ce, CE and D cDNAs, and CE-D, D-CE chimera cDNAs. The cDNAs were introduced into KU812E cells and the expressed antigens were analyzed by flow cytometry. These studies revealed that the C/c and E/e associated substitutions actually participated in respective polymorphic epitopes. However, the C antigen was not detected on the KU812E cells introduced with CE cDNA, despite E antigen being expressed. The study with the chimera gene between CE and D cDNAs also indicated that the Rh epitopes were not constructed with short polymorphic exofacial peptide loops only but also with other peptide fragments and membrane components. Go-expression studies of Rh50 and RhD or cE gene in non-erythroid cells, 293, and expression studies of Rh50 in another erythroid cell, HEL, did not show any Rh antigens on the transduced cells, despite the Northern blot study showing both transcripts in the cells. It was suggested that at least a second co-expressing factor was needed to express RhCE or D antigens on the plasma membrane. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
ANNALS OF HUMAN GENETICS 62 107-113 1998年3月 査読有り責任著者Rh-null its a syndrome serologically characterized by the deficiency of all Rh antigens on human red blood cells. Rh-null is divided into two types: regulator and amorph. Recently, Cherif-Zahar et al. proposed:that the RHAG gene encoding the Rh50 glycoprotein is a candidate for inducing regulator type Rh-null. We investigated both the RH and RHAG genes in an Rh-null individual. The reticulocytes from the propositus had RHD, RHcE, and RHCe transcripts without any mutation. However, the sequence analysis of RHAG cDNA showed a deletion of 122 bp from nucleotide 946 to 1067. This deletion Tvas revealed to be due to a homozygous splicing mutation, which is a single base substitution at the consensus sequence of the splicing acceptor site (AG --> AT). The mutation appeared to break the 'GT-AG' splicing rule and to cause 122 bp exon skipping accompanied by a frameshift. This study confirms that the RHAG gene is the most likely candidate for the 'regulator' gene of Rh-null cases.
BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS 243(1) 233-240 1998年2月 査読有り責任著者The Rh blood group antigens are carried by two distinct but homologous membrane proteins encoded by two closely related genes, RHCE and RHD. Rh50 glycoprotein is the membrane protein tightly associated with Rh polypeptides and is critical for expression of Rh antigens. The amino acid sequence and predicted membrane topology of Rh50 glycoprotein are significantly homologous with those of the Rh proteins. Northern blot analysis of leukemic cell lines showed that expression of RH50 gene is restricted to cells with erythroid features. HEL and K562 cells showed a transcription levels ratio of 1 to 9.9 for Rh50, and 12.3 to 1 for Rh. The nucleotide sequence of 5' flanking region of RH50 gene and functional promoter assays also supported the erythroid-specific regulation of the gene, whereas the sequence had lower homology with the promoter sequence of RH genes. Seven GATAs, nine E-boxes, two CACCCs, one YY1, and one October motif were identified in the 1868bp 5' flanking sequence. The core promoter of RH50 gene was located within 68bp length from the translation start position, which included an inverse GATA motif, although obvious motifs for Sp1 or erythroid Kruppel-like factor were lacking. The inverse GATA motif was the target sequence of GATA-1 protein, and disruption of the motif abolished the transactivating activity of erythroid cells. These studies confirm the erythroid-specific expression of Rh antigens, but suggest distinct regulatory mechanisms for RH vs RH50 genes. (C) 1998 Academic Press.
厚生省特定疾患血液系疾患研究班・特発性造血障害分科会, 平成9年度研究業績報告書(分科会長 溝口秀昭) 68-69 1998年 責任著者
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 100(2) 373-379 1997年7月 査読有り筆頭著者Recent molecular studies on the Rh blood group system have shown that the Rh locus of each haploid RhD-positive chromosome is composed of two structural genes: RHD and RHCE, whereas the locus is made of a single gene (RHCE) on each haploid RhD-negative chromosome, We analyzed the presence or absence of the RHD gene in 130 Japanese RhD-negative donors using the PCR method, The RhD-negative phenotypes consisted of 34 ccEe, 27 ccee, 17 ccEE, 26 Ccee, 19 CcEe, 1 CcEE, and 6 CCee, Among them, 36 (27.7%) donors demonstrated the presence of the RHD gene, Others showed gross or partial deletions of the RHD gene, These results were confirmed by Southern blot analysis, Additionally, the RHD gene detected in the RhD-negative donors seemed to be intact through sequencing of the RhD polypeptide cDNA and the promoter region of RHD gene, The phenotypes of these donors with the RHD gene were CC or Cc, but not cc, It suggested that there is some relationship between the RHD gene and the RhC phenotypes in RhD-negative individuals, In Caucasian RhD-negative individuals, the RHD gene has not been found outside of the report of Hyland et al, (Hyland, C,A,, L,C, Welter, and A, Saul. 1994, Blood, 84:321-324), The discrepant data on the RHD gene in RhD-negative donors between Japanese and Caucasians appear to be derived from the difference of the frequency of RhD-negative and RhC-positive phenotypes. Careful attention is necessary for clinicians in applying RhD genotyping to clinical medicine.
平成8年度へき地住民の健康増進に関する研究等(財団法人地域社会振興財団) 91-116 1997年 責任著者
Dinucleotide repeat in the 3' franking region provides a clue for molecular evolution of Duffy gene.Human Genet. 99 573-577 1997年 査読有り責任著者
Japanese Journal of Legal Medicine 51(1) 32-38 1997年 査読有り責任著者The Rh blood group system has five major antigens D, C/c, and E/e. These antigens are encoded in RHD and RHCE genes. In this report, we describe a systemic method for RhC/c and RhE/e genotyping by PCR using allele-specific oligonucleotide primers (ASO-PCR). The ASO-PCR was carried out to determine the RhC/c and RhE/e genotypes in DNA samples from 513 Japanese donors. Genotypes of RhC, RhE, and Rhe were in full concordance with serological phenotypes in 511 donors. However, in two cases with the phenotype of ccdee, the C-specific ASO-PCR product was also detected in addition to the c- specific one. This method is simple and quite useful for the RhC/c and RhE/c genotyping, although further investigation on the 2 exceptional ccdee cases is needed.
GENE 299(1-2) 165-172 2002年10月The mouse genomic sequence of the region containing the gene Rhced, the orthologue to the human gene RH30, was determined to elucidate the structure of Rhced and its flanking regions and to compare these with the corresponding human genomic region. Two genes, Smpl and AK003528 (an orthologue of FLJ10747), flank Rhced. Neither sequences homologous to the characteristic nucleotide elements flanking the RHD gene in humans (rhesus boxes) nor an additional Rh gene were found within the mouse region sequenced. This result and that of a previous report demonstrate that this chromosomal region of the mouse comprises five genes (FLJI0747-RHCE-SMP1-NPD014-P29) that exhibit syntenic homology with the corresponding human region, which suggests that the RHD gene and rhesus boxes were inserted later. Evaluations of tissue distribution and subcellular localization of these genes indicate that the SMPI orthologue has a ubiquitous tissue distribution and cytoplasmic localization, whereas AK003528 is expressed slightly higher in testis with a strong subcellular localization in the nucleus. Despite the steady improvements in the draft sequence of the human genome, this study demonstrates the continuing benefits of comparative genetic analyses in increasing our understanding of human genomic structure. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) 2003年 - 2004年
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) 2003年 - 2004年
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日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) 2001年 - 2002年