
三木 厚

ミキ アツシ  (Atsushi Miki)


自治医科大学 医学部 外科学講座 消化器一般移植外科学部門 講師






  • Jorge D Rivas-Carrillo, Alejandro Soto-Gutierrez, Nalu Navarro-Alvarez, Hirofumi Noguchi, Teru Okitsu, Yong Chen, Takeshi Yuasa, Kimiaki Tanaka, Michiki Narushima, Atsushi Miki, Haruo Misawa, Yasuhiko Tabata, Hee-Sook Jun, Shinichi Matsumoto, Ira J Fox, Noriaki Tanaka, Naoya Kobayashi
    Diabetes 56(5) 1259-67 2007年5月  
    OBJECTIVE: Treatment of diabetic patients by pancreatic islet transplantation often requires the use of islets from two to four donors to produce insulin independence in a single recipient. Following isolation and transplantation, islets are susceptible to apoptosis, which limits their function and probably long-term islet graft survival. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: To address this issue, we examined the effect of the cell-permeable apoptosis inhibitor pentapeptide Val-Pro-Met-Leu-Lys, V5, on pancreatic islets in a mouse model. RESULTS: V5 treatment upregulated expression of anti-apoptotic proteins Bcl-2 and XIAP (X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein) by more than 3- and 11-fold and downregulated expression of apoptosis-inducing proteins Bax, Bad, and nuclear factor-kappaB-p65 by 10, 30, and nearly 50%, respectively. Treatment improved the recovered islet mass following collagenase digestion and isolation by 44% and in vitro glucose-responsive insulin secretion nearly fourfold. Following transplantation in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice, 150 V5-treated islet equivalents functioned as well as 450 control untreated islet equivalents in normalizing blood glucose. CONCLUSIONS: These studies indicate that inhibition of apoptosis by V5 significantly improves islet function following isolation and improves islet graft function following transplantation. Use of this reagent in clinical islet transplantation could have a dramatic impact on the number of patients that might benefit from this therapy and could affect long-term graft survival.
  • Alejandro Soto-Gutiérrez, Naoya Kobayashi, Jorge David Rivas-Carrillo, Nalu Navarro-Alvarez, Debiao Zhao, Teru Okitsu, Hirofumi Noguchi, Hesham Basma, Yashuhiko Tabata, Yong Chen, Kimiaki Tanaka, Michiki Narushima, Atsushi Miki, Tadayoshi Ueda, Hee-Sook Jun, Ji-Won Yoon, Jane Lebkowski, Noriaki Tanaka, Ira J Fox
    Nature biotechnology 24(11) 1412-9 2006年11月  
    Severe acute liver failure, even when transient, must be treated by transplantation and lifelong immune suppression. Treatment could be improved by bioartificial liver (BAL) support, but this approach is hindered by a shortage of human hepatocytes. To generate an alternative source of cells for BAL support, we differentiated mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells into hepatocytes by coculture with a combination of human liver nonparenchymal cell lines and fibroblast growth factor-2, human activin-A and hepatocyte growth factor. Functional hepatocytes were isolated using albumin promoter-based cell sorting. ES cell-derived hepatocytes expressed liver-specific genes, secreted albumin and metabolized ammonia, lidocaine and diazepam. Treatment of 90% hepatectomized mice with a subcutaneously implanted BAL seeded with ES cell-derived hepatocytes or primary hepatocytes improved liver function and prolonged survival, whereas treatment with a BAL seeded with control cells did not. After functioning in the BAL, ES cell-derived hepatocytes developed characteristics nearly identical to those of primary hepatocytes.
  • Hideaki Ikeda, Naoya Kobayashi, Yoshihito Tanaka, Shuhei Nakaji, Chen Yong, Teru Okitsu, Mizuko Oshita, Shinichi Matsumoto, Hirofumi Noguchi, Michiki Narushima, Kimiaki Tanaka, Atsushi Miki, Jorge David Rivas-Carrillo, Alejandro Soto-Gutierrez, Nalu Navarro-Alvarez, Koichi Tanaka, Hee-Sook Jun, Noriaki Tanaka, Ji-Won Yoon
    Tissue engineering 12(7) 1799-809 2006年7月  
    Construction of a safe and functional bioartificial pancreas (BAP) that provides an adequate environment for islet cells may be an important approach to treating diabetic patients. Various types of BAP devices have been developed, but most of them involve extravascular implantation of islets in microcapsules or diffusion chambers. These devices have poor diffusive exchange between the islets and blood, and often rupture. To overcome these problems, we developed a new type of BAP composed of polyethylene-vinyl alcohol (EVAL) hollow fibers that are permeable to glucose and insulin and a poly-amino-urethane-coated, non-woven polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) fabric that allows cell adhesion. Porcine islets attached to the surface of the PTFE fabric, but not to the surface of the EVAL hollow fibers, allowing nutrient and oxygen exchange between blood flowing inside the fibers and cells outside. We inoculated this BAP with porcine islets and connected it to the circulation of totally pancreatectomized diabetic pigs. We found that blood glucose levels were reduced to a normal range and general health was improved, resulting in longer survival times. In addition, regulation of insulin secretion from the BAP was properly controlled in response to glucose both in vitro and in vivo. These results indicate that our newly developed BAP may be a potential therapy for the treatment of diabetes in humans.
