- 所属
- 自治医科大学 医学部 産科婦人科学講座 / 附属病院生殖医学センター 准教授 (生殖医学センター長)
- 学位
- 医学修士(千葉大学)Master of Public Health(Johns Hopkins School of Public Health)医学博士(千葉大学大学院)
- 研究者番号
- 60819126
- 201801014080268563
- researchmap会員ID
- 7000026772
2024年6月 - 現在
2022年6月 - 現在
2019年7月 - 現在
2019年6月 - 現在
Frontiers in Endocrinology 15 2024年10月8日Objective To identify any correlations between evidence levels, adoption rates, and additional costs of in vitro fertilization (IVF) add-ons. Design Online survey. Subjects The survey was conducted in 621 assisted reproductive technology-registered facilities that are members of the Japanese Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology from December 22, 2021, to February 13, 2022. Exposure The survey included details regarding the specific add-on modalities employed and their associated costs; inquiries pertained to the fertility healthcare infrastructure in Japan before the implementation of the National Health Insurance scheme. Main outcome measures The correlation between the adoption rate and cost of IVF add-ons and their evidence levels were analyzed. The evidence level of the add-on treatments was classified into Green, Amber, and Red categories based on the United Kingdom’s Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority and Cochrane systematic reviews. Results A total of 438 eligible responses were analyzed, with clinics constituting 70.9% of the respondents’ facilities. A total of 18 add-ons were assessed, and 96.5% (423/438) of facilities used at least one add-on. A positive correlation of the adoption rate and an inverse correlation of the cost with the evidence level of the IVF add-on treatment were observed (not significant). Outpatient clinics, defined as medical facilities with no beds, had a significantly higher adoption rate (Amber, 65.7%; Red, 52.0%) of add-ons than other facilities, regardless of the evidence rating, although the costs were similar across all site attributes. Conclusion Accumulating evidence on the efficacy and safety of add-ons will lead to the development of medical care with a high-cost benefit, as an increase in the adoption rate and a decrease in cost are expected when limiting to medical care with a high level of evidence.
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research 2024年8月11日 筆頭著者責任著者Abstract Aim To investigate variation in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic endometritis (CE) at the national level in Japan. Methods We performed a nationwide survey targeting all assisted reproductive technology (ART) facilities across Japan between 2021 and 2022. Diagnostic methods, criteria, and first‐ and second‐line treatment protocols for CE were collected via a questionnaire. Results Among 616 ART facilities, 437 responded to the survey (response rate: 70.9%) of which 339 (77.6%) implemented diagnosis and treatment of CE. In the diagnosis of CE, 214 (63.1%) facilities used CD138 immunohistochemical staining of endometrial tissue, while hysteroscopy was the most frequently used as an adjunct diagnostic method (241 facilities, 71.1%). The most frequent cutoff value of CD138‐positive cells for diagnosing CE was 3–5 cells/20 high‐power fields (50%), but 7.9% (17 facilities) and 5.1% (11 facilities) used cutoff values of 1 and 2 cells, respectively. The most common first‐ and second‐line treatment methods were doxycycline (210 facilities, 61.9%) and ciprofloxacin + metronidazole (164 facilities, 48.0%), respectively. Conclusions There is considerable variation in the number of CD138‐positive cells used for diagnosing CE. Establishing unified diagnostic criteria and therapeutic methods for CE is essential to provide standardized medicine for CE at the national level.
