- 所属
- 自治医科大学 先端医療技術開発センター オープンサイエンスラボラトリー 講師
- 学位
- 農学博士(東京農工大学)
- researchmap会員ID
- B000237716
- 外部リンク
2020年4月 - 現在
2017年10月 - 現在
2017年10月 - 2020年3月
2013年4月 - 2017年9月
2013年1月 - 2017年9月
2008年4月 - 2011年3月
2006年4月 - 2008年3月
2002年4月 - 2006年3月
International Journal of Translational Medicine 4(3) 570-583 2024年9月 査読有り筆頭著者
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25(16) 8609 2024年8月7日 査読有り筆頭著者Luminescent technology based on the luciferin-luciferase reaction has been extensively employed across various disciplines as a quantitative imaging modality. Owing to its non-invasive imaging capacity, it has evolved as a valuable in vivo bioimaging tool, particularly in small animal models in fields such as gene and cell therapies. We have previously successfully generated rats with a systemic expression of the luciferase gene at the Rosa26 locus. In this study, we transplanted bone marrow from these rats into micro-mini pigs and used in vivo imaging to non-invasively analyze the dynamics of the transplanted cells. In addition, we established that the rat-to-pig transplantation system is a discordant system, similar to the pig-to-human transplantation system. Thus, rat-to-pig transplantation may provide a clinically appropriate large animal model for pig-to-human xenotransplantation.
Animal Science Journal 95(1) e13945 2024年 査読有り筆頭著者責任著者Sheep are typically considered as industrial animals that provide wool and meals. However, they play a significant role in medical research in addition to their conventional use. Notably, sheep fetuses are resistant to surgical invasions and can endure numerous manipulations, such as needle puncture and cell transplantation, and surgical operations requiring exposure beyond the uterus. Based on these distinguishing characteristics, we established a chimeric sheep model capable of producing human/monkey pluripotent cell-derived blood cells via the fetal liver. Furthermore, sheep have become crucial as human fetal models, acting as platforms for developing and improving techniques for intrauterine surgery to address congenital disorders and clarifying the complex pharmacokinetic interactions between mothers and their fetuses. This study emphasizes the significant contributions of fetal sheep to advancing human disease understanding and treatment strategies, highlighting their unique characteristics that are not present in other animals.
Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics. Part B 2023年5月22日 査読有りThis preliminary study investigated the efficacy and safety of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell transplantation in a piglet Legg-Calve-Perthes disease (LCPD) model. The LCPD model was induced in two Landrace piglets (6- and 7-week-old, weighing 12 and 17 kg, respectively) by ligaturing the femoral neck. In the first piglet, the natural LCPD course was observed. In the second piglet, 4 weeks after ligaturing the femoral neck, simple medium and medium containing 2.44 × 107 bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells were transplanted into the right and left femoral heads after core decompression, respectively. Plain radiographs were obtained every 4 weeks, and the epiphyseal quotient was calculated by dividing the maximum epiphysis height by the maximum epiphysis diameter. The piglets were sacrificed at 14 weeks postoperatively. The femoral heads were extracted and evaluated grossly, pathologically, and by using computed tomography. The transplanted cell characteristics were evaluated using flow cytometry. Flattening of the epiphysis was observed in both femoral heads of the first piglet and only in the right hip of the second piglet. The epiphyseal quotients immediately and at 14 weeks postoperatively in the right femoral head of the second piglet were 0.40 and 0.14, respectively, while those of the left femoral head were 0.30 and 0.42, respectively. Hematoxylin and eosin staining did not reveal physeal bar or tumor cell formation. The transplanted cells were 99.2%, 65.9%, 18.2%, and 0.16% positive for CD44, CD105, CD29, and CD31, respectively. Core decompression combined with bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell transplantation prevented epiphyseal collapse.
PAM-flexible Cas9-mediated base editing of a hemophilia B mutation in induced pluripotent stem cellsCommunications Medicine 3(1) 2023年4月19日 査読有りAbstract Background Base editing via CRISPR-Cas9 has garnered attention as a method for correcting disease-specific mutations without causing double-strand breaks, thereby avoiding large deletions and translocations in the host chromosome. However, its reliance on the protospacer adjacent motif (PAM) can limit its use. We aimed to restore a disease mutation in a patient with severe hemophilia B using base editing with SpCas9-NG, a modified Cas9 with the board PAM flexibility. Methods We generated induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from a patient with hemophilia B (c.947T>C; I316T) and established HEK293 cells and knock-in mice expressing the patient’s F9 cDNA. We transduced the cytidine base editor (C>T), including the nickase version of Cas9 (wild-type SpCas9 or SpCas9-NG), into the HEK293 cells and knock-in mice through plasmid transfection and an adeno-associated virus vector, respectively. Results Here we demonstrate the broad PAM flexibility of SpCas9-NG near the mutation site. The base-editing approach using SpCas9-NG but not wild-type SpCas9 successfully converts C to T at the mutation in the iPSCs. Gene-corrected iPSCs differentiate into hepatocyte-like cells in vitro and express substantial levels of F9 mRNA after subrenal capsule transplantation into immunodeficient mice. Additionally, SpCas9-NG–mediated base editing corrects the mutation in both HEK293 cells and knock-in mice, thereby restoring the production of the coagulation factor. Conclusion A base-editing approach utilizing the broad PAM flexibility of SpCas9-NG can provide a solution for the treatment of genetic diseases, including hemophilia B.
