
原尾 美智子

ハラオ ミチコ  (Michiko Harao)


自治医科大学 医学部外科学講座 消化器一般移植外科学部門 学内准教授
医学博士(2008年3月 熊本大学)







  • 川平 洋, 鈴木 義彦, 前田 佳孝, 淺田 義和, 倉科 憲太郎, 原尾 美智子, 遠藤 和洋, 笹沼 英紀, 鯉沼 広治, 山口 博紀, 佐久間 康成, 堀江 久永, 細谷 好則, 味村 俊樹, 北山 丈二, アラン・レフォー, 松山 泰, 佐田 尚宏
    医学教育 52(Suppl.) 107-107 2021年7月  
  • 佐々木 裕美子, 原尾 美智子, 相良 由佳, 芝 聡美, 西田 紗季, 宮崎 千絵子, 塩澤 幹雄, 櫻木 雅子, 藤田 崇史, 北山 丈二, 佐田 尚宏
    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集 29回 87-87 2021年7月  
  • 櫻木 雅子, 原尾 美智子, 丸藤 琴音, 扇原 香澄, 佐々木 裕美子, 芝 聡美, 西田 紗季, 松原 大祐, 北山 丈二, 佐田 尚宏
    日本臨床外科学会雑誌 82(5) 1014-1014 2021年5月  
  • 西田 紗季, 塩澤 幹雄, 櫻木 雅子, 原尾 美智子, 北山 丈二, 佐田 尚宏, 大城 久
    日本臨床外科学会雑誌 82(2) 344-349 2021年2月  
    症例は67歳,女性.乳癌検診異常で受診した.左乳房に低エコー腫瘤を認め,針生検の結果,腺様嚢胞癌が疑われた.左乳房温存術およびセンチネルリンパ節生検を施行し,病理組織学的診断はpT1N0M0 StageIA,腺様嚢胞癌(ER-,PgR-,HER2-,Ki-67 5%)であった.補助化学療法を考慮する症例であったが,予後良好と考えられたため,化学療法は省略し放射線治療のみ施行した.術後2年6ヵ月でCTにて左肺結節を指摘されたが,原発か転移性かの鑑別が困難であったため,胸腔鏡下左肺上葉切除およびリンパ節郭清を施行した.病理組織学的診断では腺様嚢胞癌の肺転移と診断された.他の特殊型乳癌が通常の浸潤性乳管癌に準じて補助化学療法を行うことが推奨されているが,乳腺腺様嚢胞癌は多くがtriple negative症例にも関わらず予後良好と言われ,腋窩リンパ節転移が陰性ならば補助化学療法は必要としないことが多い.今回,乳腺腺様嚢胞癌で術後肺転移を認めた症例を経験したので,若干の文献的考察を加え報告する.(著者抄録)
  • Naohiro Ishii, Michiko Harao, Tomoki Kiuchi, Shigeki Sakai, Takahiro Uno, Jiro Ando, Kazuo Kishi
    Gland Surgery 10(9) 2656-2662 2021年  
    Background: In silicone breast implant (SBI)-based breast reconstructions, aesthetic outcomes are often low due to the visible upper edge of the SBI. To ameliorate this, grafting fat harvested from the SBI operative field has not been reported to date. Therefore, we aimed to develop a novel technique for fat onlay-grafting, harvested from the inframammary fold (IMF) of the reconstructed breast, and investigate its usefulness. Methods: A total of 90 patients who underwent SBI-based breast reconstruction after a simple mastectomy were included in this study. The harvested fat was recorded by weight and grafted evenly to the medial and median upper edge of the SBI on the pectoralis major muscle. We applied this technique to 30 patients (fat onlay-grafting group) and compared them with the 60 patients (no-grafting group) who did not undergo our technique using the postoperative 1-year aesthetic outcome scores of the medial and median upper edge of the SBI. Furthermore, we investigated the correlation between the weight of harvested fat and body mass index. Results: No postoperative wound complications occurred, and infection, hardened fat, and fat lysis were not found in the fat onlay-grafting group. The medial and total aesthetic outcome scores in the fat onlaygrafting group were significantly higher than those in the no-grafting group (P&lt 0.05). The average weight of harvested fat was 11.9 [5-32] g. The correlation between the weight of the harvested fat and body mass index was significantly positive (R2=0.7119, P&lt 0.05). Conclusions: Our technique made the upper edge of the SBI invisible. Further, it was simple and less invasive with safe augmentation. Therefore, we believe that this technique can contribute to better aesthetic outcomes in SBI-based breast reconstruction.
