
寺裏 寛之



自治医科大学 地域医療学センター 地域医療学部門 学内講師



  • 寺裏 寛之, 小谷 和彦, 小池 創一
    自治医科大学紀要 46 17-22 2024年3月  
  • 寺裏 寛之, 小谷 和彦, 小池 創一
    厚生の指標 71(1) 1-9 2024年1月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Hiroyuki Teraura, Kazuhiko Kotani, Eiji Sato, Soichi Koike
    The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine 261(4) 273-281 2023年12月16日  査読有り筆頭著者
    In Japan, there are rural clinics designated for areas without physicians to ensure the availability of medical care for rural area residents. The purpose of this study was to clarify the attributes of physicians working in the rural clinics. Using the 2018 Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare data in Japan, we compared the attributes and board certifications of physicians in rural clinics with those of physicians in other clinics. The age group with the highest percentage of physicians was the over 70 group (16%) and the early 30s group (15%) at rural clinics; however, the highest percentage of physicians at other clinics was the 70 over group (20%) and the early 60s group (16%). The number of physicians working in the internal medicine field at rural clinics was 550 (89%). There were 147 (27%) board-certified physicians in that field. Among them, the number of board certifications in internal medicine, surgery, and other than internal medicine or surgery were 79 (54%), 17 (12%), and 51 (35%), respectively. The proportion of board-certified surgery physicians within the internal medicine field in rural clinics was significantly higher than in other clinics (5%). In rural clinics, the age distribution of physicians was different from that in other clinics, and many of the physicians worked in the internal medicine field, but some of them seemed to have a mismatch between their board-certifications and their fields of practice. Further studies are necessary to clarify what the mismatches mean in rural practice.
  • 小池 創一, 小谷 和彦, 寺裏 寛之, 中村 晃久
    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 82回 307-307 2023年10月  
  • 寺裏 寛之, 小谷 和彦, 小池 創一
    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 82回 308-308 2023年10月  
  • Jun Watanabe, Hiroyuki Teraura, Akihisa Nakamura, Kazuhiko Kotani
    Journal of rural medicine : JRM 18(2) 50-54 2023年4月  査読有り
    Objective: Despite the high prevalence of mental disorders in rural areas, mental health services are lacking because of shortages of resources and difficulty in accessing such services. Telemental health services can be beneficial for these patients. This study summarizes the efficacy of telemental health in managing mental disorders in rural areas. Materials and Methods: The MEDLINE and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials databases were searched to identify randomized controlled trials on telemental health for mental disorders in rural areas until June 2022. The reviewers independently screened, extracted, and assessed study quality using the Risk of Bias 2 tool. Results: Six eligible studies were identified on mental health symptoms, insomnia, depression, and schizophrenia. The quality of all the studies was moderate, and they all reported that telemental health effectively improved the symptoms of mental disorders. One study reported a reduction in relapse and rehospitalization rates in young individuals. Another study reported that it was effective in improving the symptoms of depression and anxiety in older individuals. Conclusions: Although further studies are warranted, telemental health services could effectively improve the symptoms of mental disorders in rural areas.
