
佐田 尚宏

サタ ナオヒロ  (Naohiro Sata)


自治医科大学 医学部外科学講座 消化器一般移植外科学部門 主任教授 (附属病院 病院長)





  • Naohiro Sata
    PANCREAS 39(5) 701-701 2010年7月  
  • Tooru Shimosegawa, Keisho Kataoka, Terumi Kamisawa, Hiroyuki Miyakawa, Hirotaka Ohara, Tetsuhide Ito, Satoru Naruse, Naohiro Sata, Koichi Suda, Morihisa Hirota, Yoshifumi Takeyama, Keiko Shiratori, Takashi Hatori, Makoto Otsuki, Yutaka Atomi, Kentaro Sugano, Masao Tanaka
    Journal of gastroenterology 45(6) 584-91 2010年6月  査読有り
    In Japan, we are now using the clinical diagnostic criteria for chronic pancreatitis (CP) that were revised in 2001 to add the findings of magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography to the criteria compiled by the Japan Pancreas Society (JPS) in 1995. Because the current criteria are set for diagnosing advanced CP, they are unlikely to improve patients' prognoses. In addition, they seem unsuitable for current clinical practice because exocrine pancreatic function tests, which have become obsolete in Japan, are included in the diagnostic factors. For these reasons, the Research Committee on Intractable Pancreatic Diseases supported by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan, the JPS and the Japanese Society of Gastroenterology have revised the criteria. The revised criteria are unique in that they contain an introduction to the concept of early CP. It is a challenge aimed at improvement of the long-term prognosis of CP patients by early diagnosis and therapeutic intervention in this disease. We need to determine and clarify the clinico-pathological outcome of early CP by a prospective long-term follow-up of the patients in this category.
  • 森嶋 計, 笠原 尚哉, 小泉 大, 鯉沼 広治, 仁平 芳人, 佐久間 康成, 俵藤 正信, 佐田 尚宏, 安田 是和
    日本肝胆膵外科学会・学術集会プログラム・抄録集 22回 381-381 2010年5月  
  • Kazufumi Honda, Masaya Ono, Takuji Okusaka, Tomoo Kosuge, Klaus Felix, Shoji Nakamori, Naohiro Sata, Hideo Nagai, Tatsuya Loka, Akihiko Tsuchida, Masashi Shimahara, Yoichi Yasunami, Setsuo Hirohashi, Markus W. Buchler, Tesshi Yamada
    CANCER RESEARCH 70 2010年4月  
  • Masaru Koizumi, Naohiro Sata, Naoya Kasahara, Kazue Morishima, Hideki Sasanuma, Yasunaru Sakuma, Atsushi Shimizu, Masanobu Hyodo, Yoshikazu Yasuda
    JOP : Journal of the pancreas 11(1) 36-40 2010年1月8日  査読有り
    CONTEXT: Although surgical resection is the only curative therapeutic option for recurrent or metachronous pancreatic carcinomas, most such cancers are beyond surgical curability. We herein report on two rare cases of remnant pancreatectomy used to treat recurrent or metachronous pancreatic carcinomas. CASE REPORTS: CASE#1 A 65-year-old male developed weight loss and diabetes mellitus 83 months after a pylorus-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy followed by two years of adjuvant chemotherapy (5-fluorouracil plus leucovorin plus mitomycin C) for a pancreatic carcinoma in the head of the pancreas (stage IA). An abdominal CT scan revealed a 3 cm tumor in the remnant pancreas which appeared as a 'hot' nodule on FDG-PET. A remnant distal pancreatectomy was performed and a pancreatic carcinoma similar in profile to the primary lesion (stage IIB) was confirmed pathologically. CASE#2 A 67-year-old male showed increased CA 19-9 levels 25 months after a distal pancreatectomy for a pancreatic carcinoma in the body of the pancreas (stage IA). An abdominal CT scan revealed a cystic lesion in the cut end of the pancreas which appeared as a 'hot' nodule on FDG-PET. A remnant proximal pancreatectomy with duodenectomy was performed and a metachronous pancreatic carcinoma (stage III) was confirmed pathologically. CONCLUSION: Remnant pancreatectomy can be considered a treatment option for recurrent or metachronous pancreatic carcinomas. FDG-PET can play a key role in detecting remnant pancreatic carcinomas.
  • Hisashi Hatanaka, Mamiko Tsukui, Shuji Takada, Kentaro Kurashina, Young Lim Choi, Manabu Soda, Yoshihiro Yamashita, Hidenori Haruta, Toru Hamada, Toshihide Ueno, Kiichi Tamada, Yoshinori Hosoya, Naohiro Sata, Yoshikazu Yasuda, Hideo Nagai, Kentaro Sugano, Hiroyuki Mano
    Cancer science 101(1) 54-9 2010年1月  査読有り
    Gallbladder cancer (GBC) is a highly fatal malignancy in humans. Genetic alterations in KRAS or TP53 as well as overexpression of ERBB2 have been shown to contribute to the development of certain types of GBC. However, many cases of GBC do not harbor such genetic changes, with other transforming events awaiting discovery. We here tried to identify novel cancer-promoting genes in GBC, with the use of a retroviral cDNA expression library. A retroviral cDNA expression library was constructed from a surgically resected clinical specimen of GBC, and was used to infect 3T3 fibroblasts in a focus formation assay. cDNA incorporated into the transformed foci was rescued by PCR. One such cDNA was found to encode free fatty acid receptor 2 (FFAR2), a G protein-coupled receptor for short-chain fatty acids. The oncogenic potential of FFAR2 was confirmed both in vitro with the focus formation assay and by evaluation of cell growth in soft agar as well as in vivo with a tumorigenicity assay in nude mice. The isolated FFAR2 cDNA had no sequence alterations, suggesting that upregulation of FFAR2 expression may contribute to malignant transformation. Indeed, all of quantitative RT-PCR, in situ hybridization, and immunohistochemical analyses showed that the amount of FFAR2 mRNA and its protein product was increased in digestive tract cancer specimens. Furthermore, short-chain fatty acids potentiated the mitogenic action of FFAR2 in 3T3 cells. Our data thus, for the first time, implicate FFAR2 in carcinogenesis of the digestive tract.
