
津田 英利

ツダ ヒデトシ  (Hidetoshi Tsuda)


自治医科大学 分子病態治療研究センター 心血管・遺伝学研究部 助教



  • Ayumi Matsumoto, Shintaro Kano, Natsumi Kobayashi, Mitsuru Matsuki, Rieko Furukawa, Hirokazu Yamagishi, Hiroki Yoshinari, Waka Nakata, Hiroko Wakabayashi, Hidetoshi Tsuda, Kazuhisa Watanabe, Hironori Takahashi, Takanori Yamagata, Takayoshi Matsumura, Hitoshi Osaka, Harushi Mori, Sadahiko Iwamoto
    Scientific reports 14(1) 440-440 2024年1月3日  
    Menkes disease is an X-linked disorder of copper metabolism caused by mutations in the ATP7A gene, and female carriers are usually asymptomatic. We describe a 7-month-old female patient with severe intellectual disability, epilepsy, and low levels of serum copper and ceruloplasmin. While heterozygous deletion of exons 16 and 17 of the ATP7A gene was detected in the proband, her mother, and her grandmother, only the proband suffered from Menkes disease clinically. Intriguingly, X chromosome inactivation (XCI) analysis demonstrated that the grandmother and the mother showed skewing of XCI toward the allele with the ATP7A deletion and that the proband had extremely skewed XCI toward the normal allele, resulting in exclusive expression of the pathogenic ATP7A mRNA transcripts. Expression bias analysis and recombination mapping of the X chromosome by the combination of whole genome and RNA sequencing demonstrated that meiotic recombination occurred at Xp21-p22 and Xq26-q28. Assuming that a genetic factor on the X chromosome enhanced or suppressed XCI of its allele, the factor must be on either of the two distal regions derived from her grandfather. Although we were unable to fully uncover the molecular mechanism, we concluded that unfavorable switching of skewed XCI caused Menkes disease in the proband.
  • Ken Yoshida, Kazuha Yokota, Kazuhisa Watanabe, Hidetoshi Tsuda, Ayumi Matsumoto, Hiroaki Mizukami, Sadahiko Iwamoto
    Scientific reports 13(1) 1843-1843 2023年2月1日  
    Our previous genome-wide association study to explore genetic loci associated with lean nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in Japan suggested four candidate loci, which were mapped to chr6, chr7, chr12 and chr13. The present study aimed to identify the locus involved functionally in NAFLD around the association signal observed in chr13. Chromosome conformation capture assay and a database survey suggested the intermolecular interaction among DNA fragments in association signals with the adjacent four coding gene promoters. The four genes were further screened by knockdown (KD) in mice using shRNA delivered by an adeno-associated virus vector (AAV8), and KD of G protein-coupled receptor 180 (Gpr180) showed amelioration of hepatic lipid storage. Gpr180 knockout (KO) mice also showed ameliorated hepatic and plasma lipid levels without influencing glucose metabolism after high-fat diet intake. Transcriptome analyses showed downregulation of mTORC1 signaling and cholesterol homeostasis, which was confirmed by weakened phosphorylation of mTOR and decreased activated SREBP1 in Gpr180KO mice and a human hepatoma cell line (Huh7). AAV8-mediated hepatic rescue of GPR180 expression in KO mice showed recovery of plasma and hepatic lipid levels. In conclusion, ablation of GPR180 ameliorated plasma and hepatic lipid levels, which was mediated by downregulation of mTORC1 signaling.
  • Kazuhisa Watanabe, Ayumi Matsumoto, Hidetoshi Tsuda, Sadahiko Iwamoto
    Scientific reports 12(1) 20273-20273 2022年11月24日  
    We previously revealed that Kbtbd11 mRNA levels increase during 3T3-L1 differentiation and Kbtbd11 knockdown suppresses whereas its overexpression promotes adipogenesis. However, how Kbtbd11 mRNA is regulated during adipocyte differentiation and how the KBTBD11 protein functions in adipocytes remain elusive. This study aimed to examine the transcriptional regulatory mechanism of Kbtbd11 during adipocyte differentiation, KBTBD11-interacting protein functions, and elucidate the role of KBTBD11 in adipocytes. First, we identified the PPRE consensus sequences in the Kbtbd11 exon 1- and intron 1-containing region and demonstrated that PPARγ acts on this region to regulate Kbtbd11 expression. Next, we purified the KBTBD11 protein complex from 3T3-L1 adipocytes and identified heat shock proteins HSC70 and HSP60 as novel KBTBD11-interacting proteins. HSC70 and HSP60 inhibition increased KBTBD11 protein levels that promoted NFATc1 ubiquitination. These data suggest that HSC70 and HSP60 are involved in KBTBD11 stabilization and are responsible for NFATc1 regulation on the protein level. In summary, this study describes first the protein regulatory mechanism of NFATc1 through the HSC70/HSP60-KBTBD11 interaction that could provide a potential new target for the differentiation and proliferation of various cells, including adipocytes and tumors.
  • Ayumi Matsumoto, Hidetoshi Tsuda, Sadahiro Furui, Masako Kawada-Nagashima, Tatsuya Anzai, Mitsuru Seki, Kazuhisa Watanabe, Kazuhiro Muramatsu, Hitoshi Osaka, Sadahiko Iwamoto, Ichizo Nishino, Takanori Yamagata
    Molecular genetics & genomic medicine 10(9) e2008 2022年6月27日  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: Actin, alpha, skeletal muscle 1 (ACTA1) is one of the causative genes of nemaline myopathy (NM) and congenital fiber-type disproportion (CFTD). CFTD is characterized by type 1 fiber atrophy and distinguished from NM in the absence of rods. Eight patients with CFTD, including one patient with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), have previously been reported. Herein, we report the case of a 10-year-old boy presenting with CFTD and DCM. METHODS: We performed exome sequencing and analyzed the effect of Met327Lys mutations on cultured C2C12 muscle cells compared with that seen in the wild type (WT, ACTA1) and previously identified Asp294Val mutations associated with a severe phenotype of CFTD without cardiomyopathy. RESULTS: Exome sequencing revealed a de novo mutation, c.980 T > A, p.(Met327Lys), in ACTA1 (NM_001100.4). C2C12 cells transfected with the WT plasmid expressed ACTA1 in the nucleus and cytoplasm. Cells with the Asp294Val mutant showed needle-like structures in the cytoplasm, whereas the expression of the Met327Lys mutant resulted in few aggregations but many apoptotic cells. CONCLUSION: Apoptosis induced in Met327Lys-transfected muscle cells supports the pathogenicity of the mutation and can be implicated as one of the histopathological features associated with CFTD, as in NM.
  • Hidetoshi Tsuda, Shin-Ichi Tominaga, Mamitaro Ohtsuki, Mayumi Komine
    Journal of dermatological science 105(2) 113-120 2022年2月  
    BACKGROUND: IL-33 is a dual-functional molecule; it acts as a cytokine to enhance type 2 inflammation, and as a nuclear factor. The roles of nuclear IL-33 are not yet fully understood. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to investigate the role of IL-33 in normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEKs). METHODS: We utilized RNA interference to knock down cellular IL-33. RESULTS: The IL-33-knockdown (KD) cells showed decreased BrdU incorporation and decreasing tendency in RhoA activity and decreased ECT2 oncogene expression, compared to the controls. Supplementation of IL-33 expression utilizing adenovirus vector recovered the BrdU incorporation in IL-33-KD cells. Increased number of G2/M phase cells and binucleated cells were observed among the KD cells. Overtime observation revealed that IL-33-KD cells could not divide properly, formed binucleated cells, and were less motile than control cells. CONCLUSION: IL-33 KD in NHEKs affected the division and motility, probably by slightly decreasing the RhoA activity by attenuating ECT2 expression.


