
崔 龍洙

サイ リュウシュ  (Longzhu Cui)


自治医科大学 医学部感染・免疫学講座 細菌学部門 教授




  • M Kuroda, T Ohta, Uchiyama, I, T Baba, H Yuzawa, Kobayashi, I, LZ Cui, A Oguchi, K Aoki, Y Nagai, JQ Lian, T Ito, M Kanamori, H Matsumaru, A Maruyama, H Murakami, A Hosoyama, Y Mizutani-Ui, NK Takahashi, T Sawano, R Inoue, C Kaito, K Sekimizu, H Hirakawa, S Kuhara, S Goto, J Yabuzaki, M Kanehisa, A Yamashita, K Oshima, K Furuya, C Yoshino, T Shiba, M Hattori, N Ogasawara, H Hayashi, K Hiramatsu
    LANCET 357(9264) 1225-1240 2001年4月  査読有り
    Background Staphylococcus aureus is one of the major causes of community-acquired and hospital-acquired infections. It produces numerous toxins including superantigens that cause unique disease entities such as toxic-shock syndrome and staphylococcal scarlet fever, and has acquired resistance to practically all antibiotics. Whole genome analysis is a necessary step towards future development of countermeasures against this organism. Methods Whole genome sequences of two related S aureus strains (N315 and Mu50) were determined by shot-gun random sequencing. N315 is a meticillin-resistant S aureus (MRSA) strain isolated in 1982, and Mu50 is an MRSA strain with vancomycin resistance isolated in 1997. The open reading frames were identified by use of GAMBLER and GLIMMER programs, and annotation of each was done with a BLAST homology search, motif analysis, and protein localisation prediction. Findings The Staphylococcus genome was composed of a complex mixture of genes, many of which seem to have been acquired by lateral gene transfer. Most of the antibiotic resistance genes were carried either by plasmids or by mobile genetic elements including a unique resistance island. Three classes of new pathogenicity islands were identified in the genome: a toxic-shock-syndrome toxin island family, exotoxin islands, and enterotoxin islands. in the latter two pathogenicity islands, clusters of exotoxin and enterotoxin genes were found closely linked with other gene clusters encoding putative pathogenic factors. The analysis also identified 70 candidates for new virulence factors. Interpretation The remarkable ability of S aureus to acquire useful genes from various organisms was revealed through the observation of genome complexity and evidence of lateral gene transfer. Repeated duplication of genes encoding superantigens explains why S aureus is capable of infecting humans of diverse genetic backgrounds, eliciting severe immune reactions. Investigation of many newly identified gene products, including the 70 putative virulence factors, will greatly improve our understanding of the biology of staphylococci and the processes of infectious diseases caused by S aureus.
  • LZ Cui, H Murakami, K Kuwahara-Arai, H Hanaki, K Hiramatsu
    ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY 44(9) 2276-2285 2000年9月  査読有り
    Staphylococcus aureus Mu50, which has reduced susceptibility to vancomycin, has a remarkably thickened cell wall with an increased proportion of glutamine nonamidated muropeptides. In addition, Mu50 had enhanced glutamine synthetase and L-glutamine D-fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase activities, which are involved in the cell-wall peptidoglycan synthesis pathway. Furthermore, significantly increased levels of incorporation of C-14-labeled D-glucose into the cell wall was observed in Mu50. Unlike a femC mutant S, aureus strain, increased levels of production of nonamidated muropeptides in Mu50 was not caused by lower levels of glutamine synthetase activity but was considered to be due to the glutamine depletion caused by increased glucose utilization by the cell to biosynthesize increased amounts of peptidoglycan. After the cells were allowed to synthesize cell wall in the absence or presence of glucose and glutamine, cells with different cell-wall thicknesses and with cell walls with different levels of cross-linking were prepared, and susceptibility testing of these cells demonstrated a strong correlation between the cell-wall thickness and the degree of vancomycin resistance. Affinity trapping of vancomycin molecules by the cell wall and clogging of the outer layers of peptidoglycan by bound vancomycin molecules were considered to be the mechanism of vancomycin resistance of Mu50, The reduced cross-linking and the increased affinity of binding to vancomycin of the Mu50 cell mall presumably caused by the increased proportion of nonamidated muropeptides may also contribute to the resistance to some extent.
  • LZ Cui, H Kasegawa, Y Murakami, H Hanaki, K Hiramatsu
    We report on a rare fatal case of postoperative toxic shock syndrome caused by infection with a highly virulent methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strain, designated Sak-1, which was found to be characteristic in its increased production of toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 in human whole blood (about 30-fold more than produced in Tod Hewitt broth). The strain also produced a high level of toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 in the circulating blood of mice experimentally infected with the strain.
  • Daisuke Kato, Hideaki Hanaki, Longzhu Cui, Toyoko Oguri, Keiichi Hiramatsu
    Japanese Journal of Antibiotics 51(12) 735-744 1998年12月  査読有り
    Two hundred and thirteen clinical strains of coagulase-negative staphylococci isolated in Japan between 1980 and 1997 were analyzed for glycopeptide susceptibility by determing MIC using both Mueller-Hinton agar (MHA) and Brain Heart Infusion agar (BHIA) plates. Of 37 Staphylococcus epidermidis strains isolated between 1980 and 1981, all were susceptible to vancomycin and teicoplanin on both MHA and BHIA. However, of 122 isolates of Staphylococcus epidermidis isolated between 1994 and 1997, 1 (0.8%) was intermediate to vancomycin on MHA and 39 (32%) were intermediate on BHIA, while 3 (2.5%) and 27 (22.1%) were intermediate or resistant to teicoplanin on MHA and BHIA, respectively. It was demonstrated that the susceptibilities of the strains in 1990s to vancomycin and teicoplanin were significantly decreased compared with those in 1980s. Population analysis was performed with six strains each of Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus haemolyticus (three with vancomycin MIC≤8 μg/ml and three with vancomycin MIC≤4 μg/ml using BHIA). The population curves of the Staphylococcus epidermidis strains showed a homogeneous pattern of susceptibility. Whereas, those for two Staphylococcus haemolyticus strains (vancomycin MIC = 8 μg/ml using BHIA) showed a typical heterogeneous pattern. Vancomycin-resistant mutants (MIC&gt 32 μg/ml) were obtained with a high frequency of 10-4- -5 from the strains by one-step selection with 16 μg/ml of vancomycin.







