
伊澤 祥光

イザワ ヨシミツ  (Yoshimitsu Izawa)


自治医科大学 救急医学・医療技術トレーニングコア 准教授







  • 鯨井 大, 伊澤 祥光, 中間 楽平, 藤井 公一, 加瀬 建一
    日本外傷学会雑誌 33(3) 329-333 2019年7月  査読有り
  • 伊澤 祥光, 菱川 修司, 太田 真, 新庄 貴文, 渡邊 伸貴, 田中 保平, 塩澤 徹也, 米川 力, 間藤 卓
    日本外傷学会雑誌 33(2) 256-256 2019年5月  
  • 富永 経一郎, 伊澤 祥光, 渡邊 伸貴, 田中 保平, 山黒 友丘, 新庄 貴文, 太田 真, 米川 力, 間藤 卓
    日本外傷学会雑誌 33(2) 261-261 2019年5月  
  • 新庄 貴文, 田中 保平, 渡邊 伸貴, 山黒 友丘, 富永 経一郎, 太田 真, 伊澤 祥光, 米川 力, 間藤 卓
    日本外傷学会雑誌 33(2) 267-267 2019年5月  
  • Shinjo T, Izawa Y, Watanabe N, Tominaga K, Yonekawa C, Lefor AK, Mato T
    Radiology case reports 14(5) 623-626 2019年5月  査読有り
  • Rakuhei Nakama, Yoshimitsu Izawa, Dai Kujirai, Toshiaki Yagami, Isao Kono, Keiichi Tanimura, Masanori Honda, Kenichi Kase, Alan Kawarai Lefor
    Radiology case reports 14(2) 251-254 2019年2月  査読有り
    Surgical treatment of mesenteric injuries is necessary to control hemorrhage, manage bowel injuries, and evaluate bowel perfusion. It has recently been suggested that some patients can be managed with transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) for initial hemostasis. We present a hemodynamically unstable patient who was initially managed by TAE for traumatic mesenteric hemorrhage. A 60-year-old man was injured in a motor vehicle accident and transported to our facility. On arrival, the patient was hemodynamically stable, and had abdominal pain. Physical examination revealed a seatbelt sign on the lower abdomen. A contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) scan showed intra-abdominal hemorrhage, mesenteric hematoma, and a giant-pseudoaneurysm, but no intra-abdominal free air or changes in the appearance of the bowel wall. After the CT scan, his vital signs deteriorated and surgical intervention was considered, but TAE was performed to control the hemorrhage. After TAE, the patient was hemodynamically stable and had no abdominal tenderness. A follow-up CT scan was performed 2 days later which showed partial necrosis of the transverse colon and some free air. Resection of the injured transverse colon with primary anastomosis was performed. The patient improved and was discharged 35 days after injury. TAE can be effective as the initial hemostatic procedure in patients with traumatic mesenteric hemorrhage.
  • Joji Inamasu, Dai Kujirai, Yoshimitsu Izawa, Kenichi Kase, Hiroharu Shinozaki
    Injury 50(1) 205-209 2019年1月  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: Although K-cars, small four-wheeled vehicles with an engine capacity of <660 cc, have been used almost exclusively in Japan, they have recently become increasingly popular in other countries. Therefore, reporting the characteristics of bodily injuries sustained by K-car drivers after road traffic accidents (RTAs) may be important not only for health professionals but also for car manufacturers. METHODS: A single-center, retrospective observational study was conducted using prospectively acquired data. Between January 2010 and December 2017, 494 restrained drivers (331 men/163 women with a mean age of 45.1 years) whose vehicles had been severely damaged in RTAs underwent whole-body computed tomography prospectively. They were subsequently dichotomized into 221 K-car drivers and 273 standard vehicle drivers and compared for severity and distribution of bodily injuries. RESULTS: K-car drivers tended to be older and were significantly more likely to be female than standard vehicle drivers. The frequency of subjects with severe bodily injuries significantly higher among K-car drivers than among standard vehicle drivers (21.7% vs. 14.3%; p = 0.04), and the frequency of bowel/mesentery injuries tended to be higher in the former (9.0% vs. 4.4%; p = 0.06). However, the frequency of abdominal solid viscus injuries did not differ significantly between the two groups. Multivariable regression analysis showed that age [odds ratio (OR): 1.022; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.998-1.047; p = 0.07] and K-cars (OR: 3.708; 95% CI: 0.984-6.236; p =  0.05) tended to be associated with bowel/mesentery injuries in restrained drivers. The frequency of pelvic/hip fractures also tended to be higher in K-car drivers than in standard vehicle drivers (5.9% vs. 2.6%; p =  0.10). By contrast, the severity and frequency of the upper torso injuries were similar between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: Compared to standard vehicle drivers, K-car drivers seem to experience more severe bodily injuries after severe RTAs. Despite there being no answer for the increased frequency of only hollow viscus injuries but not solid viscus injuries among restrained K-car drivers, advanced age may, at least in part, be responsible. Given the limitations inherent to this study's single-center, retrospective design, multi-center prospective studies are warranted to verify our findings.