  • Naohiro Ishii, Jiro Ando, Michiko Harao, Masaru Takemae, Kazuo Kishi
    Aesthetic plastic surgery 42(4) 964-970 2018年8月  
    BACKGROUND: In nipple reconstruction, the width, length, and thickness of modified star flaps are concerns for long-term reconstructed nipple projection. However, the flap's projection has not been analyzed, based on its thickness. The aim of the present study was to investigate how flap thickness in a modified star flap influences the resulting reconstructed nipple and achieves an appropriate flap width in design. METHODS: Sixty-three patients who underwent nipple reconstruction using a modified star flap following implant-based breast reconstruction between August 2014 and July 2016 were included in this case-controlled study. The length of laterally diverging flaps was 1.5 times their width. The thickness of each flap was measured using ultrasonography, and the average thickness was defined as the flap thickness. We investigated the correlation between the resulting reconstructed nipple and flap thickness, and the difference of the change in the reconstructed nipple projection after using a thin or thick flap. RESULTS: The average flap thickness was 3.8 ± 1.7 (range 2.5-6.0) mm. There was a significant, linear correlation between the flap thickness and resulting reconstructed nipple projection (β = 0.853, p < 0.01). Furthermore, the difference between the thin and thick flaps in the resulting reconstructed nipple projection was significant (p < 0.01). CONCLUSION: Measuring the flap thickness preoperatively may allow surgeons to achieve an appropriate flap width; otherwise, alternative methods for higher projection might be used. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE IV: This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors www.springer.com/00266 .
  • Michiko Harao, Jiro Ando, Hiroyuki Kamata, Nobuo Hoshi, Seiji Igarashi, Ryuzo Sekiguchi, Kokichi Sugano
    Breast cancer (Tokyo, Japan) 25(2) 243-249 2018年3月  
    Primary peritoneal carcinoma is usually advanced at diagnosis and curability is low unless the patient has a small tumor burden. Peritoneal carcinoma can occur in association with hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome, which is thought to account for 5-6% of all breast cancer. Mutations of two breast cancer susceptibility genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2, are responsible for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. Women with BRCA1/2 mutations often undergo risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy (RRSO) to prevent both ovarian and breast cancer. However, peritoneal carcinoma has been reported to develop after RRSO in patients with BRCA1/2 mutations. We experienced a patient with peritoneal carcinoma and inguinal lymph node metastasis after surgical resection of breast cancer and subsequent RRSO. This report describes the first case of peritoneal carcinoma arising after RRSO in a Japanese patient with BRCA1 mutation, including a review of the literature on peritoneal carcinoma associated with BRCA1/2 mutation.
  • Naohiro Ishii, Jiro Ando, Michiko Harao, Masaru Takemae, Kazuo Kishi
    Breast cancer (Tokyo, Japan) 25(1) 68-73 2018年1月  
    BACKGROUND: In breast reconstruction using a tissue expander (TE), sufficient coverage of the TE with the pectoralis major (PM) muscle, particularly with a musculofascial flap, is highly important for avoiding postoperative complications. In patients in whom the PM is thin, intraoperative trauma often occurs, leading to troublesome repair. The present study aimed to investigate the usefulness of preoperative measurement of PM thickness in planning of breast reconstruction using a TE. METHODS: In this case-control study, we identified 68 patients (70 breasts) with mammary carcinoma treated with simple mastectomy and TE insertion from April 2014 to December 2016. We measured average PM thickness at two specific points, sternocostal PM distance on the long axis and sternocostal PM area preoperatively using magnetic resonance imaging. Then, we analyzed the difference in PM thickness among individuals and its relationship to intraoperative trauma to the PM or surgical difficulty creating a muscular pocket (delicate PM). RESULTS: Average PM thickness was significantly larger in younger patients (p = 0.046) and those with larger breasts (p < 0.01). In addition, average PM thickness on the affected side was significantly smaller in patients with delicate PM (12 breasts) (p < 0.01). PM thickness had a significant influence on delicate or firm PM (odds ratio 27.40; 95% confidence interval 2.01-372.00; p = 0.013). CONCLUSION: These findings demonstrate the usefulness of preoperative measurement of PM thickness in planning of breast reconstruction using a TE. Dissection should be performed more carefully in patients with average PM thickness less than 2.9 mm.
  • Naohiro Ishii, Yusuke Shimizu, Jiro Ando, Michiko Harao, Masaru Takemae, Kazuo Kishi
    Archives of plastic surgery 45(1) 89-90 2018年1月  
  • Naohiro Ishii, Jiro Ando, Michiko Harao, Masaru Takemae
    Gland surgery 6(6) 729-732 2017年12月  
    Implant-based breast reconstruction can be performed using a choice of various types of breast implants. However, cases where the breast shapes are unsuitable for implant-based reconstruction method are occasionally encountered. We present two patients with wide trunks who underwent breast reconstruction using an unusual configuration that involved a latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap combined with two paranemic implants.
  • Naohiro Ishii, Jiro Ando, Michiko Harao, Masaru Takemae, Kazuo Kishi
    Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery : JPRAS 70(10) 1363-1368 2017年10月  
    Adjuvant chemotherapy and anti-estrogenic therapy can result in decreased volume of the contralateral breast, following mastectomy for the treatment of breast cancer. However, no data on the effect of adjuvant therapy on contralateral breast volume have previously been reported. We aimed to evaluate the extent to which adjuvant therapy and differences in breast density contribute to decreased breast volume. We conducted a prospective cohort study, selecting 40 nonconsecutive patients who underwent immediate breast reconstruction with mastectomy and expander insertion followed by expander replacement. We measured the contralateral breast volume before each procedure. The extent of the change was analyzed with respect to adjuvant therapy and breast density measured by preoperative mammography. The greatest decrease in breast volume was 135.1 cm3. The decrease in breast volume was significantly larger in the adjuvant therapy (+) group, particularly in patients with high breast density, than in the adjuvant therapy (-) group. Significant differences between the chemotherapy (+), tamoxifen (+) group and the chemotherapy (-), tamoxifen (+) group were not found. Breast density scores had a range of 2.0-3.3 (mean: 2.8). In breast reconstruction, particularly when performed in one stage, preoperative mammography findings are valuable to plastic surgeons, and possible decreases in the contralateral breast volume due to adjuvant therapy, particularly in patients with high breast density, should be considered carefully.
