
辻 由貴

Yuki Tsuji


自治医科大学 とちぎ子ども医療センター小児外科 助教



  • Yuki Tsuji, Kosaku Maeda, Shigeru Ono, Satohiko Yanagisawa, Katsuhisa Baba, Yoshiko Usui
    JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY 49(11) 1605-1609 2014年11月  査読有り
    Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the use of a transumbilical incision for infants and children, as well as neonates, with various intraabdominal conditions. Methods: A retrospective study of transumbilical incision surgery was performed between June 2007 and June 2013. Patients were divided into two groups: group 1 of neonates and group 2 of infants and children. All operations were performed via an upper circumumbilical incision. Results: Thirty-six patients (22 males, 14 females) were treated via a transumbilical incision, with 20 patients in group 1 and 16 patients in group 2. A transverse incision extension was needed for 1 case in group 1 (intestinal atresia complicated by meconium peritonitis) and 4 cases in group 2 (two with ileus owing to adhesive bands, 1 with malrotation, 1 with ectopic pancreatic tissue in the duodenum). In cases with a dilated intestinal wall or intraabdominal adhesions, an optional extension of the transverse incision might be required. Only 1 case with ileus in group 2 developed a wound infection that was treated by drainage. The postoperative cosmetic results were acceptable in all cases. Conclusion: The transumbilical incision yielded a sufficiently large surgical field, and the surgical condition was easily and directly viewed. In all 36 cases, an adequate operation was safely performed. This approach is a safe and effective method for various intraabdominal disorders in not only neonates but also infants and children, and leads to an imperceptible incision. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Insu Kawahara, Kosaku Maeda, Shigeru Ono, Hiroshi Kawashima, Ryoichi Deie, Satohiko Yanagisawa, Katsuhisa Baba, Yoshiko Usui, Yuki Tsuji, Atsuhisa Fukuta, Sachi Sekine
    PEDIATRIC SURGERY INTERNATIONAL 30(9) 951-956 2014年9月  査読有り
    Nonoperative management is acceptable treatment for minor pancreatic injuries. However, management of major pancreatic duct injury in children remains controversial. We present our experience in treating isolated pancreatic duct injury. We describe the cases of three male patients treated for complete pancreatic duct disruption in the past 5 years at our institution. We performed pancreatic duct repair to avoid distal pancreatectomy and to maintain normal pancreatic function. All patients underwent enhanced computed tomography and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in the early period. The injuries were classified as grade III according to the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma classification. In two cases, we performed end-to-end anastomosis of the pancreatic duct during the delayed period. In the third case, we placed a stent across the disruption to the distal pancreatic duct. The patients' postoperative courses were uneventful, and the average hospitalization was 25.6 days after the procedure. At a median follow-up of 36 months (range 14-54 months), all patients remain asymptomatic, with normal pancreatic function, but with persistent distal pancreatic duct dilatation. We suggest that distal pancreatectomy should not be routinely performed in patients with isolated pancreatic duct injury.
  • Shigeru Ono, Yuki Tsuji, Katsuhisa Baba, Yoshiko Usui, Satohiko Yanagisawa, Kosaku Maeda
    SURGERY TODAY 44(6) 1184-1187 2014年6月  査読有り
    The optimal management of microcystic lymphatic malformations (LMs) in children has not been established. We describe how we used the Ligasure (TM) Vessel Sealing System (LVSS) to achieve partial resection of refractory microcystic LMs in a 1-year-old boy. The child was admitted in respiratory distress caused by infection and swelling of cervical LMs. The LMs had been diagnosed prenatally, but had not decreased in size despite three treatments with OK-432 sclerotherapy. We performed direct dissection of the microcystic LMs using the LVSS with minimal intraoperative blood loss or lymphatic leakage. The LMs were resected as completely as possible without damage to the jugular vein or major nerves. His postoperative course was uneventful. Histological examination revealed complete sealing of the lymphovascular channels with obliterated lumens. Resection using the LVSS is effective and easy to perform for partial resection of microcystic LMs. We recommend the combination of initial OK-432 injection therapy and subsequent partial resection using the LVSS for refractory microcystic LMs.
  • 前田貢作, 小野滋, 馬場勝尚, 薄井佳子, 辻由貴
    日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌 50(1) 125-128 2014年5月1日  
  • 薄井佳子, 前田貢作, 小野滋, 柳澤智彦, 馬場勝尚, 辻由貴
    日本小児外科学会雑誌 50(2) 223-225 2014年4月20日  
  • 小川美織, 前田貢作, 小野滋, 柳澤智彦, 薄井佳子, 馬場勝尚, 辻由貴
    日本小児外科学会雑誌 49(7) 1244-1247 2013年12月20日  
  • Shigeru Ono, Kosaku Maeda, Katsuhisa Baba, Yoshiko Usui, Yuki Tsuji, Tomonori Yano, Wataru Hatanaka, Hironori Yamamoto
