
鯉渕 晴美

コイブチ ハルミ  (Harumi Koibuchi)


自治医科大学 医学部 臨床検査医学講座 准教授
博士(医学)(2012年8月 自治医科大学)






  • Kei Konno, Harumi Koibuchi, Sayaka Yamamoto, Yamato Tada, Toru Kameda, Nobuyuki Taniguchi
    Journal of medical ultrasonics (2001) 50(1) 115-115 2023年1月  
  • Harumi Koibuchi, Mai Ishikawa, Sayaka Yamamoto, Kei Konno, Hirofumi Okada, Yusuke Amano, Toshiyuki Yamada, Nobuyuki Taniguchi
    Journal of ultrasound 2022年12月27日  
    This report presents a case of malignant melanoma in a 40-year-old male who underwent resection of the tumor in his right ankle. Eleven months after the resection, a subcutaneous mass was observed on his right femur. Ultrasound examination revealed a hypoechoic tubular structure in the right thigh, with a small amount of blood flow in the lesion. Using ultrasound and fine-needle aspiration, the patient was diagnosed with metastasis and lymphovascular invasion of malignant melanoma. Treatment with an immune checkpoint inhibitor was originally scheduled, but the lesion disappeared spontaneously after the fine-needle aspiration.
  • Kei Konno, Harumi Koibuchi, Sayaka Yamamoto, Yamato Tada, Toru Kameda, Nobuyuki Taniguchi
    Journal of medical ultrasonics (2001) 49(3) 471-480 2022年7月  
    PURPOSE: Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) under ultrasound guidance is clinically useful, but there is a risk of spreading infection by generating droplets of contaminated fluids during the procedure. Risk assessment to better control infection remains to be established. The aim of this study was to estimate infection risks during FNAC by visualization of droplet production and deposition using a simulation model. METHODS: The simulation comprised a puncture needle, a device for holding the needle, and a fluid specimen containing fluorescent particles as a model. Simulating each step of FNAC (removal of the inner and outer cylinder and transferring the specimen onto a glass slide), the generation and deposition of droplets were visualized using a laser. RESULTS: After removal of the inner cylinder, an aerosol of droplets in the air surrounding the needle was observed. After removal of the outer cylinder, several large droplets precipitating onto the circumjacent surface were observed. From the beginning of transferring the specimen, a large amount of sizeable droplets first moving away and then precipitating was observed, followed by the production of a cluster of fine droplets drifting and spreading through the air. CONCLUSIONS: Here, the generation of droplets at each step of FNAC, precipitation of large droplets onto the circumjacent surface, and drifting and spreading through the air of fine droplets was visualized. These results emphasize the need for precautions to prevent the transmission of infectious agents during FNAC.
  • Toru Kameda, Harumi Koibuchi, Kei Konno, Nobuyuki Taniguchi
    Journal of medical ultrasonics (2001) 49(3) 415-423 2022年7月  
    PURPOSE: This study aimed to assess the feasibility and efficiency of self-learning with or without self-training (subjects performed scans on themselves) and telepresence instruction in focused cardiac ultrasound (FOCUS) education for medical students. METHODS: This study included 24 medical students. The participants initially completed a written pre-test and were randomized into a video lecture (participants watched a video lecture) or self-training (participants watched a video lecture and self-performed FOCUS) group. After finishing self-learning, they completed a written post-test. Then they undertook a skill pre-test and a first perception survey. Telepresence instruction was then provided. Finally, they undertook a skill post-test and a second perception survey. RESULTS: The written post-test total scores were significantly higher than the pre-test total scores (P < 0.001). In the skill pre-test, the scores for the video lecture and self-training groups were not significantly different (P = 0.542). The skill post-test total scores were significantly higher than the skill pre-test total scores (P = 0.008). Forty-two percent of the video lecture group participants agreed that the video lecture was effective preparation for the skill pre-test, while all participants in the same group agreed that the combination of the video lecture and telepresence instruction was effective preparation for the skill post-test. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated the feasibility and efficiency of self-learning followed by telepresence instruction on FOCUS for medical students.
