BMJ Open 14 e083184 2024年10月18日 査読有り
BMC medical education 24(1) 1125-1125 2024年10月11日BACKGROUND: As healthcare professional trainees, resident physicians are expected to help with COVID-19 care in various ways. Many resident physicians worldwide have cared for COVID-19 patients despite the increased risk of burnout. However, few studies have examined the experience with COVID-19 care among resident physicians and its effects on competency achievement regarding clinical basics and COVID-19 patient care. METHOD: This nationwide, cross-sectional Japanese study used a clinical training environment questionnaire for resident physicians (PGY-1 and - 2) in 593 teaching hospitals during the General Medicine In-Training Examination in January 2021. The General Medicine In-Training Examination questions comprised four categories (medical interviews and professionalism; symptomatology and clinical reasoning; physical examination and clinical procedures; and disease knowledge) and a COVID-19-related question. We examined the COVID-19 care experience and its relationship with the General Medicine In-Training Examination score, adjusting for resident and hospital variables. RESULTS: Of the 6,049 resident physicians, 2,841 (47.0%) had no experience caring for patients with COVID-19 during 2020. Total and categorical General Medicine In-Training Examination scores were not different irrespective of the experience with COVID-19 patient care. For the COVID-19-related question, residents with experience in COVID-19 care showed a significant increase in correct response by 2.6% (95% confidence interval, 0.3-4.9%; p = 0.028). CONCLUSIONS: The resident physicians' COVID-19 care experience was associated with better achievement of COVID-19-related competency without reducing clinical basics. However, approximately half of the residents missed the critical experience of caring for patients during this unparalleled pandemic in Japan.
Journal of General and Family Medicine 2024年9月
JMIR medical education 10 e53193 2024年7月19日To assess the utility of wearable cameras in medical examinations, we created a physician-view video-based examination question and explanation, and the survey results indicated that these cameras can enhance the evaluation and educational capabilities of medical examinations.
JMIR medical education 10 e58758 2024年6月21日 査読有りBACKGROUND: The persistence of diagnostic errors, despite advances in medical knowledge and diagnostics, highlights the importance of understanding atypical disease presentations and their contribution to mortality and morbidity. Artificial intelligence (AI), particularly generative pre-trained transformers like GPT-4, holds promise for improving diagnostic accuracy, but requires further exploration in handling atypical presentations. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to assess the diagnostic accuracy of ChatGPT in generating differential diagnoses for atypical presentations of common diseases, with a focus on the model's reliance on patient history during the diagnostic process. METHODS: We used 25 clinical vignettes from the Journal of Generalist Medicine characterizing atypical manifestations of common diseases. Two general medicine physicians categorized the cases based on atypicality. ChatGPT was then used to generate differential diagnoses based on the clinical information provided. The concordance between AI-generated and final diagnoses was measured, with a focus on the top-ranked disease (top 1) and the top 5 differential diagnoses (top 5). RESULTS: ChatGPT's diagnostic accuracy decreased with an increase in atypical presentation. For category 1 (C1) cases, the concordance rates were 17% (n=1) for the top 1 and 67% (n=4) for the top 5. Categories 3 (C3) and 4 (C4) showed a 0% concordance for top 1 and markedly lower rates for the top 5, indicating difficulties in handling highly atypical cases. The χ2 test revealed no significant difference in the top 1 differential diagnosis accuracy between less atypical (C1+C2) and more atypical (C3+C4) groups (χ²1=2.07; n=25; P=.13). However, a significant difference was found in the top 5 analyses, with less atypical cases showing higher accuracy (χ²1=4.01; n=25; P=.048). CONCLUSIONS: ChatGPT-4 demonstrates potential as an auxiliary tool for diagnosing typical and mildly atypical presentations of common diseases. However, its performance declines with greater atypicality. The study findings underscore the need for AI systems to encompass a broader range of linguistic capabilities, cultural understanding, and diverse clinical scenarios to improve diagnostic utility in real-world settings.
総合診療 25(4) 368-369 2015年4月
日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会誌 37(4) 363-365 2014年12月自治医科大学地域医療学センターは、平成25年度より栃木県小山市で始まった「小山の地域医療を考える市民会議」の活動を行政と共に支援してきた。行政・医療者・市民が市民会議で担う役割を明確にし、とくに市民が無理なく市民会議の主役を担えるように活動の企画や運営の支援を行ったことが、市民の意識変化や市民会議の活性化に繋がったと思われた。(著者抄録)
レジデントノート 14(15) 2884-2890 2013年1月<Point>(1)病歴は性状こそがキーワード〜患者の語る言葉に耳を傾ける〜(2)身体診察答えは患者が指し示す〜痛みの部位と手の形に注目〜(3)QOL低下を防ぐ早期治療〜想起し治療できれば合併症を減らせる〜(著者抄録)
自治医科大学紀要 34 103-108 2012年3月猫咬傷の病歴と臨床徴候およびアジスロマイシンの部分的有効性から、播種性バルトネラ感染症と鑑別が困難であった特徴的刺し口を欠くツツガムシ病の1例を報告する。患者は80歳男性。野良猫に右示指を咬まれた約2週間後に発熱、全身倦怠感および皮疹をきたしたため受診し、精査加療目的に入院した。臨床的に重症バルトネラ感染症と診断してアジスロマイシン投与による治療を開始し、翌日は無熱となるものの治療3日目には高熱の再燃を認めた。繰り返す詳細な身体診察においても特徴的刺し口を発見できなかったが、発熱に加え斑状丘疹と肝逸脱酵素上昇を伴い、アジスロマイシンが部分的に有効性であったことからツツガムシ病を疑った。ミノサイクリン投与で合併症なく治癒し、血清学的にツツガムシ病の確定診断を得た。ツツガムシ病流行地域における発疹性発熱患者診療の際は、特徴的な刺し口を欠いていた場合でもツツガムシ病を考慮すべきである。(著者抄録)
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2016年4月 - 2020年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2012年4月 - 2015年3月