医学部 生理学講座 神経脳生理学部門

犬束 歩

イヌツカ アユム  (Ayumu Inutsuka)


自治医科大学 医学部生理学講座 神経脳生理学部門 助教






  • Ayumu Inutsuka, Aisa Hattori, Masahide Yoshida, Yuki Takayanagi, Tatsushi Onaka
    Molecular brain 17(1) 41-41 2024年6月28日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    The cerebellum plays an important role in cognitive and social functioning. Childhood damage in the cerebellum increases the risk of autism spectrum disorder. Cerebellar inflammation induces social avoidance in mice. Oxytocin regulates social relationship and expression pattern of the oxytocin receptor in the brain is related to social behaviors. However, the expression patterns of the oxytocin receptor in the cerebellum remain controversial. Here, we report that the expression patterns of the oxytocin receptor in the cerebellum are highly variable among knock-in transgenic lines. We used Oxtr-Cre knock-in mice combined with a fluorescent reporter line and found that oxytocin receptor expression in Bergmann glia was more variable than that in Purkinje cells. We found that physical damage with inflammation induced the selective upregulation of the oxytocin receptor in Bergmann glia. Our findings indicate high variability in oxytocin receptor expression in the cerebellum and suggest that the oxytocin receptor can affect neural processing in pathological conditions, such as inflammation.
  • Hirotaka Sakamoto, Ayumu Inutsuka
    Acta histochemica et cytochemica 57(2) 85-88 2024年4月25日  査読有り
    Recent advances in viral vector technology, specifically using adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors, have significantly expanded possibilities in neuronal tracing. We have utilized the Cre/loxP system in combination with AAV techniques in rats to explore the subcellular localization of palmitoylation signal-tagged GFP (palGFP) in oxytocin-producing neurosecretory neurons. A distinctive branching pattern of single axons was observed at the level of the terminals in the posterior pituitary. Despite challenges in detecting palGFP signals by fluorescent microscopy, immunoelectron microscopy demonstrated predominant localization on the plasma membrane, with a minor presence on the neurosecretory vesicle membrane. These findings suggest that membrane-anchored palGFP may undergo exocytosis, translocating from the plasma membrane to the neurosecretory vesicle membrane. In this study, we observed characteristic axon terminal structures in the posterior pituitary of oxytocin neurons. This study indicates the importance of understanding the plasma membrane-specific sorting system in neuronal membrane migration and encourages future studies on the underlying mechanisms.
  • Noriko Horii-Hayashi, Kazuya Masuda, Taika Kato, Kenta Kobayashi, Ayumu Inutsuka, Miyu F Nambu, Kazumasa Z Tanaka, Koichi Inoue, Mayumi Nishi
    Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 17 1289520-1289520 2023年  査読有り
    The security of animal habitats, such as burrows and nests, is vital for their survival and essential activities, including eating, mating, and raising offspring. Animals instinctively exhibit defensive behaviors to protect themselves from imminent and potential threats. In 1963, researchers reported wild rats sealing the entrances to their burrows from the inside using materials such as mud, sand, and vegetation. This behavior, known as "entrance sealing (ES)," involves repetitive movements of their nose/mouth and forepaws and is likely a proactive measure against potential intruders, which enhances burrow security. These observations provide important insights into the animals' ability to anticipate potential threats that have not yet occurred and take proactive actions. However, this behavior lacks comprehensive investigation, and the neural mechanisms underpinning it remain unclear. Hypothalamic perifornical neurons expressing urocortin-3 respond to novel objects/potential threats and modulate defensive responses to the objects in mice, including risk assessment and burying. In this study, we further revealed that chemogenetic activation of these neurons elicited ES-like behavior in the home-cage. Furthermore, behavioral changes caused by activating these neurons, including manifestations of ES-like behavior, marble-burying, and risk assessment/burying of a novel object, were effectively suppressed by selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors. The c-Fos analysis indicated that ES-like behavior was potentially mediated through GABAergic neurons in the lateral septum. These findings underscore the involvement of hypothalamic neurons in the anticipation of potential threats and proactive defense against them. The links of this security system with the manifestation of repetitive/stereotypic behaviors and the serotonergic system provide valuable insights into the mechanisms underlying the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
  • Ayumu Inutsuka, Sho Maejima, Hiroyuki Mizoguchi, Ryosuke Kaneko, Rei Nomura, Keiko Takanami, Hirotaka Sakamoto, Tatsushi Onaka
    Communications Biology 5(1) 2022年9月16日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Abstract Transgenic animals expressing fluorescent proteins are widely used to label specific cells and proteins. By using a split Cre recombinase fused with mCherry-binding nanobodies or designed ankyrin repeat proteins, we created Cre recombinase dependent on red fluorescent protein (RFP) (Cre-DOR). Functional binding units for monomeric RFPs are different from those for polymeric RFPs. We confirmed selective target RFP-dependent gene expression in the mouse cerebral cortex using stereotaxic injection of adeno-associated virus vectors. In estrogen receptor-beta (Esr2)-mRFP1 mice and gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (Grpr)-mRFP1 rats, we confirmed that Cre-DOR can be used for selective tracing of the neural projection from RFP-expressing specific neurons. Cellular localization of RFPs affects recombination efficiency of Cre-DOR, and light and chemical-induced nuclear translocation of an RFP-fused protein can modulate Cre-DOR efficiency. Our results provide a method for manipulating gene expression in specific cells expressing RFPs and expand the repertory of nanobody-based genetic tools.
  • Naoki Usui, Masahide Yoshida, Yuki Takayanagi, Naranbat Nasanbuyan, Ayumu Inutsuka, Hiroshi Kurosu, Hiroaki Mizukami, Yoshiyuki Mori, Makoto Kuro-O, Tatsushi Onaka
    Journal of neuroendocrinology e13026 2021年8月9日  査読有り
    Fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) modulates energy metabolism and neuroendocrine stress responses. FGF21 synthesis is increased after environmental or metabolic challenges. Detailed roles of FGF21 in the control of behavioural disturbances under stressful conditions remain to be clarified. Here, we examined the roles of FGF21 in the control of behavioural changes after social defeat stress in male rodents. Central administration of FGF21 increased the number of tyrosine hydroxylase-positive catecholaminergic cells expressing c-Fos protein, an activity marker of neurones, in the nucleus tractus solitarius and area postrema. Double in situ hybridisation showed that some catecholaminergic neurones in the dorsal medulla oblongata expressed β-Klotho, an essential co-receptor for FGF21, in male mice. Social defeat stress increased FGF21 concentrations in the plasma of male mice. FGF21-deficient male mice showed social avoidance in a social avoidance test with C57BL/6J mice (background strain of FGF21-deficient mice) and augmented immobility behaviour in a forced swimming test after social defeat stress. On the other hand, overexpression of FGF21 by adeno-associated virus vectors did not significantly change behaviours either in wild-type male mice or FGF21-deficient male mice. The present data are consistent with the view that endogenous FGF21, possibly during the developmental period, has an inhibitory action on stress-induced depression-like behaviour in male rodents.









