2012年 - 2014年
Journal of Cardiography 14(5) 204-207 1984年
Advances in myocardiology 4 189-93 1983年 査読有りIt is now established that cardiac myosin from hyperthyroid rabbit hearts (TXM) exhibits high Ca2+ ATPase activity. The high Ca2+ ATPase activity of TXM was completely retained in cardiac myosin subfragment-1 (S-1) (1.33 +/- 0.04 mumol Pi/mg per min; euthyroid, 0.51 +/- 0.04). Cardiac S-1 from hyperthyroid and euthyroid rabbits (TXS-1 and NS-1) had the same pattern in SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The possible influence of heavy and light chains of TXM on increasing the ATPase activity was examined by reconstitution in the S-1 preparation. Crosswise reconstitution was performed using cardiac S-1 heavy chain (90,000 daltons) and light chain 1 (LC1) (27,000 daltons) from hyperthyroid and euthyroid hearts. Reconstitution was verified by using radiolabeled LC1. More than 95% of S-1 was recovered with full ATPase activity. When TXS-1 was reconstituted with LC1 from euthyroid hearts, the reconstituted molecule retained high ATPase activity. On the other hand, NS-1 reconstituted with LC1 from hyperthyroid hearts failed to increase the ATPase activity. The ATPase activity of S-1 was determined by the source of the heavy chain. These results suggest that the high Ca2+ ATPase activity of cardiac myosin and S-1 from hyperthyroid animals arises from the molecular alteration of the heavy chain induced by thyroxine administration.
Advances in myocardiology 4 473-8 1983年 査読有りWe studied serial changes in various myocardial enzymes and cardiac myosin light chain II (LCII) in plasma following coronary ligation in 14 conscious closed-chest dogs. Cytoplasmic enzymes [creatine phosphokinase (CPK) and supernatant glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (sGOT)] reached maximum at 12-24 hr and returned to normal at 72-96 hr. The mitochondrial isozyme of GOT (mGOT) began to rise at 6-9 hr, peaked at 12-30 hr (4.8-42.2 IU/liter), and stayed higher at 96 hr than before infarction. Glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH), another mitochondrial enzyme, began to elevate at 6-16 hr and reached maximum at 24-60 hr (6.2-20.5 U/liter); GLDH also showed higher levels at 96 hr than before infarction. N-Acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase (NAG), a lysosomal enzyme, showed a biphasic pattern in every case. The first peak appeared at 3-12 hr, and the second one at 36-72 hr. Myosin LCII began to rise at 3-9 hr, peaked at 30-120 hr (34-136 ng/ml), and remained elevated for 7 to 10 days. Determination of these myocardial enzymes or LCII in plasma is useful for the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction.
Advances in myocardiology 4 489-95 1983年 査読有りThe relationship between myocardial infarct size and serum cardiac light chain (LC) levels was studied in experimental and clinical myocardial infarction. In dogs with left anterior descending coronary artery occlusion, regression analysis showed good correlation between infarct size and LC II release, but CPK-MB release failed to correlate with infarct size because of a decreasing value of cumulative CPK with larger sized infarctions. In patients with acute myocardial infarction, Peak LC I levels correlated well with CPK release, since the phenomenon of the decreased CPK release in larger sized infarction was not so distinctive in human cases. Thus, LC determination may better quantitate the extent of myocardial damage as well as provide a specific and sensitive method for diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction.
American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology 14(3) H413-H419 1983年 査読有りThe relationship between histologically determined infarct size and release or peak levels of circulating cardiac enzymes and myosin light chain 2 (LC2) was studied. Myocardial infarction was produced by ligating the left anterior descending coronary artery in 18 conscious closed-chest dogs. Creatine phosphokinase (CPK), cytosolic and mitochondrial isozymes of aspartate transaminase (sAST and mAST) in the plasma, and LC2 in the serum were measured serially until 10 days after infarction, when infarct size was determined histologically [range 4.0-38.8% of the left ventricular weight (%LV)]. Infarct size correlated most closely with LC2 release (r = 0.82, P < 0.001) and less closely with peak sAST (r = 0.59, P < 0.01), peak mAST (r = 0.49, P < 0.05), peak CPK (r = 0.22), and CPK release (r = 0.14). The correlation between infarct size and CPK release was improved by limiting the analysis to the dogs with infarct size of less than 20% LV (n = 11, r = 0.53, P < 0.1). Because, among cardiac enzymes and LC2, CPK activity decayed most rapidly in the lymph fluid when incubated in vitro, degeneration of CPK in the lymph stream may contribute to the nonlinear relationship between infarct size and CPK release.
