日本ルーラルナーシング学会誌 14 15-28 2019年3月[目的]地域ケア実践看護師のコンピテンシーを明らかにする。[方法]研究対象は、A大学で開発した地域ケアスキル・トレーニングプログラムの受講者と看護管理者で同意の得られた者47名に、半構成的面接法を実施した。分析方法は質的内容分析をした。[結果]地域ケア実践看護師のコンピテンシーは、『ICT等による新たな学習方法を通して学習スタイルを拡大し継続する力』『地域で培われた対象者の価値観・関係性を包括的に把握する力』『地域内外の資源を調整し、工夫する力』『対象者が地域で暮らし続けるためのヘルスケアチームづくりおよびチームを育成する力』『医師との協働により隙間のない医療体制を創り上げる力』の5つが生成された。(著者抄録)
栃木精神医学 36 25 2016年12月自治医科大学附属病院では2003年より腎移植診療を開始しているが、同時期からドナー候補者に対して第三者による意思確認として全例精神科医師による面談が行われ、移植手術の適否についての判断をしてきた。今回われわれは2009年1月から2014年6月の期間に生体腎移植でのドナー候補に対する精神科医による面接116件に関して、当院倫理委員会に提出した「腎移植ドナーの意思決定に関する報告書」を後ろ向きに検討し、ドナーの腎臓提供の動機などの項目を調査し当院での生体腎移植の実際について報告した。レシピエントとドナーの関係の種類や提供の動機などを調査した。夫婦間、親子間などほぼ1親等間による提供で占められており、提供の動機としては「これまでのお礼、恩」や「今後も一緒に生きていきたい」というようなポジティブさを感じさせるものが最も多い一方で、ある種の義務感を感じさせる回答も多かった。臓器移植は臓器を「贈与」す
自治医科大学看護学ジャーナル 11 65-73 2014年3月自治医科大学看護学部の1期生から7期生までの卒業生の動向を知る目的で,卒業生を対象に郵送法による自記式質問紙調査を実施した。本稿では回答の得られた178名を対象に,卒業後の現状と看護職を継続するための要因を探った。その結果,卒業直後よりも現在の方が就業者数は減少しているにも関わらず,保健師職や助産師職の就業者数は増加していた。また,卒業直後の就業先選択理由として,(1)教育研修の充実,(2)実習施設であったが主であった。職場の満足理由として,(1)知識・技術が学べる,(2)職場の人間関係が良い,休みが保障されている,(3)やりがいがある,人の役に立つ等があげられていた。一方,転職経験のあった回答者は約4割で,卒業後3年目までの転職が約7割を占めていた。転職理由の多くは,結婚や他にやりたいことがあったなどであった。今後,へき地での勤務を希望する卒業生の割合は,回答者の約3割を占めていた。今後は同窓会との協力支援体制を強化し,卒業後1年目から3年目を対象とした資格取得や看護職のサポートシステム(活躍している卒業生との交流,資格取得やへき地での勤務に関する情報提供等)を検討する必要性が示唆された。(著者抄録)
Seishin shinkeigaku zasshi = Psychiatria et neurologia Japonica 114 1133-1148 2012年 査読有り
PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES 65(3) 226-232 2011年 査読有りAims: This study aimed to make a comparison of the mental health status between Japanese-Brazilian children in Japan and in Brazil. Methods: A total of 331 Japanese-Brazilian children at five Brazilian schools in Japan (Japanese Group), and 172 Japanese-Brazilian children at one private school in Sao Paulo (Brazilian Group) were enrolled in statistical analyses. The Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire was applied for parents, teachers, and students who were aged over 11 years old. Results: The total comparison of the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire scores between the two groups demonstrated that all the average symptom scores except prosocial behavior were significantly higher in the Japanese Group by parent report. By teacher report, the average symptom scores of conduct problems, hyperactivity, peer problems and total difficulties were significantly higher in the Japanese Group, while that of the prosocial behavior was significantly higher in the Brazilian Group. Dividing parent and teacher reports into two age ranges, similar results to the total comparison were seen in the parent report in the age range of 4-10-year-olds and both parent and teacher reports in that of 11-16-year-olds, while in the teacher report for 4-10-year-olds, only conduct problems and total difficulties score showed significantly higher average scores in the Japanese Group. By self-report, the average symptom scores of emotional symptoms, peer problems and total difficulties score were significantly higher in the Japanese Group. Conclusion: The results indicate poorer mental health status in the Japanese Group than the Brazilian Group, and suggest the adverse circumstances of the former group both at their homes and schools.
