- 所属
- 自治医科大学 とちぎこども医療センター小児耳鼻咽喉科 講師
- 学位
- MD(金沢大学)PhD(金沢大学)MBA(名古屋商科大学)
- 研究者番号
- 50756187
- 201901017272724038
- researchmap会員ID
- B000361099
2020年9月 - 現在
Science Progress 2024年10月 査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
Cureus 16(7) e65391 2024年7月 査読有り責任著者The intricate distribution of the facial nerve within the temporal bone is crucial in otological surgery. Anomalous facial nerve pathways are occasionally observed in middle ear malformations, although intra-tympanic bifurcation of the facial nerve is rare. When managing ossicular malformations with atypical facial nerve trajectories, hearing reconstruction should be prioritized based on the trajectory pattern and presence of the oval window. In this case, stapes surgery was performed due to facial nerve bifurcation within the tympanic cavity. In this case report, a 15-year-old female underwent stapes surgery due to gradually worsening conductive hearing loss. She was monitored at another hospital because of left-sided hearing loss at birth screening using automated auditory brainstem response. Her left ear initially had mild hearing loss, while her right ear remained within normal limits. However, her hearing deteriorated progressively, leading to significant daily challenges by age seven, prompting referral to our hospital. Intraoperatively, findings included defects in the incus-long process and stapes head, along with facial nerve bifurcation around the oval window, and the stapes footplate had poor flexibility. Stapedotomy was performed cautiously to preserve the facial nerve, utilizing a Teflon piston wire for sound transmission reconstruction. Postoperatively, the patient experienced no complications or facial nerve palsy, with hearing improving to 28.8 dB. Understanding the precise pathophysiology of middle ear anomalies is crucial for selecting appropriate surgical approaches. Even though the anomalies could not be evaluated prior to surgery, surgeons must carefully consider the risk of facial nerve injury and choose the optimal technique and reconstruction method tailored to each case, as predicting outcomes solely from preoperative evaluations can be challenging.
Cureus 16(6) e61621 2024年6月 査読有り筆頭著者責任著者OBJECTIVE: Pediatric obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) caused by adenoids or an enlarged palatine tonsil has a negative impact on physical and mental growth. Surgical removal of the tissue is effective but entails a life-threatening risk of postoperative bleeding, which is up to 30 times higher in chronic pediatric disease cases. However, endoscopes and resection devices provide safe, reliable surgical methods. Here, we report the efficacy and safety of endoscopic powered intracapsular tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy (PITA) for pediatric OSA in patients with high-risk comorbidities. METHODS: This retrospective case series included pediatric patients with OSA who underwent PITA at a single tertiary medical center between April 2017 and May 2023. Ten patients (three males and seven females; mean age 6.4 years, range 2-12 years) were included; all met the Japanese criteria for complex chronic pediatric conditions. RESULTS: The average operative time was 61 min; a microdebrider was used in eight cases and a coblator in two cases. Although there was no postoperative bleeding, one case experienced regrowth. CONCLUSIONS: Our data show that an endoscopic PITA approach could reduce the risk of severe bleeding and relieve the sleeping conditions of pediatric patients with complex chronic OSA.
JMIR AI 3 e58342 2024年5月31日 査読有り筆頭著者責任著者BACKGROUND: The integration of artificial intelligence (AI), particularly deep learning models, has transformed the landscape of medical technology, especially in the field of diagnosis using imaging and physiological data. In otolaryngology, AI has shown promise in image classification for middle ear diseases. However, existing models often lack patient-specific data and clinical context, limiting their universal applicability. The emergence of GPT-4 Vision (GPT-4V) has enabled a multimodal diagnostic approach, integrating language processing with image analysis. OBJECTIVE: In this study, we investigated the effectiveness of GPT-4V in diagnosing middle ear diseases by integrating patient-specific data with otoscopic images of the tympanic membrane. METHODS: The design of this study was divided into two phases: (1) establishing a model with appropriate prompts and (2) validating the ability of the optimal prompt model to classify images. In total, 305 otoscopic images of 4 middle ear diseases (acute otitis media, middle ear cholesteatoma, chronic otitis media, and otitis media with effusion) were obtained from patients who visited Shinshu University or Jichi Medical University between April 2010 and December 2023. The optimized GPT-4V settings were established using prompts and patients' data, and the model created with the optimal prompt was used to verify the diagnostic accuracy of GPT-4V on 190 images. To compare the diagnostic accuracy of GPT-4V with that of physicians, 30 clinicians completed a web-based questionnaire consisting of 190 images. RESULTS: The multimodal AI approach achieved an accuracy of 82.1%, which is superior to that of certified pediatricians at 70.6%, but trailing behind that of otolaryngologists at more than 95%. The model's disease-specific accuracy rates were 89.2% for acute otitis media, 76.5% for chronic otitis media, 79.3% for middle ear cholesteatoma, and 85.7% for otitis media with effusion, which highlights the need for disease-specific optimization. Comparisons with physicians revealed promising results, suggesting the potential of GPT-4V to augment clinical decision-making. CONCLUSIONS: Despite its advantages, challenges such as data privacy and ethical considerations must be addressed. Overall, this study underscores the potential of multimodal AI for enhancing diagnostic accuracy and improving patient care in otolaryngology. Further research is warranted to optimize and validate this approach in diverse clinical settings.
