- 所属
- 自治医科大学 医学部 医学教育センター 医療人キャリア教育開発部門 教授 (特命教授)東北大学 大学院医学系研究科 消化器病態学分野 准教授
- 学位
- 博士(医学)(2015年3月 東北大学)
- 201801017707199790
- researchmap会員ID
- B000302281
1. 地域医療の経験を背景にし、内科学一般とくに消化器内科学を研究の基盤としています。医学博士は「東日本大震災後の消化性潰瘍の増加とその特徴」に関する臨床研究で取得し、精神的ストレスは、消化性潰瘍の独立した成因であり、災害時潰瘍出血の危険因子となることを報告しました。現在も臨床の課題を克服すべく、コホートを含む臨床研究とCochrane Review memberとしてシステマティックレビューを行っており、エビデンスの実臨床への還元を目指しています。2019年7月よりCochrane Upper GI and Pancreatic diseases(その後Cochrane Gutに名称変更)のEditorとなりました。COVID-19状況下の意思決定支援として、Paul Moayyedi教授の指導下で、免疫不全者や小児におけるワクチン接種の効果に関してのエビデンス集積を行いました。(COVID-END: COVID-19 Evidence Network to support Decision-making in Canada)。
2. 2008年岩手宮城内陸地震(M7.2)では震源地に近接する栗原中央病院での急性期トリアージと初期治療そしてDMAT受け入れを経験しました。また2011年東日本大震災(M9.0)では、南三陸町公立志津川病院で勤務医として15mを超える地震津波災害に被災、患者・住民避難とその後の災害医療体制構築に関わりTIME誌「世界で最も影響力のある100人」に選出されました。以降、災害医療領域の中でこれまで重視されてこなかった支援を受け止める「受援」の在り方を提言しています。さらに、被災した人間として困難に向き合うレジリエントな社会を目指し、国内外で経験と知見を共有する講演活動・いのちの教育を継続しています。2024年現在で講演はのべ250回を超え、2万3千人超の聴講者へメッセージを伝えています。
3. 文部科学省が推進するクロスアポイントメント制度の事例として、2023年4月より東北大学大学院医学系研究科消化器病態学分野でのシミュレータ研究開発を准教授として継続しつつ、自治医科大学医学教育センター医療人キャリア教育開発部門の特命教授として両方常勤職を務め、領域横断的かつ大学横断的な活動を実践すべく取り組んでいます。どちらの所属においても周囲の理解と協力の下でいくつものプロジェクトを進めていますので、研究力や医工連携に強い東北大学と、臨床と医療人教育に強みのある自治医科大学の連携構築としても発展できるよう努めています。
侵襲的内視鏡手技シミュレータの社会実装 デンカと東北大学の産学連携「Medical Rising STAR®」プロジェクト
出血合併症の再現を含む 胆膵内視鏡シミュレータモデルを開発 産学連携「Medical Rising STAR」プロジェクト第2弾
<リンク先:TEDxTaipei 2014講演 被災とレジリエンスについて>
2023年4月 - 現在
2023年4月 - 現在
2019年10月 - 2023年3月
2020年8月 - 2021年3月
2011年4月 - 2015年3月
1999年4月 - 2005年3月
2023年10月 - 現在
2018年8月 - 現在
2013年7月 - 現在
2019年7月 - 2024年10月
Dig Dis Sci. 2018 Nov;63(11):3033-3040. 63(11) 3033-3040 2018年11月 査読有り
Clin J Gastroenterol. 2017 Oct;10(5):469-473. 10(5) 469-473 2017年10月 査読有り
ONCOTARGET 7(35) 56598-56607 2016年8月 査読有りCD133 is considered as a stem-like cell marker in some cancers including gastric cancers, and Notch1 signaling is known to play an important role in the maintenance and differentiation of stem-like cells. We aimed to investigate whether Notch1 signaling contributes to the carcinogenesis of gastric cancers and CD133 induction. CD133 expression was detected in 51.4% of diffuse type gastric cancers while it was not detected in intestinal type gastric cancers. Similarly, only poorly-differentiated gastric cancer cell lines expressed CD133 and activated-Notch1. Inhibiting Notch1 signaling resulted in decreased CD133 expression, side population cells, cell proliferation and anchorage independent cell growth. Chromatin immunoprecipitation suggested that this Notch1 dependent regulation of CD133 was caused by direct binding of activated-Notch1 to the RBP-J. binding site in the 5' promoter region of CD133 gene. In addition, knocking down RBP-J. reduced CD133 induction in activated-Notch1 transfected cells. These findings suggested that Notch1 signaling plays an important role in the maintenance of the cancer stem-like phenotype in diffuse type gastric cancer through an RBP-J. dependent pathway and that inhibiting Notch1 signaling could be an effective therapy against CD133 positive diffuse type gastric cancers.