  • 鳥崎 友紀子, 松本 健司, 小澤 陽介, 風當 ゆりえ, 鈴村 博史, 松岡 義, 井上 正純, 笹倉 勇一, 伊澤 祥光, 寺内 寿彰, 木全 大, 古川 潤二, 尾形 佳郎, 小林 健二, 篠崎 浩治
    日本臨床外科学会雑誌 79(増刊) 576-576 2018年10月  
  • 山口 雅利, 古川 潤二, 小澤 陽介, 風當 ゆりえ, 鈴村 博文, 松岡 義, 松本 健司, 井上 正純, 笹倉 勇一, 伊澤 祥光, 寺内 寿彰, 木全 大, 尾形 佳朗, 小林 健二, 篠崎 浩治
    日本臨床外科学会雑誌 79(増刊) 624-624 2018年10月  
  • 松本 健司, 風當 ゆりえ, 鈴村 博史, 松岡 義, 井上 正純, 笹倉 勇一, 寺内 寿彰, 伊澤 祥光, 木全 大, 古川 潤二, 小林 健二, 尾形 佳郎, 篠崎 浩治
    日本臨床外科学会雑誌 79(増刊) 699-699 2018年10月  
  • 松本 健司, 伊澤 祥光, 寺内 寿彰, 小林 健二, 篠崎 浩治
    日本腹部救急医学会雑誌 38(6) 1075-1079 2018年9月  査読有り
    症例は44歳の男性が心窩部痛、呼吸困難を主訴に当院に救急搬送された。来院時ショック状態、胸腹部造影CT検査から下膵十二指腸動脈瘤破裂による腹腔内出血の診断に至った。動脈瘤はsegmental arterial mediolysis(以下、SAM)と臨床的に診断した。大動脈遮断バルーンを挿入し、血管塞栓術を施行した。治療終了直後より腹部膨満を認め、再び循環動態不安定となった。腹部コンパートメント症候群(abdominal compartment syndrome、以下ACS)の診断で、開腹減圧術、開腹管理を施行し、循環動態の安定が得られた。腹腔内出血の治療として血管塞栓術による治療症例が多数報告されているが、血管塞栓術で動脈性出血が制御できた症例であっても、本例のようにACSに至る可能性が懸念される。腹腔内圧や臓器障害の程度を評価し、ACSと判断した場合には迅速に開腹減圧術を考慮することが肝要である。(著者抄録)
  • 寺内 寿彰, 風當 ゆりえ, 松岡 義, 松田 睦史, 笹倉 勇一, 伊澤 祥光, 木全 大, 尾形 佳郎, 小林 健二, 篠崎 浩治
    日本消化器外科学会総会 73回 735-735 2018年7月  
  • 小林 亮太, 鯨井 大, 笹倉 勇一, 門野 政義, 藤田 翔平, 松岡 義, 松田 睦史, 田口 昌延, 伊澤 祥光, 寺内 寿彰, 木全 大, 古川 潤二, 篠崎 浩治
    日本腹部救急医学会雑誌 38(2) 436-436 2018年2月  
  • 門野 政義, 寺内 寿彰, 藤田 翔平, 松岡 義, 松田 睦史, 笹倉 勇一, 田口 昌延, 伊澤 祥光, 木全 大, 古川 潤二, 小林 健二, 尾形 佳郎, 篠崎 浩治
    日本消化管学会雑誌 2(Suppl.) 291-291 2018年2月  
  • 松岡 義, 門野 政義, 藤田 翔平, 松田 陸史, 笹倉 勇一, 田口 昌延, 寺内 寿彰, 伊澤 祥光, 木全 大, 古川 潤二, 小林 健二, 尾形 佳郎, 篠崎 浩治
    日本消化管学会雑誌 2(Suppl.) 299-299 2018年2月  
  • 辻 貴之, 松田 睦史, 松岡 義, 藤田 翔平, 笹倉 勇一, 田口 昌延, 寺内 寿彰, 伊澤 祥光, 木全 大, 篠崎 浩治, 門野 正義
    日本消化管学会雑誌 2(Suppl.) 335-335 2018年2月  
  • 松村 一希, 門野 政義, 藤田 翔平, 平岡 義, 松田 睦史, 笹倉 勇一, 田口 昌延, 寺内 寿彰, 伊澤 祥光, 木全 大, 古川 潤二, 小林 健二, 篠崎 浩治
    日本消化管学会雑誌 2(Suppl.) 342-342 2018年2月  
  • 門野 政義, 松田 睦史, 藤田 翔平, 松岡 義, 笹倉 勇一, 田口 昌延, 寺内 寿彰, 伊澤 祥光, 木全 大, 古川 潤二, 小林 健二, 尾形 佳郎, 篠崎 浩治
    日本外科感染症学会雑誌 14(5) 643-643 2017年10月  
  • 松田 睦史, 古川 潤二, 門野 政義, 松岡 義, 藤田 翔平, 笹倉 勇一, 田口 昌延, 寺内 寿彰, 伊澤 祥光, 木全 大, 篠崎 浩治, 小林 健二, 尾形 佳郎
    日本癌治療学会学術集会抄録集 55回 P173-5 2017年10月  