  • Hisashi Hatanaka, Shuji Takada, Mamiko Tsukui, Young Lim Choi, Kentaro Kurashina, Manabu Soda, Yoshihiro Yamashita, Hidenori Haruta, Toru Hamada, Kiichi Tamada, Yoshinori Hosoya, Naohiro Sata, Hideo Nagai, Yoshikazu Yasuda, Kentaro Sugano, Hiroyuki Mano
    Cancer science 101(1) 60-4 2010年1月  査読有り
    To identify novel cancer-promoting genes in biliary tract cancer (BTC), we constructed a retroviral cDNA expression library from a clinical specimen of BTC with anomalous pancreaticobiliary duct junction (APBDJ), and used the library for a focus formation assay with 3T3 fibroblasts. One of the cDNAs rescued from transformed foci was found to encode Indian hedgehog homolog (IHH). The oncogenic potential of IHH was confirmed both in vitro with the focus formation assay and in vivo with a tumorigenicity assay in nude mice. The isolated IHH cDNA had no sequence alterations, suggesting that upregulation of IHH expression may contribute to malignant transformation. Quantitation of IHH mRNA among clinical specimens has revealed that the expression level of IHH in BTC with APBDJ is higher than that in BTC without APBDJ and than in non-cancerous biliary tissues. Our data thus implicate a direct role of IHH in the carcinogenesis of BTC with APBDJ.
  • Kazue Morishima, Masanobu Hyodo, Yoshito Nihei, Naohiro Sata, Yoshikazu Yasuda
    Japanese Journal of Cancer and Chemotherapy 37(1) 127-129 2010年  査読有り
    A 65-year-old man underwent a total gastrectomy and distal pancreatectomy for acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas. Multiple metastatic liver lesions were found one year postoperatively. He was treated with S-1 chemotherapy over 34 months, and the tumors significantly reduced in size without severe side effects. Four years after surgery, the liver metastases increased in size, associated with pain especially in the right upper quadrant. We then performed right hepatectomy. Peritoneal dissemination and multiple lung metastases were found 8 months after liver resection. Acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas is a rare and highly malignant tumor, and there are few reports regarding treatment with chemotherapy. Herein, we report a case with multiple liver metastases which were controlled by systemic chemotherapy using S-1.
  • Masaru Koizumi, Katsuya Dezaki, Hiroshi Hosoda, Boldbaatar Damdindorj, Hideyuki Sone, Lu Ming, Yoshinori Hosoya, Naohiro Sata, Eiji Kobayashi, Kenji Kangawa, Hideo Nagai, Yoshikazu Yasuda, Toshihiko Yada
    International journal of peptides 2010 2010年  査読有り
    Gastrectomy reduces food intake and body weight (BW) hampering recovery of physical conditions. It also reduces plasma levels of stomach-derived orexigenic ghrelin. This study explored changes in orexigenic ghrelin system in rats receiving total gastrectomy with Billroth II (B-II) or Roux-en-Y (R-Y) method. Feeding and BW were reduced by gastrectomy and subsequently recovered to a greater extent with R-Y than B-II while plasma ghrelin decreased similarly. At postoperative 12th week, ghrelin contents increased in the duodenum and pancreas, plasma ghrelin levels increased upon fasting, and ghrelin injection promoted feeding but not in earlier periods. In summary, gastrectomized rats partially recover feeding and BW, in a reconstruction-dependent manner. At 12th week, ghrelin is upregulated in extra-stomach tissues, plasma ghrelin levels are physiologically regulated, and orexigenic effect of exogenous ghrelin is restored. This time-related recovery of ghrelin system may provide a strategy for promoting feeding, BW, and thereby physical conditions in gastrectomized patients.
  • Atsushi Miki, Ricordi Camillo, Yasunaru Sakuma, Ryosuke Misawa, Luca Inverardi, Antonello Pileggi, Naohiro Sata, Yoshikazu Yasuda, Hirohito Ichii
  • Masaya Ono, Junichi Matsubara, Kazufumi Honda, Tomohiro Sakuma, Tomoyo Hashiguchi, Hiroshi Nose, Shoji Nakamori, Takuji Okusaka, Tomoo Kosuge, Naohiro Sata, Hideo Nagai, Tatsuya Ioka, Sachiko Tanaka, Akihiko Tsuchida, Tatsuya Aoki, Masashi Shimahara, Yohichi Yasunami, Takao Itoi, Fuminori Moriyasu, Ayako Negishi, Hideya Kuwabara, Ayako Shoji, Setsuo Hirohashi, Tesshi Yamada
    The Journal of biological chemistry 284(42) 29041-9 2009年10月16日  査読有り
    Plasma proteome analysis requires sufficient power to compare numerous samples and detect changes in protein modification, because the protein content of human samples varies significantly among individuals, and many plasma proteins undergo changes in the bloodstream. A label-free proteomics platform developed in our laboratory, termed "Two-Dimensional Image Converted Analysis of Liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry (2DICAL)," is capable of these tasks. Here, we describe successful detection of novel prolyl hydroxylation of alpha-fibrinogen using 2DICAL, based on comparison of plasma samples of 38 pancreatic cancer patients and 39 healthy subjects. Using a newly generated monoclonal antibody 11A5, we confirmed the increase in prolyl-hydroxylated alpha-fibrinogen plasma levels and identified prolyl 4-hydroxylase A1 as a key enzyme for the modification. Competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of 685 blood samples revealed dynamic changes in prolyl-hydroxylated alpha-fibrinogen plasma level depending on clinical status. Prolyl-hydroxylated alpha-fibrinogen is presumably controlled by multiple biological mechanisms, which remain to be clarified in future studies.
