
高山 卓也

タカヤマ タクヤ  (Takuya Takayama)


自治医科大学 附属病院眼科 臨床助教





  • Takuya Takayama, Satoru Inoda, Akira Watanabe, Hidetoshi Kawashima
    American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports 2024年6月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Takuya Takayama, Shinji Makino, Hironobu Tampo
    Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde 2024年4月26日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Yusuke Arai, Hidenori Takahashi, Takuya Takayama, Siamak Yousefi, Hironobu Tampo, Takehiro Yamashita, Tetsuya Hasegawa, Tomohiro Ohgami, Shozo Sonoda, Yoshiaki Tanaka, Satoru Inoda, Shinichi Sakamoto, Hidetoshi Kawashima, Yasuo Yanagi
    PLOS ONE 2024年3月29日  査読有り
  • Takuya Takayama, Satoru Inoda, Hidenori Takahashi, Rika Tsukii, Hana Yoshida, Yuka Kasuya, Kosuke Nagaoka, Ryota Takahashi, Yusuke Arai, Hidetoshi Kawashima
    Journal of medical case reports 18(1) 80-80 2024年2月29日  査読有り筆頭著者
    BACKGROUND: This study reports the first cases of scleritis following intravitreal brolucizumab (IVBr) injection for nAMD, emphasizing the need to be aware of the possibility of scleritis following IVBr injections. CASE PRESENTATION: Case 1. A 74-year-old Japanese man with nAMD complained of conjunctivitis and decreased vision in the right eye 8 days after his eighth IVBr injection. Examination revealed scleritis without anterior inflammation. Topical 0.1% betamethasone and 0.3% gatifloxacin eye drops were started. The scleritis worsened in the following 2 weeks and became painful. He underwent sub-Tenon's capsule triamcinolone acetonide (STTA) injection. Two days later, he returned with a complaint of severe vision loss. Fundus examination revealed retinal artery occlusion, vasculitis, and vitreous opacity in the right eye. Vitreous surgery was performed. CASE 2: An 85-year-old Japanese woman with nAMD in the right eye complained of reddening of the eye 27 days after her fifth IVBr injection. Examination showed conjunctivitis and scleritis without anterior inflammation in the right eye. She was started on 0.1% fluorometholone and 0.5% levofloxacin hydrate eye drops. The scleritis worsened in the following 3 weeks. Her treatment was switched to 0.1% betamethasone eye drops. One month later, the scleritis had improved and a sixth IVBr injection was administered. There was no worsening of the scleritis at that time. However, 1 month after a seventh IVBr injection, she complained of severe hyperemia and decreased vision. Fundus examination revealed vitreous opacification. She underwent STTA, and the vitreous opacity improved in 24 days. Case 3. A 57-year-old Japanese man with nAMD complained of pain and decreased vision in the right eye 21 days after a fourth IVBr injection. Examination revealed scleritis with high intraocular pressure but no anterior chamber or fundus inflammation. STTA and topical eye drops were performed. One month later, scleritis improved but visual acuity didn't due to progression of nAMD. CONCLUSIONS: Intraocular inflammation following IVBr injection may progress to the posterior segment. Scleritis can occur after IVBr injection, and topical eye drops alone may not be sufficient for initial treatment. Clinicians should consider the possibility of scleritis in patients with worsening inflammation after IVBr injection.
  • Satoru Inoda, Hidenori Takahashi, Ryota Takahashi, Yuto Hashimoto, Hana Yoshida, Hironori Takahashi, Takuya Takayama, Hidetoshi Kawashima, Yasuo Yanagi
    Ophthalmology and Therapy 2023年8月2日  査読有り
  • Jongmin Sim, Takuya Takayama, Junhun Cho, Seok Jin Kim, Won Seog Kim, Howe J Ree, Young Hyeh Ko
    Medicine 98(45) e17641 2019年11月1日  査読有り
    The purpose of this study was to evaluate changes in the proportion of lymphoid neoplasm subtypes in South Korea. A total of 8615 cases of lymphoid neoplasms diagnosed in 1997-2016 at Samsung Medical Center in South Korea were classified according to the 2008 World Health Organization system. The total number and proportion of lymphoid neoplasms were compared between these two decades, with data from nationwide studies, and with other countries. To evaluate changes in the proportion of subtypes, crude rate of each subtype per 100 lymphoma patients during each decade and age adjusted rate were calculated. There were 3024 patients with lymphoid neoplasm in 1997-2006, and 5591 in 2007-2016, which represents an average increase of 1.85 times over the 20-year study period. Crude rate and age adjusted rate were increased in Hodgkin's lymphoma and mature B cell lymphoma while precursor lymphoid neoplasms and mature T cell lymphoma were decreased. Among B cell neoplasms, age adjusted rate of plasma cell neoplasm, follicular lymphoma, mantle cell lymphoma increased while there was no significant change in extranodal marginal zone lymphoma and Burkitt lymphoma. The increase in follicular lymphoma was due to the increases in nodal follicular lymphoma of low grade and duodenal-type follicular lymphoma. These results are consistent with the dynamics of causative factors, including socioeconomic factors, in Korea.
  • Takuya Takayama, Sohyun Shin, SoYoung Kang, Suk Jin Kim, Won Seog Kim, Young Hyeh Ko
    Human pathology 73 51-58 2018年3月  査読有り筆頭著者
    The cellular lineage of extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal-type (ENKTL), is determined by expression of T-cell receptor (TR) or TR gene rearrangement. In ENKTL, from TR immunohistochemistry, it may often be difficult to decide whether TR-positive cells are tumor cells or not, especially when TR is expressed in a subset of tumor cells. To analyze TR expression pattern and TR rearrangement in T-lineage ENKTL, we performed double immunofluorescence staining for Epstein-Barr virus-encoded small RNAs (EBER)/T-cell receptor (TCR) βF1 and CD56/TCR βF1 in 12 cases of ENKTL that showed TCR βF1 expression in immunohistochemistry. TR gene rearrangement was analyzed using a commercial BIOMED-2 multiplex polymerase chain reaction system. Immunohistochemistry showed that all 12 cases expressed TCR βF1 in a wide range of infiltrating cells from 100% to <1%. Two of them expressed both TCR βF1 and TCR cγM1. EBER/TCR-βF1-positivity was confirmed in 10 cases by double staining. One case failed to show EBER/TCR-βF1-positive cells but showed a CD56/TCR βF1-positive result. Among 12 cases, 5 had poor-quality DNA, 3 of them showed no polymerase chain reaction product, and 2 cases showed nonspecific peak of low height. Five of 7 cases with good DNA quality demonstrated monoclonal TR gene rearrangement. Based on TR expression and TR gene rearrangement, 10 of 12 cases of ENKTL were decided as a T-lineage tumor. In conclusion, because of common TR silence and poor DNA quality, consideration of both immunohistochemistry and TR gene rearrangement is necessary to determine the lineage of ENKTL.