  • Atsushi Miki, Michiki Narushima, Teru Okitsu, Yuichi Takeno, Alejandro Soto-Gutierrez, Jorge David Rivas-Carrillo, Nalú Navarro-Alvarez, Yong Chen, Kimiaki Tanaka, Hirofumi Noguchi, Shinichi Matsumoto, Michinori Kohara, Jonathan R T Lakey, Eiji Kobayashi, Noriaki Tanaka, Naoya Kobayashi
    Cell transplantation 15(4) 325-334 2006年4月  
    Development of an efficient preculture system of islets is ideal. Toward that goal, we constructed a human pancreatic islet-derived fibroblast cell line MNNK-1 for a source as a coculture system for freshly isolated islets to maintain islet functions. Human pancreatic islet cells were nucleofected with a plasmid vector pYK-1 expressing simian virus 40 large T antigen gene (SV40T) and hygromycin resistance gene (HygroR). One of the transduced cell lines, MNNK-1, was established and served as a feeder cell in the coculture for freshly isolated mouse, rat, and pig islets. Morphology, viability, and glucose-responding insulin secretion were analyzed in the coculture system. MNNK-1 cells were morphologically spindle shaped and were negative for pancreatic endocrine markers. MNNK-1 cells were positive for α-smooth muscle actin and collagen type I and produced fibroblast growth factor. Coculture of the mouse, rat, and pig islets with MNNK-1 cells maintained their viability and insulin secretion with glucose responsiveness. A human pancreatic islet-derived fibroblast cell line MNNK-1 was established. MNNK-1 cells were a useful means for maintaining morphology and insulin secretion of islets in the coculture system.
  • Kimiaki Tanaka, Naoya Kobayashi, Alejandro Soto Gutierrez, Jorge David Rivas-Carrillo, Nalu Navarro-Alvarez, Yong Chen, Michiki Narushima, Atsushi Miki, Teru Okitsu, Hirofumi Noguchi, Noriaki Tanaka
    Transplantation 81(3) 427-37 2006年2月15日  
    BACKGROUND: Because hepatocyte transplantation has been considered to be an attractive method to treat acute liver failure (ALF), efficient recovery of hepatocytes and maintenance of differentiated hepatocyte functions is of extreme importance. We here report the usefulness of an antiapoptotic pentapeptide V5, composed of Val-Pro-Met-Leu-Lys, in the monkey hepatocyte cultures. METHODS: We evaluated albumin production, metabolizing abilities of ammonia, lidocaine, and diazepam of monkey hepatocytes cultured with V5. The protein expression of apoptosis-associated molecules was analyzed using power blot analysis. An unwoven cloth inoculated with V5-treated monkey hepatocytes was transplanted on the surface of the spleen of both SCID mice and Balb/c mice suffering from ALF induced by 90% hepatectomy. RESULTS: When 100 microM V5 was utilized, ammonia-, lidocaine- and diazepam- metabolizing capacities and albumin production ability were significantly increased in V5-treated monkey hepatocytes. Such hepatocytes showed decreased Annexin V binding and increased the expression of anti-apoptotic and/or cytoprotective molecules, including Ku70, NF-kappaB, IKAP, hILP/XIAP, IkappaB, and CAS. Transplantation of the cloth containing the monkey hepatocytes significantly improved blood levels of glucose and ammonia and encephalopathy score and prolonged the survival of the mice with ALF. CONCLUSIONS: The present work clearly demonstrates the usefulness of V5 for maintaining the functions of monkey hepatocytes in tissue culture.