  • 藤田 翔平, 木全 大, 門野 政義, 松岡 義, 松田 睦史, 笹倉 勇一, 田口 昌延, 伊澤 祥光, 寺内 寿彰, 古川 潤二, 尾形 佳郎, 小林 健二, 篠崎 浩治
    日本癌治療学会学術集会抄録集 55回 P178-3 2017年10月  
  • 松田 睦史, 門野 政義, 松岡 義, 藤田 翔平, 笹倉 勇一, 田口 昌延, 寺内 寿彰, 伊澤 祥光, 木全 大, 古川 潤二, 篠崎 浩治, 小林 健二, 尾形 佳郎
    日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 70(抄録号) A321-A321 2017年9月  
  • 室野井 智博, 伊澤 祥光, 菱川 修司, 中村 仁康, 山下 圭輔, 間藤 卓, 鈴川 正之
    日本腹部救急医学会雑誌 37(2) 232-232 2017年2月  
  • 山下 圭輔, 富永 経一郎, 室野井 智博, 三浦 久美子, 山黒 友丘, 伊澤 祥光, 太田 真, 米川 力, 間藤 卓, 鈴川 正之
    日本救急医学会関東地方会雑誌 38(1) 47-47 2017年2月  
  • 間藤 卓, 米川 力, 伊澤 祥光, 太田 真, 冨永 経一郎, 三浦 久美子, 室野井 智博, 山黒 友丘, 山下 圭輔, 鈴川 正之
    日本救急医学会関東地方会雑誌 38(1) 85-85 2017年2月  
  • 間藤 卓, 米川 力, 伊澤 祥光, 太田 真, 冨永 経一郎, 三浦 久美子, 室野井 智博, 山黒 友丘, 山下 圭輔, 鈴川 正之
    日本救急医学会関東地方会雑誌 38(1) 91-91 2017年2月  
  • 富永 経一郎, 間藤 卓, 米川 力, 伊澤 祥光, 太田 真, 三浦 久美子, 室野井 智博, 山黒 友丘, 山下 圭輔, 鈴川 正之
    日本救急医学会関東地方会雑誌 38(1) 107-107 2017年2月  
  • 山崎 正博, 太田 真, 米川 力, 伊澤 祥光, 富永 経一郎, 新庄 貴文, 室野井 智博, 三浦 久美子, 山下 圭輔, 鈴川 正之, 中村 仁康
    日本救急医学会雑誌 27(9) 496-496 2016年9月  
  • 太田 真, 伊澤 祥光, 米川 力, 室野井 智博, 新庄 貴文, 富永 経一郎, 三浦 久美子, 渡邊 伸貴, 山下 圭輔, 鈴川 正之, 中村 仁康
    日本救急医学会雑誌 27(9) 570-570 2016年9月  
  • 三浦 久美子, 伊澤 祥光, 室野井 智博, 太田 真, 鈴川 正之
    日本救急医学会雑誌 27(9) 586-586 2016年9月  
  • Yoshimitsu Izawa, Shuji Hishikawa, Tomohiro Muronoi, Keisuke Yamashita, Hiroyuki Maruyama, Masayuki Suzukawa, Alan Kawarai Lefor
    World Journal of Emergency Surgery 31(11) 45 2016年8月  査読有り
    Background: Live tissue models are considered the most useful simulation for training in the management for hemostasis of penetrating injuries. However, these models are expensive, with limited opportunities for repetitive training. Ex-vivo models using tissue and a fluid pump are less expensive, allow repetitive training and respect ethical principles in animal research. The purpose of this study is to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of ex-vivo training with a pump, compared to live animal model training. Staff surgeons and residents were divided into