- 所属
- 自治医科大学 データサイエンスセンター 講師国立病院機構本部 総合研究センター診療情報分析部 非常勤研究員東京大学 臨床疫学・経済学 非常勤講師
- researchmap会員ID
- R000011081
Vaccine 49 126812-126812 2025年1月31日Tetanus remains a major global health issue in both developing and developed countries. Although guidelines are established on tetanus prophylaxis protocol for trauma patients, adherence to tetanus vaccination is unknown. In this study, we aimed to investigate the administration of tetanus toxoid among trauma patients in Japan, where approximately 100 patients are hospitalized for tetanus annually. Using the JMDC claims database, a large administrative claims database, we identified outpatients with trauma between 2005 and 2020. We divided them into those born before 1968 and those born in 1968 or later, as the routine tetanus immunization program started in 1968 in Japan. We described the characteristics of the patients and whether they received the first dose of tetanus toxoid when they visited a medical institution for any injury. Finally, we followed up the patients who received the first tetanus toxoid dose and had a history of incomplete primary vaccination series to examine whether they completed the recommended three doses of tetanus immunization within 12 months. We identified 85,761 trauma patients from the database, of whom 19,541 (22.8 %) were born before 1968 and not covered by the routine vaccination program. Among the patients covered by the routine vaccination program, 2.1 % (1400/66,220) received tetanus toxoid vaccination at the initial clinic/hospital visit for their injuries, whereas the proportion was 5.8 % (1139/19,541) in the patients not covered by the routine vaccination program. Among the 1139 patients who received tetanus prophylaxis at the time of wound management and were born before the implementation of the routine vaccination program, 31.4 % received the second dose, and 7.0 % completed the third dose within 12 months. Taken together, most trauma patients without a history of primary tetanus immunization did not receive the recommended tetanus prophylaxis. Increased awareness of tetanus prophylaxis is needed among both patients and healthcare professionals.
Clinical kidney journal 17(12) sfae319 2024年12月BACKGROUND AND HYPOTHESIS: We aimed to evaluate the diagnostic validity of the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10) codes for hyponatremia and hypernatremia, using a database containing laboratory data. We also aimed to clarify whether corrections for blood glucose, triglyceride, and total protein may affect the prevalence and the diagnostic validity. METHODS: We retrospectively identified admissions with laboratory values using a Japanese hospital-based database. We calculated the sensitivity, specificity, and positive/negative predictive values of recorded ICD-10-based diagnoses of hyponatremia (E87.1) and hypernatremia (E87.2), using serum sodium measurements during hospitalization (<135 and >145 mmol/l, respectively) as the reference standard. We also performed analyses with corrections of sodium concentrations for blood glucose, triglyceride, and total protein. RESULTS: We identified 1 813 356 hospitalizations, including 419 470 hyponatremic and 132 563 hypernatremic cases based on laboratory measurements, and 18 378 hyponatremic and 2950 hypernatremic cases based on ICD-10 codes. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of the ICD-10 codes were 4.1%, 99.9%, 92.5%, and 77.6%, respectively, for hyponatremia and 2.2%, >99.9%, 96.5%, and 92.8%, respectively, for hypernatremia. Corrections for blood glucose, triglyceride, and total protein did not largely alter diagnostic values, although prevalence changed especially after corrections for blood glucose and total protein. CONCLUSIONS: The ICD-10 diagnostic codes showed low sensitivity, high specificity, and high positive predictive value for identifying hyponatremia and hypernatremia. Corrections for glucose or total protein did not affect diagnostic values but would be necessary for accurate prevalence calculation.