    Pediatric Surgery International 29(11) 1103-1107 2013年11月  査読有り
    Introduction: Intrahepatic bile duct (IHBD) stones are one of the most complicated morbidities that occur after Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy (RYH) however, the optimal therapeutic approach is controversial. Methods: Double-balloon enteroscopy (DBE) has been widely and frequently performed even in pediatric patients. We herein report the successful management of IHBD stones by biliary lithotripsy using DBE after RYH for a choledochal cyst (CC). DBE has made it possible to perform endoscopic therapeutic intervention, including balloon dilatation of an anastomotic stricture and removal of IHBD stones, without any major complications. Conclusion: DBE is a less invasive and safe treatment method for IHBD stones in pediatric patients, which is capable of reaching the bilioenteric anastomosis after RYH for CC. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Satohiko Yanagisawa, Kosaku Maeda, Yuko Tazuke, Yuki Tsuji, Insu Kubota, Yasunori Koike, Yukari Yada, Yumi Kono, Naoto Takahashi, Shigeki Matsubara
    Aim Assisted reproductive technology (ART) has increased the incidences of multiple gestations and low birth weights, which frequently warrant pediatric surgery. ART may have also increased the rate of birth defects. In this study, we aimed to determine whether infants conceived after ART required neonatal surgery more frequently compared with naturally conceived infants. Material and Methods Our study population comprised 1891 infants (160 ART (+) and 1731 ART ()) who were admitted to our neonatal intensive care unit during a 5-year period (January 2006December 2010); of these, 198 infants (9 ART (+) and 189 ART ()), with diseases requiring surgery, were referred to pediatric surgeons (consultation cases). We examined the following: (i) factors potentially increasing the requirement for surgery; (ii) frequency of birth defects; and (iii) maternal factors that may increase the need for surgery. Results A significantly higher incidence of multiple gestation and low birth weight was observed in the ART (+) group than the ART () group. However, ART did not yield a higher rate of surgery and birth defects: overall, the rate of surgery was 4% (7/160) in the ART (+) group and 8% (143/1731) in the ART () group. Of 198 consultation cases, the percentage of infants actually requiring surgery was approximately the same in the ART (+) group (7/9 [78%]) and the ART () group (143/189 [76%]). Conclusion Infants conceived after ART comprised a small proportion of neonatal surgery cases, and did not require surgery more frequently.
  • Yuki Tsuji, Kosaku Maeda, Shigeru Ono, Yuko Tazuke, Satohiko Yanagisawa, Yoshiko Usui, Katsuhisa Baba, Tomonori Yano, Hironori Yamamoto
    PEDIATRIC SURGERY INTERNATIONAL 29(4) 357-361 2013年4月  査読有り
    Double-balloon enteroscopy (DBE) is a useful and feasible modality for evaluating small intestinal lesions, even in children. DBE makes it possible to perform biopsy, diagnosis, polypectomy and endoscopic therapies including hemostasis, tattooing and clipping of the small intestinal lesions. However, endoscopic procedures in the small intestines of children are more difficult than in adults, because the intestinal wall is thin and the lumen is narrow. A novel hybrid treatment was developed using DBE for small bowel lesions combined with transumbilical minimal incision surgery. This hybrid treatment is safe, effective, provides excellent cosmetic results and can be used as an alternative for traditional open laparotomy or endoscopic surgery.
  • 田附裕子, 前田貢作, 辻由貴, 馬場勝尚, 柳沢智彦
    小児外科 44(10) 970-973 2012年10月25日  
  • Yuki Tsuji, Kosaku Maeda, Yuko Tazuke, Shigeru Ono, Satohiko Yanagisawa
    PEDIATRIC SURGERY INTERNATIONAL 28(9) 939-942 2012年9月  査読有り
    A mesenchymal hamartoma of the chest wall is a rare benign tumor. Each case has a different clinical course as well as different radiological imaging findings, and various histopathological diagnoses. In addition, mesenchymal hamartoma is sometimes mistaken for a malignant tumor. This report presents a neonatal case of mesenchymal hamartoma of the bilateral chest wall.
  • 辻由貴, 前田貢作, 田附裕子, 柳澤智彦, 相原敏則, 木島茂喜, 矢野智則, 山本博徳
    小児外科 44(3) 272-275,201 2012年3月25日  
  • 柳澤智彦, 前田貢作, 田附裕子, 馬場勝尚, 中神智和, 辻由貴, 久保田仁守, 松原大祐
    日本小児外科学会雑誌 48(1) 63-67 2012年2月20日  
  • 前田貢作, 田附裕子, 馬場勝尚, 高野洋一, 柳澤智彦, 辻由貴, 久保田仁守
    小児外科 43(12) 1327-1331 2011年12月25日  
  • 田附裕子, 前田貢作, 辻由貴, 柳澤智彦, 馬場勝尚, 高橋尚人, 矢田ゆかり, 小池泰敬, 桑田知之, 松原茂樹
    日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌 47(4) 816-818 2011年12月20日  
  • 馬場勝尚, 前田貢作, 辻由貴, 中神智明, 柳澤智彦, 田附裕子
    小児外科 43(9) 955-958 2011年9月25日  
  • 前田貢作, 田附裕子, 柳澤智彦, 馬場勝尚, 中神智和, 辻由貴
    小児科診療 74(4) 666-668 2011年4月1日  
  • 前田貢作, 田附裕子, 柳澤智彦, 馬場勝尚, 辻由貴, 久保田仁守
    小児外科 43(3) 234-237 2011年3月25日  
  • 前田貢作, 田附裕子, 柳澤智彦, 馬場勝尚, 中神智和, 辻由貴, 久保田仁守
    小児外科 42(8) 826-829 2010年8月25日  
  • 前田貢作, 馬場勝尚, 田附裕子, 辻由貴
    小児外科 42(5) 469-472 2010年5月25日  

