Japanese journal of radiology 2024年9月24日Lung cancer has a poor prognosis, and further improvements in outcomes are needed. Radiotherapy plays an important role in the treatment of unresectable lung cancer, and there have been recent developments in the field of radiotherapy for the management of lung cancer. However, to date, there have been few reviews on the improvement in treatment outcomes associated with high precision radiotherapy for lung cancer. Thus, this review aimed to summarize the recent developments in radiotherapy techniques and indicate the future directions in the use of radiotherapy for lung cancer. Stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) for unresectable stage I lung cancer has been reported to improve local control rates without severe adverse events, such as radiation pneumonitis. For locally advanced lung cancer, a combination of chemoradiotherapy and adjuvant immune checkpoint inhibitors dramatically improves treatment outcomes, and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) enables safer radiation therapy with less frequent pneumonitis. Particle beam therapy, such as carbon-ion radiotherapy and proton beam therapy, has been administered as advanced medical care for patients with lung cancer. Since 2024, it has been covered under insurance for early stage lung cancer with tumors ≤ 5 cm in size in Japan. In addition to chemotherapy, local ablative radiotherapy improves treatment outcomes in patients with oligometastatic stage IV lung cancer. A particular problem with radiotherapy for lung cancer is that the target location changes with respiratory motion, and various physical methods have been used to control respiratory motion. Recently, coronavirus disease has had a major impact on lung cancer treatment, and cancer treatment during situations, such as the coronavirus pandemic, must be performed carefully. To improve treatment outcomes for lung cancer, it is necessary to fully utilize evolving radiotherapy modalities, and the role of radiotherapy in lung cancer treatment is expected to increase.
European heart journal. Cardiovascular Imaging 2023年9月28日
In Vivo 37(5) 2320-2326 2023年9月Background/Aim: Accelerated hyperfractionation (AHF) is used in head and neck cancer to improve the local control (LC) rate, but reports of outcomes for early-stage GC are limited. The outcomes of radiotherapy (RT) for stage 1 glottic carcinoma (GC) were retrospectively analyzed, comparing AHF and once-daily fractionation (ODF) using 2.0-2.4 Gy. Patients and Methods: A total of 102 patients with stage 1 GC underwent RT alone between 2007 and 2021, with 43 in the AHF group and 59 in the ODF group. A p-value less than 0.05 was considered to indicate a significant difference. Results: The 5-year LC rate was 98% in the AHF group and 91% in the ODF group (p=0.19). During RT, significantly more patients in the AHF group required opioids due to mucositis than in the ODF group (74% vs. 25%, p<0.001), and the rate of aspiration pneumonia tended to be higher in the AHF group than in the ODF group (7% vs. 0%, p=0.072). Conclusion: There was no difference in the LC rate between AHF and ODF for stage 1 GC. Moreover, the AHF group required opioids at a higher rate and tended to have a higher risk of developing aspiration pneumonia.
In Vivo 37(5) 2320-2326 2023年8月31日
Cancer reports (Hoboken, N.J.) 6(7) e1825 2023年7月BACKGROUND: Carbon-ion radiotherapy (C-ion RT) is effective for head and neck mucosal melanoma (HN-MM), including radioresistant mucosal melanoma. Melanoma also responds effectively to immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs). Data on the efficacy and safety of ICIs for HN-MM are insufficient. AIMS: To analyze the efficacy and safety of ICI salvage therapy in patients with HN-MM recurrence after C-ion RT. METHODS AND RESULTS: This retrospective study analyzed the medical records of 52 patients with HN-MM treated with C-ion RT between 2012 and 2020. A dose of 57.6 or 64.0 Gy (relative biological effectiveness) was provided in 16 fractions. The primary endpoint was 3-year overall survival (OS) rate. The median follow-up time was 26.8 months for all patients. A total of 29 patients had local recurrence or distant metastasis, and 16 patients who received ICI therapy. The 3-year OS rate in the ICI group (n = 16) and best supportive care group (n = 13) were 53.8% and 0.0%, respectively (p = 0.837); the difference was not statistically significant. There were no deaths after 1 year among patients who underwent ICI therapy. No adverse events associated with C-ion RT were related to or exacerbated by ICI. CONCLUSION: ICI salvage therapy is effective and safe for patients with HN-MM recurrence after C-ion RT.