  • Meijuan Jin, Mayumi Komine, Hidetoshi Tsuda, Tomoyuki Oshio, Mamitaro Ohtsuki
    Journal of Dermatological Science 96(3) 178-180 2019年12月1日  
  • 日置 智之, 小宮根 真弓, 津田 英利, 大槻 マミ太郎
    角化症研究会記録集 33 108-112 2019年3月  
  • 永島 和貴, 梅本 尚可, 津田 英利, 小宮根 真弓, 出光 俊郎, 川瀬 正昭
    皮膚病診療 39(12) 1247-1250 2017年12月  
    <症例のポイント>乾癬性紅皮症の治療経過中にnarrow band ultraviolet B(以下、NB-UVB)照射療法を行い膿疱性乾癬が誘発された。IL36RN遺伝子変異検索ではp.Asn47Serのヘテロ変異を認めた。通常はキャリアと解釈されるヘテロ変異症例でもなんらかの複合要因のもとに炎症反応が強く働き、膿疱性乾癬の皮疹が発症する可能性があり、自験例は光線過敏症が要因と考えた。(著者抄録)
  • 津田 英利, 小宮根 真弓, 大槻 マミ太郎
    生命科学系学会合同年次大会 2017年度 [2P-0360] 2017年12月  
  • 永島 和貴, 梅本 尚可, 津田 英利, 小宮根 真弓, 出光 俊郎, 川瀬 正昭
    皮膚病診療 39(12) 1247-1250 2017年12月  
    <症例のポイント>乾癬性紅皮症の治療経過中にnarrow band ultraviolet B(以下、NB-UVB)照射療法を行い膿疱性乾癬が誘発された。IL36RN遺伝子変異検索ではp.Asn47Serのヘテロ変異を認めた。通常はキャリアと解釈されるヘテロ変異症例でもなんらかの複合要因のもとに炎症反応が強く働き、膿疱性乾癬の皮疹が発症する可能性があり、自験例は光線過敏症が要因と考えた。(著者抄録)