live tissue training and ex-vivo training groups. Training in the management of a penetrating cardiac injury was conducted for each group, separately. One week later, all participants were formally evaluated in the management of a penetrating cardiac injury in a live animal. Results: There are no differences between the two groups regarding average years of experience or previous trauma surgery experience. All participants achieved hemostasis, with no difference between the two groups in the Global Rating Scale score (ex-vivo: 25.2 +/- 6.3, live: 24.7 +/- 6.3, p = 0.646), blood loss (1.6 +/- 0.7, 2.0 +/- 0.6, p = 0.051), checklist score (3.7 +/- 0.6, 3.6 +/- 0.9, p = 0.189), or time required for repair (101 s +/- 31, 107 s +/- 15, p = 0.163), except overall evaluation (3.8 +/- 0.9, 3.4 +/- 0.9, p = 0.037). The internal consistency reliability and inter-rater reliability in the Global Rating Scale were excellent (0.966 and 0.953 / 0.719 and 0.784, respectively), and for the checklist were moderate (0.570 and 0.636 / 0.651 and 0.607, respectively). The validity is rated good for both the Global Rating Scale (Residents: 21.7 +/- 5.6, Staff: 28.9 +/- 4.7, p = 0.000) and checklist (Residents: 3.4 +/- 0.9, Staff Surgeons: 3.9 +/- 0. 3, p = 0.003). The results of self-assessment questionnaires were similarly high (4.2-4.9) with scores in self-efficacy increased after training (pre: 1.7 +/- 0.8, post: 3.2 +/- 1.0, p = 0.000 in ex-vivo, pre: 1.9 +/- 1.0, post: 3.7 +/- 0.7, p = 0.000 in live). Scores comparing pre-training and post-evaluation (pre: 1.7 +/- 0.8, post: 3.7 +/- 0.9, p = 0.000 in ex-vivo, pre: 1.9 +/- 1.0, post: 3.8 +/- 0.7, p = 0.000 in live) were increased. Conclusion: Training with an ex-vivo model and live tissue training are similar for the management of a penetrating cardiac injury, with increased self-efficacy of participants in both groups. The ex-vivo model is useful to learn hemostatic skills in trauma surgery.