Nihon Naika Gakkai zasshi. The Journal of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine 70(8) 1098-104 1981年8月10日 査読有り
日本内科学会雑誌 70(8) 1098-1104 1981年心筋の構造蛋白であるミオシンのサブユニットの一つ,軽鎖Iをヒト心筋より抽出精製し,ラジオイムノアッセイによる軽鎖Iの血中での測定法を開発し,さらに急性心筋硬塞発症後の血中軽鎖I値の変動を検討した.抗軽鎖I抗体は,モルモットを精製した軽鎖Iにて免疫することにより作製した.軽鎖IはクロラミンT法により125Iで標識し, B/F分離は二抗体法を用いた.アッセイの感度は0.2ng,骨格筋軽鎖との交叉反応は10.2%,成人健常者30名の血中軽鎖I値は3.7±0.9ng/ml(平均±標準偏差)であつた. 24例の急性心筋硬塞症において軽鎖Iは発作後4~16時間以内に上昇をはじめ, 30~144時間後に最高値となり(35.0±14.1ng/ml), 7~16日間高値を続け,各種の心筋酵素やミオグロビンとは全く異なる特異な経時的変動を示した.また前壁硬塞例の中で,異常Q波がV1-V3に出現した3例と, IおよびV1-V5に出現した5例を比較すると,後者において血中軽鎖Iの最高値, 24時間値, 7日値は高値を示した.血中軽鎖Iの測定は心筋硬塞の急性期のみでなく,発作後時間の経過した症例においても診断に有用であり,またこれにより硬塞の大きさを推定できる可能姓があると考えられる.
Kokyu to junkan. Respiration & circulation 28(12) 1348-57 1980年12月 査読有り
Japanese circulation journal 44(3) 185-7 1980年3月 査読有り
Advances in myocardiology 1 525-33 1980年 査読有り
Advances in myocardiology 1 547-52 1980年 査読有りATPase activity and synthesis of atrial and ventricular myosin were compared in the dog and rabbit heart. Atrial myosin showed enzymatic properties characterized by high Ca2+- and Mg2+-activated ATPase activities, low activation energy, lower rate of inactivation at alkaline pH, and no activation by N-ethylmalemide compared with the same properties in ventricular myosin. These findings suggest a difference in the myosin molecule at or near the active site involfing the SH-1 thiols. Also, actin activation of ATPase activities was studied to determine the physiological significance of this observation, since, in living muscle cell, MgATP is hydrolyzed by myosin under the activating effect of actin. Actin extracted from skeletal muscle was used in this experiment. Vmax for the actin-activated Mg2+-ATPase of atrial myosin was about twice that of ventricular myosin, whereas no significant difference was observed in the apparent dissociation constant for actin. This result suggests that the change in the enzymatic properties of myosin is reflected in the contractility of atrial and ventricular muscles. However, [3H]leucine incorporation into the myosin was approximately the same, suggesting that the difference in work load between atrium and ventricle is not associated with alteration of synthesis of cardiac myosin.
Advances in myocardiology 2 415-20 1980年 査読有りA sensitive radioimmunoassay for cardiac myosin light chain II (LCII) was developed, and changes of serum LCII levels were studied in experimental myocardial infarction in dogs. This radioimmunoassay employed an antiserum which was prepared in rabbits against canine LCII. In our assay, 0.2-5.0 ng of LCII were effectively measurable. In normal dogs, LCII concentration in serum was less than 20 ng/ml. The serum LCII level began to rise within 6 hr after ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery, reaching maximum level at 3-5 days (40-320 ng/ml). In eight out of ten cases with coronary occlusion, LCII could be detected as long as 7 days after operation. In one sham-operated dog, LCII was detected at 2 and 3 days, but its concentrations were less than 30 ng/ml. When LCII was injected intravenously, it dissipated from the blood stream within 48 hr. The time course curves of serum LCII level had two characteristics that had not been observed in serum enzyme studies: 1) LCII level rose rapidly and stayed up during a long period after coronary occlusion, and 2) changes of serum LCII levels were biphasic in six out of ten dogs with coronary occlusion. These results, and our previous studies of synthesis rate of light chains, suggest that when a coronary artery is occluded LCII may first be released from a pool of uncombined LCII in myocardial cells, and then continuously liberated from cardiac myosin molecules. This radioimmunoassay can be expected to be useful when applied to clinical use.
Cardiovascular Research 3(4) 493-498 1969年10月 査読有り
CIRCULATION 140 2019年11月0
計算工学講演会論文集 = Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science / 日本計算工学会 編 24 6p 2019年5月
計算工学講演会論文集 = Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science / 日本計算工学会 編 24 6p 2019年5月
Springer 2009年 (ISBN: 9784431877745)
Signal Transduction and Cardiac Hypertrophy (Naranjan S. Dhalla, Larry Hryshko, Elissavet Kardami, Pawan K. Singal, KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS) 2003年
Signal Transduction and Cardiac Hypertrophy (Naranjan S. Dhalla, Larry Hryshko, Elissavet Kardami, Pawan K. Singal, KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS) 2003年
Rapid Cycle Real-Time PCR : methods and applications 2001年
in"The Hypertrophied Heart" 2000年
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2023年4月 - 2026年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2020年7月 - 2023年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2019年4月 - 2023年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2019年4月 - 2023年3月
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