2019年5月 - 現在
2017年4月 - 2019年4月
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Geriatrics & gerontology international 23(11) 892-893 2023年11月
Geriatrics & gerontology international 22(11) 943-949 2022年11月AIM: Older adults at the end-of-life stage receiving home visits from physicians often experience symptoms such as dyspnea, pain and fatigue, among others. This study aimed to investigate the practices and opinions of physicians providing home visits regarding palliative care for older adults with respiratory symptoms due to non-malignant diseases in Japan. METHODS: A nationwide questionnaire survey on home palliative care for non-cancer chronic respiratory diseases was sent to 2988 home-care physicians in 2020 through postal mail and/or email. The questions focused on their background, their use of rating scales to evaluate the intensity of dyspnea, and their practices and opinions regarding home palliative care for respiratory diseases or symptoms. RESULTS: Valid responses were collected from 592 physicians (19.8%). A total of 251 participants (43.1%) used a rating scale to evaluate the intensity of dyspnea. While 87.8%, 86.6%, 67.3%, and 60.0% of physicians considered pulmonary rehabilitation, morphine, sedative medications, and non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV), respectively, as effective in relieving respiratory distress, 73.0%, 66.9%, 57.3%, and 55.2% of those physicians, respectively, used each modality to relieve respiratory distress. Frequently involved physicians in the aforementioned care prescribed morphine or sedative medications and used NPPV more frequently. CONCLUSIONS: This study found a discrepancy between the proportion of physicians who considered palliative care as effective and those who prescribed it. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2022; 22: 943-949.
BMC palliative care 21(1) 135-135 2022年7月26日BACKGROUND: We developed a novel training program for health care professionals that incorporated shared decision making (SDM) skills training into an advance care planning (ACP) training course, the first in Japan. This study aimed to assess the training program's impact on health care professionals' knowledge, skill, attitudes, and confidence to initiate ACP. METHODS: Using the novel Japanese educational program, we evaluated the effect of 8-month programs conducted eight community training sites of professionals who can practice ACP in a local area in Aichi Prefecture (the Aichi ACP Project). SDM skills training was provided during the workshops conducted in the ACP training course, and the participants' satisfaction and understanding of the training were assessed. After the completion of two workshops, information on SDM skill results from the training and submitted assignments were collected anonymously from the training sites. RESULT: A total of 404 participants completed all education programs. After the first workshop, at least 95% of trainees stated that they were satisfied with the training and that it was useful for ACP practice. The evaluation of the results between the first and second workshops indicated improvement in SDM skills on some items of the SDM measures. In the second workshop, at least 90% of participants submitted implementation reports, and after the second workshop, a survey of confidence in ACP practice was administered, with responses indicating improvement. There were high levels of interest in education related to the ACP practices of oneself and others. CONCLUSIONS: This educational program can be an effective for developing professionals who can practice ACP with SDM skills.
Sleep & breathing = Schlaf & Atmung 26(2) 605-612 2022年6月PURPOSE: Severe cardiac dysfunction can manifest with diurnal breathing irregularity. However, it remains to be clarified whether or not diurnal breathing irregularity is observed in patients with heart diseases, including relatively mild chronic heart failure (CHF), compared to those without heart diseases. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, consecutive inpatients who were admitted for evaluation of sleep-disordered breathing were enrolled. We extracted 3.5 min of stable respiratory signals before sleep onset using polysomnography, analyzed the airflow data using fast Fourier transform, and quantified breathing irregularities using Shannon entropy S. RESULTS: A total of 162 subjects were evaluated. Among these, 39 subjects had heart diseases, including ischemic heart disease (IHD), atrial fibrillation (Af), CHF, and a history of aortic dissection. The values of Shannon entropy S of airflow signals in subjects with heart diseases were significantly higher than in those without heart diseases (p < 0.001). After excluding CHF, the Shannon entropy S was also significantly higher in subjects with heart diseases than in those without heart diseases (p < 0.001). The values of Shannon entropy S were significantly correlated with plasma brain natriuretic peptide levels (r = 0.443, p < 0.001). Although the values were also significantly correlated with body mass index, the presence of heart diseases was independently associated with breathing irregularity in the multiple logistic analysis. Matching analysis revealed consistent differences between subjects with heart diseases and without heart diseases. CONCLUSION: Breathing irregularity was observed before sleep onset in subjects with heart diseases who underwent polysomnography to diagnose sleep-disordered breathing.
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 205(11) e53-e54 2022年6月1日
医学のあゆみ 279(5) 520-524 2021年10月高齢者に接種されるワクチンには、主にインフルエンザワクチン、肺炎球菌ワクチン、新型コロナワクチン、帯状疱疹ワクチンがある。前二者は長い実績を有するワクチンであり、インフルエンザ後の肺炎や肺炎球菌性肺炎のリスクを少しでも低減するために高齢者での両ワクチンの接種が重要である。さらに、近年登場した新型コロナウイルス(SARS-CoV-2)に対するmRNAワクチンと帯状疱疹に対するサブユニットワクチンは、いずれも抗原提示と同時に自然免疫受容体を介して細胞性免疫を賦活することが大きな特徴である。臨床試験において、いずれのワクチンも90%以上の高い有効性を示している。ワクチン接種後の発熱や全身倦怠感などの全身性反応が高頻度にみられるが、3日目には回復する。超高齢社会における健康寿命延伸のためにもワクチン療法が適切に理解されなければならない。(著者抄録)
Geriatric Medicine 59(6) 575-578 2021年6月エンドオブライフにある心不全や呼吸不全の多くの症例で、呼吸困難を中心とする身体症状や抑うつ・不安などの精神症状が問題となる。各疾患の治療に加えて、感染症やうっ血、せん妄など、付随する病態を適切に管理することが、エンドオブライフ・ケアにおいても重要である。加えてエンドオブライフにある非がん疾患の呼吸困難に対して、少量のモルヒネに一定のエビデンスがある。これらに理学療法も加えた集学的サービスを多職種で連携しながら実施することが、エンドオブライフになってもQOLを維持するために有効である。(著者抄録)
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2023年4月 - 2026年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2023年4月 - 2026年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2019年4月 - 2023年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2018年4月 - 2022年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2016年4月 - 2019年3月