  • Michiko Harao, Marie-Andrée Forget, Jason Roszik, Hui Gao, Gildy V Babiera, Savitri Krishnamurthy, Jessica A Chacon, Shumin Li, Elizabeth A Mittendorf, Sarah M DeSnyder, Korrene F Rockwood, Chantale Bernatchez, Naoto T Ueno, Laszlo G Radvanyi, Luis Vence, Cara Haymaker, James M Reuben
    Cancer immunology research 5(6) 439-445 2017年6月  査読有り
    Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) highly infiltrated with CD8+ tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) has been associated with improved prognosis. This observation led us to hypothesize that CD8+ TIL could be utilized in autologous adoptive cell therapy for TNBC, although this concept has proven to be challenging, given the difficulty in expanding CD8+ TILs in solid cancers other than in melanoma. To overcome this obstacle, we used an agonistic antibody (urelumab) to a TNFR family member, 4-1BB/CD137, which is expressed by recently activated CD8+ T cells. This approach was first utilized in melanoma and, in this study, led to advantageous growth of TILs for the majority of TNBC tumors tested. The agonistic antibody was only added in the initial setting of the culture and yet favored the propagation of CD8+ TILs from TNBC tumors. These expanded CD8+ TILs were capable of cytotoxic functions and were successfully utilized to demonstrate the presence of immunogenic mutations in autologous TNBC tumor tissue without recognition of the wild-type counterpart. Our findings open the way for a successful adoptive immunotherapy for TNBC. Cancer Immunol Res; 5(6); 439-45. ©2017 AACR.
  • Naohiro Ishii, Jiro Ando, Michiko Harao, Masaru Takemae, Kazuo Kishi
    Eplasty 17 e22 2017年  
    Objective: In breast reconstruction, decision of projection of silicone breast implant in tissue expander replacement is difficult because of the need to consider several parameters that cannot be expressed in accurate numerical form. The present study aimed at a quantitative analysis based on decreased projection of the reconstructed side compared with silicone breast implant projection and to develop a new method for simple and practical decision of silicone breast implant projection. Methods: Thirty-five patients who had mammary carcinoma and were treated with simple mastectomy, tissue expander insertion, and replacement with anatomical silicone breast implant from April 2013 to March 2016 were retrospectively identified. We recorded the projection of used silicone breast implant (Pi). The projections of reconstructed breast 6 months after silicone breast implant insertion (Pr) and that of the unaffected breast during silicone breast implant selection (Pu) were measured. The difference between Pi and Pr was defined as the revised numerical value (Rev). We investigated whether Rev significantly differed according to age, body mass index, or Pu and analyzed correlations between Rev and age, Pu, and body mass index. Results: Mean Rev in all patients was 1.2 ± 0.3 cm. Rev was significantly higher in patients with higher body mass index than in those with lower body mass index (P < .01) and in patients with higher Pu than in those with lower Pu (P < .01). Significant positive correlations of Rev with body mass index and Pu were found (β = .63, P < .01 and β = .67, P < .01, respectively). Conclusions: Rev was a simple, practical, and cost-effective concept. We believe that it is a useful indicator for deciding silicone breast implant projection.
  • Naohiro Ishii, Jiro Ando, Michiko Harao, Masaru Takemae, Kazuo Kishi
    Eplasty 17 e23 2017年  
    Objective: It is generally difficult to achieve symmetry in implant-only breast reconstruction with ptosis, and it remains unclear what quantitative criterion may be applied in cases of breast ptosis regarding the application of this modality. Our study aimed to suggest a criterion for obtaining good aesthetic outcomes and a symmetrical inframammary fold that is well-fitting for the brassiere in implant-only breast reconstruction after simple mastectomy. Methods: We classified into 3 groups 50 consecutive patients who underwent implant-only breast reconstruction that created an inframammary fold using a modified internal method after simple mastectomy. The classification was based on the rostrocaudal distance along the chest wall between the lowest point of the breast the and the inframammary fold on the contralateral side (Dc, in millimeters). Thereafter, we compared this distance on the reconstructed side (Dr, in millimeters), Dc-Dr, and projection of the implant (Pi, in centimeters) between the groups and investigated the correlation between Dr and lower (Pi < 5.0 cm) and higher Pi (Pi ≥ 5.0 cm). Results: Dr was similar to Dc in groups 1 and 2 (0 ≤ Dc < 10 mm, 40/50 [80%]); however, Dr was significantly lesser than Dc in group 3 (Dc ≥ 10 mm, 10/50 [20%]). In addition, we found significant positive correlations between Dr and lower Pi and between Dr and higher Pi. Conclusions: A Dc below 10 mm may be a good indication for implant-only breast reconstruction. Furthermore, the modality may be applied where Dc is 7 mm or less in cases with lower Pi and where Dc is 13 mm or less in cases with higher Pi.
