医学部 放射線医学講座

森 墾

モリ ハルシ  (Harushi MORI)


自治医科大学 医学部 放射線医学講座 教授







  • Akihiko Mitsutake, Takashi Matsukawa, Tatsuhiko Naito, Hiroyuki Ishiura, Jun Mitsui, Hiroaki Harada, Keishi Fujio, Jun Fujishiro, Harushi Mori, Shinichi Morishita, Shoji Tsuji, Tatsushi Toda
    Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan) 2024年8月1日  
    We herein report a novel de novo KCNH5 variant in a patient with refractory epileptic encephalopathy. The patient exhibited seizures at 1 year and 7 months old, which gradually worsened, leading to a bedridden status. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed cerebral atrophy and cerebellar hypoplasia. A trio whole-exome sequence analysis identified a de novo heterozygous c.640A>C, p.Lys214Gln variant in KCNH5 that was predicted to be deleterious. Recent studies have linked KCNH5 to various epileptic encephalopathies, with many patients showing normal MRI findings. The present case expands the clinical spectrum of the disease, as it is characterized by severe neurological prognosis, cerebral atrophy, and cerebellar hypoplasia.
  • Akihiro Nakamata, Mitsuru Matsuki, Yuriko Watanabe, Ryoma Kobayashi, Nana Fujii, Naoki Kunitomo, Yuko Otake, Hiroyuki Fujii, Kohei Hamamoto, Harushi Mori
    RadioGraphics 44(7) 2024年7月1日  
  • Yuriko Watanabe, Mitsuru Matsuki, Akihiro Nakamata, Sota Masuoka, Tomohiro Kikuchi, Hiroyuki Fujii, Kohei Hamamoto, Harushi Mori, Noriyoshi Fukushima, Mio Sakaguchi, Sho Todo, Hiroyuki Fujiwara
    Abdominal Radiology 2024年6月11日  
  • Kenta Ochiai, Takashi Ohashi, Harushi Mori, Hirotomo Saitsu, Jun-Ichi Takanashi
    Cureus 16(6) e61716 2024年6月  
    In this article, we report the third case of chloride voltage-gated channel 2 (CLCN2)-related leukoencephalopathy (CC2L) in Japan. The patient presented with headache, vertigo, and mild visual impairment. The CLCN2 variant of the patient, NM_004366.6:c.61dup, p.(Leu21Profs*27), was also found in two other Japanese patients as this variant is relatively common in the Japanese population. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed T2 prolongation with reduced diffusion in the bilateral posterior limbs of the internal capsule, cerebral peduncles, and superior and middle cerebellar peduncles. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) of normal-appearing white matter revealed decreased choline content. This represents the first evidence of decreased choline levels in CC2L, highlighting the superior sensitivity of MRS over MRI.
  • Tomohiro Kikuchi, Takahiro Nakao, Yuta Nakamura, Shouhei Hanaoka, Harushi Mori, Takeharu Yoshikawa
    American Journal of Neuroradiology ajnr.A8332-ajnr.A8332 2024年5月7日  


  • Emiko Chiba, Hiroyuki Fujii, Harushi Mori
    No shinkei geka. Neurological surgery 52(4) 705-717 2024年7月  
    Meningiomas are the most common brain tumors, often in the form of extra-axial masses adhering to the dura mater. Although there are typical imaging findings, meningiomas have a wide variety of imaging findings, owing to their different histological subtypes. Thus, it can be difficult to differentiate meningiomas from other diseases that present with similar imaging findings. This section outlines mimickers for monitoring meningiomas that present with imaging findings similar to those of meningiomas. Diseases that form masses and require differentiation from meningiomas include schwannomas, solitary fibrous tumors, dural metastases, and histiocytosis. Diseases that primarily present as dural thickening and require differentiation from meningiomas include hypertrophic duralitis, fungal infections, and IG4-related diseases. Notably, in addition to the various pathologies that can mimic meningiomas, such as those listed above, there are also cases in which the diagnosis of meningioma is difficult because of additional modifications, such as metastasis or meningioma infarction.
  • 池田 欣正, 濱本 耕平, 紙 恭子, 小澤 耕一郎, 真鍋 治, 千葉 英美子, 森 墾, 真鍋 徳子
    自治医科大学紀要 46 65-71 2024年3月  
    【目的】Single energy metal artifact reduction(SEMAR)を用いた血管塞栓用コイルの金属アーチファクト低減における撮影条件の影響を明らかにする。【方法】チューブ内に血管塞栓用コイルを留置した血管塞栓ファントムを用い,管電圧,管電流,撮影方向を変えてCTを撮影し,視覚評価,standard deviation(SD)値,CT値のプロファイル曲線を指標として,それぞれの金属アーチファクト低減における影響を比較検討した。【結果】すべての管電圧,管電流において,SEMARありではSEMARなしと比較し視覚評価スコアは高値を示し,SD値は低値を示した。SEMARありの画像では,高管電圧および高管電流撮影でSD値は低値を示した。撮影方向の検討では,チューブに対して水平に撮影した画像でチューブ内の金属アーチファクトがより広範囲にみられた。【結論】SEMARを用いた金属アーチファクト低減には,高管電圧,高管電流での撮影が有用であり,評価対象血管と金属コイルとの位置関係を考慮した方向での撮影が重要である。(著者抄録)
  • 高橋 宏典, 國友 直樹, 木島 茂喜, 濱本 耕平, 森 墾
    日本インターベンショナルラジオロジー学会雑誌 38(3) 184-189 2024年1月  
  • 濱本 耕平, 真鍋 徳子, 大石 茉耶, 山本 彩季, 渡辺 友里子, 小島 綜一郎, 森 墾
    映像情報Medical 55(7) 9-15 2023年6月  
  • 柏倉 裕志, 遠藤 和洋, 宇賀神 敦, 菊地 智博, 菱川 修司, 中村 仁康, 片貝 祐子, Nemekhbayar Baatartsogt, 平本 貴史, 早川 盛禎, 鴨下 信彦, 山崎 晶司, 久米 晃啓, 森 墾, 佐田 尚宏, 坂田 洋一, 村松 慎一, 大森 司
    日本血栓止血学会誌 34(2) 240-240 2023年5月  