  • 中村 晃久, 菅谷 涼, 寺裏 寛之, 菊地 元史, 田中 大介, 淺田 義和, 小谷 和彦
    自治医科大学紀要 45 55-59 2023年3月  査読有り
  • 菅谷 涼, 中村 晃久, 寺裏 寛之, 小谷 和彦
    自治医科大学紀要 45 119-122 2023年3月  査読有り
  • 寺裏 寛之, 中村 晃久, 小谷 和彦
    日本糖尿病インフォマティクス学会誌 21 19-23 2023年  査読有り
  • 小池 創一, 寺裏 寛之, 小谷 和彦, 松本 正俊
    厚生の指標 69(15) 17-24 2022年12月  査読有り
    目的 国が新たに開発した医師偏在指標を,過去の人口・医師数・受療率等に適用,一定の仮定を置いた上で算出し,その推移や人口10万対医師数との比較を行うことで,医師偏在指標を用いる際の留意点や,今後の医師確保策のための課題について検討することを目的とした。方法 2000~2018年の期間について2年間隔で三次医療圏(都道府県),二次医療圏別の医師偏在指標を算出した。過去のデータが利用可能なものについては過去のデータを用いるが,過去のデータが得られないものについては条件が変わらないものと仮定した。その上で,医師偏在指標と人口10万対医師数を比較するとともに2000年時点の偏在指標の上位・中位・下位1/3の地域が2018年までの間に,2000年時点の各区分の水準にあてはめた場合,どの区分に該当するかを試算した。結果 2000年~2018年の医師偏在指標の推移をみると,三次医療圏・二次医療圏のいずれも最小値,平均値ともに増加が認められているが,最大値も増加しており,標準偏差,最大値-最小値とも拡大している。2018年の人口10万対医師数と医師偏在指標はいずれも強い相関を示していた。2018年の時点では2000年基準による下位1/3に該当する都道府県のうち約8割(16-3/16=0.81),二次医療圏では6割(112-42/112=0.61)がその水準を上回っているという試算結果となった。結論 医師偏在指標を一定の仮定の下で過去にさかのぼって試算した。医師偏在指標全体の水準は改善しており,2000年基準で医師少数県・医師少数区域とされた地域は,2018年までにそれぞれ8割,6割がその水準を上回る等,医師確保策には一定の成果がみられている。しかしながら,もともと医師偏在指標が大きかった地域も偏在指標をさらに改善させていることから,依然として地域間格差は存在している。現在は,医師確保計画が医療計画の中に定められ,これまで以上に強力な医師偏在対策がとられているものの,医師の偏在是正は容易ではない。国,地方自治体の一層の取り組みの強化が求められるとともに,幅広い関係者間の理解と合意をいかに得るかが今後の課題となると考えられる。(著者抄録)
  • 寺裏 寛之, 井口 清太郎, 前田 隆浩, 小谷 和彦
    日本糖尿病情報学会誌 20 19-23 2022年9月  査読有り
    【目的】わが国のへき地医療におけるオンライン診療の事例からその実際を検討する.【方法】オンライン診療を活用しているへき地医療拠点病院とへき地診療所(3ヶ所)に勤務する医師に聞き取り調査を行った.【結果】オンライン診療は慢性疾患患者の外来診療や在宅医療で主として活用されていた.3施設ともに,患者-医師間に看護師が介在するDoctor to Patient with Nurse(D to P with N)の形態をとっていた.【結論】D to P with Nは,へき地医療に親和性のある一形態であると示唆された.オンライン診療に関する,看護師をはじめとする医療従事者の育成は必要であると考えられた.(著者抄録)
  • 寺裏 寛之, 小谷 和彦
    日本糖尿病情報学会誌 19 32-37 2022年3月  査読有り筆頭著者
    国外のへき地では糖尿病をはじめとする生活習慣病保有者の増加がみられる。我が国のへき地医療では生活習慣病の対策に情報通信技術(Information and Communication Technology:ICT)が利活用される向きにある。国外のへき地でのICTを伴う生活習慣病対策の状況を知るために、PubMedのデータベースを用いて2019年11月30日までの国外の原著論文を検索してレビューした。9報告が抽出された。インド、レバノン、アメリカ、イタリア、カナダ、韓国、ネパールから報告がなされていた。主たる対象疾病は糖尿病、心血管病、高血圧症であった。内容は、ツールの利便性の評価、疾病スクリーニング、生活習慣の是正を主としていた。研究報告はまだ少ないが、国内外のへき地医療におけるICTによる生活習慣病管理への発展が期待される。(著者抄録)
  • 寺裏 寛之, 中村 晃久, 菅谷 涼, 小池 創一, 小谷 和彦
    自治医科大学紀要 44 1-5 2022年3月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Jun Watanabe, Hiroyuki Teraura, Kenichi Komatsu, Hironori Yamaguchi, Kazuhiko Kotani
    International journal of environmental research and public health 18(23) 2021年12月2日  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: The prediction of at-home deaths has become an important topic in rural areas of Japan with an advanced aging society. However, there are no well-established predictors to explain how these factors influence intention. This study aims to investigate the possible predictors of at-home death for cancer patients in rural clinics in Japan. METHODS: This is a nationwide cross-sectional survey. A self-administered questionnaire was sent to 493 rural clinics in Japan. The main outcome was the realization of at-home deaths for cancer patients. RESULTS: Among the 264 clinics (54%) that responded to the survey, there were 194 clinics with the realization of at-home death. The use of a clinical pathway (adjusted odds ratio 4.19; 95% confidence interval 1.57-11.19) and the provision of organized palliative care (adjusted odds ratio 19.16; 95% confidence interval 7.56-48.52) were associated with the prediction of at-home death, irrespective of island geography or the number of doctors and nurses. CONCLUSIONS: Having a clinical pathway and systematizing palliative care could be important to determine the possibility of at-home deaths for cancer patients in rural clinics in Japan.
