- 所属
- 自治医科大学 医学部救急医学講座 助教(兼任)救命救急センター 助教
- 研究者番号
- 20528583
- https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0711-4505
- 201701000225145912
- researchmap会員ID
- B000275281
2000年4月 - 2006年3月
The American journal of case reports 25 e943876 2024年7月23日BACKGROUND Inferior vena cava (IVC) injury is a potentially fatal injury with a high mortality rate of 34-70%. In cases in which the patient's condition is stable, diagnosis by computed tomography (CT) is the criterion standard. Findings on CT include retroperitoneal hematoma around the IVC, extravasation of contrast medium, and abnormal morphology of the IVC. We report a case of an IVC injury that could not be diagnosed by preoperative CT examination and could not be immediately detected during laparotomy. CASE REPORT A 73-year-old woman had stabbed herself in the neck and abdomen at home using a knife. When she arrived at our hospital, we found a stab wound several centimeters long on her abdomen and a cut approximately 15 cm long on her neck. We activated the massive transfusion protocol because she was in a condition of hemorrhagic shock. After blood transfusion and blood pressure stabilization, contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) revealed a small amount of fluid in the abdominal cavity. An otorhinolaryngologist performed successful drainage and hemostasis, and a laparotomy was performed. Gastric injury and mesentery injury of the transverse colon were identified and repaired with sutures. Subsequent search of the retroperitoneum revealed massive bleeding from an injury to the inferior vena cava (IVC). The IVC was repaired. Postoperative progress was good, and she was discharged from the hospital 65 days after her injuries. CONCLUSIONS We experienced a case of penetrating IVC injury, which is a rare trauma. Occult IVC injury may escape detection by preoperative CT examination or during laparotomy.
International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 118 2024年5月 査読有り筆頭著者<h4>Introduction</h4>Traumatic tension gastrothorax is a type of obstructive shock similar to tension pneumothorax. However, tension gastrothorax is not well known among emergency physicians, and no consensus has yet been reached on management during initial trauma care. We present a case of traumatic tension gastrothorax in which tube thoracostomy was performed based solely on clinical findings very similar to tension pneumothorax, followed by emergency laparotomy.<h4>Presentation of case</h4>A 24-year-old male motorcyclist was brought to our emergency medical center after being struck by a motor vehicle. He was in respiratory failure and hypotensive shock with findings suggestive of pneumothorax. Although the physical findings were not fully in line with tension pneumothorax, we immediately performed finger thoracostomy. Subsequent radiography revealed left diaphragmatic rupture with hernia. After unsuccessful attempts to decompress the stomach with a nasogastric tube, immediate emergency laparotomy was performed. During the operation, the stomach, which had prolapsed through the ruptured diaphragm into the thoracic cavity, was manually returned to the abdominal cavity. The ruptured diaphragm was repaired with sutures.<h4>Discussion</h4>Although distinguishing between tension pneumothorax and tension gastrothorax based on physical examination alone is difficult, tension gastrothorax requires careful attention to avoid intrapleural contamination from gastric injury. In addition, relying solely on stomach decompression with a nasogastric tube or delaying laparotomy could lead to cardiac arrest.<h4>Conclusion</h4>When tension pneumothorax is suspected during initial trauma care, tension gastrothorax should also be considered as a differential diagnosis and treated with immediate diaphragmatic repair once identified.
