- 所属
- 自治医科大学 地域臨床教育センター 教授
- 201401036593505130
- researchmap会員ID
- B000238325
Internal Medicine 57(10) 1469-1473 2018年 査読有りThe patient was an 81-year-old man who was found to have bacteremia due to Raoultella planticola, which might have entered the circulation through the bile duct during the passing of a gallbladder stone. In the present case, we screened for malignancies because most cases of R. planticola bacteremia occur after trauma, invasive procedures, or in patients with malignancy (70.6%). Early gastric cancer was detected. Although the association between R. planticola bacteremia and malignancy remains speculative in the present case, it may be useful to scrutinize similar cases involving low-virulence bacteremia for possible malignancies or immune conditions.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RHEUMATIC DISEASES 20(5) 584-588 2017年5月 査読有りAim: The tuberculin skin test (TST) is used to diagnose tuberculosis; however, the influence of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors on the test is unclear. This study investigated whether therapy with TNF inhibitors suppresses the TST reaction due to immunosuppression or whether the TST reaction increases due to reactivation of latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Method: Ninety-one patients with rheumatoid arthritis receiving TNF inhibitors (40 using infliximab and 51 using etanercept) were studied. The TST was performed before starting TNF inhibitors (T1) and more than 1 year after starting them (T2). Results: At T1, the reaction was negative in 45 patients, weakly positive in 21 patients, moderately positive in 18 patients and strongly positive in seven patients, while the numbers at T2 were 44, 20, 16 and 11, respectively. There were no significant differences of the TST reaction between T1 and T2 in all patients (P = 0.657), patients using infliximab (P = 0.462) or patients using etanercept (P = 1.00). No patients with a strongly positive TST reaction at T1 became negative at T2. However, two patients who were negative at T1 became strongly positive at T2. Although they had no signs of M. tuberculosis infection, isoniazid prophylaxis was given. Conclusion: The TST reaction was not suppressed after more than 1 year of therapy with TNF inhibitors. Patients in whom the TST reaction changes from negative to strongly positive may need appropriate prophylaxis.
MODERN RHEUMATOLOGY 27(1) 95-101 2017年1月 査読有りObjective: To correlate the serotype specificity to myeloperoxidase (MPO) and proteinase-3 (PR3) with clinical characteristics in anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis (AAV). Methods: Clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients with AAV in our division from 2005 to 2014 were retrospectively compared on the basis of ANCA subtype. Results: We collected the data from 88 patients with MPO-ANCA vasculitis, and 17 with PR3-ANCA vasculitis. Patients with PR3-ANCA vasculitis were younger, and had higher involvement-rates in the eye, nose, and ear. In both MPO- and PR3-ANCA vasculitis, the most frequently involved organ was the respiratory system. Interstitial pneumonia was more frequent in MPO-ANCA vasculitis (52.3% versus 5.9%, p<0.01), whereas nodular shadow was more frequent in PR3-ANCA vasculitis (9.1% versus 58.8%, p<0.01). Multivariable Cox proportional hazard regression analysis showed that the hazard ratio of PR3-ANCA for relapse was 2.48 (95% confidence interval 1.14-5.42, p=0.02). There was no difference in the survival and the progression to end-stage kidney disease and respiratory failure between the two vasculitides. Conclusion: MPO-ANCA vasculitis was a predominant form of AAV in Japan. Classification based on ANCA subtype would be clinically relevant in the prediction of organ involvement and relapse.
MODERN RHEUMATOLOGY 27(3) 411-416 2017年 査読有りObjectives: The objective of this study is to evaluate the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of methotrexate-polyglutamates (MTX-PGs) in erythrocytes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and correlate them with the efficacy.Methods: MTX-PG concentrations in erythrocytes were measured in 42 MTX-naive patients repeatedly for 24 weeks by high-performance liquid chromatography. In 56 patients receiving stable MTX doses for at least 12 weeks, the correlation between MTX doses and MTX-PG concentrations was examined. The efficacy was measured by the change of DAS28CRP (DAS28CRP).Results: There were moderate correlations between MTX dose and MTX-PG 3, 4, and 5. At 24 weeks, MTX-PG2, 3, 4, and 1-5 were higher in patients with DAS28CRP >1.2 than in those with 1.2. The cutoff value of MTX-PG1-5 to discriminate DAS28CRP >1.2 from 1.2 at 24 weeks was 68.7nM. Among 20 patients with MTX-PG1-5>50.6nM at 8 weeks, seven already improved at 8 weeks and additional 11 improved at 24 weeks (p<0.001). On the contrary, among the nine patients with MTX-PG1-550.6nM at 8 weeks, none improved at 8 weeks and only one improved at 24 weeks (p=0.500).Conclusions: Erythrocyte MTX-PGs might be a potential indicator and predictor of MTX efficacy.