  • Hiroyuki Teraura, Seitaro Iguchi, Takahiro Maeda, Soichi Koike, Masatoshi Matsumoto, Sanae Haruyama, Kazuhiko Kotani
    Journal of rural medicine : JRM 16(4) 298-300 2021年10月  査読有り筆頭著者
    High-speed information and communication technology (ICT) networks stretch all over Japan. However, their utility in facilitating rural healthcare remains uncharacterized. A nationwide questionnaire survey was sent by mail to 1,018 rural clinics constructed in a public manner in municipalities throughout Japan. ICT use was classified by type, including a doctor-to-doctor manner. Only 19% of the 303 clinics surveyed (with a response rate of 30%) used ICT. Specifically, 50% used it in a doctor-to-doctor manner, while 35% used it to obtain electronic medical records. Differences in proficiency levels among ICT users were cited by 21% of the respondents as a major problem associated with ICT use. In Japan, the prevalence of ICT use for rural healthcare appeared low. We suggest a policy reform to facilitate ICT use in rural healthcare.
  • 寺裏 寛之, 小谷 和彦, 野原 康弘, 小池 創一
    厚生の指標 68(8) 1-8 2021年8月  査読有り筆頭著者
    目的 日本の医師偏在対策の一つとして,都道府県は2020年度から医師確保計画を策定した。この計画では,医師確保に重点を置く地域として,各都道府県の二次医療圏よりも小さい単位で,局所的に医師が少ないとみなされる医師少数スポットが設定された。一方で,へき地を中心に無医地区は,医師確保策の一つとして以前から設定されている。医師少数スポットと無医地区の設定には,都道府県の実状や方針が反映される。本研究は,各都道府県の医師少数スポットの実態および無医地区との関係を観察した。方法 各都道府県のホームページに公開されている医師確保計画の文書を収集し,医師少数スポットに関する記載を分析した。無医地区は平成26年度無医地区等調査結果を使用した。その面積は境界不明確な地区があり,地区の中心から半径4kmの円の面積(50.3km2)と一致すると仮定した。結果 全都道府県の医師確保計画(47文書)が得られた。医師少数スポットを設定したのは26(55.3%)の都道府県であり,総数で313の医師少数スポットがあった。医師少数スポットの設定は市町村全域である場合が最多(103地域[32.9%])であった。都道府県の医師少数スポット数と無医地区数の中央値(四分位範囲)はそれぞれ15.0(10.0-25.0),20.0(14.0-38.0)で,医師少数スポット数の方が有意に小さかった(P<0.01)。医師少数スポットと無医地区とでは,地域の面積の中央値(四分位範囲)はそれぞれ69.0(44.4-189.5)km2,50.3(50.3-50.3;無医地区の面積は一律と仮定した)km2であり,医師少数スポットの方が有意に大きかった(P<0.01)。医師少数スポットと無医地区との重なりを分類したところ,両者が重複しない方が最多(245[78.3%])で,ほぼ重なって無医地区を包含する型が次いだ(43[13.7%])。結論 医師少数スポットは,過半数の都道府県で設定され,その多くは無医地区を有さない市町村全域に設定されていた。無医地区と重複するような,都道府県独自の設定も認められた。(著者抄録)
  • Toshie Manabe, Kazuhiko Kotani, Hiroyuki Teraura, Kensuke Minami, Takahide Kohro, Masami Matsumura
    Geriatrics (Basel, Switzerland) 5(3) 2020年7月7日  査読有り
    Background: Aspiration pneumonia (AsP), a phenotype of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), is a common and problematic disease with symptomless recurrence and fatality in old adults. Characteristic factors for distinguishing AsP from CAP need to be determined to manage AsP. No such factorial markers in oldest-old adults, who are often seen in the primary-care settings, have yet been established. Methods: From the database of our Primary Care and General Practice Study, including the general backgrounds, clinical conditions and laboratory findings collected by primary care physicians and general practitioners, the records of 130 patients