医学部 生理学講座

柴山 修哉

シバヤマ ナオヤ  (Naoya Shibayama)


自治医科大学 医学部生理学講座生物物理学部門 教授




  • Artoni Kevin R Ang, Yasufumi Umena, Ayana Sato-Tomita, Naoya Shibayama, Naohisa Happo, Riho Marumi, Yuta Yamamoto, Koji Kimura, Naomi Kawamura, Yu Takano, Tomohiro Matsushita, Yuji C Sasaki, Jian Ren Shen, Kouichi Hayashi
    Journal of synchrotron radiation 30(Pt 2) 368-378 2023年3月1日  
    X-ray fluorescence holography (XFH) is a powerful atomic resolution technique capable of directly imaging the local atomic structure around atoms of a target element within a material. Although it is theoretically possible to use XFH to study the local structures of metal clusters in large protein crystals, the experiment has proven difficult to perform, especially on radiation-sensitive proteins. Here, the development of serial X-ray fluorescence holography to allow the direct recording of hologram patterns before the onset of radiation damage is reported. By combining a 2D hybrid detector and the serial data collection used in serial protein crystallography, the X-ray fluorescence hologram can be directly recorded in a fraction of the measurement time needed for conventional XFH measurements. This approach was demonstrated by obtaining the Mn Kα hologram pattern from the protein crystal Photosystem II without any X-ray-induced reduction of the Mn clusters. Furthermore, a method to interpret the fluorescence patterns as real-space projections of the atoms surrounding the Mn emitters has been developed, where the surrounding atoms produce large dark dips along the emitter-scatterer bond directions. This new technique paves the way for future experiments on protein crystals that aim to clarify the local atomic structures of their functional metal clusters, and for other related XFH experiments such as valence-selective XFH or time-resolved XFH.
  • Naoki Yamamoto, Rintaro Inoue, Yoshiteru Makino, Hiroshi Sekiguchi, Naoya Shibayama, Akira Naito, Masaaki Sugiyama, Eri Chatani
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 126(51) 10797-10812 2022年12月29日  
  • Ayana Sato-Tomita, Artoni Kevin R. Ang, Koji Kimura, Riho Marumi, Naohisa Happo, Tomohiro Matsushita, Sam-Yong Park, Naoya Shibayama, Yuji C. Sasaki, Kouichi Hayashi
    Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 635 277-282 2022年12月  
  • Nagatomo, S, Shoji, M, Terada, T, Nakatani, K, Shigeta, Y, Hirota, S, Yanagisawa, S, Kubo, M, Kitagawa, T, Nagai, M, Ohki, M, Park, S.-Y, Shibayama, N
    Biophys. J. 121(14) 2767-2780 2022年6月  査読有り
  • Naoki Yamamoto, Jiro Kikuchi, Yusuke Furukawa, Naoya Shibayama
    PLOS ONE 17(5) e0261699-e0261699 2022年5月5日  
    We report expression and purification of a FLT3 protein with ITD mutation (FLT3-ITD) with a steady tyrosine kinase activity using a silkworm-baculovirus system, and its application as a fast screening system of tyrosine kinase inhibitors. The FLT3-ITD protein was expressed in Bombyx mori L. pupae infected by gene-modified nucleopolyhedrovirus, and was purified as an active state. We performed an inhibition assay using 17 kinase inhibitors, and succeeded in screening two inhibitors for FLT3-ITD. The result has paved the way for screening FLT3-ITD inhibitors in a fast and easy manner, and also for structural studies.


  • Artoni Kevin R. Ang, Ayana Sato-Tomita, Naoya Shibayama, Yasufumi Umena, Naohisa Happo, Riho Marumi, Koji Kimura, Tomohiro Matsushita, Kazuto Akagi, Takahiko Sasaki, Yuji C. Sasaki, Kouichi Hayashi
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 59(1) 2020年1月1日  
    X-ray fluorescence holography (XFH) is a technique that can directly image the 3D arrangement of atoms around an element in a sample. The holograms contain both intensity and phase information, allowing atomic reconstruction without needing prior structural information or a tentative structural model. XFH has already been used to reveal the local structures of various inorganic samples, and recently, work has begun on XFH for soft matter. In this paper, we review the progress of XFH on soft materials. First, we review the fundamental principles of XFH. Second, we review inverse mode XFH on soft materials, and the results of the experiments on hemoglobin, myoglobin, and κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br crystals. In the last section, we report the progress of the development of normal mode holography for soft materials. The new apparatus and scanning method is described, and results of the initial tests on the protein Photosystem II are discussed.
  • 開俊樹, 菊池次郎, 喜多俊介, 前仲勝実, 古川雄祐, 柴山修哉
    日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集(Web) 2016 2C004 (WEB ONLY) 2016年3月5日  
  • Chatake, T, Shibayama, N, Park, S.Y, Tomoyori, K, Hosoya, T, Ohara, T, Kusaka, K, Kurihara, K, Tanaka, I, Niimura, N, Morimoto, Y
    1st Asia-Oceania Conference on Neutron Scattering 2011年11月23日  
  • A. Y. Kovalevsky, T. Chatake, T. Ishikawa, N. Shibayama, S.-Y. Park, M. Mustyakimov, P. Langan, Y. Morimoto
    ACA 2008 (Meeting of the American Crystallographic Association) 179 2008年  
  • Toshiyuki Chatake, Andrii Y. Kovalevsky, Naoya Shibayama, SamYong Park, Takuya Ishikawa, Marat Mustyakimov, Paul Langan, Yukio Morimoto
    IUCr2008 Satellite symposium 2008年  