  • 小泉 大, 佐田 尚宏, 笠原 尚哉, 森嶋 計, 志村 国彦, 笹沼 英紀, 藤原 岳人, 佐久間 康成, 太田 真, 清水 敦, 俵藤 正信, 山下 圭輔, 安田 是和
    日本臨床外科学会雑誌 70(増刊) 838-838 2009年10月  
  • 小泉 大, 佐田 尚宏, 笠原 尚哉, 森嶋 計, 笹沼 英紀, 佐久間 康成, 清水 敦, 俵藤 正信, 山下 圭輔, 安田 是和
    日本消化器病学会雑誌 106(臨増大会) A912-A912 2009年9月  
  • Shin Saito, Yoshinori Hosoya, Toru Zuiki, Masanobu Hyodo, Alan Lefor, Naohiro Sata, Michitaka Nagase, Masanori Nakazawa, Daisuke Matsubara, Toshiro Niki, Yoshikazu Yasuda
    ESOPHAGUS 6(3) 177-181 2009年9月  査読有り
    We reviewed the clinicopathological characteristics of 14 patients who underwent resection of basaloid squamous carcinoma (BSC) of the esophagus. The mean age was 65.3 years, and all patients were male. Seven patients had superficial BSCs and 7 had advanced BSCs. BSCs were associated with high rates of lymph node metastases and venous invasion. With regard to immunohistochemistry, the rate of cyclin D1 expression was higher (13/14), and the preservation rate of E-cadherin expression was lower (4/14), than that seen in ordinary esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Squamous cell carcinoma components were most often found at sites of lymph node metastases, whereas basaloid components predominated at sites of hematogenous metastases in 4 patients, including lung, brain, and liver. Seven of the 9 patients with stage I or II disease are alive without recurrence. All patients with stage III or IV tumors developed recurrent disease. Primary tumors responded well in 3 patients who received preoperative chemotherapy (5-fluorouracil plus cisplatin) and/or radiotherapy, but further studies are needed to clarify the role of chemoradiotherapy. We believe that control of the hematogenous spread of basaloid components may lead to improved outcomes in patients with esophageal BSC.
  • 小泉 大, 佐田 尚宏, 笠原 尚哉, 森嶋 計, 笹沼 英紀, 佐久間 康成, 清水 敦, 俵藤 正信, 山下 圭輔, 安田 是和
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌 42(7) 993-993 2009年7月  
  • 遠藤 和洋, 佐田 尚宏, 森嶋 計, 笠原 尚哉, 小泉 大, 笹沼 英紀, 佐久間 康成, 清水 敦, 俵藤 正信, 安田 是和
    膵臓 24(3) 392-392 2009年6月  
  • 井上 賢之, 小泉 大, 笠原 尚哉, 森島 計, 笹沼 英紀, 佐久間 康成, 清水 敦, 俵藤 正信, 山下 圭輔, 佐田 尚宏, 安田 是和
    膵臓 24(3) 456-456 2009年6月  
  • 小泉 大, 佐田 尚宏, 笠原 尚哉, 森嶋 計, 笹沼 英紀, 佐久間 康成, 清水 敦, 俵藤 正信, 山下 圭輔, 安田 是和
    日本肝胆膵外科学会・学術集会プログラム・抄録集 21回 318-318 2009年6月  
  • 清水 敦, 俵藤 正信, 佐久間 康成, 笹沼 英紀, 仁平 芳人, 森嶋 計, 山下 圭輔, 小泉 大, 笠原 尚哉, 鯉沼 広治, 宮倉 安幸, 堀江 久永, 長瀬 通隆, 藤井 博文, 佐田 尚宏, 安田 是和
    日本外科学会雑誌 110(臨増2) 87-87 2009年2月  
  • Kazuhiro Endo, Naohiro Sata, Kunihiko Shimura, Yoshikazu Yasuda
    JOP : Journal of the pancreas 10(1) 59-63 2009年1月8日  査読有り
    CONTEXT: Although rare, a pancreatic arteriovenous malformation can have serious consequences. A diagnosis of arteriovenous malformation requires evidence of aberrant communication between the arterial and the venous systems. This report describes a case where the use of multi-detector row CT and specific post-processing methods provided a diagnosis of arteriovenous malformation. This minimally invasive diagnostic approach resulted in a clear, precise and comprehensive visual representation of the pancreatic arteriovenous malformation. CASE REPORT: A 60-year-old man with right hypochondriac pain presented with a mass in the head of the pancreas. The hypochondriac pain resolved spontaneously and physical examination revealed no abnormal findings. A multi-detector row CT study was performed. The data obtained in the arterial phase demonstrated a high-contrast mass in the head of the pancreas and early enhancement of the portal vein. A maximum intensity projection method clarified the aberrant vascular communication. Changes in Hounsfield numbers were observed using a multi-planar reformation method. A volume-rendering method was used to create a 3D model which demonstrated the spatial relationship between the aberrant vascular communication and the surrounding tissue. An annual follow-up study using this technique showed no significant alteration. CONCLUSIONS: Multi-detector row CT with specific post-processing methods is a useful diagnostic tool for pancreatic arteriovenous malformation.
  • Mikio Shiozawa, Naohiro Sata, Kazuyuki Endo, Masaru Koizumi, Yosikazu Yasuda, Hideo Nagai, Hiroshi Takakusaki
    ABDOMINAL IMAGING 34(1) 113-120 2009年1月  査読有り
    Retroperitoneal endoscopic adrenalectomy (EA) is recognized as a principal procedure for benign adrenal tumors. However, a limited visual field and a narrow working space make this approach difficult, particularly in cases of obese patients or small tumors. Using multidetector row CT (MD-CT), this study investigated the use of preoperative virtual simulation (PVS) to identify tumor and central vein locations for EA, and verified these findings during EA surgery. The study enrolled 11 cases comprising 10 adrenal adenomas and one ACTH-independent macronodular adrenal hyperplasia admitted to Jichi Medical University Hospital, Tochigi, Japan, between November 2003 and October 2006. Patients were evaluated in a lateral bending position using MD-CT. 3D PVS images of ribs, vertebrae, kidneys, and adrenal tumors were generated and compared with real images obtained during EA. The PVS images clearly showed the relative locations of the adrenal tumor, kidney, and adjacent anatomical structures. These locations were verified during EA. The central vein was identified in the PVS images in all cases. Information derived from the PVS images assisted in the performance of EA surgery. Preoperative 3D-simulation images using MD-CT contributed to the safety and efficiency of performing EAs.