  • Toru Kameda, Nobuyuki Taniguchi, Kei Konno, Harumi Koibuchi, Kiyoka Omoto, Kouichi Itoh
    Journal of medical ultrasonics (2001) 49(2) 217-230 2022年4月  
    The concept of point-of-care ultrasound has been widely accepted owing to the development of portable ultrasound systems and growing body of evidence concerning its extensive utility. Thus, it is reasonable to suggest that training to use this modality be included in undergraduate medical education. Training in ultrasonography helps medical students learn basic subjects such as anatomy and physiology, improve their physical examination skills, and acquire diagnostic and procedural skills. Technological advances such as simulators, affordable handheld devices, and tele-ultrasound systems can facilitate undergraduate ultrasound education. Several reports have indicated that some medical schools have integrated ultrasound training into their undergraduate medical curricula. Jichi Medical University in Japan has been providing medical students with ultrasound education to fulfill part of its mission to provide medical care to rural areas. Vertical integration of ultrasound education into a curriculum seems reasonable to ensure skill retention and improvement. However, several issues have hampered the integration of ultrasound into medical education, including a lack of trained faculty, the need to recruit human models, requisition of ultrasound machines for training, and limited curricular space; proposed solutions include peer teaching, students as trained simulated patients, the development of more affordable handheld devices, and a flipped classroom approach with access to an e-learning platform, respectively. A curriculum should be developed through multidisciplinary and bottom-up student-initiated approaches. Formulating national and international consensuses concerning the milestones and curricula can promote the incorporation of ultrasound training into undergraduate medical education at the national level.


  • Y Fujii, T Shinozaki, H Koibuchi, T Ono, K Omoto, N Taniguchi, K Itoh
    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ULTRASOUND 32(7) 361-364 2004年9月  
    We describe the sonographic findings in a case of Lennert's lymphoma, a rare type of peripheral T-cell lymphoma, involving the subcutaneous tissues of the arm. The sonographic appearance was thought to be more helpful than MRI to establish the diagnosis. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • 鯉渕 晴美, 中村 みちる, 増澤 亜紀, 柏井 良文, 桃井 真里子, 伊東 紘一
    日本小児科学会雑誌 108(5) 778-781 2004年5月1日  
  • 尾本 きよか, 穂積 康夫, 水沼 洋文, 永井 秀雄, 鯉渕 晴美, 藤井 康友, 小野 倫子, 谷口 信行, 伊東 紘一
    Journal of medical ultrasonics = 超音波医学 31(Suppl.) S316-S316 2004年4月15日  
  • 鯉渕 晴美, 尾本 きよか, 尾本 和, 穂積 康夫, 水沼 洋文, 永井 秀雄, 小野 倫子, 藤井 康友, 谷口 信行, 伊東 紘一
    Journal of medical ultrasonics = 超音波医学 31(Suppl.) S317-S317 2004年4月15日  
  • 小野 倫子, 谷口 信行, 鯉渕 晴美, 藤井 康友, 尾本 きよか, 伊東 絋一, 岡田 孝, 原田 烈光
    Journal of medical ultrasonics = 超音波医学 31(Suppl.) S361-S361 2004年4月15日  
  • 鯉渕 晴美, 中村 みちる, 谷口 信行, 小野 倫子, 藤井 康友, 重田 浩一朗, 尾本 きよか, 安里 満信, 伊東 紘一
    Journal of medical ultrasonics = 超音波医学 31(2) J97-J101 2004年3月15日  
  • NAKAMURA Michiru, TANIGUCHI Nobuyuki, KAWAI Fukiko, YOKOTA Kyoko, ONO Tomoko, WANG Yi, SHIGETA Kouichiro, OMOTO Kiyoka, KOIBUCHI Harumi, ITOH Kouichi
    Journal of medical ultrasonics : official journal of the Japan Society of Ultrasonics in Medicine 30(3) 187-192 2003年9月15日  
