Cancer gene therapy 2024年10月10日This study explores a novel therapeutic approach for peritoneal metastasis (PM) using AAV-mediated delivery of tumor suppressor microRNA-29b (miR-29b) to peritoneal mesothelial cells (PMC). AAV serotypes 2 and DJ demonstrate high transduction efficiency for human and murine PMC, respectively. In vitro analysis indicates that AAV vectors encoding miR-29b precursor successfully elevate miR-29b expression in PMC and their secreted small extracellular vesicle (sEV), thereby inhibiting mesothelial mesenchymal transition and reducing subsequent attachment of tumor cells. A single intraperitoneal (IP) administration of AAV-DJ-miR-29b demonstrates robust and sustained transgene expression, suppressing peritoneal fibrosis and inhibiting the development of PM from gastric and pancreatic cancers. Additionally, AAV-DJ-miR-29b enhances the efficacy of IP chemotherapy using paclitaxel, restraining the growth of established PM. While conventional gene therapy for cancer encounters challenges targeting tumor cells directly but delivering miRNA to the tumor stroma offers a straightforward and efficient means of altering the microenvironment, leading to substantial inhibition of tumor growth. AAV-mediated miR-29b delivery to peritoneum via IP route presents a simple, minimally invasive, and promising therapeutic strategy for refractory PM.
World Journal of Surgery 2024年6月24日Abstract Background Osteopenia reflects frailty and has been shown to be associated with outcomes in cancer patients. This study was undertaken to examine whether osteopenia is an independent prognostic factor in patients with esophageal cancer after resection. Methods A total of 214 patients who underwent surgery for esophageal cancer were analyzed retrospectively. Bone mineral density (BMD) of the 11th thoracic vertebra was measured by computed tomography scan, and patients classified into osteopenia and normal BMD groups with BMD <160 Hounsfield units as the cutoff. Clinicopathological data and prognosis were analyzed. Results The 5‐year survival rate was 55.4% for the osteopenia group and 74.7% for the normal BMD group with a significantly worse prognosis in the osteopenia group (p = 0.0080). In multivariable analysis, osteopenia was a significant independent risk factor associated with overall survival (hazard ratio [HR] 1.90, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.27–3.34, and p = 0.0151) along with R1/2 resection (HR 3.02, 95% CI 1.71–5.18, and p = 0.0002). Conclusion In patients with esophageal cancer undergoing resection, osteopenia may be a surrogate marker for frailty and an independent predictor of prognosis.
Scientific Reports 14(1) 2024年4月3日Abstract The vagus nerve is the only pathway for transmitting parasympathetic signals between the brain and thoracoabdominal organs, thereby exhibiting anti-inflammatory functions through the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway. Despite often being resected during lymph node dissection in upper gastrointestinal cancer surgery, the impact of vagotomy on postoperative outcomes in gastric cancer patients remains unclear. Sub-diaphragmatic vagotomy was performed on C57BL/6 mice. Three weeks later, syngeneic murine gastric cancer cell line YTN16P was injected into the peritoneal cavity, and the number of peritoneal metastases (PM) on the mesentery and omentum compared with control mice. The phenotypes of immune cells in peritoneal lavage and omental milky spots one day after tumor inoculation were analyzed using flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry. Intraperitoneal transfer of 3 × 105 YTN16P significantly increased the number of metastatic nodules on the mesentery in the vagotomy group compared to the control group. The omental metastasis grade was also significantly higher in the vagotomy group. Phenotypic analysis of immune cells in peritoneal lavage did not reveal significant differences after vagotomy. However, vagotomized mice exhibited a notable increase in milky spot area, with a higher presence of cytokeratin(+) tumor cells, F4/80(+) macrophages, and CD3(+) T cells. Vagus nerve signaling appears to regulate the immune response dynamics within milky spots against disseminated tumor cells and inhibits the development of PM. Preserving the vagus nerve may offer advantages in advanced gastric cancer surgery to reduce peritoneal recurrence.
SURGERY TODAY-THE JAPANESE JOURNAL OF SURGERY 29(8) 689-694 1999年The results of surgical treatment for advanced esophageal cancer remain extremely poor. Irradiation and chemotherapy are not superior to surgery. Perioperative morbidity and the influence on long-term survival of a combination of surgery and preoperative chemotherapy were investigated in patients with advanced esophageal cancer, Forty-nine patients with advanced esophageal squamous cell carcinoma were subjected to preoperative chemotherapy of cisplatin-5-fluorouracil. Fifty-seven patients were chosen as a historical control group who had not undergone chemotherapy before surgery but had the same histological stages as the chemotherapy group, The response to chemotherapy was assessed by histological studies of surgical specimens. The survival rates noted no significant difference between preoperative chemotherapy plus surgery and a resection alone. However, subclassification according to the grading of chemotherapeutic effectiveness showed that, compared with control, preoperative chemotherapy was beneficial to high responders (P = 0.01), ineffective in low responders (P = 0.61), and detrimental to nonresponders (P = 0.03). Postoperative morbidity was significantly higher in the chemotherapy group than in the control group (P = 0.02). These findings suggest that preoperative chemotherapy is necessary only for high responders and we therefore need to reliably identify non-, low, and high responders before chemotherapy to improve the survival and quality of life of patients with advanced esophageal cancer.
