医学部 生理学講座

高柳 友紀

タカヤナギ ユキ  (Yuki Takayanagi)


自治医科大学 医学部 生理学講座 神経脳生理学部門 講師




  • Ayumu Inutsuka, Aisa Hattori, Masahide Yoshida, Yuki Takayanagi, Tatsushi Onaka
    Molecular brain 17(1) 41-41 2024年6月28日  
    The cerebellum plays an important role in cognitive and social functioning. Childhood damage in the cerebellum increases the risk of autism spectrum disorder. Cerebellar inflammation induces social avoidance in mice. Oxytocin regulates social relationship and expression pattern of the oxytocin receptor in the brain is related to social behaviors. However, the expression patterns of the oxytocin receptor in the cerebellum remain controversial. Here, we report that the expression patterns of the oxytocin receptor in the cerebellum are highly variable among knock-in transgenic lines. We used Oxtr-Cre knock-in mice combined with a fluorescent reporter line and found that oxytocin receptor expression in Bergmann glia was more variable than that in Purkinje cells. We found that physical damage with inflammation induced the selective upregulation of the oxytocin receptor in Bergmann glia. Our findings indicate high variability in oxytocin receptor expression in the cerebellum and suggest that the oxytocin receptor can affect neural processing in pathological conditions, such as inflammation.
  • Yuka Hayashi, Yoshihide Sehara, Ryota Watano, Kenji Ohba, Yuki Takayanagi, Yoshio Sakiyama, Kazuhiro Muramatsu, Hiroaki Mizukami
    Human Gene Therapy 2024年2月22日  
  • Yuka Hayashi, Yoshihide Sehara, Ryota Watano, Kenji Ohba, Yuki Takayanagi, Kazuhiro Muramatsu, Yoshio Sakiyama, Hiroaki Mizukami
    The journal of gene medicine e3560 2023年6月30日  
    BACKGROUND: Fabry disease (FD) is an inherited lysosomal storage disease caused by deficiency of α-galactosidase A (α-Gal A) encoded by the GLA gene. The symptoms of FD occur as a result of the accumulation of globotriaosylceramide (Gb3), comprising a substrate of α-Gal A, in the organs. Adeno-associated virus (AAV)-mediated gene therapy is a promising treatment for FD. METHODS: α-Gal A knockout (GLAko) mice were injected intravenously with AAV2 (1 × 1011 viral genomes [vg]) or AAV9 (1 × 1011 or 2 × 1012 vg) vectors carrying human GLA (AAV-hGLA), and plasma, brain, heart, liver and kidney were tested for α-Gal A activity. The vector genome copy numbers (VGCNs) and Gb3 content in each organ were also examined. RESULTS: The plasma α-Gal A enzymatic activity was three-fold higher in the AAV9 2 × 1012 vg group than wild-type (WT) controls, which was maintained for up to 8 weeks after injection. In the AAV9 2 × 1012 vg group, the level of α-Gal A expression was high in the heart and liver, intermediate in the kidney, and low in the brain. VGCNs in the all organs of the AAV9 2 × 1012 vg group significantly increased compared to the phosphate-buffered-saline (PBS) group. Although Gb3 in the heart, liver and kidney of the AAV9 2 × 1012 vg was reduced compared to PBS group and AAV2 group, and the amount of Gb3 in the brain was not reduced. CONCLUSIONS: Systemic injection of AAV9-hGLA resulted in α-Gal A expression and Gb3 reduction in the organs of GLAko mice. To expect a higher expression of α-Gal A in the brain, the injection dosage, administration route and the timing of injection should be reconsidered.
  • 犬束 歩, 吉田 匡秀, 高柳 友紀, 尾仲 達史
    日本内分泌学会雑誌 99(1) 177-177 2023年5月  
  • Shota Okabe, Yuki Takayanagi, Masahide Yoshida, Tatsushi Onaka
    iScience 26(3) 106243-106243 2023年3月17日  
    Whether commonly used experimental animals show aversion toward inequality of social rewards, as humans do remains unknown. We examined whether rats emitted the 22-kHz distress calls under social reward inequality. Rats showed affiliative behavior for a specific human who repeatedly stroked and tickled them. When experimenter stroked another rat in front of them and during social isolation, these rats emitted novel calls with acoustic characteristics different from those of calls emitted under physical stress, namely air-puff. Under inequality conditions, rats emitted calls with higher frequency (∼31 kHz) and shorter duration (<0.5 s) than those emitted when receiving air-puff. However, with an affiliative human in front of them, the number of novel calls was lower and rats emitted 50-kHz calls, indicative of the appetitive state. These results indicate that rats distinguish between conditions of social reward inequality and the presence of an experimenter, and emit novel 31-kHz calls.







