
高橋 将文

タカハシ マサノリ  (Masanori Takahashi)


自治医科大学 医学部解剖学講座解剖学部門 准教授


徳島大学工学部生物工学科卒業後、奈良先端科学技術大学院大学バイオサイエンス研究科博士前期課程、東北大学大学院医学系研究科医学履修博士課程修了。1) 脳の発生発達過程における領域化、ニューロン分化、および神経回路形成、2) 顔面、器官形成における上皮間葉細胞相互作用、上皮(中皮)間葉転換、および組織幹細胞の振る舞い、3) 哺乳全胚培養法とその応用、に興味をもっている。


  • Masanori Takahashi, Takayuki Isagawa, Tatsuyuki Sato, Norihiko Takeda, Kiyoshi Kawakami
    Genes to Cells 2024年8月7日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Abstract Mesothelial and epicardial cells give rise to various types of mesenchymal cells via epithelial (mesothelial)‐to‐mesenchymal transition during development. However, the genes controlling the differentiation and diversification of mesothelial/epicardial cells remain unclear. Here, we examined Wnt2b expression in the embryonic mesothelium and epicardium and performed lineage tracing of Wnt2b‐expressing cells by using novel Wnt2b‐2A‐CreERT2 knock‐in and LacZ‐reporter mice. Wnt2b was expressed in mesothelial cells covering visceral organs, but the expression was restricted in their subpopulations. Wnt2b‐expressing cells labeled at embryonic day (E) 10.5 were distributed to the mesothelium and mesenchyme in the lungs, abdominal wall, stomach, and spleen in Wnt2b2A‐CreERT2/+;R26RLacZ/+ mice at E13.0. Wnt2b was initially expressed in the proepicardial organ (PEO) at E9.5 and then in the epicardium after E10.0. Wnt2b‐expressing PEO cells labeled at E9.5 differentiated into a small fraction of cardiac fibroblasts and preferentially localized at the left side of the postnatal heart. LacZ+ epicardium‐derived cells labeled at E10.5 differentiated into a small fraction of fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells in the postnatal heart. Taken together, our results reveal novel subpopulations of PEO and mesothelial/epicardial cells that are distinguishable by Wnt2b expression and elucidate the unique contribution of Wnt2b‐expressing PEO and epicardial cells to the postnatal heart.
  • Masanori Takahashi, Ryoji Fukabori, Hiroshi Kawasaki, Kazuto Kobayashi, Kiyoshi Kawakami
    The Journal of comparative neurology 2021年7月9日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    The dorsolateral striatum (DLS) of rodents is functionally subdivided into somatotopic subregions that represent each body part along both the dorsoventral and anteroposterior (A-P) axes and play crucial roles in sensorimotor functions via corticostriatal pathways. However, little is known about the spatial gene expression patterns and heterogeneity of spiny projection neurons (SPNs) within somatotopic subregions. Here, we show that the cell adhesion molecule gene Cdh20, which encodes a Type II cadherin, is expressed in discrete subregions covering the inner orofacial area and part of the forelimb area in the ventral domain of the DLS (v-DLS) in rats. Cdh20-expressing cells were localized in the v-DLS at the intermediate level of the striatum along the A-P axis and could be classified as direct-pathway SPNs or indirect-pathway SPNs. Unexpectedly, comprehensive analysis revealed that Cdh20 is expressed in SPNs in the rat DLS but not in the mouse DLS or the ferret putamen (Pu). Our observations reveal that Cdh20 expression demarcates somatotopic subregions and subpopulations of SPNs specifically in the rat DLS and suggest divergent regulation of genes differentially expressed in the v-DLS and Pu among mammals.
  • Masanori Takahashi, Keiko Ikeda, Masaki Ohmuraya, Yoshiko Nakagawa, Tetsushi Sakuma, Takashi Yamamoto, Kiyoshi Kawakami
    Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists 249(9) 1098-1116 2020年4月3日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    BACKGROUND: The structure of the mouse incisor is characterized by its asymmetric accumulation of enamel matrix proteins on the labial side. The asymmetric structure originates from the patterning of the epithelial incisor placode through the interaction with dental mesenchymal cells. However, the molecular basis for the asymmetric patterning of the incisor germ is largely unknown. RESULTS: A homeobox transcription factor SIX1 was shown to be produced in the mandibular