DIGESTIVE ENDOSCOPY 28(5) 556-563 2016年7月 査読有り筆頭著者責任著者Background and Aim: Helicobacter pylori-negative and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)-negative idiopathic peptic ulcers (IPU) have attracted attention in Japan and other developed countries. The aim of the present study was to clarify the healing rate of IPU and the risk of recurrence. Methods: We conducted a retrospective follow-up study of patients with peptic ulcer disease (PUD) who were diagnosed in our previous multicenter-prospective study. Three hundred and eighty-two patients from four institutions in the Tohoku district were enrolled. Enrolled subjects were divided into four groups according to H. pylori infection and intake of NSAIDs. In these patients, we checked treatment course, healing rate during 3 months, and recurrence rate. Results: Healing rates in the: (i) simple H. pylori group; (ii) H. pylori (+)/NSAIDs (+) group, (iii) simple NSAIDs group; and (iv) IPU group, were 95.0%, 94.9%, 73.3%, and 77.4%, respectively. The healing rate of the IPU group was significantly lower than that of both the simple H. pylori group and the H. pylori (+)/NSAIDs (+) group (P < 0.01). The recurrence rate of 13.9% in the IPU group was much higher than the 2.1% in the simple H. pylori group (P < 0.01). Additionally, the cumulative recurrence rates by the Kaplan-Meier method in the IPU group were significantly higher than those of the simple H. pylori group (P = 0.015). Conclusion: We demonstrated that the clinical course of peptic ulcers is considerably different depending on the cause. IPU could be refractory to treatment and prone to recur compared with simple H. pylori ulcers.
SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 51(7) 782-787 2016年 査読有りObjective: Helicobacter pylori infection-negative, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)negative peptic ulcers, which are termed idiopathic peptic ulcers (IPUs), have been increasing worldwide. In this study, we investigated the preferential locations of gastric ulcers according to their cause (e. g., H. pylori and NSAIDs), with special attention to IPUs. Material and methods: A total of 361 patients consecutively diagnosed with a peptic ulcer over a period of one year were classified into four groups according to H. pylori-infection status and NSAIDs usage. The ulcer location was divided into the antrum, angularis, and body, and was compared among the four ulcer groups. Results: The ulcers of 43 patients were classified as IPUs. Compared with simple H. pylori ulcers, IPUs more preferentially located in the antrum (14% vs. 52%, p<0.01). The difference was more pronounced in the analysis of IPUs in which patients with a history of H. pylori eradication or those with severe atrophic gastritis were excluded, and 79% of these IPUs were located in the antrum. With duodenal ulcers taken together, the vast majority of (86%) these IPUs occurred in the duodenal bulb or the antrum. The proportion of antral ulcers in NSAISs users also differed depending on the presence of concomitant H. pylori infection (positive: 22% vs. negative: 62%, p<0.01). Conclusion: There was a striking difference in the ulcer location within the stomach depending on the cause of the ulcer, and IPUs predominantly occurred in the antrum. This information on the preferential locations of ulceration should provide endoscopists with some hints concerning the etiology of ulcers.