歯科放射線 in press(1) 15-18 2018年Introduction: Temporomandibular joint luxation has various causes, such as bruising and external force, as well as excessive opening of the mouth during eating, yawning, dental treatment, or oral intubation procedures for general anesthesia. Due to its sudden onset, it can have a significant psychological impact on patients, and early and appropriate treatment is necessary. We report a case in which temporomandibular joint luxation occurred during computed tomographic planning for postoperative chemoradiotherapy for oral cancer. <br>Case presentation: The patient was a 74-year-old female with squamous cell carcinoma of the right mandibular gingiva (cT4aN2bM0, stage Ⅳ, World Health Organization grade 1, INF-b). We performed right mandibular segmental resection, right radical neck dissection, a free rectus abdominis muscle dermal flap transfer and wrap-around reconstruction, and tracheotomy with a reconstruction plate for right mandible squamous cell carcinoma. Two months after the surgery, temporomandibular joint luxation was detected during computed tomographic planning (with a mouthpiece) for postoperative chemoradiotherapy. The left mandibular condyle had deviated forward from the glenoid cavity. However, when we subsequently performed computed tomographic treatment planning without a mouthpiece the jaw dislocation could not be confirmed, and the left mandibular condyle was present in the glenoid cavity. There was no recurrence of the temporomandibular joint luxation, and the subsequent radiotherapy (60Gy/30fr) was effective.<br>Conclusion: It is considered that thorough anatomical confirmation during postoperative computed tomographic treatment planning is important in oral cancer cases, especially those involving mandibular segmental resection.
Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology 3 1-4. 2017年
日本癌治療学会学術集会抄録集 54回 WS58-3 2016年10月
歯科放射線 56(1) 39-41 2016年9月67歳女。右下顎歯肉癌に対して右根治的頸部郭清術変法・右下顎区域切除術・大胸筋皮弁およびチタンプレートによる再建術を施行した。術後4ヵ月に左顎下リンパ節後発転移に対して左根治的頸部郭清術変法を施行し、術後化学療法併用放射線療法を施行した。照射終了後に誤嚥性肺炎を生じMEPM投与を開始したが、X線で両肺野に浸潤影を認めた。追加のCTで両肺野にすりガラス状陰影、内部に気管支透亮像を認め、中葉や左肺下葉背側等には濃厚な浸潤病変を認めた。誤嚥性肺炎を契機とした急性呼吸促迫症候群に合致する所見であり、喀痰培養検査にてMRSAが起炎菌の誤嚥性肺炎であることが判明した。MEPMにバンコマイシンを追加し、更に好中球エラスターゼ阻害剤投与、ステロイドパルス療法も開始し、以後の集中治療室での治療により呼吸状態は徐々に改善して一般病棟へ転棟した。3年以上経過の現在まで腫瘍の再発・転移はなく、呼吸状態も安定している。
医学のあゆみ 257(1) 25-28 2016年4月重粒子線治療は、良好な線量分布に加え高い生物学的効果を示し、従来X線抵抗性と考えられていた腫瘍に対しても優れた局所制御率が報告されている。現在、治療施設は世界各国に10施設存在し、わが国では5施設と世界最多の数を誇っており、その治療技術や開発において指導的役割を果たしている。これまで、重粒子線治療の有効性は単施設による報告に限られていたが、近年多施設共同前向き試験の準備が進み、より高いエビデンスの創生が期待される。また、あらたな粒子線治療技術としてスキャンニング照射法、回転ガントリーが研究・開発され、より高精度で自由度の高い治療ができるようになってきている。本稿では、重粒子線治療の概要、これまでに報告されている臨床成績、ならびに今後の展望について概説する。(著者抄録)
Radioisotopes 64(6) 416-421 2015年6月粒子線治療(陽子線並びに重粒子線治療)はその良好な線量分布により,X線治療に比べ周囲のリスク臓器の線量を低減しつつ,腫瘍への高線量照射が両立できる。肺癌治療においては,X線治療の高精度化により成績向上がみられているものの,いまだに局所制御不良や周囲の正常組織への障害が問題となり,治療成績改善の障壁となっている。粒子線治療を用いた高線量照射によりさらなる局所制御の向上・副作用の低減が期待され,これまでに複数の臨床試験が報告されており,本稿にて概説する。
臨床放射線 59(10) 1357-1364 2014年10月強度変調放射線治療を施行した中咽頭癌11例(全男、中央値67歳)の成績を報告した。臨床病期分類はstage IIIが3例、IVが8例であった。全例導入化学療法が施行され、10例には同時化学療法low dose cisplatin+docetaxelを行った。観察期間中央値11ヵ月で、照射野内再発および遠隔転移は認めず、有害事象はgrade 2以上の皮膚炎55%、粘膜炎91%、口内乾燥64%で、晩期毒性で潰瘍などの問題はなかった。血液毒性はgrade 2以上の白血球減少55%、貧血36%、血小板減少18%で、grade 4以上は認めなかった。全例の健側耳下腺の線量は平均25.6Gy、患側は37.7Gyであった。急性期の口内乾燥はgrade 0が1例、1が3例、2が7例であったが、grade 2の7例中6例は治療終了後1〜10ヵ月にgrade 1以下へ改善し、治療後6ヵ月でのgrade 2は11%、1年では0%となった。
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2020年4月 - 2024年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2017年4月 - 2022年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2016年4月 - 2020年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2014年4月 - 2017年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2013年4月 - 2016年3月