日本耳鼻咽喉科頭頸部外科学会会報 126(11) 1217-1223 2023年11月 査読有り近年,医療分野において画像認識や自然言語処理など人工知能(AI)の活用が進んでおり,どのように活用し,危険があるのかについて理解することが,安全で有効な医療応用に必要である.ChatGPTは2022年にリリースされた自然言語処理技術の一つで,入力された指示(プロンプト)に対して文章を生成し,命令方法によって,その精度をさらに上げることが可能である.米国における司法試験や医師免許試験では合格ラインに達する報告がなされているが,非英語言語である日本語の医療分野における有効性についての報告は少ない.今回,2022年度耳鼻咽喉科専門医試験におけるChatGPTのパフォーマンスについて評価し,日本語の耳鼻咽喉科領域においての有効性とAI活用の課題について検討した.2022年度耳鼻咽喉科専門医試験の選択肢問題に関して,図表問題を除外した48問を対象とした.問題文のみを入力したものに加えて,日本語のプロンプトを加えたもの,英訳を命令したもの,さらに英語のプロンプトを加えたものの4通りの方法について行った.ChatGPTではGPT-3.5,GPT-4の2種類のバージョンがあるため,合計8種類の方法について,それぞれ5回ずつの検証を行い,正答と比較した精度について評価し,分析を行った.ChatGPT-3.5,GPT-4に対して,問題文のみを入力した場合の精度は平均で31.67%,45.42%であった.日本語のプロンプトを加えた場合は35.00%,43.75%,英訳を命令したものでは39.58%,52.08%,さらに英語のプロンプトを加えたものでは50.42%,65.00%であった.GPTのバージョンや英訳により正答率が向上した.誤答の割合が多い問題の特徴としては,耳科学やめまい平衡,音声に関連した問題や,制度に関する問題が多い傾向があった.ChatGPTを用いて,耳鼻咽喉科専門医試験で最大65%の正答率を達成した.今後,GPTの精度向上や新規プロンプトの開発により,さらに高い正答率を実現できる可能性がある.また,非英語言語の日本語でも,耳鼻咽喉科領域において一定の水準を達成できることが確認され,耳鼻咽喉科臨床におけるAIの有用性や課題を考える上で一助となる.一方で,必ずしも正答するわけではなく,入力するプロンプトによって正答率が異なり,必ずしも正答するともかぎらないことから,それを正確に判断することが求められる.耳鼻咽喉科領域における活用については,リスクの少ない診療の補助などから円滑な活用方法を模索していく必要がある.(著者抄録)
小児耳鼻咽喉科 44(1) 103-110 2023年6月ランゲルハンス細胞組織球症(Langerhans cell histiocytosis: LCH)は,抗原提示細胞の形質を示すモノクローナルなLCH細胞が浸潤する小児に好発する炎症性腫瘍疾患である。本症では治療による寛解後も長い経過中に晩期合併症や二次癌を生じて生活の質が低下することが懸念される。今回,寛解後に甲状腺乳頭癌(PTC)を生じた多発骨型LCHの1例を報告した。症例は15歳男児で,9歳時に右側頭部および左股関節にLCH病変を認め,日本ランゲルハンス細胞組織球症研究グループ(JLSG)-02プロトコールに従い化学療法で完全寛解を得た。しかし,5年後に両側リンパ節転移を伴うPTCを発症し当科に転科した。甲状腺全摘出術および両側頸部郭清術を行い,術後に放射線ヨウ素内服療法を行った。LCHおよびPTCともにBRAF V600E変異陽性であった。13年を経た現在,無病生存している。LCHは耳鼻咽喉科領域の病変で発症することが多く,PTCを続発することがあるため耳鼻咽喉科医が留意すべき疾患である。(著者抄録)
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2022年4月 - 2025年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2018年4月 - 2022年3月