mesenchyme, and its localization patterns changed dynamically during lower incisor development. Six1-/- mice exhibited smaller lower incisor primordia than wild-type mice. Furthermore, Six1-/- mice showed enamel matrix production on both the lingual and labial sides and disturbed odontoblast maturation. In the earlier stages of development, the formation of signaling centers, the initiation knot and the enamel knot, which are essential for the morphogenesis of tooth germs, were impaired in Six1-/- embryos. Notably, Wnt signaling activity, which shows an anterior-posterior gradient, and the expression patterns of genes involved in incisor formation were altered in the mesenchyme in Six1-/- embryos. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that Six1 is required for signaling center formation in lower incisor germs and the labial-lingual asymmetry of the lower incisors by regulating the anterior-posterior patterning of the mandibular mesenchyme. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
  • Masanori Takahashi, Masaru Tamura, Shigeru Sato, Kiyoshi Kawakami
    Disease models & mechanisms 11(10) 2018年10月25日  査読有り筆頭著者
    Omphalocele is a human congenital anomaly in ventral body wall closure and may be caused by impaired formation of the primary abdominal wall (PAW) and/or defects in abdominal muscle development. Here, we report that mice doubly deficient in homeobox genes Six4 and Six5 showed the same ventral body wall closure defects as those seen in human omphalocele. SIX4 and SIX5 were localized in surface ectodermal cells and somatic mesoderm-derived mesenchymal and coelomic epithelial cells (CECs) in the PAW. Six4-/-;Six5-/- fetuses exhibited a large omphalocele with protrusion of both the liver and intestine, or a small omphalocele with protrusion of the intestine, with complete penetrance. The umbilical ring of Six4-/-;Six5-/- embryos was shifted anteriorly and its lateral size was larger than that of normal embryos at the E11.5 stage, before the onset of myoblast migration into the PAW. The proliferation rates of surface ectodermal cells in the left and right PAW and somatic mesoderm-derived cells in the right PAW were lower in Six4-/-;Six5-/- embryos than those of wild-type embryos at E10.5. The transition from CECs of the PAW to rounded mesothelial progenitor cells was impaired and the inner coelomic surface of the PAW was relatively smooth in Six4-/-;Six5-/- embryos at E11.25. Furthermore, Six4 overexpression in CECs of the PAW promoted ingression of CECs. Taken together, our results suggest that Six4 and Six5 are required for growth and morphological change of the PAW, and the impairment of these processes is linked to the abnormal positioning and expansion of the umbilical ring, which results in omphalocele.
  • Wataru Yamashita, Masanori Takahashi, Takako Kikkawa, Hitoshi Gotoh, Noriko Osumi, Katsuhiko Ono, Tadashi Nomura
    Development (Cambridge, England) 145(8) 2018年4月16日  査読有り
    The evolution of unique organ structures is associated with changes in conserved developmental programs. However, characterizing the functional conservation and variation of homologous transcription factors (TFs) that dictate species-specific cellular dynamics has remained elusive. Here, we dissect shared and divergent functions of Pax6 during amniote brain development. Comparative functional analyses revealed that the neurogenic function of Pax6 is highly conserved in the developing mouse and chick pallium, whereas stage-specific binary functions of Pax6 in neurogenesis are unique to mouse neuronal progenitors, consistent with Pax6-dependent temporal regulation of Notch signaling. Furthermore, we identified that Pax6-dependent enhancer activity of Dbx1 is extensively conserved between mammals and chick, although Dbx1 expression in the developing pallium is highly divergent in these species. Our results suggest that spatiotemporal changes in Pax6-dependent regulatory programs contributed to species-specific neurogenic patterns in mammalian and avian lineages, which underlie the morphological divergence of the amniote pallial architectures.