  • Naohiro Sata, Kentaro Kurashina, Hideo Nagai, Takukazu Nagakawa, Osamu Ishikawa, Tetsuo Ohta, Masaaki Oka, Hisafumi Kinoshita, Wataru Kimura, Hiroshi Shimada, Masao Tanaka, Akimasa Nakao, Kouichi Hirata, Hideki Yasuda
    Journal of hepato-biliary-pancreatic surgery 16(4) 485-92 2009年  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: Pancreatic carcinoma causes more than 20,000 deaths every year in Japan. The role of (neo-) adjuvant chemotherapy for pancreatic carcinoma is still controversial. METHODS: At the 34th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Pancreatic Surgery in 2007, questionnaires were distributed regarding the use of (neo-) adjuvant chemo(radio)therapy for pancreatic carcinoma between 2001 and 2005. RESULTS: Sixty of the 146 member institutions responded to the questionnaires. There were a total of 1,846 cases of resected pancreatic carcinoma between 2001 and 2005. The study population had a greater proportion of males, and a mean age of 65.3 years (range 34-90 years). The lesion was located in the head of the pancreas in 1,204 cases (71.7%), in the body in 353 cases (21.0%), and in the tail in 111 cases (6.6%). Overall survival rates were 67.3% at 1 year, 36.0% at 2 years, and 23.9% at 3 years, respectively. Adjuvant chemotherapy (usually involving gemcitabine) was used in 66.0% of cases. The use of adjuvant chemotherapy was found to improve the overall survival rate. Interestingly, adjuvant chemotherapy only improved survival in late-stage (UICC stages IIB, III, and IV) but not early stage (IA, IB, and IIA) patients. Survival was treatment duration-dependent, with patients who received more than 12 months of therapy having a 3-year survival rate of 51.2%. CONCLUSION: This high volume retrospective data indicated the promising effect of gemcitabine-based adjuvant chemotherapy and the rational duration of adjuvant chemotherapy should be determined in the future prospective studies.
  • 笹沼 英紀, 笠原 尚哉, 森嶋 計, 小泉 大, 仁平 芳人, 佐久間 康成, 清水 敦, 俵藤 正信, 山下 圭輔, 佐田 尚宏, 安田 是和
    肝臓 49(Suppl.3) A741-A741 2008年10月  
  • 横田 真一郎, 小泉 大, 笠原 尚哉, 佐田 尚宏, 安田 是和
    日本臨床外科学会雑誌 69(増刊) 718-718 2008年10月  
  • 清水 徹一郎, 瑞木 享, 倉科 憲太郎, 佐久間 康成, 宮倉 安幸, 佐田 尚宏, 安田 是和
    日本臨床外科学会雑誌 69(増刊) 642-642 2008年10月  
  • 小泉 大, 佐田 尚宏, 田中 宏幸, 佐藤 政広, 笠原 尚哉, 森嶋 計, 仁平 芳人, 佐久間 康成, 俵藤 正信, 安田 是和
    日本消化器病学会雑誌 105(臨増大会) A891-A891 2008年9月  
  • 笠原 尚哉, 小泉 大, 森嶋 計, 仁平 芳人, 佐久間 康成, 俵藤 正信, 佐田 尚宏, 安田 是和
    日本消化器病学会雑誌 105(臨増大会) A914-A914 2008年9月  
  • Masaru Koizumi, Naohiro Sata, Koji Yoshizawa, Katsumi Kurihara, Yoshikazu Yasuda
    Case reports in gastroenterology 1(1) 103-9 2007年10月12日  査読有り
    A 60-year-old man presented with melena and hematemesis in 1984. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) detected a small protruding lesion in the duodenal bulb, which was diagnosed as Brunner's adenoma. No significant change was detected in subsequent annual EGD and biopsies for 10 years, after which the patient was not observed for 7 years. The patient presented with melena again in 2001. The lesion had changed shape to become a 10 mm sessile tumor with a central depression, and following a biopsy was diagnosed as an adenocarcinoma. The patient underwent partial resection of the duodenum. Histopathological assessment showed acidophilic cells with swollen nuclei, and clear cells forming a tubular or papillary tubule in the mucosal lamina propria and submucosal layer. The tumor cells stained positive for lysozyme, indicating that they arose from Brunner's gland. The patient showed no sign of recurrence and was disease-free for more than 34 months after surgery. The patient died of pneumonia. This is an extremely rare case of primary duodenal carcinoma arising from Brunner's gland in a patient observed for 17 years.
  • Masaru Koizumi, Naohiro Sata, Kunihiko Shimura, Munetoshi Tsukahara, Katsumi Kurihara, Masanobu Hyodo, Yoshikazu Yasuda, Hideo Nagai
  • Masaru Koizumi, Katsuya Dezaki, Hiroshi Hosoda, Kenji Kangawa, Yoshinori Hosoya, Naohiro Sata, Yoshikazu Yasuda, Hideo Nagai, Toshihiko Yada
    GASTROENTEROLOGY 132(4) A338-A338 2007年4月  
  • N. Sata, K. Endo, K. Shimura, M. Koizumi, H. Nagai
    ABDOMINAL IMAGING 32(1) 66-72 2007年2月  
    Recent advances in multidetector row computed tomography (MD-CT) technology provide new opportunities for clinical diagnoses of various diseases. Here we assessed CT virtual duodenoscopy, duodenography, and three-dimensional (3D) multicholangiography created by MD-CT for clinical diagnosis of duodenal malignant lesions. The study involved seven cases of periduodenal carcinoma (four ampullary carcinomas, two duodenal carcinomas, one pancreatic carcinoma). Biliary contrast medium was administered intravenously, followed by intravenous administration of an anticholinergic agent and oral administration of effervescent granules for expanding the upper gastrointestinal tract. Following intravenous administration of a nonionic contrast medium, an upper abdominal MD-CT scan was performed in the left lateral position. Scan data were processed on a workstation to create CT virtual duodenoscopy, duodenography, 3D multicholangiography, and various postprocessing images, which were then evaluated for their effectiveness as preoperative diagnostic tools. Carcinoma location and extent were clearly demonstrated as defects or colored low-density areas in 3-D multicholangiography images and as protruding lesions in virtual duodenography and duodenoscopy images. These findings were confirmed using multiplanar or curved planar reformation images. In conclusion, CT virtual duodenoscopy, doudenography, 3-D multicholangiography, and various images created by MD-CT alone provided necessary and adequate preoperative diagnostic information.