Journal of Pediatric Surgery 59(3) 500-508 2024年3月Background: This study aimed to assess whether the grade of contrast extravasation (CE) on CT scans was associated with massive transfusion (MT) requirements in pediatric blunt liver and/or spleen injuries (BLSI). Methods: This multicenter retrospective cohort study included pediatric patients (≤16 years old) who sustained BLSI between 2008 and 2019. MT was defined as transfusion of all blood products ≥40 mL/kg within the first 24 h of admission. Associations between CE and MT requirements were assessed using multivariate logistic regression analysis with cluster-adjusted robust standard errors to calculate the adjusted odds ratio (AOR). Results: A total of 1407 children (median age: 9 years) from 83 institutions were included in the analysis. Overall, 199 patients (14 %) received MT. CT on admission revealed that 54 patients (3.8 %) had CE within the subcapsular hematoma, 100 patients (7.1 %) had intraparenchymal CE, and 86 patients (6.1 %) had CE into the peritoneal cavity among the overall cohort. Multivariate analysis, adjusted for age, sex, age-adjusted shock index, injury severity, and laboratory and imaging factors, showed that intraparenchymal CE and CE into the peritoneal cavity were significantly associated with the need for MT (AOR: 2.50; 95 % CI, 1.50–4.16 and AOR: 4.98; 95 % CI, 2.75–9.02, respectively both p < 0.001). The latter significant association persisted in the subgroup of patients with spleen and liver injuries. Conclusion: Active CE into the free peritoneal cavity on admission CT was independently associated with a greater probability of receiving MT in pediatric BLSI. The CE grade may help clinicians plan blood transfusion strategies. Level of Evidence: Level 4; Therapeutic/Care management.
Surgical case reports 5(1) 202-202 2019年12月20日 査読有りBACKGROUND: The management of cardiac trauma requires rapid intervention in the emergency room, facilitated by a surgeon with prior experience to have good outcomes. Many surgeons have little experience in the requisite procedures. We report here 4 patients who suffered cardiac trauma, and all 4 patients survived with good neurologic outcomes. CASE PRESENTATIONS: Patient 1 suffered blunt cardiac trauma from a motor vehicle accident and presented in shock. Cardiac tamponade was diagnosed and a cardiac rupture repaired with staples through a median sternotomy after rapid transport to the operating room. Patient 2 suffered blunt cardiac trauma and presented in shock with cardiac tamponade. Operating room median sternotomy allowed extraction of pericardial clot with recovery of physiologic stability. Patient 3 presented with self-inflicted stab wounds to the chest and was unstable. She was brought to the operating room and thoracotomy allowed identification of a left ventricle wound which was repaired with a suture. Patient 4 presented in cardiac arrest with multiple self-inflicted stab wounds to the chest. Emergency room thoracotomy allowed repair of a right ventricle laceration with recovery of vital signs. CONCLUSIONS: The management of all 4 patients was according to the principles taught in the ATOM course. Three of the 4 surgeons had no prior experience with management of cardiac trauma and credited the good outcomes to taking the ATOM course. These are uncommon injuries and formal training in their management is beneficial to patients.
Radiology Case Reports 14(5) 623-626 2019年5月 査読有り筆頭著者A 75-year-old pedestrian was struck by a truck and in shock with both lower extremities significantly deformed, with injuries extending proximally to the inguinal region and degloving injuries. Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta was performed to achieve temporary hemostasis and the patient became hemodynamically stable. Following stabilization, both lower extremities were amputated. Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta may be effective to achieve temporary hemostasis in patients with extensive injuries of the lower extremities, especially with extension to the inguinal region which precludes use of a tourniquet.
European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 44(4) 1-7 2017年8月22日Purpose: Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA) is now a feasible and less invasive resuscitation procedure. This study aimed to compare the clinical course of trauma and non-trauma patients undergoing REBOA. Methods: Patient demographics, etiology, bleeding sites, hemodynamic response, length of critical care, and cause of death were recorded. Characteristics and outcomes were compared between non-trauma and trauma patients. Kaplan–Meier survival analysis was then conducted. Results: Between August 2011 and December 2015, 142 (36 non-trauma 106 trauma) cases were analyzed. Non-traumatic etiologies included gastrointestinal bleeding, obstetrics and gynecology-derived events, visceral aneurysm, abdominal aortic aneurysm, and post-abdominal surgery. The abdomen was a common bleeding site (69%), followed by the pelvis or extra-pelvic retroperitoneum. None of the non-trauma patients had multiple bleeding sites, whereas 45% of trauma patients did (P < 0.001). No non-trauma patients required resuscitative thoracotomy compared with 28% of the trauma patients (P < 0.001). Non-trauma patients presented a lower 24-h mortality than trauma patients (19 vs. 51%, P = 0.001). The non-trauma cases demonstrated a gradual but prolonged increased mortality, whereas survival in trauma cases rapidly declined (P = 0.009) with similar hospital mortality (68 vs. 64%). Non-trauma patients who survived for 24 h had 0 ventilator-free days and 0 ICU-free days vs. a median of 19 and 12, respectively, for trauma patients (P = 0.33 and 0.39, respectively). Non-hemorrhagic death was more common in non-trauma vs. trauma patients (83 vs. 33%, P < 0.001). Conclusions: Non-traumatic hemorrhagic shock often resulted from a single bleeding site, and resulted in better 24-h survival than traumatic hemorrhage among Japanese patients who underwent REBOA. However, hospital mortality increased steadily in non-trauma patients affected by non-hemorrhagic causes after a longer period of critical care.
