- 所属
- 自治医科大学 医学部生理学講座 神経脳生理学部門 助教
- 学位
- 博士(理学)
- 連絡先
- inutsukajichi.ac.jp
- 201201092406674474
- researchmap会員ID
- B000221305
2015年6月 - 現在
2015年4月 - 2015年5月
2012年4月 - 2015年3月
2010年4月 - 2012年3月
2007年4月 - 2010年3月
2005年4月 - 2007年3月
2001年4月 - 2005年3月
2024年 - 現在
2022年2月 - 現在
Biological psychiatry 2024年9月27日 査読有りBACKGROUND: The flexibility to adjust actions and attitudes in response to varying social situations is a fundamental aspect of adaptive social behavior. Adaptive social behaviors influence an individual's vulnerability to social stress. While oxytocin has been proposed to facilitate active coping behaviors during social stress, the exact mechanisms remain unknown. METHODS: By using a social defeat stress paradigm in male mice, we identified the distribution of oxytocin receptor (OXTR)-expressing neurons in the ventrolateral part of the ventromedial hypothalamus (vlVMH) that are activated during stress by detection of c-Fos protein expression. We then investigated the role of vlVMH OXTR-expressing neurons in social defeat stress responses by chemogenetic methods or deletion of local OXTRs. The social defeat posture was measured for quantification of adaptive social behavior during repeated social stress. RESULTS: Social defeat stress activated OXTR-expressing neurons rather than estrogen type 1-expressing neurons in the rostral vlVMH. OXTR-expressing neurons in the vlVMH were glutamatergic. Chemogenetic activation of vlVMH OXTR-expressing neurons facilitated exhibition of the social defeat posture during exposure to social stress, while local OXTR deletion suppressed it. In contrast, over-activation of vlVMH-OXTR neurons induced generalized social avoidance after exposure to chronic social defeat stress. Neural circuits for the social defeat posture centered on OXTR-expressing neurons were identified by viral tracers and c-Fos mapping. CONCLUSIONS: VlVMH OXTR-expressing neurons are a functionally unique population of neurons that promote an active coping behavior during social stress, but their excessive and repetitive activation under chronic social stress impairs subsequent social behavior.
Behavioural processes 105111-105111 2024年9月24日 査読有りRodent ultrasonic vocalisations can be used to assess social behaviour and have attracted increasing attention. Rats emit 50-kHz and 22-kHz calls during appetitive and aversive states, respectively. These calls induce behavioural and neural responses in the receiver by transmitting the internal states of the rats, thus serving communicative functions. Recently, we discovered that female Lewis rats emit 31-kHz calls under social isolation and inequality conditions; however, the biological significance of 31-kHz calls remains unknown. In the present study, we conducted three playback experiments to examine the behavioural effects of 31-kHz calls. In the first experiment, Lewis female rats were exposed to four types of sound: 22-kHz, 50-kHz, 31-kHz calls, and environmental noise. As a result, rats stayed significantly longer in the area with a sound-producing speaker, regardless of the sound type, than in the silent speaker area. The duration spent around the sound-producing speaker was particularly extended during the 50-kHz or 31-kHz call playback, compared to the environmental noise or 22-kHz call playback. In the second experiment, rats were exposed to refined versions of sound stimuli that were synthesised to preserve prominent frequency components while removing background noise from original calls. Rats significantly preferred to stay around the speaker for the synthesised 50-kHz and 31-kHz sounds, but not for the synthesised 22-kHz sound. However, in the third experiment, additional 31-kHz sound synthesised from calls emitted by a different rat did not elicit a significant preference for the source side. These results suggest that the rats paid attention to the 31-kHz call, although it is plausible that acoustic variability in the 31-kHz USV may affect their approach behaviour.
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 18 2024年9月23日 査読有りParental behavior comprises a set of crucial actions essential for offspring survival. In this study, a double transgenic mouse model engineered to specifically express channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) in paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus (PVN)–oxytocin neurons and ablate lateral hypothalamic area (LHA)–melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) neurons was used to determine the relationship between PVN–oxytocin neurons and LHA–MCH neurons associated with parental behavior. Optogenetic stimulation of ChR2-expressing PVN–oxytocin neurons induces typical parental behavior with intact LHA–MCH neurons. However, after the partial ablation of LHA–MCH neurons, even optogenetic stimulation of PVN–oxytocin neurons failed to induce parental behavior in virgin male mice, resulting in neglect rather than parental behavior. Furthermore, approximately half of the subjects exhibited burying behavior toward pups, suggesting that pups became aversive stimuli, and male mice actively performed burying behavior to avoid these aversive stimuli. This study emphasizes the novel aspect of oxytocin neurons that could result in neglect in the absence of LHA–MCH neurons regulation.
