附属病院 とちぎ子ども医療センター

大塚 洋司

Otsuka Yoji


自治医科大学 とちぎ子ども医療センター小児手術・集中治療部 助教



  • 前川 慶之, 河田 政明, 宮原 義典, 吉積 功, 片岡 功一, 佐藤 智幸, 岡 健介, 松原 大輔, 佐野 美奈子, 中村 文人, 永野 達也, 大塚 洋司, 多賀 直行
    日本小児科学会雑誌 120(3) 648 2016年3月  
  • Kenzaburo Sugimoto, Nobuhiro Shimada, Yoji Otsuka, Kentaro Hayashi, Yumiko Negishi, Mamoru Takeuchi
    Japanese Journal of Anesthesiology 63(4) 387-390 2014年  査読有り
    Background : GlideScope® Cobalt video laryngoscope is a new type of GlideScope® series. A reusable camera baton is inserted into a disposable plastic curved blade. The blade has 5 choices of size and can be used from infants to adults. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the efficacy of GlideScope® Cobalt in children. Methods : Endotracheal intubation was performed in 50 surgical children undergoing general anesthesia The length of time in intubation, percentage of glottic opening (POGO) score and optimizing procedures were recorded Results : 100% POGO score was obtained in 42 cases. Successful endotracheal intubation was performed in 47 cases and 37 patients were intubated within 1 minute. It took over 1 minute to intubate in 13 cases, because of the difficulty of tracheal tube maneuver. Particular children, mostly aged 6-8, had difficulty in matching the size of the blade because of the large difference between the sizes of blade 2 and that of blade 3. Conclusions : GlideScope® Cobalt is a useful tool in chidlren's airway management but it necessitates getting used to the tracheal tube maneuver and lacks the suitable blade size for 6-8 years old children.
  • Shimada N, Hirabayashi Y, Otsuka Y, Urayama M, Yokotsuka C, Yamanaka A, Takeuchi M
    Masui. The Japanese journal of anesthesiology 60 1314-1316 2011年11月  査読有り
  • Yoji Otsuka, Yoshihiro Hirabayashi, Akifumi Fujita, Hideharu Sugimoto, S. E O Norimasa
    Japanese Journal of Anesthesiology 60(3) 361-366 2011年3月10日  査読有り
    Background : GlideScope® videolaryngoscope (GVL) is a novel indirect laryngogoscope for tracheal intubation. Both mid-size and large blades of the GVL are available for adult patients. The distortion of the anterior airway anatomy and cervical spine motion using the mid-size GVL is unknown. We compare the degree of anterior airway distortion and cervical spine movement during the use of the mid-size GVL compared with the large GVL. Methods : Twenty patients requiring general anesthesia and tracheal intubation were studied. Each patient underwent laryngoscopy with both mid-size and large GVLs. During each laryngoscopy, a radiograph for the lateral view of the head and neck was taken when the best view of the larynx was obtained. Based on the radiographs, independent radiologists evaluated anterior airway movement and cervical spine movement. Results : The tip of the mid-size GVL was anteriorly positioned during laryngoscopy, compared with large GVL. The distance between epiglottis and posterior laryngeal wall was longer with the mid-size GVL than with the large GVL. Both the mid-size and large GVL caused a significant anterior movement in the cervical spine during laryngoscope. The difference in the movement in the atlas and C2 was small, but statistically significant. No difference was found in the anterior movement with C3 and C4. During laryngoscopy, cervical spinal extension occurred with both GVLs, while there was no difference in the cervical spinal extension between the mid-size and large GVL. Conclusions : The tip of the mid-size GVL during laryngoscopy is anteriorly positioned and the distortion of the anterior airway was greater with the mid-size GVL than with the large GVL.
  • Tateishi A, Kawada M, Morita H, Takeuchi M, Taga N, Otsuka Y, Okada O, Kataoka K
    General thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 58(12) 633-635 2010年12月  査読有り