  • Mitri Khoury, Geok Choo Sim, Michiko Harao, Laszlo Radvanyi, Behrang Amini, Robert S Benjamin, Peter W T Pisters, Raphael E Pollock, William W Tseng
    BMJ case reports 2015 2015年7月8日  
    Liposarcomas are soft tissue sarcomas of adipocyte origin. We describe a case of a dedifferentiated retroperitoneal liposarcoma with an unusual presentation on recurrence as a large, multicystic tumour. The patient was a 72-year-old woman who had undergone multiple treatments including two prior resections. For her most recent locoregional disease recurrence, the patient was offered surgical debulking for symptom palliation. At this operation, performed after two cycles of chemotherapy, the tumour cyst fluid was analysed and found to have a predominance of immune cells with no identifiable malignant cells. This case and the results of our tumour cyst fluid analysis raise several interesting considerations for the management of this unique situation in a rare disease.
  • Yusuke Tomita, Michiko Harao, Satoru Senju, Katsunori Imai, Shinya Hirata, Atsushi Irie, Mitsuhiro Inoue, Yuki Hayashida, Kentaro Yoshimoto, Kenji Shiraishi, Takeshi Mori, Hiroaki Nomori, Hirotsugu Kohrogi, Yasuharu Nishimura
    Cancer science 102(1) 71-8 2011年1月  査読有り
    Insulin-like growth factor-II mRNA binding protein 3 (IMP-3) is an oncofetal protein expressed in various malignancies including lung cancer. This study aimed to identify immunogenic peptides derived from IMP-3 that can induce tumor-reactive and human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-A2 (A*02:01)-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) for lung cancer immunotherapy. Forty human IMP-3-derived peptides predicted to bind to HLA-A2 were analyzed to determine their capacity to induce HLA-A2-restricted T cells in HLA-A2.1 (HHD) transgenic mice (Tgm). We found that three IMP-3 peptides primed HLA-A2-restricted CTL in the HLA-A2.1 Tgm. Among them, human CTL lines reactive to IMP-3 (515) NLSSAEVVV(523) were reproducibly established from HLA-A2-positive healthy donors and lung cancer patients. On the other hand, IMP-3 (199) RLLVPTQFV(207) reproducibly induced IMP-3-specific and HLA-A2-restricted CTL from healthy donors, but did not sensitize CTL in the HLA-A2.1 Tgm. Importantly, these two IMP-3 peptide-specific CTL generated from healthy donors and cancer patients effectively killed the cancer cells naturally expressing both IMP-3 and HLA-A2. Cytotoxicity was significantly inhibited by anti-HLA class I and anti-HLA-A2 monoclonal antibodies, but not by the anti-HLA-class II monoclonal antibody. In addition, natural processing of these two epitopes derived from the IMP-3 protein was confirmed by specific killing of HLA-A2-positive IMP-3-transfectants but not the parental IMP-negative cell line by peptide-induced CTL. This suggests that these two IMP-3-derived peptides represent highly immunogenic CTL epitopes that may be attractive targets for lung cancer immunotherapy.
  • K. Imai, S. Hirata, A. Irie, S. Senju, Y. Ikuta, K. Yokomine, M. Harao, M. Inoue, Y. Tomita, T. Tsunoda, H. Nakagawa, Y. Nakamura, H. Baba, Y. Nishimura
    BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER 104(2) 300-307 2011年1月  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: Identification of tumour-associated antigens (TAAs) that induce cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) specific to cancer cells is critical for the development of anticancer immunotherapy. In this study, we aimed at identifying a novel TAA of pancreatic cancer for immunotherapy. METHODS: On the basis of the genome-wide cDNA microarray analysis, we focused on KIF20A (also known as RAB6KIFL/MKlp2) as a candidate TAA in pancreatic cancer cells. The HLA-A2 (A*02:01)-restricted CTL epitopes of KIF20A were identified using HLA-A2 transgenic mice (Tgm) and the peptides were examined to check whether they could generate human CTLs exhibiting cytotoxic responses against KIF20A(+), HLA-A2(+) tumour cells in vitro. RESULTS: KIF20A was overexpressed in pancreatic cancer and in some other malignancies, but not in their non-cancerous counterparts and many normal adult tissues. We found that KIF20A-2 (p12-20, LLSDDDVVV), KIF20A-8 (p809-817, CIAEQYHTV), and KIF20A-28 (p284-293, AQPDTAPLPV) peptides could induce HLA-A2-restricted CTLs in HLA-A2 Tgm without causing autoimmunity. Peptide-reactive human CTLs were generated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of HLA-A2(+) healthy donors by in vitro stimulation with the three peptides, and those CTLs successfully exhibited cytotoxic responses to cancer cells expressing both KIF20A and HLA-A2. CONCLUSION: KIF20A is a novel promising candidate for anticancer immunotherapeutic target for pancreatic cancers. British Journal of Cancer (2011) 104, 300-307. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6606052 www.bjcancer.com Published online 21 December 2010 (C) 2011 Cancer Research UK
  • Mitsuhiro Inoue, Satoru Senju, Shinya Hirata, Yoshiaki Ikuta, Yuki Hayashida, Atsushi Irie, Michiko Harao, Katsunori Imai, Yusuke Tomita, Takuya Tsunoda, Yoichi Furukawa, Takaaki Ito, Yusuke Nakamura, Hideo Baba, Yasuharu Nishimura
    International journal of cancer 127(6) 1393-403 2010年9月1日  査読有り
    To establish efficient anticancer immunotherary, it is important to identify tumor-associated antigens (TAAs) directing the immune system to attack cancer. A genome-wide cDNA microarray analysis identified that secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) gene is overexpressed in the gastric, pancreatic and colorectal cancer tissues but not in their noncancerous counterparts. This study attempted to identify HLA-A24 (A*2402)-restricted and SPARC-derived CTL epitopes. We previously identified H-2K(d)-restricted and SPARC-derived CTL epitope peptides in BALB/c mice, of which H-2K(d)-binding peptide motif is comparable with that of HLA-A24 binding peptides. By using these peptides, we tried to induce HLA-A24 (A*2402)-restricted and SPARC-reactive human CTLs and demonstrated an antitumor immune response. The SPARC-A24-1(143-151) (DYIGPCKYI) and SPARC-A24-4(225-234) (MYIFPVHWQF) peptides-reactive CTLs were successfully induced from peripheral blood mononuclear cells by in vitro stimulation with these two peptides in HLA-A24 (A*2402) positive healthy donors and cancer patients, and these CTLs exhibited cytotoxicity specific to cancer cells expressing both SPARC and HLA-A24 (A*2402). Furthermore, the adoptive transfer of the SPARC-specific CTLs could inhibit the tumor growth in nonobese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficient mice bearing human cancer cells expressing both HLA-A24 (A*2402) and SPARC. These findings suggest that SPARC is a potentially useful target candidate for cancer immunotherapy.