Molecular therapy. Methods & clinical development 32(3) 101288-101288 2024年9月12日 査読有りMolecular cloning techniques enabling contemporaneous expression of two or more protein-coding sequences provide an invaluable tool for understanding the molecular regulation of cellular functions. The Cre-lox system is used for inducing the expression of recombinant proteins encoded within a bi-/poly-cistronic cassette. However, leak expression of transgenes is often observed in the absence of Cre recombinase activity, compromising the utility of this approach. To investigate the mechanism of leak expression, we generated Cre-inducible bi-cistronic vectors to monitor the expression of transgenes positioned either 5' or 3' of a 2A peptide or internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) sequence. Cells transfected with these bi-cistronic vectors exhibited Cre-independent leak expression specifically of transgenes positioned 3' of the 2A peptide or IRES sequence. Similarly, AAV-FLEX vectors encoding bi-cistronic cassettes or fusion proteins revealed the selective Cre-independent leak expression of transgenes positioned at the 3' end of the open reading frame. Our data demonstrate that 5' transgenes confer promoter-like activity that drives the expression of 3' transgenes. An additional lox-STOP-lox cassette between the 2A sequence and 3' transgene dramatically decreased Cre-independent transgene expression. Our findings highlight the need for appropriate experimental controls when using Cre-inducible bi-/poly-cistronic constructs and inform improved design of vectors for more tightly regulated inducible transgene expression.
Molecular brain 17(1) 41-41 2024年6月28日 査読有り筆頭著者責任著者The cerebellum plays an important role in cognitive and social functioning. Childhood damage in the cerebellum increases the risk of autism spectrum disorder. Cerebellar inflammation induces social avoidance in mice. Oxytocin regulates social relationship and expression pattern of the oxytocin receptor in the brain is related to social behaviors. However, the expression patterns of the oxytocin receptor in the cerebellum remain controversial. Here, we report that the expression patterns of the oxytocin receptor in the cerebellum are highly variable among knock-in transgenic lines. We used Oxtr-Cre knock-in mice combined with a fluorescent reporter line and found that oxytocin receptor expression in Bergmann glia was more variable than that in Purkinje cells. We found that physical damage with inflammation induced the selective upregulation of the oxytocin receptor in Bergmann glia. Our findings indicate high variability in oxytocin receptor expression in the cerebellum and suggest that the oxytocin receptor can affect neural processing in pathological conditions, such as inflammation.
糖尿病・内分泌プラクティスWeb はじめに ストレスは食欲や睡眠といった生理現象に大きな影響を与え、行動面での変化にもつながる。こうした生理応答や行動変容においては、ストレスによって脳内で分泌される神経ペプチドが重要な役割を果たしている。 2023年7月
新潟医学会雑誌 126(2) 61-64 2012年2月神経細胞の極性化, すなわち軸索突起と樹状突起の選別, に関わるシグナル分子は近年になって複数報告されて来ましたが, その in vivo での必要性が遺伝学的に証明されたものは多くありません. 我々は神経系に特異的に発現するセリンスレオニン蛋白キナーゼSADキナーゼの遺伝子欠損マウス作製とその解析を世界に先駆けて行い, SADキナーゼが神経細胞極性化に必須な分子であることを明らかにしました. 更に, その作用機構を解析するため, SADキナーゼの直接的なターゲットとなりうるペプチド配列を有する分子を検索し, それらの中でアクチン繊維の制御因子であるSlingshot1フォスファターゼが in vitro でSADキナーゼの極めて良い基質となることを明らかにしました. この結果は, SADキナーゼが少なくとも部分的にはSlingshot1の下流に位置するCofilinによるアクチン繊維の制御を通じて神経細胞極性化を引き起こしているいという可能性を示唆しています.
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B) 2022年4月 - 2026年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) 2022年4月 - 2025年3月
公益財団法人 喫煙科学研究財団 2020年4月 - 2023年3月
公益財団法人 栃木県産業振興センター 令和4年度 世界一を目指す研究開発助成事業 2022年7月 - 2023年2月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B) 2019年4月 - 2022年3月