  • Naohiro Sata, Akira Kurogochi, Kazuhiro Endo, Kunihiko Shimura, Masaru Koizumi, Hideo Nagai
    JOP : Journal of the pancreas 8(1) 44-9 2007年1月9日  査読有り
    CONTEXT: Primary pancreatic lymphoma is a rare form of extranodal lymphoma originating in the pancreas. The present report describes a case of follicular lymphoma of the pancreas with unique CT and MRI findings. CASE REPORT: A 58-year-old male complained of sudden abdominal pain, and routine ultrasonography detected an 8 cm hypoechoic tumor in the head of the pancreas. The 3D image generated using multi-cholangiography and virtual duodenography provided the information necessary for a laparotomy. The tumor was enucleated for diagnosis. Follicular lymphoma is quite rare in the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract. A considerable number of pancreatic lymphoma subtypes have been reported. The expression "pancreatic lymphoma" has been used to describe both primary lymphoid neoplasms originating in the pancreatic parenchyma and tumors invading from a peri-pancreatic lymphadenopathy. The present case belongs to the latter, which might explain the unique imaging findings and histological type. These subtypes display different imaging findings and different clinical characteristics. In the future, primary pancreatic lymphoma should be discussed separately depending on the subtype. CONCLUSION: We propose a new subtype of primary pancreatic lymphoma. Multi-cholangiography and virtual duodenography provided the information necessary for a laparotomy in the present case. Enucleation is indicated for benign and low-grade malignant tumors of the pancreas, even if the tumor is located in the head of the pancreas.
  • Naohiro Sata, Masaru Koizumi, Hideo Nagai
    Journal of gastroenterology 42 Suppl 17(Supplement 17) 131-4 2007年1月  査読有り
    Alcoholic chronic pancreatitis (CP) is not usually diagnosed until the end stage of the disease, and hence enormous medical and social resources are consumed in the treatment of established alcoholic CP. With the aim of early diagnosis and prevention of alcoholic CP, we here propose "alcoholic pancreatopathy" as a new category of pancreatic disorder induced by alcohol intake. In addition to a history of excessive alcohol intake (>80 g/day), the presence of at least one of the following conditions establishes the diagnosis of alcoholic pancreatopathy: 1. History of alcoholic acute pancreatitis. 2. Recurrent abdominal pain or gastrointestinal symptoms induced by alcohol intake. 3. Hyperamylasemia or a high serum level of any other pancreatic enzymes. 4. Abnormal findings in the pancreas by routine abdominal ultrasonography. Alcoholic pancreatopathy is a comprehensive concept that includes the early stage of pancreatic injury induced by alcohol, and is useful for detecting the preclinical stage of pancreatic injury induced by alcohol and hence for treating the early stage of the disease. Further assessments and well-designed studies for investigating the early stage of alcoholic CP are necessary, in which alcoholic pancreatopathy could play a key role.
  • Jianfeng Bai, Naohiro Sata, Hideo Nagai
    HPB : the official journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association 9(2) 150-5 2007年  査読有り
    BACKGROUND/AIMS: Current in vitro drug sensitivity tests have limitations and disadvantages. This study investigated the use of gene expression data to predict the sensitivity of pancreatic cancers to gemcitabine. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cancer cells isolated from 14 pancreatic cancer patients were tested in vitro for gemcitabine sensitivity using the collagen droplet drug sensitivity test (CD-DST). On the basis of this test, 9 of the 14 cancers were identified as either gemcitabine-sensitive or gemcitabine-resistant. Total RNA was extracted from each of those nine cancers and used as a template to synthesize Cy3-labeled cDNA. Pancreatic RNA extracted from six normal individuals was used as a control. Labeled probes were hybridized to an Atlas Glass Human 1.0 Microarray chip, after which the chips were washed and scanned, and the data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel-embedded software. The expression profiles of selected genes were confirmed using real-time PCR analysis. RESULTS: Statistical analysis of the microarray data showed that four genes were differentially expressed in gemcitabine-sensitive cancers: microsomal glutathione S-transferase 1 (GSTT1), topoisomerase II alpha (TOP2A), caspase 3, and ATP-binding cassette and subfamily C member 2 (ABCC2). More than 20 other genes were additionally identified as possible candidate genes associated with drug resistance. CONCLUSIONS: Expression of drug resistance-related genes appeared to predict whether a cancer was gemcitabine-sensitive or -resistant. Further study will enable a drug resistance scoring system to be established on the basis of gene expression. Such a system will allow more efficient application of chemotherapy.
  • Noboru Yamagata, Jyunko Fujio, Risen Hirai, Mutsumi Matsumaru, Satoshi Tanimura, Chiho Inokuchi, Tateki Shikai, Naoki Takezako, Michiyo Nasu, Yoichi Sakata, Naohiro Sata, Hideo Nagai, Ken Saito, Akiyoshi Miwa
    International journal of hematology 84(1) 70-3 2006年7月  査読有り
    Hepatic amyloidosis complicated with Castleman's disease is quite rare. A 48-year-old woman was referred to our hospital with general fatigue, low-grade fever, anemia, thrombocythemia, and liver dysfunction. Physical examination revealed anemia and hepatomegaly and abdominal computed tomography showed marked hepatomegaly and right upper abdominal masses. Technetium-99m pyrophosphate (99mTc-PYP) scintigraphy revealed the diffuse abnormal uptake of the enlarged liver, suggesting amyloid deposition. Liver biopsy showed destruction of the liver structure and the massive deposition of AA type amyloid protein. Surgical resection was performed on the abdominal masses. Histological examination of the masses showed Castleman's disease (plasma cell type). After resection, her fever resolved and the liver size gradually decreased to within the normal range. This case shows that surgical resection of the main lesion is effective for hepatomegaly due to AA type amyloidosis associated with Castleman's disease.