  • Kazunori Yokomine, Satoru Senju, Tetsuya Nakatsura, Atsushi Irie, Yuki Hayashida, Yoshiaki Ikuta, Michiko Harao, Katsunori Imai, Hideo Baba, Hirotaka Iwase, Hiroaki Nomori, Koji Takahashi, Yataro Daigo, Takuya Tsunoda, Yusuke Nakamura, Yutaka Sasaki, Yasuharu Nishimura
    International journal of cancer 126(9) 2153-63 2010年5月1日  査読有り
    The present study attempted to identify a target antigen for immunotherapy for cholangiocarcinoma. Forkhead box M1 (FOXM1) was selected as a candidate antigen based on the data of previous cDNA microarray analysis of clinical samples of cholangiocarcinoma. The level of FOXM1 mRNA was more than 4 times higher in cancer cells in comparison to adjacent normal epithelial cells, in all of 24 samples of cholangiocarcinoma tissues. An immunohistochemical analysis also detected FOXM1 protein in the cancer cells but not in the normal cells. Twenty-three human FOXM1-derived peptides predicted to bind to HLA-A2 were analyzed to determine their ability to induce HLA-A2-restricted T cells in HLA-A2 transgenic mice. FOXM1(362-370) (YLVPIQFPV), FOXM1(373-382) (SLVLQPSVKV), and FOXM1(640-649) (GLMDLSTTPL) peptides primed HLA-A2-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) in the HLA-A2 transgenic mice. Human CTL lines reactive to these 3 peptides could also be established from HLA-A2-positive healthy donors and cancer patients. Natural processing of the 3 epitopes from FOXM1 protein was confirmed by specific killing of HLA-A2-positive FOXM1-transfectants by peptide-induced CTLs. FOXM1 is expressed in various types of cancers and it is also functionally involved in oncogenic transformation and the survival of cancer cells. Therefore, FOXM1 may be a suitable target for immunotherapy against various cancers including cholangiocarcinoma.
  • Tomohiro Kozako, Katsuhiko Fukada, Shinya Hirata, Yohann White, Michiko Harao, Yasuharu Nishimura, Youichiro Kino, Shinji Soeda, Hiroshi Shimeno, François Lemonnier, Shunro Sonoda, Naomichi Arima
    Molecular immunology 47(2-3) 606-13 2009年12月  査読有り
    Adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma (ATL) is an aggressive peripheral T-cell neoplasm that develops after long-term infection with the human T-cell leukemia virus-1 (HTLV-1). HTLV-1-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) play an important role in suppressing proliferation of HTLV-1-infected or transformed T-cells in vitro. Efficient induction of antigen-specific CTLs is important for immunologic suppression of oncogenesis, but has evaded strategies utilizing poorly immunogenic free synthetic peptides. In the present study, we examined the efficient induction of HTLV-1-specific CD8+ T-cell response by an HTLV-1/hepatitis B virus core (HBc) chimeric particle incorporating the HLA-A*0201-restricted HTLV-1 Tax-epitope. The immunization of HLA-A*0201-transgenic mice with the chimeric particle induced antigen-specific gamma-interferon reaction, whereas immunization with epitope peptide only induced no reaction as assessed by enzyme-linked immunospot assay. Immunization with the chimeric particle also induced HTLV-1-specific CD8+ T-cells in spleen and inguinal lymph nodes. Furthermore, upon exposure of dendritic cells from HLA-A*0201-transgenic mice to the chimeric particle, the expression of CD86, HLA-A02, TLR4 and MHC class II was increased. Additionally, our results show that HTLV-1-specific CD8+ T-cells can be induced by peptide with HTLV-1/HBc particle from ATL patient, but not by peptide only and these HTLV-1-specific CD8+ T-cells were able to lyse cells presenting the peptide. These results suggest that HTLV-1/HBc chimeric particle is capable of inducing strong cellular immune responses without adjuvants via effective maturation of dendritic cells and is potentially useful as an effective carrier for therapeutic vaccines in tumors, or in infectious diseases by substituting the epitope peptide.