Fertility and sterility 2024年7月10日OBJECTIVE: To report utilization, effectiveness, and safety of assisted reproductive technologies in 2015 and 2016. DESIGN: Retrospective, cross-sectional survey of 3103 assisted reproductive technology clinics in 74 countries in 2015 and 3249 clinics in 79 countries in 2016 that submitted cycle and pregnancy outcome data through national and regional registries. SUBJECTS: Patients undergoing assisted reproductive technology procedures. EXPOSURE: Assisted reproductive technology. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Outcomes on country, regional, and global levels. RESULTS: Reported for 2015: 2,358,239 cycles with 548,652 babies born; for 2016: 2,807,963 cycles with 647,188 babies born. Estimated in 2015, ≥2,683,677 cycles resulted in >675,134 babies; in 2016, ≥3,100,448 cycles resulted in ≥723,026 babies. Reported cycles represent approximately 80% of global utilization. In 2015 and 2016, 27.6% and 27.8%, respectively, of women undergoing fresh autologous cycles were age ≥40 years. Frozen-thawed embryo transfer cycles accounted for 47.0% and 51.9%, respectively, of all embryo transfers in 2015 and 2016. Oocyte donation cycles accounted for 6.7% and 7.1% of all embryo transfers in 2015 and 2016. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection was performed in 57.7% and 56.4% of autologous aspiration cycles in 2015 and 2016, respectively. The cumulative delivery rate per aspiration cycle for fresh and frozen-thawed embryo transfer was 32.4% in 2015 and 33.1% in 2016, respectively. The average number of transferred embryos was 1.70 in 2015 and 1.69 in 2016. The proportion of single embryo transfers in fresh autologous cycles increased from 42.1% in 2015 to 44.0% in 2016. The twin delivery rate decreased from 16.0% in 2015 to 14.7% in 2016, and the triplet rate decreased from 0.6% in 2015 to 0.4% in 2016. The proportion of single embryo transfers in frozen-thawed embryo transfer autologous cycles was 62.2% in 2015 and 64.2% in 2016, with twin and triplet rates of 10.1% and 0.3% in 2015 and 10.0% and 0.2% in 2016, respectively. CONCLUSION: Utilization of assisted reproductive technology and births per cycle increased from 2015 to 2016 while multiple births were reduced . Increasing proportion of frozen-thawed embryo transfer cycles, continuing wide variation in use of intracytoplasmic sperm injection, and increase in single embryo transfer rates are reported.
The journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research 2024年7月3日AIMS: This study aims to comprehensively examine the employment and practices of embryologists in Japan's assisted reproductive technology (ART) laboratories, focusing on the impact of various factors such as ART cycle numbers, add-ons, and regional differences. Additionally, it seeks to assess the extent to which Japanese ART facilities meet international minimum standards set by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM). METHODS: A survey was conducted from December 2021 to February 2022 among 621 ART facilities in Japan. The study categorized facilities into five ART cycle groups and compared the number of embryologists across these groups. It also examined the correlation between the number of embryologists, ART cycles, add-ons, and regional differences. Data were analyzed using linear regression and multiple linear regression analyses. RESULTS: The study's findings revealed a significant correlation between the total number of embryologists at each facility and the ART cycles. Notably, there were significant differences in the number of embryologists across all ART cycle categories. Of the 435 facilities, only 44.6% met the ASRM minimum embryologist staffing requirement. The regression analysis further highlighted the significance of ART cycles and preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidies as factors. Moreover, the number of embryologists stationed at urban facilities was significantly higher than at nonurban facilities, indicating a potential regional disparity. CONCLUSION: In Japan, it was first found that more than 50% of ART facilities do not have sufficient embryologists in place relative to the number of ART cycles. Furthermore, the add-ons and regional differences affect the placement of embryologists.