diagnosed with either AsP (n = 72) or CAP (n = 58) were extracted. Characteristic factors associated with the diagnosis of AsP were statistically compared between AsP and CAP. Results: The patients were older in the AsP group (median 90 years old) than in the CAP group (86 years old). The body temperature, heart rate, and diastolic blood pressure were lower in the patients with AsP than in those with CAP. Witnessed meal dysphagia by families and caregivers was reported only in AsP. Living in a nursing home, comorbidities of cerebral infarction and dementia (as positive factors) and hypertension (as a negative factor) were considered predictive to diagnose AsP in a stepwise logistic regression analysis. Conclusions: Among oldest-old adults in primary-care settings, living in a nursing home and the dysphagia risks are suggested to be characteristic factors for diagnosing AsP. Age and some relevant clinical information may help manage AsP and also be useful for families and caregivers.
  • Hiroyuki Teraura, Noriyuki Sasaki, Yushi Hosokawa, Hideki Munakata, Kazuhiko Kotani
    Geriatrics & gerontology international 20(7) 729-730 2020年7月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 小池 創一, 松本 正俊, 鈴木 達也, 寺裏 寛之, 前田 隆浩, 井口 清太郎, 春山 早苗, 小谷 和彦
    厚生の指標 67(5) 20-26 2020年5月  査読有り
    目的 第7次医療計画からへき地保健医療計画は医療計画へ統合された。この統合は,より効率的な計画策定や,国民にとってもより理解しやすい計画となることを期待してのものであったが,独立した計画がなくなることによって,へき地医療対策が埋没してしまう懸念も生じている。本研究の目的は,へき地保健医療計画の医療計画への統合の前後で,医療計画の記載内容がどのように変化しているかを評価することで,都道府県におけるへき地医療への取り組み状況の変化について明らかにすることにある。方法 千葉県,神奈川県,大阪府を除く44都道府県の第6次および第7次医療計画に関し,5疾病・5事業および在宅医療に関する記載から,へき地医療についての記載ページ数・評価指標数ならびにこれらが5疾病・5事業および在宅医療についての記載ページ数・評価指標数に占める割合を算出した。また,今後のへき地医療の課題と考えられる項目について記載の有無を調査した。結果 第6次医療計画のへき地医療関連の記載量は,平均7.8ページであったものが,第7次医療計画では,9.8ページとなっており,2.1ページ増加していた。一方,5疾病・5事業および在宅医療に占めるへき地医療に関する記載の割合は,7.5%から7.2%と減少した。同様に,評価指標数は,第6次保健医療計画で平均2.3項目,第7次医療計画で平均2.9項目と増加した。一方,評価指標に占める割合は5.5%から3.9%に減少した。医療計画内に記載されている内容については,へき地医療に従事する医療従事者の継続的確保や医療従事者の養成課程等におけるへき地医療への動機付けや,ICTによる診療支援体制やドクターヘリの活用等を評価指標とする都道府県が第6次計画時点に比較して大きく伸びているが,へき地医療拠点病院による巡回診療,医師派遣,代診医派遣の実施状況に関しては,第6次,第7次で大きな差はなかった。結論 へき地保健医療計画が医療計画に統合され,記載の有無や分量という観点からは一定程度の充実が図られたが,より効率的で,医療を受ける側の国民にとってもより理解しやすい計画となっているかについてはさらなる検討が必要である。また,計画を実行し,事業の進捗状況を把握・評価し,必要な修正を加えるといったPDCAサイクルが実践されているかという観点からも引き続き検討が必要であることが明らかとなった。また,へき地や無医地区・準無医地区の定義についての議論も必要である。(著者抄録)
  • 寺裏 寛之, 間辺 利江, 小谷 和彦
    自治医科大学紀要 42 9-13 2020年3月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 鈴木 達也, 寺裏 寛之, 間辺 利江, 小谷 和彦
    自治医科大学紀要 42 47-56 2020年3月  査読有り
  • Akihisa Nakamura, Toshie Manabe, Hiroyuki Teraura, Kazuhiko Kotani
    International journal of environmental research and public health 17(1) 2019年12月26日  査読有り