日本腹部救急医学会雑誌 37(5) 799‐801-801 2017年7月31日<p>症例は70歳代男性。鼠径ヘルニア嵌頓の手術適応として他院より当院へ救急搬送された。当施設でも用手還納はできなかった。しかし,数分間の陰囊挙上によって自然に整復された。整復30分後に意識レベルがGCS E3V4M6に低下し,血圧75/57mmHg(橈骨動脈微弱),脈拍90/minとショック状態に陥った。細胞外液1,000mLの投与によりショック状態から離脱できた。直後に施行した腹部造影CTで腸間膜静脈損傷によると考えられる腸間膜血腫を認めた。バイタルサインが安定していたため,緊急手術を要しないと判断し,保存療法とした。入院10日目に局所麻酔下に鼠径ヘルニア根治術を施行した。合併症なく経過し,術後10日目に退院となった。救急外来でしばしば遭遇する鼠径ヘルニア嵌頓を整復する際は,用手還納後に腸間膜静脈損傷による腸間膜血腫を形成し,それに起因した循環血液量減少性ショックに至ることがあると認識すべきである。</p>
日本臨床救急医学会雑誌 19(6) 711-715 2016年12月目的:JTASによる緊急度判定では、発熱を主訴にSIRS診断基準の2項目以上を満たす場合はJTASレベル2(緊急)に分類されるが、このトリアージレベルが若年者において適切かどうかを検討する。方法:2014年10月から2015年3月の6ヵ月間に、当センターに独歩来院した成人を対象に、65歳未満の若年群と65歳以上の高齢群の2群に分けて検討した。なおJTASの定める意識、呼吸、循環等が要因でレベル2となった症例は除外した。結果:対象は236例で、上気道感染症とインフルエンザウイルス感染症が約半数を占めていた。入院率は高齢群で45.3%、若年群で12.2%と、それぞれCTASレベル2とレベル4の予測入院率に該当した。また多変量解析による高齢群に対する若年群の入院のオッズ比は0.18(95%CI:0.08-0.43)であった。結論:当センターへ冬季に発熱を主訴に来院し、SIRS2項目以上を満たす65歳以上は従来どおりJTASレベル2、また同様の症例で65歳未満はJTASレベル3で対応することが妥当である。(著者抄録)
日本救急医学会関東地方会雑誌 37(2) 230-234 2016年12月最近5年間にERで経験した急性大動脈解離154例を対象に、胸痛と背部痛を主訴とする典型群120例と非典型群38例に分け、比較検討した。その結果、非典型群ではStanford A型が68.4%を占め、典型群の39.7%と比較して有意に多かった。非典型群の主訴は胸部不快感26.3%、意識障害15.8%、呼吸困難15.8%、失神13.2%、腹痛10.5%、めまい7.9%、麻痺7.9%、脱力7.9%の順に多かった。客観的所見では、非典型群において意識障害と局所神経徴候が高率にみられた。検査結果では、非典型群は心嚢液の貯留が多くみられ、またD-dimerの中央値は10.9と、典型群の4.3と比較して有意に高かった。非典型群の入院死亡率は18.4%で、典型群の4.3%と比較して有意に多かった。
日本救急医学会関東地方会雑誌 37(2) 479-481 2016年12月31歳男。上腹部痛を主訴として救急外来を独歩受診した。腹部超音波検査で異常所見は認められず、急性腸炎を疑ってアセトアミノフェンを静注したところ、投与終了直後に血圧が低下しショック状態に陥った。輸液療法によりバイタルサインが安定したところで体幹部造影CT検査を行った結果、大量の腹水貯留と胃近傍に内臓動脈瘤を認め、引き続き施行した血管造影で左胃動脈瘤を認めた。これらの所見から、胃動脈破裂による出血性ショックと診断し、マイクロコイルで塞栓術を行い、術後経過良好であった。
