- 所属
- 自治医科大学 医学部外科学講座 消化器一般移植外科学部門 学内准教授
- 学位
- 医学博士(2008年3月 熊本大学)
- 200901014963649168
- researchmap会員ID
- 5000094045
2019年9月 - 現在
2010年4月 - 2019年8月
2005年4月 - 2008年3月
1993年4月 - 1999年3月
Breast cancer (Tokyo, Japan) 30(4) 531-540 2023年7月Various surgical energy devices are used for axillary lymph-node dissection. However, those that reduce seroma during axillary lymph-node dissection are unknown. We aimed to determine the best surgical energy device for reducing seroma by performing a network meta-analysis to synthesize the current evidence on the effectiveness of surgical energy devices for axillary node dissection for breast cancer patients. We searched MEDLINE, Embase, CENTRAL, ClinicalTrials.gov, and World Health Organization International Clinical Trials Platform Search Portal. Two reviewers independently selected randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing electrosurgical bipolar vessel sealing (EBVS), ultrasonic coagulation shears (UCS), and conventional techniques for axillary node dissection. Primary outcomes were seroma, drained fluid volume (mL), and drainage duration (days). We analyzed random-effects and Bayesian network meta-analyses. We evaluated the confidence of each outcome using the CINeMA tool. We registered with PROSPERO (CRD42022335434). We included 34 RCTs with 2916 participants. Compared to the conventional techniques, UCS likely reduces seroma (risk ratio [RR], 0.61; 95% credible interval [CrI], 0.49-0.73), the drained fluid volume (mean difference [MD], - 313 mL; 95% CrI - 496 to - 130), and drainage duration (MD - 1.79 days; 95% CrI - 2.91 to - 0.66). EBVS might have little effect on seroma, the drained fluid volume, and drainage duration compared to conventional techniques. UCS likely reduce seroma (RR 0.44; 95% CrI 0.28-0.69) compared to EBVS. Confidence levels were low to moderate. In conclusion, UCS are likely the best surgical energy device for seroma reduction during axillary node dissection for breast cancer patients.
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 82(2) 344-349 2021年2月症例は67歳,女性.乳癌検診異常で受診した.左乳房に低エコー腫瘤を認め,針生検の結果,腺様嚢胞癌が疑われた.左乳房温存術およびセンチネルリンパ節生検を施行し,病理組織学的診断はpT1N0M0 StageIA,腺様嚢胞癌(ER-,PgR-,HER2-,Ki-67 5%)であった.補助化学療法を考慮する症例であったが,予後良好と考えられたため,化学療法は省略し放射線治療のみ施行した.術後2年6ヵ月でCTにて左肺結節を指摘されたが,原発か転移性かの鑑別が困難であったため,胸腔鏡下左肺上葉切除およびリンパ節郭清を施行した.病理組織学的診断では腺様嚢胞癌の肺転移と診断された.他の特殊型乳癌が通常の浸潤性乳管癌に準じて補助化学療法を行うことが推奨されているが,乳腺腺様嚢胞癌は多くがtriple negative症例にも関わらず予後良好と言われ,腋窩リンパ節転移が陰性ならば補助化学療法は必要としないことが多い.今回,乳腺腺様嚢胞癌で術後肺転移を認めた症例を経験したので,若干の文献的考察を加え報告する.(著者抄録)
日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集 23回 392-392 2015年7月
BioDrugs : clinical immunotherapeutics, biopharmaceuticals and gene therapy 29(1) 15-30 2015年2月Tumor-associated antigens (TAAs) have been identified in many malignant tumors. Within these TAAs are peptide sequences that bind major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and class II molecules recognized by T cells triggering antigen-specific CD8+ cytotoxic T-cell and CD4+ T-helper cell responses. Efforts to develop vaccines for breast cancer have been underway for more than 20 years, including peptide and whole inactivated tumor cell vaccines as well as antigen-loaded dendritic cell vaccines. The majority of vaccine trials have used peptides, including single-peptide and multiple-peptide formulations using either MHC class I and class II epitopes in oil-based emulsions alone or in combination with an adjuvant, such as granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, and Toll-like receptor agonists. Preclinical research in vitro and in animal models has been aimed at improving vaccine efficacy by identifying more immunogenic peptides and combinations of peptides and adjuvants and cytokine adjuvants that induce stronger immune responses and prolong T-cell memory. Clinical studies investigating the therapeutic potential of active immunization using peptide vaccines has found no serious side effects. In this review, we examine TAA peptide-based vaccination regimens showing promise in breast cancer patients that are also being investigated in clinical trials of safety and efficacy. We also discuss the current limitations in the peptide vaccination field and areas for future development.
CANCER RESEARCH 74(19) 2014年10月
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 75(6) 1497-1500 2014年6月症例は57歳,女性.1991年12月,右乳癌にて胸筋温存乳房切除術施行.cT2N0M0 stage IIA術後病理では乳頭腺管癌.EIA法にてER(-) PgR(-)(後日,免疫染色にてER(+) PgR(+) HER2(3+)).1996年1月,再発(肝,局所).1996年3月,肝外側区域切除術+胸壁腫瘤切除術施行.1997年11月,残肝再発認め,AC+toremifeneを使用しCR.再度残肝再発認め,2002年6月よりtrastuzumab単独で使用開始しPR.その後,内分泌療法剤や化学療法剤をtrastuzumabとの併用療法・単独療法にて使用し,病勢の進行を抑えている.現在再発より17年経過しているが,外来通院可能な状態である.HER2陽性転移性乳癌に対するtrastuzumab継続療法と化学療法が,長期生存を得るために有効な治療法であると考えられた1例を経験したので報告する.(著者抄録)
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2023年6月 - 2025年3月
2005年 - 2007年
2005年 - 2007年