  • Masanori Takahashi, Takako Kikkawa, Noriko Osumi
    Neuromethods 102 141-157 2015年  査読有り招待有り
    Electroporation has been widely used in various animals to introduce transgenes into their tissues and organs. We have previously developed a gene transfer method into the developing brain of rat and mouse embryos by applying electroporation to a mammalian whole embryo culture technique. We can directly transfer exogenous genes and small nucleic acids, e.g., double strand RNAs, siRNAs, and Morpholino oligos, into desirable regions of the developing brain of cultured embryos at different stages by easily adjusting the direction of electrodes. This method enables us to provide simple and convenient gain-of- function and loss-of-function studies to explore novel understanding of molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying mammalian brain development.
  • 高橋将文
    脳科学事典 web 2014年1月  
  • 高橋将文
    脳科学事典 web 2013年3月  
  • 高橋将文
    脳科学事典 web 2013年2月  
  • Hiroshi Shinohara, Tatsunori Seki, Nobuyuki Sakayori, Masanori Takahashi, Noriko Osumi
    東京医科大学雑誌 69(4) 558-558 2011年10月30日  
  • Tadashi Nomura, Masanori Takahashi, Noriko Osumi
    Electroporation and Sonoporation in Developmental Biology 129-141 2009年  
    Over the last century, mammalian embryos have been used extensively as a common animal model to investigate fundamental questions in the field of developmental biology. More recently, the establishment of transgenic and gene-targeting systems in laboratory mice has enabled researchers to unveil the genetic mechanisms under lying complex developmental processes (Mak, 2007). However, our understanding of cell--cell interactions and their molecular basis in the early stages of mammalian embryogenesis is still very fragmentary. One of the major problems is the difficulty of precise manipulation and limited accessibility to mammalian embryos via uterus wall. Unfortunately, existing tissue and organotypic culture systems per se do not fully recapitulate three-dimensional, dynamic processes of organogenesis observed in vivo. Although transgenic animal technology and virus-mediated gene delivery are useful to manipulate gene expression, these techniques take much time and financial costs, which limit their use. Whole-embryo mammalian culture system was established by New and colleague in the 1970s, and was modified thereafter by several researchers (reviewed by New, 1971, 1978 Sturm and Tam, 1993 Hogan et al., 1994 Eto and Osumi-Yamashita, 1995 Tam, 1998). At first, the whole-embryo culture system was used in the field of teratology, and then applied in a variety of developmental biology fields, because this system well maintains the embryonic growth and morphogenesis that are comparable to those in utero, and dramatically improves accessibility to the early fetal stages. Furthermore, in combination with gene-delivery techniques such as electroporation, gene expression can be manipulated in a tissue- and region-specific manner (Osumi and Inoue, 2001 Takahashi et al., 2002). Here we introduce this combinatorial proce dure applying of the electroporation technique to whole-embryo culture system. We then illustrate the use of this approach in the developmental neurobiology by present ing our findings on molecular mechanisms controlling stem cell maintenance and neuronal migration in the embryonic cortex. Finally, we will discuss future directions and a potential widespread value of this method in developmental biology. © 2009 Springer Japan.
  • 高橋将文, 大隅典子
    注目のバイオ実験シリーズ「免疫染色&in situ ハイブリダイゼーション最新プロトコール」 165-197 2006年9月  
  • 高橋将文, 大隅典子
    注目のバイオ実験シリーズ「免疫染色& in situ ハイブリダイゼーション最新プロトコール」 103-127 2006年9月  
  • Yuji Tsunekawa, Masanori Takahashi, Noriko Osumi
    To produce precise number of neurons and glial cells from neuroepithelial cells, the progeression and exit of the cell cycle should accurately be coordinated. In mammalian neuroepithelial cells, the molecular and cellular mechanisms coordinating the cell cycle progression and neuronal differentiation is yet unknown. Recently, we noticed that a certain cell cycle regulator protein localized in the basal endfeet of the mouse neuroepithelial cells. However, it is difficult to know in which cell cycle phase the protein localizes, because suitable cell cycle markers expressed at the endfeet of the neuroepithelial cells are missing. To address this issue, we performed sequential labeling of neuroepithelial cells by introducing EGFP-F cDNA into cultured mouse embryos using electroporation and short pulse labeling of S-phase cells by incorporating BrdU, and analyzed the cell cycle phase of EGFP-F labeled cells by using antibodies to BrdU and PH3 (a M-phase marker). We found that EGFP-F-labled cells were in S-phase to G1-phase, but not in G2-phase to M-phase 6 hours after electroporation, and that both of the nucleus and the whole outline of neuroepithelial cell including bipolar processes were clearly visualized. These results suggest that our labeling strategy makes it possible to characterize the cell cycle of neuroepithelial cells, and therefore the cell cycle-dependent distribution of cytoplasmic proteins at the endfeet would be elucidated in the future.
  • Masanori Takahashi, Norjko Osumi
    The vertebrate nervous system consists of a huge number of neurons and glial cells. These cell types are generated from neuroepithelial cells at precise positions during development. However, little is known about how kinetics of neuroepithelial cells is regulated, and how the balance of proliferation and differentiation are genetically coordinated. To elucidate cellular mechanisms underlying such complex cell behaviors in the neuroepithelium, we established time-lapse imaging system by applying confocal laser-scanning microscopy for the rat spinal cord slice culture. By electroporation the spinal cord with expression plasmids of fluorescent proteins, nuclear movement of neuroepithelial cells and morphological change on their radial fibers were clearly visualized. Four-dimensional (4-D) time-lapse analyses allowed us to investigate the spatiotemporal dynamics of neuroepithelial cells. These approaches make it possible to analyze functions of genes that regulate cell kinetics and cell morphology.
  • 高橋将文, 大隅典子
    発生における細胞増殖制御 77-85 2004年2月  
  • 笠井謙次, 高橋将文, 西巻春明, 益田健史, 竹尾友宏, 楊朝隆, 池田洋, 大隅典子, 伊藤元
    生化学 74(11) 1384 2002年11月25日  
  • 高橋将文, 佐藤健一, 大隅典子
    遺伝子医学別冊:図で観る発生・再生医学実験マニュアル 22-35 2002年7月  