  • Shogo Nakano, Miwa Yoshida, Kimihito Fujii, Kyoko Yorozuya, Yukako Mouri, Junko Kousaka, Takashi Fukutomi, Junko Kimura, Tsuneo Ishiguchi, Kazuko Ohno, Takao Mizumoto, Michiko Harao
    Japanese journal of clinical oncology 39(9) 552-9 2009年9月  
    OBJECTIVE: We recently developed a real-time virtual sonography (RVS) system that enables simultaneous display of both sonography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) cutaway images of the same site in real time. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of RVS in the management of enhancing lesions visualized with MRI. METHODS: Between June 2006 and April 2007, 65 patients underwent MRI for staging of known breast cancer at our hospital. All patients were examined using mammography, sonography, MRI and RVS before surgical resection. Results were correlated with histopathologic findings. MRI was obtained on a 1.5 T imager, with the patient in the supine position using a flexible body surface coil. Detection rate was determined for index tumors and incidental enhancing lesions (IELs), with or without RVS. RESULTS: Overall sensitivity for detecting index tumors was 85% (55/65) for mammography, 91% (59/65) for sonography, 97% (63/65) for MRI and 98% (64/65) for RVS. Notably, in one instance in which the cancer was not seen on MRI, RVS detected it with the supplementation of sonography. IELs were found in 26% (17/65) of the patients. Of 23 IELs that were detected by MRI, 30% (7/23) of IELs could be identified on repeated sonography alone, but 83% (19/23) of them were identified using the RVS system (P = 0.001). The RVS system was able to correctly project enhanced MRI information onto a body surface, as we checked sonography form images. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that the RVS system can identify enhancing breast lesions with excellent accuracy.
  • Katsunori Imai, Shinya Hirata, Yoshiaki Ikuta, Michiko Harao, Mitsuhiro Inoue, Satoru Senju, Atsushi Irie, Syuichi Nakatsuru, Hidenobu Nakagawa, Takuya Tsunoda, Yusuke Nakamura, Hideo Baba, Yasuharu Nishimura
    CANCER RESEARCH 69 2009年5月  
  • Michiko Harao, Shoichi Hishinuma, Morihiro Tomikawa, Hideo Baba, Yoshiro Ogata
    Hepato-Gastroenterology 56(94-95) 1549-1551 2009年  
    Total pancreatectomy has been used to treat both benign and malignant diseases of the pancreas. The procedure of total pancreatectomy for invasive pancreatic cancer usually includes distal gastrectomy and splenectomy to prevent ischemic changes due to decreased blood supply. In this report, it was introduced a new technique of total pancreatectomy for invasive pancreatic cancer preserving both the whole stomach and spleen. The patient was a 61 year old man. Preoperative computed tomography (CT) showed a mass of tumor, measuring 23x18x25mm, located in the pancreatic head. It was tried, initially to perform pylorus-preserving pancreatoduodenectomy (PPPD). Repeated frozen section examination of the pancreatic stumps, however, revealed persistent cancer infiltration to the distal pancreas. Therefore, we altered the planned PPPD to total pancreatectomy preserving the whole stomach and spleen with severing both the splenic artery and vein at their origins. The postoperative course was uneventful. Enhanced CT following surgery showed sufficient blood supply to the whole stomach and spleen without any congestive changes of blood flow. This method is considered safe and useful for patients with both benign and malignant disease of the pancreas. © H.G.E. Update Medical Publishing S.A.
  • Michiko Harao, Shinya Hirata, Atsushi Irie, Satoru Senju, Tetsuya Nakatsura, Hiroyuki Komori, Yoshiaki Ikuta, Kazunori Yokomine, Katsunori Imai, Mitsuhiro Inoue, Kumiko Harada, Takeshi Mori, Takuya Tsunoda, Shuichi Nakatsuru, Yataro Daigo, Hiroaki Nomori, Yusuke Nakamura, Hideo Baba, Yasuharu Nishimura
    International journal of cancer 123(11) 2616-25 2008年12月1日  査読有り
    Toward the development of a novel cancer immunotherapy, we have previously identified several tumor-associated antigens (TAAs) and the epitopes recognized by human histocompatibility leukocyte (HLA)-A2/A24-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL). In this study, we tried to identify a TAA of lung cancer (LC) and its HLA-A2 restricted CTL epitopes to provide a target antigen useful for cancer immunotherapy of LC. We identified a novel cancer testis antigen, cell division cycle associated gene 1 (CDCA1), overexpressed in nonsmall cell LC using a cDNA microarray analysis. The expression levels of CDCA1 were also increased in the majority of small cell LC, cholangiocellular cancer, urinary bladder cancer and renal cell cancers. We used HLA-A2.1 transgenic mice to identify the HLA-A2 (A*0201)-restricted CDCA1 epitopes recognized by mouse CTL, and we investigated whether these peptides could induce CDCA1-reactive CTLs from the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of HLA-A2-positive donors and a NSCLC patient. Consequently, we found that the CDCA1(65-73) (YMMPVNSEV) peptide and CDCA1(351-359) (KLATAQFKI) peptide could induce peptide-reactive CTLs in HLA-A2.1 transgenic mice. In HLA-A2(+) donors, in vitro stimulation of PBMC with these peptides could induce peptide-reactive CTLs which killed tumor cell lines endogenously expressing both HLA-A2 and CDCA1. As a result, CDCA1 is a novel cancer-testis antigen overexpressed in LC, cholangiocellular cancer, urinary bladder cancer and renal cell cancers, and CDCA1 may therefore be an ideal TAA useful for the diagnosis and immunotherapy of these cancers.