臨床薬理の進歩 (37) 73-81 2016年6月関節リウマチ患者25例(男8、女17、平均67.7歳)を対象に、赤血球中のメトトレキサート(MTX)-ポリグルタメート(PG)濃度を用いてMTXに対する治療反応性を予測することが可能か検討した。服用開始前から24週目まで経時的に採血し、赤血球中MTX-PG濃度をHPLCにて測定した。MTX治療反応性はDAS28-CRPスコアの改善度で評価した。投与24週目のDAS28-CRPスコアの変化量が1.2より大きい群をMTX反応群、1.2以下をMTX不応群として比較した。赤血球中MTX-PG濃度は経時的に上昇し、MTX反応群の方が不応群に比べ高く推移した。MTX治療反応性を予測するため、投与12週目の赤血球中MTX-PG濃度を用いてROC解析を行った。その結果、MTX-PG濃度のカットオフ値を64.4nMとした場合の感度および特異性はともに80.0%で、良好な予測精度を示した。
RHEUMATOLOGY 54(8) 1531-1532 2015年8月
Japanese Journal of Allergology 64(9) 1269-1273 2015年An 18-year-old Japanese girl had received oral minocycline 200mg daily for treatment of acne vulgaris since 16 years old. She had a fever three months before admission, followedbyjoint painsin her knees, elbows and several proximal interphalangeal joints one month before admission. She was referred to our hospital because of a high serum level of anti-DNA antibody. She had already discontinued oral minocycline five weeks before admission, because she missed her medication refilled. On admission, the arthralgia and fever spontaneously resolved, and there were no laboratory evidence of hypocomplementemia and cytopenia. She had neither erythema nor internal organ involvements. Because her symptoms subsided spontaneously after the cessation of minocycline, she was considered to have drug-induced lupus. Both the arthralgia and fever did not relapse, and anti-ds DNA antibody returned to normal during a follow-up period without treatment. There are few reports of drug-induced lupus caused by minocycline in Japan. This case highlights the importance of considering minocycline-induced lupus.
ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATOLOGY 66 S775-S775 2014年10月
ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATOLOGY 66 S633-S633 2014年10月
INTERNAL MEDICINE 53(22) 2657-2658 2014年
アレルギー 62(3) 412-412 2013年4月10日
日本内科学会雑誌 100(7) 1956-1958 2011年7月10日症例は60歳,女性.半年以上診断が確定しなかった発熱の経過中に失行,構音障害,幻覚などの多彩な中枢神経症状が加わり,増悪した.血管内リンパ腫を疑い,骨髄生検と肝生検をはじめとする検査を施行したが診断は確定しなかった.皮疹は認められなかったが,ランダム皮膚生検によって血管内リンパ腫が確定し,化学療法が奏功した.
RHEUMATOLOGY 49(8) 1607-1607 2010年8月
アレルギー 58(8) 1289-1289 2009年9月30日
アレルギー 58(3) 401-401 2009年4月30日
アレルギー 57(9) 1504-1504 2008年10月30日
日本呼吸器学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japanese Respiratory Society 46(10) 808-813 2008年10月10日
アレルギー 56(3) 275-275 2007年4月30日
アレルギー = Japanese Journal of Allerology 55(7) 827-831 2006年
アレルギー 55(7) 827-831 2006年症例は75歳女性.20歳代より手指のレイノー症状を自覚.75歳時に胸部異常影と左足趾の壊死のため入院.手指から前腕の皮膚硬化,間質性肺炎,抗Scl-70抗体陽性よりびまん型強皮症,抗SS-A抗体陽性,口腔乾燥症状,涙液低下,唾液腺機能低下所見よりシェーグレン症候群と診断した.左足趾の切断術後70日頃より全身の浮腫,低酸素血症,胸部不快感,発熱が出現した.炎症所見と心臓超音波検査で心嚢液貯留と右房の虚脱徴候を認め心タンポナーデと診断した.プレドニゾロン20mg/日により心嚢液貯留と心タンポナーデ所見は消失した.心外膜炎は強皮症の約半数,稀にシェーグレン症候群に合併するが多くは無症候性である.強皮症による心外膜炎に対してはステロイド剤無効とされるが,ステロイド反応性心膜炎を合併した強皮症例,またシェーグレン症候群例が散見される.過去の報告例では臨床的特徴として炎症反応,強皮症では間質性肺炎を伴う点が共通しており,強皮症およびシェーグレン症候群に伴う心膜炎の病態と治療を考える上で重要と考えられる.
アレルギー 54(10) 1208-1212 2005年10月30日症例は気管支喘息とアレルギー性鼻炎の既往がある92歳男性.経過中にメチシリン耐性ブドウ球菌・多剤耐性腸球菌による敗血症を繰り返したため抗生剤を投与した.抗生剤投与中に皮疹・肝障害・末梢血液中好酸球数増加が出現し, その経過に一致して心不全による呼吸困難感および胸水貯留, 心電図異常, び漫性心筋収縮能低下が出現した.抗生剤中止とステロイド剤投与により, 皮疹・肝障害・末梢血液中好酸球増多は改善, それに伴い心不全も軽快した.治療経過より好酸球増多は塩酸バンコマイシンもしくはテイコプラニンによる薬剤性を疑った.薬剤性好酸球増多症による心筋障害は稀であるが, 生命予後を左右する重大な合併症の一つである.本例は抗生剤投与中止とステロイド剤投与により治療し得た.
アレルギー 51(2) 221-221 2002年3月1日
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2000年 - 2000年