日本受精着床学会雑誌 41(1) 30-38 2024年3月Progestin-primed ovarian stimulation法(以下PPOS法)は近年急速に広まりつつある調節卵巣刺激法であるが,臨床成績に関するデータが少なく刺激法として確立されていない。今回,2021年4月から2023年3月に当院で採卵した患者のうち,MPAを用いたPPOS法116例とGnRH antagonist法(以下antagonist法)108例の臨床成績を比較検討した。平均年齢はPPOS法で36.9±4.3歳,antagonist法で37.8±4.3歳,平均AMH値はPPOS法で3.3±3.8ng/mL,antagonist法で3.2±2.8ng/mLであった。採卵数,獲得胚盤胞数は,両群で差を認めなかったが,獲得良好胚盤胞数は,PPOS法で1.2±1.9個,antagonist法で0.7±1.1個とPPOS法で有意に多かった(p=0.02)。採卵後初回胚移植での臨床的妊娠率は,PPOS法で40.7%(37/91),antagonist法で26.1%(23/88)とPPOS法で有意に高かった(p=0.04)。AMH値で層化した解析では,獲得良好胚盤胞数は低・中反応群では有意差はなかったが,高反応群ではPPOS法で有意に多かった。本研究では,PPOS法はantagonist法と比較し獲得良好胚盤胞数が多く妊娠成績が良好であった。(著者抄録)
日本栄養・食糧学会誌 77(1) 37-48 2024年2月「妊産婦のための食事バランスガイド」を用いた食事アセスメントとその妥当性を検討することを目的とし,首都圏に在住する妊産婦(初期194名,中後期153名)の食事記録調査(DR)と食物摂取頻度調査(FFQ)のデータから「妊産婦のための食事バランスガイド」に示されているサービング数(SV)とエネルギー摂取量を算出した。その後,遵守度を数値化して評価するための遵守得点の算出を行い,妥当性を検討した。遵守得点の合計点数の相関係数は妊娠初期r=0.316,妊娠中後期r=0.439であった。また,遵守得点合計点の三分位間でクロス集計を行った結果,同一カテゴリーに分類された者が妊娠初期で74名(38.1%),妊娠中後期で71名(46.4%)であった。DRとFFQから算出された「妊産婦のための食事バランスガイド」の遵守得点の相関係数とカテゴリー一致度の結果より,日本人妊婦の食事を総合的に評価するための指標として,「妊産婦のための食事バランスガイド」を用いることの有用性が示された。(著者抄録)
埼玉産科婦人科学会雑誌 53(2) 145-149 2023年9月非産褥性子宮内反症は非常に稀に発症し,しばしば診断に苦慮するとされる.今回,子宮腺肉腫の分娩に併発した子宮内反症を経験したため報告する.症例は59歳,3妊3産.合併症に統合失調症がある.当院初診の4ヵ月前より不正性器出血,2日前より腫瘤脱を自覚した.初診当日に多量の性器出血を認め,前医で脱出する腫瘤を一部切除した.その後も出血が持続し当科へ救急搬送となった.当院到着時,ショックバイタルで持続する性器出血を認め,止血目的に腫瘍切除術を施行した.切除時に根部が脆く止血に難渋した.帰室後に再出血し,輸血及び子宮動脈塞栓術を施行し,以後一時的な止血が得られた.画像検索後に子宮摘出する方針となり,骨盤部造影MRI検査したところ,子宮内反症が判明した.その後,前医摘出検体が腺肉腫と病理診断された.遠隔及びリンパ節転移がないことを確認し,単純子宮全摘・付属器摘出・大網切除を施行した.術後経過は良好で術後11日目に精神科療養施設へ退院となった.pT1NxM0 stage I期のため,特に後療法を要せず以後外来経過観察とした.本症例のように非産褥性子宮内反症は特異的な症状がなく発症率も低いため,初期評価で見逃されることが多いと報告されている.分娩腫瘤を認めた場合,子宮内反症の併発や悪性疾患の可能性を考慮し慎重な対応が必要である.(著者抄録)
日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌 58(4) 938-940 2023年4月2007~2016年までの単一胚移植後に経腟分娩で生産に至った単胎妊娠例162152例を対象に、ARTレジストリーにより経腟分娩後の癒着胎盤およびRPOC合併に関連する要因について検討した。その結果、癒着胎盤は750例(0.46%)に認めた。その95.1%は凍結融解胚移植後の妊娠で、凍結融解胚移植周期は自然排卵周期と比べ、ホルモン補充周期(HRC)での癒着胎盤やRPOCのリスクが有意に高かった。
ASRM 2019 Scientific Congress & Expo. 2019年10月1日
2019 IFFS World Congress. 2019年4月11日 招待有り
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2021年4月 - 2024年3月
日本学術振興会 若手研究 2019年4月 - 2023年3月
公益財団法人神澤医学研究振興財団 2022年4月
公益財団法人杉山記念財団 2021年4月 - 2022年3月
査読, その他the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research 2022年1月1日 - 現在