    The frequency of use of emergency telephone consultation (ETC) services, which is a telephone triage system in Japan, was explored to determine age- and sex-related trends on symptoms/events among Japanese adults. Data were obtained from records of the initial year of ETC services in Saitama Prefecture (from October 2014 to September 2015). Residents who used the ETC services were divided into four age groups (20-39, 40-64, 65-74, and ≥75 years old). The number of calls per 1000 persons (call rate, CR) was compared between the groups. The annual CR for the top 10 symptoms/events were assessed. The annual CR was 2.6/1000 persons. The annual CR was significantly higher for women (2.9) than for men (2.3) (p < 0.05). ETC use was the highest in the 20-39 age group for both sexes (3.3 and 4.4 in men and women, respectively). All groups had fever, abdominal pain, and nausea/vomiting in common. In older adults, the frequency of events such as bruises and head injury was high. Women and younger adults tended to use ETC services. There were similarities and differences in symptoms/events among the groups, which should be recognized by call centers to help foster call center staff.
  • Kenichi Komatsu, Hiroyuki Teraura, Hironori Yamaguchi, Kazuhiko Kotani
    The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine 249(4) 291-294 2019年12月  査読有り
    Resolution of regional disparities in cancer mortality is global challenge. Establishing an equal system of cancer treatment throughout the country is required under the Cancer Control Act in Japan. The types of treated cancer may reflect practical experience at the institutions and cooperation to other institutions. This study investigated the types treated at the institutions in rural communities of Japan. A questionnaire survey was conducted for 811 public rural institutions (clinics and small-to-middle-sized hospitals [< 200 beds]) in 2013. The survey's items included the types of treated cancer (14 categories: stomach, colon, breast, liver, biliary tract, pancreatic, prostate, esophageal, lung, renal, urinary tract, testicular, hematopoietic, and others) and the first five types were defined as major cancers. The data were analyzed between hospitals and clinics. The response rate was about 60%, and of 177 hospitals and 281 clinics, 54 hospitals (30%) and 10 clinics (3%) reported the types of cancer. The median number of cancer types in hospitals was significantly greater than that of clinics (4 [interquartile range 3.0-7.8]) vs. 1 [1.0-1.8], P < 0.01). The prevalence of hospitals treating at least one of five major cancers was significantly greater than that of clinics (96% vs. 30%, P < 0.01). The prevalence of clinics treating prostate cancer was significantly greater than that of hospitals (31% vs. 70%, P = 0.03). In conclusion, most types of cancer are treated at small-to-middle-sized hospitals, except for prostate cancer, providing basic information about cancer treatment in rural communities of Japan.