  • Yoshimitsu Izawa, Masayuki Suzukawa, Alan K Lefor
    Acute Medicine & Surgery. 28(3(4)) 305-309 2016年3月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • IZAWA Yoshimitsu, MIZOBATA Yasumitsu, FUJITA Takashi
    医学教育 46(6) 497-502 2015年12月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 新庄 貴文, 伊澤 祥光, 三浦 久美子, 望月 礼子, 富永 経一郎, 室野井 智博, 米川 力, 阿野 正樹, 太田 真, 山下 圭輔, 鈴川 正之
    日本外傷学会雑誌 29(2) 244-244 2015年5月  
  • 室野井 智博, 伊澤 祥光, 太田 真, 山下 圭輔, 鈴川 正之
    日本外傷学会雑誌 29(2) 274-274 2015年5月  
  • 室野井 智博, 布宮 伸, 和田 政彦, 小山 寛介, 鯉沼 俊貴, 伊澤 祥光
    日本集中治療医学会雑誌 22(Suppl.) [DP34-2] 2015年1月  
  • Massimo Sartelli, Fikri M Abu-Zidan, Fausto Catena, Ewen A Griffiths, Salomone Di Saverio, Raul Coimbra, Carlos A Ordoñez, Ari Leppaniemi, Gustavo P Fraga, Federico Coccolini, Ferdinando Agresta, Asrhaf Abbas, Saleh Abdel Kader, John Agboola, Adamu Amhed, Adesina Ajibade, Seckin Akkucuk, Bandar Alharthi, Dimitrios Anyfantakis, Goran Augustin, Gianluca Baiocchi, Miklosh Bala, Oussama Baraket, Savas Bayrak, Giovanni Bellanova, Marcelo A Beltràn, Roberto Bini, Matthew Boal, Andrey V Borodach, Konstantinos Bouliaris, Frederic Branger, Daniele Brunelli, Marco Catani, Asri Che Jusoh, Alain Chichom-Mefire, Gianfranco Cocorullo, Elif Colak, David Costa, Silvia Costa, Yunfeng Cui, Geanina Loredana Curca, Terry Curry, Koray Das, Samir Delibegovic, Zaza Demetrashvili, Isidoro Di Carlo, Nadezda Drozdova, Tamer El Zalabany, Mushira Abdulaziz Enani, Mario Faro, Mahir Gachabayov, Teresa Giménez Maurel, Georgios Gkiokas, Carlos Augusto Gomes, Ricardo Alessandro Teixeira Gonsaga, Gianluca Guercioni, Ali Guner, Sanjay Gupta, Sandra Gutierrez, Martin Hutan, Orestis Ioannidis, Arda Isik, Yoshimitsu Izawa, Sumita A Jain, Mantas Jokubauskas, Aleksandar Karamarkovic, Saila Kauhanen, Robin Kaushik, Jakub Kenig, Vladimir Khokha, Jae Il Kim, Victor Kong, Renol Koshy, Avidyl Krasniqi, Ashok Kshirsagar, Zygimantas Kuliesius, Konstantinos Lasithiotakis, Pedro Leão, Jae Gil Lee, Miguel Leon, Aintzane Lizarazu Pérez, Varut Lohsiriwat, Eudaldo López-Tomassetti Fernandez, Eftychios Lostoridis, Raghuveer Mn, Piotr Major, Athanasios Marinis, Daniele Marrelli, Aleix Martinez-Perez, Sanjay Marwah, Michael McFarlane, Renato Bessa Melo, Cristian Mesina, Nick Michalopoulos, Radu Moldovanu, Ouadii Mouaqit, Akutu Munyika, Ionut Negoi, Ioannis Nikolopoulos, Gabriela Elisa Nita, Iyiade Olaoye, Abdelkarim Omari, Paola Rodríguez Ossa, Zeynep Ozkan, Ramakrishnapillai Padmakumar, Francesco Pata, Gerson Alves Pereira Junior, Jorge Pereira, Tadeja Pintar, Konstantinos Pouggouras, Vinod Prabhu, Stefano Rausei, Miran Rems, Daniel Rios-Cruz, Boris Sakakushev, Maria Luisa Sánchez de Molina, Charampolos Seretis, Vishal Shelat, Romeo Lages Simões, Giovanni Sinibaldi, Matej Skrovina, Dmitry Smirnov, Charalampos Spyropoulos, Jaan Tepp, Tugan Tezcaner, Matti Tolonen, Myftar Torba, Jan Ulrych, Mustafa Yener Uzunoglu, David van Dellen, Gabrielle H van Ramshorst, Giorgio Vasquez, Aurélien Venara, Andras Vereczkei, Nereo Vettoretto, Nutu Vlad, Sanjay Kumar Yadav, Tonguç Utku Yilmaz, Kuo-Ching Yuan, Sanoop Koshy Zachariah, Maurice Zida, Justas Zilinskas, Luca Ansaloni
    World journal of emergency surgery : WJES 10 61-61 2015年  
    BACKGROUND: To validate a new practical Sepsis Severity Score for patients with complicated intra-abdominal infections (cIAIs) including the clinical conditions at the admission (severe sepsis/septic shock), the origin of the cIAIs, the delay in source control, the setting of acquisition and any risk factors such as age and immunosuppression. METHODS: The WISS study (WSES cIAIs Score Study) is a multicenter observational study underwent in 132 medical institutions worldwide during a four-month study period (October 2014-February 2015). Four thousand five hundred thirty-three patients with a mean age of 51.2 years (range 18-99) were enrolled in the WISS study. RESULTS: Univariate analysis has shown that all factors that were previously included in the WSES Sepsis Severity Score were highly statistically significant between those who died and those who survived (p < 0.0001). The multivariate logistic regression model was highly significant (p < 0.0001, R2 = 0.54) and showed that all these factors were independent in predicting mortality of sepsis. Receiver Operator Curve has shown that the WSES Severity Sepsis Score had an excellent prediction for mortality. A score above 5.5 was the best predictor of mortality having a sensitivity of 89.2 %, a specificity of 83.5 % and a positive likelihood ratio of 5.4. CONCLUSIONS: WSES Sepsis Severity Score for patients with complicated Intra-abdominal infections can be used on global level. It has shown high sensitivity, specificity, and likelihood ratio that may help us in making clinical decisions.