Biotherapy 12(12) 1567-1572 1998年12月ラット腹水肝癌AH130をドンリュウラットの門脈内に注入,又は回盲部腸間膜リンパ節に注射して,それぞれ肝転移モデル,リンパ節転移モデルを作製した.肝転移モデルでは腫瘍移植後14及び16日目に開腹し,総量6μgのIL-12DNAプラスミドを転移巣を含む肝表面に射入した.リンパ節転移モデルでは,腫瘍移植後7及び9日目に開腹して総量4μgのIL-12DNAプラスミドを腫瘤に直接射入した.コントロールとして,各群とも同用のスケジュールでβ-galactosidase遺伝子を導入した.肝転移モデルではコントロール群と比べてIL-12遺伝子導入により有意に延命効果が認められた.IL-12を導入した肝転移部位では腫瘍の縮小化が認められ,組織学的に壊死性変化が認められた.一方,リンパ節転移モデルは,本プロトコールでは十分な治療効果が認められなかった
自治医科大学紀要 21 101-109 1998年12月食道癌手術160症例について臨床病理学的検討を行った.男132例,女28例,平均年齢は64歳.腫瘍径は平均50mm,リンパ節転移陽性例は陰性例に比べ有意に大きかった(p<0.05).深達度が粘膜層迄ではリンパ節転移を認めなかったが,粘膜下層に及ぶとリンパ節転移の頻度は50%,固有筋層に及ぶと76%.食道癌取扱い規約に基づく組織学的進行度別の5年生存率は,Stage III,IVが各々41%,14%.リンパ節転移が高率に認められる食道癌の治療は手術療法が中心となるが,高度進行癌では化学療法や放射線療法等を加えた集学的治療が食道癌全体の予後の改善に重要である.リンパ節転移が低い表在癌では内視鏡的粘膜切除の適応を考慮すべきであり,QOLを考慮した的確な治療法の選択が求められる
癌と化学療法 25(11) 1761-1765 1998年9月大腸癌肺転移症例に対して,doxifluridine(5'-DFUR, Furtulon)とmitomycin C(MMC)の併用療法を施行し,有効であったと考えられた3症例を経験した.いずれの症例もcisplatin(CDDP)と5-fluorouracil(5-FU)の化学療法中或いは化学療法後に増悪した状態にも拘わらず,5'-DFURとMMCの併用療法で,癌の進行を抑えることができた.5'-DFURとMMCの併用療法は外来通院で可能であり,重篤な副作用もなくquality of lifeの面からも有効な治療法となる可能性が示唆された
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 59(7) 1833-1837 1998年7月62歳男で嚥下障害を主訴に近医を受診し,内視鏡検査で胸部下部食道に潰瘍性病変を認めた.画像診断より進行食道癌と診断し,CDDP, 5FUの術前化学療法を施行した後に根治手術を施行した.摘出標本では下部食道に6×3cmの腫瘍を認めた.病理組織学的には,顆粒状のクロマチンと核小体を有する多型性の核と少量の胞体を持つ細胞がび漫性に増殖していた.又腫瘍周囲のごく一部に低分化な扁平上皮癌の像も認められた.び漫性に増殖していた腫瘍細胞は免疫染色にてNSEとSynaptophysinが陽性で,電子顕微鏡では内分泌顆粒を認めた
栃木県医学会々誌 28 140-143 1998年6月EMRは非常に有用な治療法であるが,適応に関して慎重であるべきである.再発,相対的適応症例に対しては患者の全身状態とQOLを考慮した追加治療を行い,予後の改善に努めることが今後の課題である
Gastroenterological Endoscopy 40(4) 699-704 1998年4月症例は62歳女で心窩部不快感を主訴とし,上部消化管造影にて幽門狭窄像を認めたため胃癌を疑われた.既往歴では48歳より胆石を指摘されていた.胃内視鏡検査にて,前庭部の前壁に境界明瞭な隆起性病変を認めた.中心部に陥凹を伴い,内視鏡所見では胃粘膜下腫瘍とも胃癌とも言い難い所見を呈していた.しかし10日後の内視鏡像が変化したこと,ならびに追加したCT,超音波内視鏡,経静脈的胆道造影を総合的に検討し,胆石,胆嚢炎が胃前庭部に波及した状態であると判断した.手術所見では,胆嚢は強固に前庭部に癒着し胆嚢内の結石と胃との瘻孔を認めた.根治手術を行い順調に経過した
Biotherapy 12(12) 1567-1572 1998年Using a hand-held gene gun which accelerates DNA-coated microparticles, we examined the effects of interleukin-12 (IL-12) gene transfection on two models of rat gastrointestinal metastasis. AH130 cells were injected into portal vein and ileocecal mesenterium lymph node of Donryu rats, as a liver and lymphnode metastatic model, respectively. Total amounts of 6 μg of IL- 12 DNA coated gold particles were transferred into the liver with metastatic tumors by pressurized helium gas of 300 psi (1 psi=6,890 Pa) on day 14 and 16 after the tumor inoculation. Four mg of IL-12 DNA was given into