  • Michiko Harao, Toru Beppu, Toshiro Masuda, Hiromitsu Hayashi, Hirohisa Okabe, Kazutoshi Okabe, Choi Imseung, Hiroyuki Komori, Kei Horino, Hideo Baba
    Gan to kagaku ryoho. Cancer & chemotherapy 35(12) 2027-9 2008年11月  査読有り
    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Partial splenic embolization (PSE) is often performed to improve thrombocytopenia in liver cirrhotic patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of PSE in combination with trans-catheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). PATIENTS AND METHODS: From January 2004 to December 2007, 8 HCC patients associated with hypersplenism caused by cirrhosis were synchronously treated with TACE and PSE. Fifteen patients with TACE alone at the same period were enrolled as a control. Follow-up examinations included a calculation of peripheral blood cells (leukocytes and platelets), liver damage, duration until recovery, and treatment-associated complications. RESULTS: Initially, there were no significant differences in sex, age, Child-Pugh grade and peripheral blood cell counts between two groups. After treatment, leukocyte and platelet counts were significantly higher in PSE combined with TACE group during the follow-up period than TACE group (p<0.01). Severe complications never occurred in both groups. CONCLUSION: PSE combined with TACE is more effective than TACE alone for patients with HCC associated with hypersplenism caused by cirrhosis.
  • Katsunori Imai, Shinya Hirata, Atsushi Irie, Satoru Senju, Yoshiaki Ikuta, Kazunori Yokomine, Michiko Harao, Mitsuhiro Inoue, Takuya Tsunoda, Shuichi Nakatsuru, Hidewaki Nakagawa, Yusuke Nakamura, Hideo Baba, Yasuharu Nishimura
    Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research 14(20) 6487-95 2008年10月15日  査読有り
    PURPOSE: To establish cancer immunotherapy, it is important to identify the tumor-associated antigens (TAA) that are strongly expressed in the tumor cells but not in the normal cells. In this study, to establish an effective anticancer immunotherapy, we tried to identify the useful TAA of pancreatic cancer. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Based on a previous genome-wide cDNA microarray analysis of pancreatic cancer, we focused on cadherin 3 (CDH3)/P-cadherin as a novel candidate TAA for anticancer immunotherapy. To identify the HLA-A2 (A*0201)-restricted CTL epitopes of CDH3, we used HLA-A2.1 (HHD) transgenic mice (Tgm). Furthermore, we examined the cytotoxicity against the tumor cells in vitro and in vivo of CTLs specific to CDH3 induced from HLA-A2-positive healthy donors and cancer patients. RESULTS: CDH3 was overexpressed in the majority of pancreatic cancer and various other malignancies, including gastric and colorectal cancers, but not in their noncancerous counterparts or in many normal adult tissues. In the experiment using HLA-A2.1 Tgm, we found that the CDH3-4(655-663) (FILPVLGAV) and CDH3-7(757-765) (FIIENLKAA) peptides could induce HLA-A2-restricted CTLs in Tgm. In addition, peptides-reactive CTLs were successfully induced from peripheral blood mononuclear cells by in vitro stimulation with these two peptides in HLA-A2-positive healthy donors and cancer patients, and these CTLs exhibited cytotoxicity specific to cancer cells expressing both CDH3 and HLA-A2. Furthermore, the adoptive transfer of the CDH3-specific CTLs could inhibit the tumor growth of human cancer cells engrafted into nonobese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficiency mice. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that CDH3 is a novel TAA useful for immunotherapy against a broad spectrum of cancers, including pancreatic cancer.
  • 小迫 知弘, 平田 真哉, 原尾 美智子, 西村 知裕, 田路 真悟, 占野 廣司, 西村 泰治, 有馬 直道, 深田 勝彦, 城野 洋一郎
    日本癌学会総会記事 67回 448-449 2008年9月  査読有り
  • Michiko Harao, Takashi Sato, Takashi Fukutomi, Kyoko Yorozuya, Miyuki Takasugi, Yukako Mohri, Takao Mizumoto, Satoshi Takahashi, Jun-ichi Yamashita
    Onkologie 30(11) 583-4 2007年11月  
  • Miwa Akizuki, Takashi Fukutomi, Miyuki Takasugi, Satoshi Takahashi, Takashi Sato, Michiko Harao, Takao Mizumoto, Jun-ichi Yamashita
    Neoplasia (New York, N.Y.) 9(3) 260-4 2007年3月  
    OBJECTIVE: We have measured the concentration of immunoreactive neutrophil elastase (ir-NE) in the tumor extracts of 313 primary human breast cancers. Sufficient time has elapsed, and we are now ready to analyze its prognostic value in human breast cancer. METHODS: ir-NE concentration in tumor extracts was determined with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay that enables a rapid measurement of both free-form ir-NE and the A1-protease inhibitor-complexed form of ir-NE. We analyzed the prognostic value of this enzyme in human breast cancer in univariate and multivariate analyses. RESULTS: Patients with breast cancer tissue containing a high concentration of ir-NE had poor survival compared to those with a low concentration of ir-NE at the cutoff point of 9.0 microg/100 mg protein (P = .0012), which had been previously determined in another group of 49 patients. Multivariate stepwise analysis selected lymph node status (P = .0004; relative risk = 1.46) and ir-NE concentration (P = .0013; relative risk = 1.43) as independent prognostic factors for recurrence. CONCLUSIONS: Tumor ir-NE concentration is an independent prognostic factor in patients with breast cancer who undergo curative surgery. This enzyme may play an active role in tumor progression that leads to metastasis in human breast cancer.