The Journal of Reproduction and Development 64(Suppl.) j46-j46 2018年9月
Experimental Animals 67(2) 139-146 2018年4月我々は近年、インターロイキン2受容体γ鎖を欠損するX連鎖重症複合免疫不全症(X-SCID)ブタを作出した。しかし、X-SCIDブタは免疫不全であるが故に生後8週間以内に感染死してしまうため、より長期的な試験に用いる際には無菌的に飼育する必要がある。本研究では、まず子宮切断術による効率的な無菌ブタ作出技術の確立を行い、次に当該技術により作出したSCIDブタの無菌的飼育を試みた。はじめに、4頭の野生型妊娠ブタ(妊娠112日)から、子宮切断術により胎仔を摘出したところ、66%(21/32;20-100%)の摘出胎仔が蘇生した。子宮切断から胎仔摘出完了までの時間と蘇生率の間に強い負の相関(r=-0.97、P<0.05)が認められ、5分以内に胎仔を摘出することで蘇生率を82%程度に改善されることが示された。次に、X-SCIDキャリアメスと野生型オスを交配して得た妊娠ブタの子宮切断術を実施したところ、4.2分以内に4頭すべての胎仔を摘出できた。4頭中3頭が蘇生し(蘇生率75%)、内1頭がX-SCIDだった。このX-SCIDブタは、細菌および真菌を検出できる培養検査により無菌状態であることが確認され、摘出後12週間にわたって無菌状態で飼育することに成功した。無菌状態で維持している間、X-SCIDブタに異常な徴候は認められなかった。以上の結果から、子宮切断術を5分以内に完了することで、無菌ブタを効率的に作出できることが明らかとなった。また、X-SCIDブタを無菌的に飼育することで長期にわたる試験にも利用できることが示された。(著者抄録)
MOLECULAR THERAPY 25(5) 93-93 2017年5月
41st IETS. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 27(1) 255-255 2015年 査読有り
Experimental Animals 63(4) 475-481 2014年Xenograft models of human hematopoiesis are essential to the study of the engraftment and proliferative potential of human hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in vivo. Immunodeficient mice and fetal sheep are often used as xenogeneic recipients because they are immunologically naive. In this study, we transplanted human HSCs into fetal sheep and assessed the long-term engraftment of transplanted human HSCs after birth. Fourteen sheep were used in this study. In 4 fetal sheep, HSCs were transduced with homeo-box B4 (HOXB4) gene before transplantation, which promoted the expansion of HSCs. Another 4 fetal sheep were subjected to non-myeloablative conditioning with busulfan. Seven of these 8 sheep showed successful engraftment of human HSCs (1–3% of colony-forming units) as assessed after the birth of fetal sheep (5 months post-transplantation), although HOXB4-transduced HSCs showed sustained engraftment for up to 40 months. Intact HSCs were transplanted into six non-conditioned fetal sheep, and human colony-forming units were not detected in the sheep after birth. These results suggest that, as compared with mouse models, where the short lifespan of mice limits long-term follow-up of HSC engraftment, the fetal sheep model provides a unique perspective for evaluating long-term engraftment and proliferation of human HSCs.
XENOTRANSPLANTATION 20(5) 342-342 2013年9月
XENOTRANSPLANTATION 20(5) 372-372 2013年9月
The Journal of reproduction and development 59(1) A6 2013年2月1日
The Journal of Reproduction and Development 58(Suppl.) j92-j92 2012年8月
The Journal of Reproduction and Development 57(Suppl.) j113-j113 2011年8月
The Journal of Reproduction and Development 56(Suppl.) j68-j68 2010年8月
BLOOD 114(22) 290-290 2009年11月
The Journal of Reproduction and Development 55(Suppl.) j97-j97 2009年8月
The Journal of Reproduction and Development 53(Suppl.) j120-j120 2007年9月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2024年4月 - 2027年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) 2021年4月 - 2024年3月
文部科学省 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C)) 2018年4月 - 2021年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) 2014年4月 - 2019年3月
文部科学省 科学研究費補助金(若手研究(B)) 2016年4月 - 2018年3月