  • N Sata, K Kurihara, M Koizumi, M Tsukahara, K Yoshizawa, H Nagai
    ABDOMINAL IMAGING 31(3) 326-331 2006年6月  
    We sought to validate computed tomographic virtual pancreatoscopy (CT-VP) created by multidetector row CT (MD-CT) in the clinical diagnosis of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) of the pancreas. Five cases of pancreatic IPMNs were included in this study. A nasopancreatic drainage tube was inserted and the pancreatic duct was filled with contrast medium, after which an upper abdominal scan was performed by MD-CT. CT-VP and three-dimensional (3D) CT pancreatographic images were created using a workstation and compared with images by conventional diagnostic techniques. All cases were evaluated by endoscopic retrograde pancreatography (ERP) and three cases of main duct type were assessed by intraoperative real pancreatoscopy (RP). In the main duct cases, papillary projections in the main pancreatic duct and branch orifices were clearly detected by CT-VP. These lesions and structures were confirmed by intraoperative RP, and the CT-VP images were clearer than RP images. In branch cases, a surface-rendering method allowed protruding lesions to be clearly detected in the dilated branches. Compared with conventional ERP or RP, CT-VP and 3D-CT pancreatographic images were finer in quality, and the procedures were less invasive, faster, and less expensive. The potential shown by CT-VP with 3D-CT pancreatography in the clinical diagnosis of pancreatic IPMNs suggests that this approach may replace ERP in the near future.
  • N Sata, M Shiozawa, A Suzuki, K Kurihara, J Ohki, H Nagai
    Although hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery (HALS) is very common in various laparoscopic procedures, it is rarely used for retroperitoneal endoscopic adrenalectomy because of the small working area. The authors evaluate HALS in endoscopic adrenalectomy with respect to its use as a rescue procedure in complicated cases. In their department, 47 patients underwent endoscopic adrenalectomies between 1998 and 2004. Mainly because of complicated anatomy, three primary aldosteronism cases were converted to retroperitoneal HALS. This involved making an additional 6 cm skin incision, into which the surgeon's left hand was inserted, with the palm used to create a sufficient visual field and working area. The fingers were used for tactile sensation and blunt resection. For these three cases, successful retroperitoneal HALS in endoscopic adrenalectomy resulted in no mortality or morbidity. These findings indicate that this procedure is a feasible technique for complicated benign adrenal tumor cases.
  • Masaru Koizumi, Naohiro Sata, Yoshikazu Yasuda, Hideo Nagai, Yoshihiro Saito, Yuji Hayashi, Kazuyuki Shimada
    Surgery today 36(5) 425-35 2006年  査読有り
    PURPOSE: We compiled a manual aimed at reducing preoperative cardiac assessment costs and defining the roles of surgeons and cardiologists. We tested prospectively and retrospectively if this manual achieved these goals. METHODS: Using the Guidelines for Perioperative Cardiovascular Evaluation for Noncardiac Surgery of the American College of Cardiology (ACC) / American Heart Association (AHA), and other articles as a reference, we compiled the Jichi Medical School Hospital (JMSH) Manual in September 2002. This manual contains a novel checklist and flowcharts and includes all past and present cardiac disorders, complications, abnormalities in electrocardiograms (ECGs) and chest X-rays, and evaluation of daily activity. Using this manual, we prospectively studied 1087 surgical candidates from September 2002 to August 2003, and retrospectively analyzed 927 surgical candidates from September 2001 to August 2002. RESULTS: In the prospective study, 39 (3.6%) patients were deemed to require further cardiac assessment and 4 (0.37%) suffered postoperative complications. In the retrospective study, 108 (11.7%) were deemed to require further cardiac assessment and 20 (2.2%) suffered postoperative complications. Using this manual reduced preoperative cardiac examination costs by 1323,600 Japanese yen, representing a 70.5% reduction. CONCLUSIONS: The JMSH Manual defines the roles of surgeons and cardiologists and is useful for assessing preoperative cardiac function and surgical risks. This manual dramatically reduced the costs associated with preoperative cardiac examinations.
  • Masaru Koizumi, Naohiro Sata, Koji Yoshizawa, Munetoshi Tsukahara, Katsumi Kurihara, Yoshikazu Yasuda, Hideo Nagai
    World journal of surgical oncology 3 70-70 2005年10月19日  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: Fistula formation has been reported in intraductal papillary-mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs) with or without invasion of the adjacent organs. The presence or absence of invasion is mostly determined by postoperative histological examination rather than by preoperative work-up. CASE PRESENTATION: A 72 year-old Japanese woman showed remarkable dilatation of the main pancreatic duct (MPD) in the distal region of the pancreas. Subsequent ERCP also showed MPD dilatation, after which the patient suffered moderate pancreatitis. A subsequent gastroscopy revealed a small ulceration that had not been observed in a gastroscopy performed 3 months prior. Mucinous discharge from the ulceration suggested it might be the orifice of a fistula connected to the MPD. En bloc resection including the distal region of the pancreas, spleen, stomach and part of the transverse colon was performed under the pre- and intraoperative diagnosis of an invasive malignant IPMN. However, histopathology revealed the lesion to be of "borderline malignancy" without apparent invasion of the stomach. Light microscopy showed inflammatory cellular infiltrates (mainly neutrophils) around the pancreatogastric fistula, but there was no evidence of neoplastic epithelia lining the fistulous tract. CONCLUSION: This case highlights that a pancreatogastric fistula can develop after acute inflammation of the pancreas in the absence of cancer invasion. Further information regarding IPMN-associated fistulae is necessary to clarify the pathogenesis, diagnosis, appropriate surgical intervention and prognosis for this disorder.
  • Ning Wang, Shuichi Tsuruoka, Hisashi Yamamoto, Shin Enosawa, Takeshi Omasa, Naohiro Sata, Toshiharu Matsumura, Hideo Nagai, Akio Fujimura
    Artificial organs 29(8) 681-4 2005年8月  査読有り
    A novel recombinant human hepatic cell line, CYP3A4- and glutamine synthetase (GS, an enzyme which converts ammonium ion and glutamate to glutamine)-introduced HepG2 (HepG2-GS-CYP3A4), was established. Its usefulness in a large-scale culture with a circulatory bioreactor in vitro and in dog models of ischemic hepatic failure with acute diazepam (DZP, a substrate of CYP3A4) overdosage was further examined. HepG2-GS-CYP3A4 expressed about 9 times larger amounts of CYP3A4 protein than a control. After incubation with HepG2-GS-3A4 cells in a circulatory bioreactor for 24 h, ammonia and DZP concentrations in the culture medium significantly decreased by about 40%. Furthermore, this system improved the survival time and decreased serum concentrations of DZP, ammonia, and transaminase in dogs with ischemic hepatic failure plus acute DZP overdosage. The mean survival time with bioreactor with HepG2-GS-3A4 was 42.7 +/- 3.6 h, which was significantly longer than that without reactor, with reactor (no cells), and with HepG2-GS (23.4 +/- 2.8, 22.1 +/- 2.4, and 31 +/- 3.7 h, respectively). Therefore, it is concluded that this bioartificial liver could be a good tool for the treatment of dogs with hepatic failure and that it could potentially be a bridging procedure to liver transplantation.
