看護学部 基礎看護学

内堀 真弓

ウチボリ マユミ  (Mayumi Uchibori)


自治医科大学 看護学部基礎看護学





  • 柿沼 直美, 本田 彰子, 神山 吉輝, 内堀 真弓, 山崎 智子
    日本在宅看護学会誌 8(1) 2-10 2019年10月  
  • Koshimoto S, Arimoto M, Saitou K, Uchibori M, Hashizume A, Honda A, Amano K, Nakajima Y, Uetake H, Matsushima E
    Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer 27(9) 3385-3394 2019年9月  査読有り
  • 三部 ひさ子, 山崎 智子, 内堀 真弓, 本田 彰子
    臨床死生学 23(1) 10-19 2019年3月  査読有り
  • 柿沼 直美, 本田 彰子, 内堀 真弓, 山崎 智子, 神山 吉輝
    日本看護科学学会学術集会講演集 37回(1) [O50-5] 2017年12月  
  • 山崎 智子, 内堀 真弓, 本田 彰子, 矢富 有見子, 田上 美千佳, 緒方 泰子, 森田 久美子, 井上 智子
    日本看護科学学会学術集会講演集 37回 [PF-71 2017年12月  


  • 田村 里佳, 内堀 真弓, 本田 彰子, 山﨑 智子
    家族看護学研究,2019,25(1):2-13 25(1) 2-13 2019年3月  査読有り
    Objective: The aim of this article was to conduct a review of the literature of the experience of cancer patients caring for young children in Japan and overseas in order to reveal trends within this patient group. Further research should be worked on. Methods: Electronic search engines, MEDLINE, CINAHL and Ichushi Web were used to find reviews of literature of experiences of cancer patients with children throughout Japan and overseas. Key words,「cancer」「parent」 「mother」「father」and「child」were used in combination. Collected “parenting experiences of cancer patients” were collectively divided by similarity. Results: 42 targeted analysis studies were found. The study began in the 1990s both overseas and in Japan. The number of studies was counted every 5 years and had more than doubled in the 5 year period between 2011 and 2016. Majority of studies target women; Reveal high incidents of breast cancer. Cancer Patients were unable to carry out their traditional roles, and their confidence in parenting declined. Moreover, informing children about their cancer became problematic. A variety of factors influenced when and how the parents informed their children about cancer; child’s developmental stage, patient’s gender, home environment and parents’ mental state. Conclusion: Findings indicated that the experience of mothers with breast cancer gradually become clear while the study of fathers is extremely rare. Those of fathers revealed a need for gender sensitive care. Therefore, it is important to further search men’s experiences. Present research concerning the child’s developmental stage is minimal, however informing the children about parents’ cancer has different problems depending upon their age range.
  • 内堀 真弓他
    月刊ナーシング 29(8) 2009年7月  