J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2015 May;30(5):842-8. 30(5) 842-848 2015年5月 査読有り筆頭著者
J Gastroenterol. 2015 Jan;50(1):31-40 50(1) 31-40 2015年1月 査読有り筆頭著者
糖尿病 57(11) 826-829 2014年11月 査読有りジペプチジルペプチダーゼ(DPP-4)阻害薬は安全性,忍容性に加え,比較的良好な血糖改善効果があり,多剤との併用が可能であることなどから急速に処方が増加している.しかし,重大な副作用として,腸閉塞が報告され,開腹手術や腸閉塞の既往のある患者には慎重投与である.今回我々は,リナグリプチンが関与した可能性のある麻痺性腸閉塞を経験した.本症例では,腹部手術歴はなく,髄膜炎の診断で入院加療中であった.リナグリプチンの投与後,嘔吐,腹痛で発症し,同薬の中止と保存的加療にて腸閉塞は治癒した.既往の脳出血や髄膜炎などの神経疾患の存在や糖尿病性ガストロパレーシスが本症例の腸閉塞発症に関与していた可能性がある.中枢性,末梢性にかかわらず神経疾患が基礎にある症例では,DPP-4阻害薬を使用する際は,たとえ腹部手術歴がなくとも,腸閉塞が起こり得ると念頭に置く必要がある.
Nihon Naika Gakkai zasshi. The Journal of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine 103(3) 557-560 2014年3月
WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 20(3) 706-713 2014年1月 査読有りSince the discovery of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection in the stomach, the bacteria infection and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) use had been considered to be the 2 main causes of peptic ulcers. However, there have been recent reports of an increase in the proportion of peptic ulcers without these known risk factors; these are termed idiopathic peptic ulcers. Such trend was firstly indicated in 1990s from some reports in North America. In Asia, numerous studies reported that idiopathic ulcers accounted for a small percentage of all ulcers in the 1990s, but in the 2000s, multiple studies reported that the proportion of idiopathic ulcers had reached 10%-30%, indicating that the incidence of idiopathic ulcers in Asia has also been rising in recent years. While a decline in H. pylori infection rates of general population in Asia is seen as the main reason for the increased incidence of idiopathic ulcers, it is also possible that the absolute number of idiopathic ulcer cases has increased. Advanced age, serious systemic complication, and psychological stress are considered to be the potential risk factors for idiopathic ulcers. Management of idiopathic ulcers is challenging, at present, because there is no effective preventative measure against recurrence in contrast with cases of H. pylori-positive ulcers and NSAIDs-induced ulcers. As it is expected that H. pylori infection rates in Asia will decline further in the future, measures to treat idiopathic ulcers will also likely become more important. (C) 2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Co., Limited. All rights reserved.
JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 48(4) 483-490 2013年4月 査読有り筆頭著者Societal stress derived from an event that affects the whole society, e. g., a natural disaster, provides a unique, indirect way of determining the relationship between psychological stress and peptic ulcer disease in humans. In this study, we investigated the changing patterns of the incidence of peptic ulcers before and after the Great East Japan earthquake, which occurred on 11 March, 2011. Clinical data of patients with peptic ulcers were retrospectively collected during the 3 months after the earthquake (2011) from 7 major hospitals in the middle of the stricken area, and were compared with the data for the same period of the previous year (2010). The eligible subjects were classified into four groups according to Helicobacter pylori infection status and intake of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The incidence of all types of peptic ulcers was 1.5-fold increased after the earthquake, and in particular, the incidence of hemorrhagic ulcers was 2.2-fold increased; the gastric ulcer/duodenal ulcer ratio in hemorrhagic ulcers was also significantly increased (p < 0.05). Regarding the etiology of the peptic ulcers, the proportion of non-H. pylori and non-NSAID ulcers was significantly increased, from 13 % in 2010 to 24 % in 2011 after the earthquake (p < 0.05). In addition to the increased incidence of peptic ulcers, compositional changes in the disease were observed after the Great East Japan earthquake. The significant increase in the proportion of non-H. pylori and non-NSAID ulcers after the earthquake indicated that psychological stress alone induced peptic ulcers in humans independently of H. pylori infection and NSAID intake.
Digestion. 2013;87(1):40-6. 87(1) 40-46 2013年1月 査読有り筆頭著者
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2023年4月 - 2028年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2023年4月 - 2027年3月
文部科学省 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) 2022年4月 - 2025年3月
公益財団法人 鈴木謙三記念医科学応用研究財団 令和4年度調査研究助成金 2022年12月 - 2024年
公益財団法人 艮陵医学振興会 医学研究奨励賞 2022年9月 - 2024年