the lymph node metastatic tumor on day 7 and 9 after tumor cell injection. The corresponding amounts of β-galactosidase were given by the identical route as a control for each group. Compared with the control group, IL-12 gene therapy was statistically effective for the inhibition of tumor growth and for survival rates in the liver metastatic model. A few beneficial effect of IL-12 transduction were observed in the lymphnode metastatic model. From the standpoint of surgery or surgeons, this method has potential as a new strategy for cancer, especially as an intraoperative gene therapy.
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 59(1) 122-126 1998年1月71歳男.嚥下困難を主訴に来院した.食道造影,内視鏡検査で上部食道に全周性の狭窄を伴う隆起性病変を認めた.生検の病理組織では多形性の強い紡錘型細胞を主体とする細胞が増殖し,肉腫と診断した.食道癌取扱い規約での手術的進行度はStIV,切除度はRIII,根治度はCIであった.切除標本で腫瘤は8×4×2cmで,組織像は腫瘤部分で紡錘型細胞が肉腫様構造をとり一部に扁平上皮癌が混在していた.免疫染色で肉腫様成分においても上皮性マーカーであるepithelial membrane antigenが陽性であったことより紡錘型細胞が上皮細胞に由来することが示唆され,いわゆる癌肉腫と診断した.本症例は3群のリンパ節転移を認めていた.食道癌と同様に癌肉腫に対しても,全身状態を考慮して拡大郭清を伴う積極的な手術療法が必要である
自治医科大学紀要 20 119-124 1997年11月生後2ヵ月の男児,呼吸困難を主訴として緊急入院した.人工呼吸器管理下に胸部単純X線,CT,超音波,肺血流シンチ,血管造影を行い,先天性嚢胞状腺腫様肺奇形(CCAM)と診断した.手術所見では,腫瘤は左上葉に大きさ10×7×4cmで存在し,多数の嚢胞を認めた.左上葉切除術を施行し,術後経過は順調であった.組織学的検討により確定診断を得た.CCAMは外科的切除が原則であり,新生児期において胸腔内充実性腫瘤を認める場合は他の嚢胞性疾患との鑑別が必要とされる
日本臨床外科医学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japanese Practical Surgeon Society 58(7) 1513-1518 1997年7月25日
日本臨床外科医学会雑誌 58(7) 1513-1518 1997年7月30歳男.主訴は空腹時左季肋部痛,黒色便であった.胃内視鏡検査で体中部大彎にgiant fold様の限局性の隆起を主体とする粘膜下腫瘍様病変を認めた.小ビラン面があり,その部分よりの生検で粘膜固有層に浸潤する扁平上皮癌を認めた.胃全摘術,脾摘術,横行結腸部分切除術,胆摘術を施行した.切除標本では長径7cmの大きな腫瘍で,腫瘍部の大部分はsm以下に存在する扁平上皮癌であり,ビランの部分で粘膜内にsignet ring cell carcinomaを混ずる低分化型腺癌を認め,扁平上皮癌との間に移行像が認められ,胃原発腺扁平上皮癌と診断された.術後CDDPと5-FUによる化学療法を3回施行.術後1年3ヵ月の現在まで再発の兆候はない
Biotherapy 11(12) 1209-1216 1997年Gene gun is a material for gene transfection which accelerates DNA- coated microparticles to the target cells or tissue. Recently, it is applicable to various organs in vivo and to cancer gene therapy. Authors showed the recent results obtained by use of gene gun and described its outlook. This method has some advantages in that there is no need for use of vital vector, independence on the cell cycle and local inducement of plural genes. Various cytokines (IL-2, IL-6, IL-12, TNF-α, INF-γ, etc.) are introduced at the site of solid tumors, resulting in anti-tumor effects.
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2021年4月 - 2024年3月
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