  • Hiroyuki Teraura, Tatsuya Suzuki, Kazuhiko Kotani
    Journal of physiological anthropology 38(1) 6-6 2019年6月7日  査読有り筆頭著者
    BACKGROUND: Adult height can serve as a disease marker. While taller stature has been reported to be linked to a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), an influence of the height on CVD is not fully understood in specific populations of Asia, which has a lower incidence of CVD and lower stature than Western populations. METHODS: We conducted a systematic review using original articles of prospective cohort studies published in English, via the PubMed database, on the relationship between the height and mortality of CVD, including cerebrovascular disease, in Asian people. RESULTS: We selected four studies on heart/coronary disease and five studies on cerebrovascular disease. Regarding heart/coronary disease, two studies showed that taller stature was associated with a decreased mortality of heart disease in men or cardiovascular disease in women. The hazard ratios of other studies had not shown a clear significance but a decreased direction of taller stature to the mortality. Regarding cerebrovascular disease, most studies showed that taller stature was associated with a decreased mortality of total cerebrovascular diseases or stroke. In two studies, taller stature showed a decreased mortality of ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, adult height may be inversely predictive to the mortality of CVD, in particular cerebrovascular disease, in Asian people. While this seems to be a similar trend to that of Westerns, further studies are warranted.
  • Tetsuaki Ban, Hideo Hirose, Hiroyuki Teraura, Kazuhiko Kotani, Tadao Gotoh
    Rural and remote health 19(1) 5078-5078 2019年2月  査読有り
  • Eiichi Kakehi, Seiji Adachi, Yusuke Fukuyasu, Yasuhiro Hashimoto, Shigehisa Sakurai, Akane Hirotani, Hisanori Danbara, Kaduyo Shimizu, Ryosuke Fujita, Hiroyuki Teraura, Kazuhiko Kotani, Masami Matsumura
    Endokrynologia Polska 70(5) 430-437 2019年  査読有り
    INTRODUCTION: In the clinical setting, the diagnosis of neurosarcoidosis in patients with central diabetes insipidus (CDI) is typically based both on symptoms (i.e. polydipsia or polyuria) and brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings (e.g. pituitary abnormality). However, inconsistent changes in the patient's symptoms and brain MRI findings may occur during the clinical course of the disease. This review was performed to summarise the relationship between symptoms and brain MRI findings in previously reported cases of neurosarcoidosis with CDI. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Case studies of patients diagnosed with neurosarcoidosis with CDI were collected via a PubMed search of studies published through 30 June 2018. RESULTS: Thirteen eligible studies were reviewed (20 patients; 12 men, 8 women; mean age 33 years). Polydipsia or polyuria was the first symptom in 13 patients. The mean duration from disease onset to diagnosis was 3.4 months. Brain MRIs showed abnormal findings in the hypothalamus and pituitary for 17 patients. Immunosuppressive drugs were used in 17 patients. For 14 patients, MRI findings improved, while symptoms did not. CONCLUSION: Patients with both neurosarcoidosis and CDI symptoms often do not improve, despite the fact that brain MRI findings often improve following treatment. More studies involving detailed pathological analyses and longer follow-up periods are necessary.
  • Hiroyuki Teraura, Kazuhiko Kotani, Takaomi Minami, Taro Takeshima, Osamu Shimooki, Eiji Kajii
    Annals of clinical biochemistry 54(2) 209-213 2017年3月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Kawasaki disease is a febrile disease of childhood that is associated with increased inflammatory cytokines and immunoregulatory abnormalities. While the serum concentrations of soluble IL-2 receptor can change under such pathologies, the relevance of the soluble IL-2 receptor concentration in patients with Kawasaki disease has not been specified. We aimed to summarize the existing studies that reported the soluble IL-2 receptor concentrations in patients with Kawasaki disease. Original articles that were published up to July 2016 were collected using a PubMed/Medline-based search engine. A total of nine articles that reported the serum soluble IL-2 receptor concentrations in acute-phase Kawasaki disease were eligible. All of the articles described a high soluble IL-2 receptor concentration in patients with Kawasaki disease relative to the level of controls or the reference range. Two of five articles on patients with coronary artery aneurysms described a significantly higher soluble IL-2 receptor concentration in patients with coronary artery aneurysms than patients without. Two articles on patients with intravenous immunoglobulin therapy described a significant decrease of the soluble IL-2 receptor concentration after the therapy. Accordingly, the serum soluble IL-2 receptor can be a potent marker of disease activity and therapeutic effects in patients with Kawasaki disease; further studies are thus warranted for its use in the clinical setting.