  • Takashi Sato, Satoshi Takahashi, Takao Mizumoto, Michiko Harao, Miwa Akizuki, Miyuki Takasugi, Takashi Fukutomi, Jun-ichi Yamashita
    Surgical oncology 15(4) 217-22 2006年12月  
    This mini-review summarizes our recent experimental and clinical studies on neutrophil elastase (NE) and cancer based on our original view point. Neoplasms metastasize as a result of a complex series of events. This process requires various degradative enzymes including proteases. NE has broad substrate specificity under physiological conditions, and excessive NE results in digestion of not only elastin, but also other extracellular matrix proteins. Several cell lines from human breast cancer and human lung cancer produce immunoreactive NE. The amount of immunoreactive NE in tumor tissue is an independent prognostic indicator of patients with breast cancer and lung cancer. Furthermore, a specific NE inhibitor completely suppressed growth of cancer cells transplanted into severe combined immunodeficiency mice. The use of NE inhibitor would seem to be a promising way to prevent the invasion and metastasis of cancer.
  • Hiroyuki Komori, Tetsuya Nakatsura, Satoru Senju, Yoshihiro Yoshitake, Yutaka Motomura, Yoshiaki Ikuta, Daiki Fukuma, Kazunori Yokomine, Michiko Harao, Toru Beppu, Masanori Matsui, Toshihiko Torigoe, Noriyuki Sato, Hideo Baba, Yasuharu Nishimura
    Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research 12(9) 2689-97 2006年5月1日  査読有り
    PURPOSE AND EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: We previously reported that glypican-3 (GPC3) was overexpressed, specifically in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and melanoma in humans, and it was useful as a novel tumor marker. We also reported that the preimmunization of BALB/c mice with dendritic cells pulsed with the H-2K(d)-restricted mouse GPC3(298-306) (EYILSLEEL) peptide prevented the growth of tumor-expressing mouse GPC3. Because of similarities in the peptide binding motifs between H-2K(d) and HLA-A24 (A*2402), the GPC3(298-306) peptide therefore seemed to be useful for the immunotherapy of HLA-A24+ patients with HCC and melanoma. In this report, we investigated whether the GPC3(298-306) peptide could induce GPC3-reactive CTLs from the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of HLA-A24 (A*2402)+ HCC patients. In addition, we used HLA-A2.1 (HHD) transgenic mice to identify the HLA-A2 (A*0201)-restricted GPC3 epitopes to expand the applications of GPC3-based immunotherapy to the HLA-A2+ HCC patients. RESULTS: We found that the GPC3(144-152) (FVGEFFTDV) peptide could induce peptide-reactive CTLs in HLA-A2.1 (HHD) transgenic mice without inducing autoimmunity. In five out of eight HLA-A2+ GPC3+ HCC patients, the GPC3(144-152) peptide-reactive CTLs were generated from PBMCs by in vitro stimulation with the peptide and the GPC3(298-306) peptide-reactive CTLs were also generated from PBMCs in four of six HLA-A24+ GPC3+ HCC patients. The inoculation of these CTLs reduced the human HCC tumor mass implanted into nonobese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficiency mice. CONCLUSION: Our study raises the possibility that these GPC3 peptides may therefore be applicable to cancer immunotherapy for a large number of HCC patients.
  • Takashi Sato, Michiko Harao, Shogo Nakano, Toko Jotsuka, Namiko Suda, Jun-ichi Yamashita
    Surgery 137(5) 552-8 2005年5月  
    BACKGROUND: We prospectively tested whether circulating tumor cells could be detected in peripheral blood of patients with thyroid tumors by a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to detect carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) messenger RNA (mRNA). METHODS: We assayed for CEA mRNA by RT-PCR in peripheral blood sampled before and 2 to 3 weeks after curative surgery for thyroid tumors in 121 patients. Blood samples from 7 patients with chronic thyroiditis and 7 healthy subjects served as controls. RESULTS: No control samples were positive for CEA mRNA by RT-PCR. Of 121 preoperative samples from patients with thyroid tumor, 6 were positive (5.0%). Preoperative frequencies of CEA mRNA positivity in benign tumor, papillary carcinoma, follicular variant papillary carcinoma, minimally invasive follicular carcinoma, and widely invasive follicular carcinoma were 0%, 0%, 0%, 44.4% (4/9), and 50.0% (2/4), respectively. Among positive patients only one, who had widely invasive follicular carcinoma, remained positive after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: RT-PCR detection of tumor cells in preoperative blood often can distinguish malignant from benign follicular thyroid tumors.