Clinical Drug Investigation 2024年11月7日
Journal of patient safety 2024年10月18日OBJECTIVES: Polypharmacy is an important healthcare issue, especially in elderly patients with dementia. As an incentive to reduce polypharmacy, a health insurance reimbursement scheme was introduced in 2016 for medication review and the reduction of medications for inpatients in Japan. However, the effects of these incentive schemes were not evaluated. METHODS: We identified 1,465,881 inpatients aged ≥65 years with dementia. An interrupted time-series analysis was conducted by fitting a Prais-Winsten linear regression model. The outcome measure was the number of classes of medications prescribed during discharge. RESULTS: No significant changes were observed in the average number of medication classes at discharge immediately after the introduction of the scheme (coefficient: -0.022, 95% confidence interval [CI]: -0.17 to 0.13). The slope change, representing the effect of the intervention over time, was also not significant (coefficient: -0.00053, 95% confidence interval: -0.0012 to 0.00018). CONCLUSIONS: The incentive scheme was not associated with a reduction in the number of medication classes at discharge among older inpatients with dementia.
The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume 106(16) 1453-1460 2024年8月21日BACKGROUND: Vertebral compression fractures (VCFs) in older adults cause considerable health and socioeconomic burdens due to worsening ability to perform activities of daily living. The long-term effects of VCFs on patient outcomes, particularly prolonged analgesic use and functional decline, remain unknown. The aims of this study were to examine long-term clinical outcomes and to determine the risk factors for persistent pain and functional disability after VCFs. METHODS: This retrospective cohort study evaluated mortality, duration of analgesic use, and changes in care requirements in older adults with VCFs using claims data from a suburban prefecture in the Greater Tokyo Area. Patients were included if they were ≥65 years of age and had been diagnosed with a VCF between June 2014 and February 2019, as determined on the basis of International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) codes; we also used claims data that could determine whether the patients underwent imaging examinations. Patients who discontinued outpatient visits within 1 month after the VCF diagnosis were excluded. RESULTS: We included 18,392 patients with VCFs and a mean age of 80 years. Seventy-six percent of patients were women, and the median follow-up period was 670 days. At the index VCF diagnosis, 3,631 patients (19.7%) were care-dependent. Overall, 968 patients (5.3%) died within 1 year. Among the 8,375 patients who received analgesics, 22% required analgesics for >4 months. Factors associated with prolonged analgesic use for >1 year were female sex (odds ratio [OR], 1.39 [95% confidence interval (CI), 1.16 to 1.65]) and VCFs in the thoracolumbar region (OR, 1.95 [95% CI, 1.50 to 2.55]) or lumbar region (OR, 1.59 [95% CI, 1.23 to 2.04]) (the reference was the thoracic region). The care needs of 1,510 patients (8.2%) increased within 1 year. Patients with a preexisting care dependency had a 10 times higher risk of increased care need (30.2% [1,060 of 3,509]) than those who had been independent at the time of the index diagnosis (3.0% [450 of 14,761]) (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Individuals with preexisting care dependency were more likely to experience functional decline following VCFs than those who were independent, which underscores the need for intensive and appropriate allocation of health-care resources to care-dependent patients. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Therapeutic Level III . See Instructions for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
診療現場の実態に即した医療ビッグデータ(NDB等)の解析の精度向上及び高速化を可能にするための人材育成プログラムの実践と向上に関する研究 令和2年度 総括・分担研究報告書(Web) 2021年
診療現場の実態に即した医療ビッグデータ(NDB等)の解析の精度向上及び高速化を可能にするための人材育成プログラムの実践と向上に関する研究 令和元年度 総括・分担研究報告書(Web) 2020年
2023年4月 - 現在医療リアルワールドデータ活用人材育成事業 (東京大学)
2020年10月 - 2022年12月臨床疫学演習 (東京大学)
2022年11月 - 2022年11月専門課程Ⅲ 地域保健臨床研修専攻科 (厚生労働省 国立保健医療科学院)
2022年4月 - 2022年4月公共健康医学特論 (東京大学)
2017年5月 - 2019年6月PDCA医療クオリティマネージャー養成プログラム (東京医科歯科大学)
2017年2月 - 現在
- 現在
- 現在
- 現在
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 若手研究 2021年4月 - 2024年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 研究活動スタート支援 2019年4月 - 2020年3月