  • 小野 倫子, 谷口 信行, 鯉渕 晴美, 藤井 康友, 尾本 きよか, 中村 みちる, 伊東 紘一
    Journal of medical ultrasonics = 超音波医学 30(4) J555-J560 2003年7月15日  
    症例1(39歳女).Subcutaneous panniculitic T-cell lymphomaのためプレドニゾロン,シクロスポリンを服用していた.右上肺野に浸潤影を指摘され,さらに右膝窩部および背部に腫瘤が出現し増大してきた.超音波検査で左背部腫瘤は境界明瞭な低エコー腫瘤として認められた.右大腿,両側下腿の筋層内にも背部と同様なパターンを示す腫瘤が多発していた.背部腫瘤の膿汁・喀痰・血液培養からNocardia farcinicaが検出され,胸部所見から肺ノカルジア症の筋層内および肺内への血行性播種と考えられた.パニペネム・ベタミプロン治療でCRPおよび胸部異常陰影は速やかに改善した.症例2(67歳男).類天疱瘡の再発でプレドニンとdouble filtration plasmapheressis療法を併用していた.右上腕,項部,背部,臀部に表面平滑で軟らかい皮下腫瘤が出現し,次第に増大してきた.左臀部腫瘤の生検を行い,Nocardia asteroidesが検出されたため,多発性ノカルジア膿瘍と診断した.ミノサイクリンおよびジアフェニルスルフォンの経口投与を開始した.超音波検査で腫瘤の大きさは変わらないが,内部に隔壁が生じていた.さらにアミカシンを併用したところ,腫瘤は触知しなくなり,胸部異常陰影は消失した
  • 鯉渕 晴美, 中村 みちる, 谷口 信行, 小野 倫子, 野崎 靖之, 白石 裕比湖, 桃井 真里子, 伊東 紘一
    Journal of medical ultrasonics = 超音波医学 30(3) J343-J347 2003年5月15日  
  • 河野 幹彦, 久保 信彦, 谷口 信行, 大原 智子, 中村 みちる, 渋谷 泰寛, 尾本 きよか, 重田 浩一朗, 小野 倫子, 鯉渕 晴美, 伊東 紘一
    臨床病理 51(4) 375-379 2003年4月25日  
  • 渋谷 泰寛, 鯉渕 晴美, 大野 高司, 伊東 紘一
    日本臨床微生物学雑誌 = The journal of the Japanese Society for Clinical Microbiology 13(1) 15-18 2003年4月21日  
  • M Nakamura, T Shinozaki, N Taniguchi, H Koibuchi, M Momoi, K Itoh
    ACTA PAEDIATRICA 92(12) 1422-1426 2003年  
    Aim: To evaluate the diagnostic potential of voiding urosonography (VUS) compared with fluoroscopic voiding cystourethrography (VCUG) under identical conditions and to evaluate potential reasons for false-negative VUS results, particularly regarding bladder concentrations of the US contrast agent, Levovist. Methods: Fifty-six paediatric patients (M/F 34/22, mean age 2.3 y, age range 1 mo-14 y) underwent simultaneous VUS and VCUG under identical conditions. The bladder was filled by simultaneous administration of Levovist and the X-ray contrast medium, DIP Conray. Levovist concentrations in bladders were calculated using amounts of Levovist injected and total DIP Conray infused when reflux was first observed in either procedure. Results: Sensitivities of VUS and VCUG for detection of vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) were both 86%, assuming that VUR detected by either method represented a true-positive, and no reflux by either method represented a true-negative. Patients under 24-mo of age displayed a better VUS sensitivity, of 94%. Levovist concentrations in bladders ranged from 1.8% to 23%, with older children tending to demonstrate increased bladder capacity and lower concentration. All VUS false-negative units displayed Levovist bladder concentrations of less than 5%. Conclusion: The present simultaneous study suggests that: 1) the two techniques demonstrate similar sensitivity for detection of reflux; 2) sustained Levovist bladder concentrations of below 5% may not allow detection of reflux on VUS; and 3) VUS represents a suitable technique, particularly for small children whose bladder capacity is not so large.
  • 河野 幹彦, 久保 信彦, 谷口 信行, 大原 智子, 中村 みちる, 渋谷 泰寛, 尾本 きよか, 重田 浩一朗, 小野 倫子, 鯉渕 晴美, 伊東 紘一
    臨床病理 50 97-97 2002年10月30日  
  • 鯉渕 晴美, 渋谷 泰寛, 久保 信彦, 河野 幹彦, 伊東 紘一
    臨床病理 50(10) 992-999 2002年10月20日  
  • 鯉渕 晴美, 渋谷 泰寛, 飯野 真由, 本間 洋子, 伊東 紘一
    日本臨床微生物学雑誌 = The journal of the Japanese Society for Clinical Microbiology 11(3) 154-159 2001年11月10日  
  • 横田 京子, 伊東 紘一, 中村 みちる, 鯉渕 晴美, 桃井 真里子
    日本小児科学会雑誌 105(11) 1222-1226 2001年11月1日  
  • 中村 みちる, 谷口 信行, 川井 夫規子, 横田 京子, 小野 倫子, 王 怡, 重田 浩一朗, 尾本 きよか, 鯉渕 晴美, 伊東 紘一
    Journal of medical ultrasonics = 超音波医学 28(6) J927-J932 2001年9月15日  