日本臨床救急医学会雑誌 19(6) 711‐715(J‐STAGE)-715 2016年12月目的:JTASによる緊急度判定では、発熱を主訴にSIRS診断基準の2項目以上を満たす場合はJTASレベル2(緊急)に分類されるが、このトリアージレベルが若年者において適切かどうかを検討する。方法:2014年10月から2015年3月の6ヵ月間に、当センターに独歩来院した成人を対象に、65歳未満の若年群と65歳以上の高齢群の2群に分けて検討した。なおJTASの定める意識、呼吸、循環等が要因でレベル2となった症例は除外した。結果:対象は236例で、上気道感染症とインフルエンザウイルス感染症が約半数を占めていた。入院率は高齢群で45.3%、若年群で12.2%と、それぞれCTASレベル2とレベル4の予測入院率に該当した。また多変量解析による高齢群に対する若年群の入院のオッズ比は0.18(95%CI:0.08-0.43)であった。結論:当センターへ冬季に発熱を主訴に来院し、SIRS2項目以上を満たす65歳以上は従来どおりJTASレベル2、また同様の症例で65歳未満はJTASレベル3で対応することが妥当である。(著者抄録)
日本救急医学会雑誌 26(6) 146-151 2015年6月【背景】Cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR)において、胸骨圧迫は最も基本的な手技の一つである。胸骨圧迫の手法が時代とともに変遷する一方で、CPRに伴う医原性損傷が懸念される。また欧米人の体格を基準にした国際ガイドラインにおける胸骨圧迫の手法を、そのまま日本人に導入することが適切かどうかという疑問がある。我々は、2005年と2010年の蘇生ガイドラインに基づいてCPRが行われた2つの患者群に対して、CPRに伴って起こった胸部外傷を調査した。【方法】2010年(2005年群)と2012年(2010年群)に当院へ救急搬送された院外心肺停止患者において、CPRに伴う肋骨骨折および気胸の頻度と特徴を、診療録とCT検査を用いて後方視的に比較・検討を行った。【結果】対象となった院外心肺停止患者は、2005年群が292例、2010年群が243例であった。肋骨骨折を認めたのは、2005年群が123例(42.1%)、2010年群が167例(68.7%)と著明に増加していた(p<0.001)。肋骨骨折と気胸を同時に認めたのは、2005年群では8例(2.7%)であったのに対し、2010年群では21例(8.6%)と増加していた(p=0.004)。またこの21例中、4例に緊張性気胸を認めた。2010年群で、肋骨骨折を認めた症例の平均年齢は76.4(SD12.6)で、骨折のなかった症例の65.4(SD18.8)に比べて高かった(p<0.001)。また同群で、肋骨骨折と気胸を同時に認めた症例の胸郭前後径は166.0mm(SD22.8)で、損傷のなかった症例の176.2mm(SD21.0)と比較して小さかった(p=0.04)。さらにこれらの胸郭前後径は、欧米人の平均と比較して50mm以上小さかった。【結語】CPRに伴った肋骨骨折および気胸の頻度は、2005年群と比較して、2010年群において有意に増加していた。またなかには緊張性気胸等の致死的な胸部外傷もあったことから、本邦において現行のガイドラインでCPRを行う際は、欧米人と比較して胸郭前後径が小さいことが原因で生じ得るこれらの医原性胸部外傷の合併にも対処することを念頭に置く必要がある。(著者抄録)
Japanese Journal of Acute Care Surgery 4(2) 193-193 2014年9月