ASIA-PACIFIC PSYCHIATRY 2(2) 92-98 2010年6月 査読有りIntroduction Although the mental health of Japanese-Brazilian children in Japan has become a matter of concern, few studies have employed a psychological approach and no research of these children's mental health has previously been performed at Brazilian schools in Japan. Methods The present study used a sample of 241 children aged 4 to 10 years at five Brazilian schools in Japan. The Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire was applied for their guardians and teachers to detect the probable cases of mental disorders. Demographic data of the children were also collected from their guardians and a further analysis was made to determine the risk factors of the probable cases of conduct disorders. Results The proportion of probable cases was 0.8% for emotional disorders, 9.1% for conduct disorders, 2.1% for hyperactivity disorders, and 10.0% for any psychiatric disorder. The detected risk factors of conduct disorders were male sex, 8 to 10 years of age, living without a father, and not talking often with their teacher. Discussion The proportions of probable cases of mental disorders were not as high compared to general prevalence ranges or earlier studies. Considering the school and home situation of the children, living without a father seemed to be the foremost risk factor of conduct disorders.
Seishin shinkeigaku zasshi = Psychiatria et neurologia Japonica 109(3) 215-227 2007年 査読有り
PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES 60(4) 452-457 2006年8月 査読有りFew studies have investigated the long-term course of patients with acute polymorphic psychotic disorder, despite the clinical relevance. The present study focused on the frequency of acute polymorphic psychotic disorder without symptoms of schizophrenia (F23.0) and the prognosis of patients with the disorder over a long period. A total of 388 inpatients with nonaffective psychosis were examined and cases with F23.0 were retrospectively investigated regarding clinical course over 12 years with reference to clinical charts. A total of 16 cases were diagnosed with F23.0 according to first episode. After 12 years, five cases were rediagnosed with schizophrenia, and one case with borderline-type emotionally unstable personality disorder, although the diagnosis of F23.0 was not changed in 10 older patients. Of the four cases with > 2 repeated episodes of F23.0, the same clinical picture as in the first episode was observed in three, while one case showed continuous residual symptoms. F23.0 does not represent a homogeneous clinical entity. In some cases, diagnosis changes to schizophrenia, but others display repeated episodes of F23.0.
Seishin shinkeigaku zasshi = Psychiatria et neurologia Japonica 108 217-231 2006年 査読有り
Seishin shinkeigaku zasshi = Psychiatria et neurologia Japonica 106 342-348 2004年 査読有り
Seishin shinkeigaku zasshi = Psychiatria et neurologia Japonica 105(1) 28-35 2003年 査読有り
Ryoikibetsu shokogun shirizu 266-270 2003年 査読有り
PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES 56(1) 55-64 2002年2月 査読有りThe aim of the present study was to assess the mental health status of Japanese-Brazilians living in Kiyoharadai, Japan and compare the findings with the Japanese-Brazilians living in Bauru, Brazil. A comparative community-based mental health survey was conducted from November 1997 to April 1999 on a randomly selected sample of Brazilians of Japanese descent living in Bauru, Brazil (n=213) and on the entire Brazilian community of Kiyoharadai, Utsunomiya, Japan (n=158), using the self-reporting questionnaire (SRQ-20). Analysis was done by chi(2) Fisher and multiple logistic regression. Scores indicating probable cases of minor psychiatric disorders, were found in 3.2% of the community in Bauru city and 17.8% (OR=7.01) of the community in Kiyoharadai. The sociodemographic data indicated that those with high SRQ-20 scores were most likely to be female (OR=2.98), smokers (OR=2.76). and those whose former occupation was student when living in Brazil (OR=9.57). The mental health status of the Japanese-Brazilians living in Kiyoharadai, Japan is significantly worse than that of the community living in Bauru, Brazil, particularly among women, smokers and those who were students when living in Brazil. Further research concerning the mental health of this community is necessary and assistance provided.
