
釜田 康行

カマタ ヤスユキ  (Yasuyuki Kamata)


自治医科大学 医学部 内科学講座 アレルギー膠原病学部門



  • Y Kamata, T Kamimura, K Haneda, J Masuyama, H Okazaki, S Minota
    LUPUS 14(8) 641-642 2005年  査読有り
  • Y Kamata, H Nara, T Kamimura, K Haneda, M Iwamoto, J Masuyama, HI Okazayi, S Minota
    INTERNAL MEDICINE 43(12) 1201-1204 2004年12月  査読有り
    A 49-year-old Japanese man with rheumatoid arthritis acutely developed a skin eruption and severe non-productive cough seventeen days after the administration of leflunomide. Because all bacteriology findings were negative, steroid pulse-therapy was initiated promptly due to the rapidity of chest X-ray progression and the deterioration of arterial blood oxygen pressure. Although cough was induced by methotrexate, interstitial pneumonia was not detected clinically before leflunomide administration. He finally died of respiratory failure 128 days after the onset of acute interstitial pneumonia. According to the post-market surveillance, as high as similar to1.1% of the patients on leflunomide have developed interstitial pneumonia in Japan. It is important to emphasize that acute interstitial pneumonia due to leflunomide is a very severe and potentially fatal side effect.
  • Kamata Y, Nagashima T, Muroi K, Yamamoto C, Mori M, Miyazato A, Takatoku M, Nagai T, Otsuki T, Komatsu N, Ozawa K
    Jichi Medical School journal 26 9-13 2003年12月  査読有り
    CatovskyスコアもしくはEGIL(The European Group for the immunological classification of leukemia)スコアによる診断基準を満たしたbiphenotypic acute leukemia(BAL)を8例経験し,臨床的特徴と治療について検討を行った。BALの頻度は急性白血病の6.4%(8/124例),年齢中央値41歳,男女比は1:1。Ph染色体陽性を2例に認めた。ALLに準じた治療を受けた6例中5例が寛解を得,1例が早期再発をした。AMLに準じた治療では2例中2例が寛解を得たが,どちらも早期再発した。寛解後療法として4例が造血幹細胞移植を受け,3例が長期生存している。ALLに準じた化学療法と,寛解後に造血幹細胞移植を受けた患者で,成績が良かった。寛解到達後の造血幹細胞移植が長期生存を期待しうる治療であると考えられた。
  • Kamata Y, Kamimura T, Yoshio T, Hirata D, Masuyama J, Isoda N, Kanai N, Minota S
    Ryumachi. [Rheumatism] 43 667-671 2003年10月  査読有り


  • Yasuyuki Kamata, Seiji Minota
    JCR-JOURNAL OF CLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGY 23(3) 172-172 2017年4月  
  • Akira Takeda, Masaki Take, Ai Hisamitsu, Kazuhiro Harada, Tokifumi Majima, Toshihiro Sugihara, Masato Okada, Yasuyuki Kamata, Seiji Minota, Akira Tanaka
    RHEUMATOLOGY 56 71-71 2017年3月  
  • Koichi Takeda, Takeo Sato, Masataro Norizuki, Yasuyuki Kamata, Katsuya Nagatani, Alan Kawarai Lefor, Seiji Minota
    RHEUMATOLOGY 54(8) 1531-1532 2015年8月  
  • Y. Akiyama, T. Sato, S. Hanai, Y. Kamata, K. Nagatani, M. Iwamoto, H. Okazaki, S. Minota
    ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES 74 756-756 2015年6月  
  • 長嶋 孝夫, 室﨑 貴勝, 本根 杏子, 釜田 康行, 永谷 勝也, 岩本 雅弘, 簑田 清次
    自治医科大学紀要 = Jichi Medical University journal 38 9-16 2015年  
    Objective: To investigate the association between joint symptoms and related conditions in Japanese patientswith polymyositis( PM) and dermatomyositis( DM).Methods: We retrospectively reviewed all patients with PM/DM who were admitted to our departmentfrom January 2007 to March 2012. Clinical data on these patients were retrieved from the medical records.Results: Seventy-eight patients (20 with PM and 58 with DM) were enrolled. Among them, 37 patients(47%)had arthralgia or arthritis. Joint symptoms were more frequent in DM than PM (53% vs. 30%,P=0.07). Anti-aminoacyl tRNA antibodies (ASA) were positive in 25 patients (32%), and anti-cyclic citrullinatedpeptide (CCP)antibody was positive in 7 patients (9%). Patients with anti-Jo-1 antibody had a highfrequency of polyarthritis( 82%), while anti-CCP antibody was positive in 4 out of 11 patients with anti-Jo-1antibody (36%). Among patients with joint symptoms, anti-Jo-1 antibody was positive in 67% of the patientswith PM, but was positive in only 16% of the patients with DM. Four of the 78 patients (5%) were initiallydiagnosed and treated as having rheumatoid arthritis. Multivariate analysis showed that fever, Raynaud'sphenomenon, and anti-Jo-1 antibody were associated with joint symptoms, whereas overall ASA positivityshowed no significant difference between patients with or without joint symptoms.Conclusion: Forty-seven percent of patients with PM/DM had joint symptoms. Except for anti-Jo-1 antibody,ASA were not associated with joint symptoms in Japanese PM/DM patients.