  • Naohiro Sata, Masaru Koizumi, Munetoshi Tsukahara, Kouji Yoshizawa, Katsumi Kurihara, Hideo Nagai
    Journal of hepato-biliary-pancreatic surgery 12(1) 71-5 2005年  査読有り
    The treatment of intraductal papillary mucinous tumors (IPMT) of the pancreas is still controversial. In this report we describe a single-branch resection of the pancreas (SBRP), which is a new method for the removal of branch-type IPMT of the head of the pancreas. A multilobular cystic lesion (50 x 40 mm) in the head of the pancreas was incidentally detected in an asymptomatic 40-year-old man who underwent a routine ultrasound examination. The tumor was carefully removed along the border of the cyst and the normal parenchyma, with complete preservation of the main pancreatic duct and the common bile duct. A pancreatic fistula developed during the postoperative period, but was well-controlled by endoscopic naso-pancreatic drainage. SBRP is a technically feasible procedure and this operation represents a minimally invasive alternative to any other segmental resection of the pancreas.
  • Naohiro Sata, Munetoshi Tsukahara, Masaru Koizumi, Koji Yoshizawa, Katsumi Kurihara, Hideo Nagai, Tsutomu Someya, Ken Saito
    World journal of surgical oncology 2 28-28 2004年8月15日  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: Small-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma in the duodenum is an extremely rare neoplasm with poor prognosis. CASE PRESENTATION: A 57-year-old man presented with sudden onset gastrointestinal bleeding and fainting attacks. Duodenoscopy and hypotonic duodenography revealed a 3 x 3 cm protruding tumor with ulcerations situated opposite the ampulla of Vater in the second part of the duodenum. Local excision of the tumor was performed, followed by adjuvant chemotherapy with 5-fluoro uracil and leucovorin. Examination of the tumor by immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy indicated it to be neuroendocrine in nature, expressing synaptophysin and AE1/AE3, and containing dense core granules. The patient showed no sign of recurrence and has been disease-free for more than 48 months after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Most cases of small-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma in the duodenum show rapid progression of the disease, and even radical surgery with or without chemotherapy do not prevent death. We report a rare subtype of small-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma. This subtype appears to have a much better prognosis, and may be amenable to local excision, if the lesion is away from the ampulla of Vater.
  • Jianfeng Bai, Naohiro Sata, Hideo Nagai, Tomoaki Wada, Koji Yoshida, Hiroyuki Mano, Fumihiro Sata, Reiko Kishi
    Pancreas 29(2) 93-8 2004年8月  査読有り
    OBJECTIVES: To investigate the effect of genistein on gene expression in Panc 1 cells using microarray technology. METHODS: Panc 1 cells were treated with 10 micromol/L genistein or DMSO (vehicle control) for 0, 1, 3, 6, or 12 hours. Total RNA from each sample was isolated, and biotin-labeled probes were hybridized to the human genome U133A chip, after which the chip was washed and scanned. Data were analyzed using DMT software (Affymetrix). For genes that showed large changes in expression due to genistein, these changes were confirmed using real-time PCR assays. RESULTS: Two independent microarray experiments showed that genistein significantly changed the expression of 47 genes: up-regulating of egr-1 and IL-8 and down-regulating of EGF-R AKT2, CYP1B1, NELL2, SCD, DNA ligase III, Rad as well as 18s and 28s rRNA and others. These alterations in expression were confirmed using real-time PCR, although the increase in change was not exactly the same in the 2 assays. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest the reported apparent ability of genistein to inhibit carcinogenesis may involve a number of pathways. The most obvious target is the EGF-R signaling pathway since the expression of 5 genes related to this pathway was reduced (EGFR, egr-1, AKT2, CYP1B1, and NELL2). Genistein may also act by disabling cancer cell self-protection by inhibiting expression of AKT2, CYP1B1, and DNA ligase III. Furthermore, genistein may inhibit car-cinogenesis by inhibiting expression of SCD. Finally, our data support findings indicating that genistein inhibits rRNA formation, which is an important mechanism by which genistein regulates tumor cell growth.
  • 瑞木 亨, 倉科 憲太郎, 栗原 克己, 佐田 尚宏, 安田 是和, 永井 秀雄, 山本 博徳, 菅野 健太郎
    栄養-評価と治療 21(2) 170-171 2004年4月  
  • M Hyodo, H Nagai, N Sata, T Ishitsuka, K Kurihara, K Yoshizawa, K Saitoh
    HEPATO-GASTROENTEROLOGY 50(53) 1687-1688 2003年9月  査読有り
    A 43-year-old Japanese man had an increasing level of serum CEA pointed out, by annual-physical checkups. No abnormal findings were detected,in the lungs or gastrointestinal tract. The only pathological lesions were a 1.5-cm-sized nodule in the pancreatic tail and a 5-cm-sized thyroid tumor. The thyroid tumor was shown to be Medullary carcinoma by aspiration cytology He underwent total thyroidectomy with extensive lymph node-dissection., After thyroid surgery,,the patient received distal pancreatectomy 2 weeks later. Pathological examination revealed the pancreatic tumor to be a metastasis of thyroid medullary carcinoma. The patient is alive and well without recurrence 5 years after thyroidectomy and pancreatectomy. The serum levels of CEA and calcitonin remain within normal limits. Thus, the patient seems to have had a solitary metastatic tumor from thyroid medullary cancer.