Seishin shinkeigaku zasshi = Psychiatria et neurologia Japonica 104(11) 1069-1090 2002年 査読有り
Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 55(2) 127-130 2001年 査読有りThe comparatively high salaries made in Japan are attractive to many Japanese-Brazilians. The number of individuals from this ethnic group being treated in Japanese mental hospitals has increased. We hypothesized that Japanese-Brazilian patients with panic disorders adjusted better to Japanese society and culture than those with other mental disorders. The subjects in the present study are 40 Japanese-Brazilian patients undergoing treatment at the Department of Psychiatry at Jichi Medical School, Japan, from May 1990 to September 1998. Patients were divided into a panic disorder group, a schizophrenic group, a mood disorder group and a neurosis group. Demographic data (Japanese language ability, duration of residence in Japan etc.) were collected. A comparison was made among the four groups. Patients in the panic disorder group showed a significant tendency to be fluent speakers of Japanese. Patients in the panic disorder group also had been in Japan for a significantly longer period of time than those in the other three groups. Japanese ability and length of residence in Japan rule out exacerbating factors due to a foreign living environment. Panic disorder patients usually have resolved the problems inherent in living and working in a foreign country. In general, Japanese-Brazilians are more comfortable both financially and socially in Japan than other foreign laborers because of their cultural and family background. The emotional conflict experienced by such patients may result from concern over whether to live in Brazil or Japan in the future. Their ethnic and cultural identity may be confused, fluctuating between identifying with Brazil and with Japan, and this may cause vague feelings of anxiety.
Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 55(4) 415-417 2001年 査読有りCarbamazepine-induced pitch perception shifts have rarely been described. Two cases of shifted pitch perception developing during medication with carbamazepine are described. Case 1 possessed absolute pitch. Her pitch perception shift disappeared with the discontinuance of carbamazepine. Case 2 did not have absolute pitch. Even though he experienced a pitch perception shift, he developed a tolerance to the shift. We concluded that carbamazepine was the cause of the pitch perception shift in the first case, while the second case probably became attuned to the change in pitch perception because he did not possess absolute pitch.
自治医科大学紀要 = Jichi Medical University Journal 35 35-47 2013年3月In this study, the research target̶10 schizophrenic patients who received home-visit care by a Greater Tokyo-based internal medicine clinic̶were classified in two patient groups: a no-current-treatment group,such as" never received treatment" or" treatment stopped," and an ongoing treatment group. An analysis of these groups was made by considering the actual process of introduction to home-visit care, present stateof psychiatric treatment, physical complications, details of treatment intervention, and the outcome of theillness. The cases receiving home visits accompanied by support, and the changes observed in cases and familymembers, were evaluated at the time of the initial visit and at 3, 6, and 12 months. Ratings on relevant scalesshowed that both patient groups had a tendency toward maintenance or improvement of both the patient'smental and physical functioning and the family-care capacity. In particular, the patient's mental functioning andthe family-care capacity were significantly improved at the sixth month after the initial home visit in patientsin the no-current treatment group, when compared to the ongoing treatment group. Schizophrenic patientswith physical complications often develop into more difficult cases; however, it was suggested that home carefor both the mental and physical conditions could contribute to a cure, with the participation of physiatristsacting as team members of home medical care institutions for internal medicine, enabling the above integratedapproach to both aspects.
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2017年4月 - 2020年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2015年4月 - 2019年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2012年4月 - 2015年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2010年 - 2012年
2005年 - 2010年