  • 伊澤 祥光, 菱川 修司, 山下 圭輔, 松本 健司, 新庄 貴文, 室野井 智博, 鈴川 正之, Alan Lefor
    Japanese Journal of Acute Care Surgery 4(2) 193-193 2014年9月  
  • 滝 直也, 富永 経一郎, 三浦 久美子, 望月 礼子, 阿野 正樹, 伊澤 祥光, 米川 力, 室野井 智博, 山下 圭輔, 鈴川 正之
    日本救急医学会雑誌 25(8) 565-565 2014年8月  
  • 新庄 貴文, 三浦 久美子, 富永 経一郎, 望月 礼子, 室野井 智博, 米川 力, 阿野 正樹, 伊澤 祥光, 山下 圭輔, 鈴川 正之
    日本救急医学会関東地方会雑誌 35(1) 141-141 2014年2月  
  • Massimo Sartelli, Fausto Catena, Luca Ansaloni, Federico Coccolini, Davide Corbella, Ernest E Moore, Mark Malangoni, George Velmahos, Raul Coimbra, Kaoru Koike, Ari Leppaniemi, Walter Biffl, Zsolt Balogh, Cino Bendinelli, Sanjay Gupta, Yoram Kluger, Ferdinando Agresta, Salomone Di Saverio, Gregorio Tugnoli, Elio Jovine, Carlos A Ordonez, James F Whelan, Gustavo P Fraga, Carlos Augusto Gomes, Gerson Alves Pereira, Kuo-Ching Yuan, Miklosh Bala, Miroslav P Peev, Offir Ben-Ishay, Yunfeng Cui, Sanjay Marwah, Sanoop Zachariah, Imtiaz Wani, Muthukumaran Rangarajan, Boris Sakakushev, Victor Kong, Adamu Ahmed, Ashraf Abbas, Ricardo Alessandro Teixeira Gonsaga, Gianluca Guercioni, Nereo Vettoretto, Elia Poiasina, Rafael Díaz-Nieto, Damien Massalou, Matej Skrovina, Ihor Gerych, Goran Augustin, Jakub Kenig, Vladimir Khokha, Cristian Tranà, Kenneth Yuh Yen Kok, Alain Chichom Mefire, Jae Gil Lee, Suk-Kyung Hong, Helmut Alfredo Segovia Lohse, Wagih Ghnnam, Alfredo Verni, Varut Lohsiriwat, Boonying Siribumrungwong, Tamer El Zalabany, Alberto Tavares, Gianluca Baiocchi, Koray Das, Julien Jarry, Maurice Zida, Norio Sato, Kiyoshi Murata, Tomohisa Shoko, Takayuki Irahara, Ahmed O Hamedelneel, Noel Naidoo, Abdul Rashid Kayode Adesunkanmi, Yoshiro Kobe, Wataru Ishii, Kazuyuki Oka, Yoshimitsu Izawa, Hytham Hamid, Iqbal Khan, Ak Attri, Rajeev Sharma, Juan Sanjuan, Marisol Badiel, Rita Barnabé
    World journal of emergency surgery : WJES 9 37-37 2014年  
    The CIAOW study (Complicated intra-abdominal infections worldwide observational study) is a multicenter observational study underwent in 68 medical institutions worldwide during a six-month study period (October 2012-March 2013). The study included patients older than 18 years undergoing surgery or interventional drainage to address complicated intra-abdominal infections (IAIs). 1898 patients with a mean age of 51.6 years (range 18-99) were enrolled in the study. 