  • Naohiro Sata, Masaru Koizumi, Munetoshi Tsukahara, Koji Yoshizawa, Katsumi Kurihara, Hideo Nagai
    Annals of Cancer Research and Therapy 11(1-2) 231-242 2003年  査読有り
    Pancreatic cancer has a dismal prognosis because most lesions are unresectable where as adjuvant and palliative chemotherapy exhibits poor results. Six patients with locally unresectable pancreatic cancer were treated with mitomycin-C (MMC) 8mg/m2 on day 1 and 5-FU 375mg/m2 and LV 20mg/m2 on days 1 to 5. Treatment cycles were repeated every four weeks if the patient's general condition permitted. All patients had measurable, histologically proven adenocarcinoma and had not undergone prior chemotherapy. Three patients underwent hepaticojejunostomy whilst choledochal stents were endoscopically inserted in two patients. No significant side effects of grade 3 or 4 were observed. Five of six patients who received an average of 5 treatment cycles died of their disease with a medial survival of 8.9 months. The remaining patient received 12 treatment cycles and 8 additional treatments without mitomycin-C and exhibited a complete remission for 36 months. Our data suggest that MMC plus 5-FU and leucovorin is a tolerable regimen and has promising effects. Further prospective studies are needed. Copyright © 2003 By PJD Publications Limited.
  • Kenji Takegami, Naohiro Sata, Yoneei Kawaguchi, Yoshiro Kubota
    Surgery today 32(2) 129-33 2002年  査読有り
    PURPOSE: This study was performed to evaluate the operative conditions for an abdominal wall-lifting laparoscopic cholecystectomy (ALLC) using a new preoperative grading system. METHODS: One hundred forty-five patients who underwent a cholecystectomy for cholecystolithiasis from January 1997 to December 1999 were retrospectively analyzed. Allotting 0-5 points for coexisting cholecystitis, past history, previous upper abdominal laparotomy, preoperative drainage, location of the stones, and body mass index, the total combined score was defined as the predictive score. The cases were graded into four risk groups according to the predictive score. The postoperative score, which evaluated the actual conditions of ALLC, was defined by allotting 0-8 points to operative factors: operation time, blood loss, additional trocars and procedures, conversion to open surgery, and postoperative complications. RESULTS: Ten cases (6.9%) were converted to open surgery and three cases (2.1%) had minor postoperative complications. The conversion rate for each risk group was 0% (minimum-risk group), 5.4% (low-risk group), 10.7% (intermediate-risk group), and 17.9% (high-risk group). The mean operation time was 63.0, 87.5, 89.0, and 120.2 min. The mean postoperative score was 1.08, 2.81, 3.96, and 6.36, and showed a respectively strong correlation with the predictive score (correlation coefficient: 0.997). CONCLUSIONS: Our preoperative grading system using the predictive score was found to be a reliable and feasible method for predicting the actual operative conditions for ALLC.
  • K Yoshizawa, H Nagai, K Kurihara, N Sata, T Kawai, K Saito
    HEPATO-GASTROENTEROLOGY 48(40) 1153-1156 2001年7月  査読有り
    Background/Aims: Pancreatic cancer remains one of the most formidable tumors defying early detection and effective treatment. Long-term survivors, however, do exist after resection. We investigated the clinicopathologic features of patients with pancreatic cancer who survived more than 5 years to draw out some suggestions concerning the indication of surgical treatment. Methodology: We studied the clinicopathologic features of 13 patients with pancreatic cancer who survived more than 5 years after resection. We reviewed their clinical records to investigate preoperative symptoms, serum tumor markers, operative findings, postoperative adjuvant therapy, and modes of recurrence and survival periods. Information on the location, size, histology and spread of the primary tumors were mainly obtained from pathology reports. Results: Histologic types of the long survivors included ductal adenocarcinoma of common type in 4 patients, mucinous noncystic adenocarcinoma in 2, intraductal papillary-mucinous carcinoma (invasive) in 4, undifferentiated carcinoma in 1, endocrine tumor (islet cell carcinoma) in 1 and acinar cell carcinoma in 1. All 4 cases of ductal adenocarcinoma of the common type showed a moderate invasion either to the retroperitoneum, the portal vein or the duodenum. Two patients with mucinous noncystic carcinoma attained a long survival despite extensive invasion of the pancreatic stroma, although one died of peritoneal carcinomatosis. Two of 4 patients with intraductal papillary-mucinous cancer (invasive) died of peritoneal dissemination 6 and 11 years after resection, respectively. Three patients with cancer of other special histologic types, i.e., undifferentiated, well-differentiated endocrine carcinoma and acinar cell carcinoma, showed invasion of the portal vein and splenic artery, involvement of the retroperitoneum and a metastatic tumor in the liver, respectively. Conclusions: Whereas special histologic types including ductal variants tended to predispose to long-term survival, ductal adenocarcinoma of the common type had some chance of long survival even with invasion of the surrounding tissues.
  • Noriaki Futakawa, Wataru Kimura, Seiichi Yamagata, Bin Zhao, Han Ilsoo, Tomomi Inoue, Naohiro Sata, Yoneei Kawaguchi, Yoshiro Kubota, Tetsuichiro Muto
    Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery 7(1) 63-71 2000年  査読有り
    The early diagnosis of pancreatic carcinoma is essential for increasing patient survival rates. In this study, 52 patients with suspected pancreatic diseases were examined to investigate the value of K-ras codon 12 point mutation, levels of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and carbohydrate antigen (CA19-9), and cytology of pancreatic juice in the diagnosis of pancreatic carcinoma. Pancreatic juice was taken without secretin stimulation. K-ras mutation was detected by enriched polymerase chain reaction (PCR) restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). K-ras mutation in pancreatic juice was more frequent in carcinoma than in benign diseases (P = 0.0448). The positive predictive value of K-ras mutation for the diagnosis of neoplastic disease was 83%. The CEA level in pancreatic juice in carcinoma was significantly greater than that in benign disease (P &lt 0.0001). When the cutoff level of CEA was set at 50ng/ml, its accuracy for the diagnosis of carcinoma was 85%. A multivariate analysis showed that K-ras mutation and CEA level in pancreatic juice, as well as serum CA19-9 level and age of the patient were independent variables for the diagnosis of carcinoma, and the accuracy of diagnosis by this analysis was increased to 90%. In conclusion, both K-ras mutation and CEA level in pancreatic juice may be valuable for the diagnosis of carcinoma. Better discrimination was possible with a multivariate analysis.