777 patients (41%) were women and 1,121 (59%) were men. Among these patients, 1,645 (86.7%) were affected by community-acquired IAIs while the remaining 253 (13.3%) suffered from healthcare-associated infections. Intraperitoneal specimens were collected from 1,190 (62.7%) of the enrolled patients. 827 patients (43.6%) were affected by generalized peritonitis while 1071 (56.4%) suffered from localized peritonitis or abscesses. The overall mortality rate was 10.5% (199/1898). According to stepwise multivariate analysis (PR = 0.005 and PE = 0.001), several criteria were found to be independent variables predictive of mortality, including patient age (OR = 1.1; 95%CI = 1.0-1.1; p < 0.0001), the presence of small bowel perforation (OR = 2.8; 95%CI = 1.5-5.3; p < 0.0001), a delayed initial intervention (a delay exceeding 24 hours) (OR = 1.8; 95%CI = 1.5-3.7; p < 0.0001), ICU admission (OR = 5.9; 95%CI = 3.6-9.5; p < 0.0001) and patient immunosuppression (OR = 3.8; 95%CI = 2.1-6.7; p < 0.0001).
  • 伊澤 祥光, 金子 直樹, 室野井 智博, 三浦 久美子, 望月 礼子, 富永 経一郎, 米川 力, 阿野 正樹, 長嶺 伸彦, 山下 圭輔, 鈴川 正之
    日本救急医学会雑誌 24(8) 494-494 2013年8月  
  • 泉 学, 富永 経一郎, 望月 礼子, 新庄 貴文, 室野井 智博, 米川 力, 阿野 正樹, 伊澤 祥光, 山下 圭輔, 鈴川 正之
    日本臨床救急医学会雑誌 15(2) 273-273 2012年4月  
  • 富永 経一郎, 鈴川 正之, 山下 圭輔, 阿野 正樹, 泉 学, 伊澤 祥光, 米川 力, 濱田 徹, 室野井 智博, 新庄 貴文
    日本臨床救急医学会雑誌 15(2) 303-303 2012年4月  
  • Yoshimitsu Izawa, Shuji Hishikawa, Tomohiro Muronoi, Keisuke Yamashita, Masayuki Suzukawa, Alan T. Lefor
    World Journal of Emergency Surgery 9(7) 5 2012年3月  査読有り
    Surgical residents have insufficient opportunites to learn basic hemostatic skills from clinical experience alone. We designed an ex-vivo training system using porcine organs and a circulation pump to teach hemostatic skills. Residents were surveyed before and after the training and showed significant improvement in their self-confidence (1.83 +/- 1.05 vs 3.33 +/- 0.87, P &lt; 0.01) on a 5 point Likert scale. This training may be effective to educate residents in basic hemostatic skills.
  • 山下 圭輔, 伊澤 祥光, 阿野 正樹, 米川 力, 安里 満信, 室野井 智博, 加藤 正哉, 鈴川 正之
    日本救急医学会雑誌 21(8) 526-526 2010年8月  
  • 眞田 幸弘, 笹沼 英紀, 伊澤 祥光, 関口 忠司
    日本臨床外科学会雑誌 70(9) 2907-2907 2009年9月  
  • 伊澤 祥光, 眞田 幸弘, 笹沼 英紀, 関口 忠司, 宮倉 安幸
    日本臨床外科学会雑誌 70(8) 2578-2578 2009年8月  
  • 伊澤 祥光, 眞田 幸弘, 笹沼 英紀, 関口 忠司
    日本外傷学会雑誌 22(2) 248-248 2008年4月  
  • 伊澤 祥光, 細谷 好則, 倉科 憲太郎, 斉藤 心, 荒井 渉, 横山 卓, 永井 秀雄, 坂元 一葉
    Gastroenterological Endoscopy 46(Suppl.1) 660-660 2004年4月  
  • 半田 寛, 松井 淳一, 伊澤 祥光, 松田 純一, 田村 明彦, 赤松 秀敏, 岡 昭一, 雨宮 哲, 古泉 桂四郎
    日本臨床外科学会雑誌 65(3) 851-851 2004年3月  