  • Atsushi Miki, Jorge D Rivas-Carrillo, Nalu Navarro-Alvarez, Alejandro Soto-Gutierrez, Yong Chen, Kimiaki Tanaka, Michiki Narushima, Yasuhiko Tabata, Teru Okitsu, Hirofumi Noguchi, Shinichi Matsumoto, Noriaki Tanaka, Naoya Kobayashi
    Cell transplantation 15(10) 893-901 2006年  
    Development of a subcutaneously implantable bioartificial pancreas (BAP) with immunoisolatory function could have a great impact on the treatment of diabetes mellitus. We have developed an implantable BAP device with an ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVAL) membrane. In the present study, we used basic fibroblast growth factors (bFGF), which was incorporated in a carrier for sustained release, in order to induce neovascularization when the device was implanted subcutaneously. To maintain the vasculature thus formed, a cell infusion port was attached to the BAP device, through which the device was filled with human liver vascular endothelial cell line TMNK-1, and the vasculature could be adequately maintained. Mice were divided into the following three groups. In group 1, a bFGF-free BAP device was implanted subcutaneously. In group 2, a sustained-release bFGF-impregnated BAP device was implanted. In group 3, a sustained-release bFGF-impregnated BAP device was implanted, and 3 x 10(6) TMNK-1 cells were infused into the implanted device every week. Neovascularization induced in the subcutaneous tissue around the implanted BAP device was macroscopically examined and histologically evaluated. In addition, the tissue blood flow was measured using a laser blood flow meter. In mice in group 3, neovascularization was significantly induced and maintained until week 8 postimplantation. It was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy that infused TMNK-1 cells adhered to the inner polyethylene surface of the device. It was demonstrated that the use of bFGF and vascular endothelial TMNK-1 cells induced and maintained adequate vasculature and tissue blood flow surrounding the implantable bag-type BAP device. We believe that the present study will contribute to BAP development for the treatment of diabetes.
  • Haruo Misawa, Naoya Kobayashi, Alejandro Soto-Gutierrez, Yong Chen, Aki Yoshida, Jorge David Rivas-Carrillo, Nalu Navarro-Alvarez, Kimiaki Tanaka, Atsushi Miki, Jiro Takei, Tadayoshi Ueda, Masato Tanaka, Hirosuke Endo, Noriaki Tanaka, Toshifumi Ozaki
    Cell transplantation 15(10) 903-10 2006年  
    Artificial bones have often used for bone regeneration due to their strength, but they cannot provide an adequate environment for cell penetration and settlement. We therefore attempted to explore various materials that may allow the cells to penetrate and engraft in bone defects. PuraMatrix is a self-assembling peptide scaffold that produces a nanoscale environment allowing both cellular penetration and engraftment. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of PuraMatrix on bone regeneration in a mouse bone defect model of the calvaria. Matrigel was used as a control. The expression of bone-related genes (alkaline phosphatase, Runx2, and Osterix) in the PuraMatrix-injected bone defects was stronger than that in the Matrigel-injected defects. Soft X-ray radiographs revealed that bony bridges were clearly observed in the defects treated with PuraMatrix, but not in the Matrigel-treated defects. Notably, PuraMatrix treatment induced mature bone tissue while showing cortical bone medullary cavities. The area of newly formed bones at the site of the bone defects was 1.38-fold larger for PuraMatrix than Matrigel. The strength of the regenerated bone was 1.72-fold higher for PuraMatrix (146.0 g) than for Matrigel (84.7 g). The present study demonstrated that PuraMatrix injection favorably induced functional bone regeneration.
  • Atsushi Miki, Michiki Narushima, Teru Okitsu, Yuichi Takeno, Alejandro Soto-Gutierrez, Jorge David Rivas-Carrillo, Nalú Navarro-Alvarez, Yong Chen, Kimiaki Tanaka, Hirofumi Noguchi, Shinichi Matsumoto, Michinori Kohara, Jonathan R T Lakey, Eiji Kobayashi, Noriaki Tanaka, Naoya Kobayashi
    Cell transplantation 15(4) 325-34 2006年  
    Development of an efficient preculture system of islets is ideal. Toward that goal, we constructed a human pancreatic islet-derived fibroblast cell line MNNK-1 for a source as a coculture system for freshly isolated islets to maintain islet functions. Human pancreatic islet cells were nucleofected with a plasmid vector pYK-1 expressing simian virus 40 large T antigen gene (SV40T) and hygromycin resistance gene (HygroR). One of the transduced cell lines, MNNK-1, was established and served as a feeder cell in the coculture for freshly isolated mouse, rat, and pig islets. Morphology, viability, and glucose-responding insulin secretion were analyzed in the coculture system. MNNK-1 cells were morphologically spindle shaped and were negative for pancreatic endocrine markers. MNNK-1 cells were positive for alpha-smooth muscle actin and collagen type I and produced fibroblast growth factor. Coculture of the mouse, rat, and pig islets with MNNK-1 cells maintained their viability and insulin secretion with glucose responsiveness. A human pancreatic islet-derived fibroblast cell line MNNK-1 was established. MNNK-1 cells were a useful means for maintaining morphology and insulin secretion of islets in the coculture system.
  • Michiki Narushima, Naoya Kobayashi, Teru Okitsu, Yoshihito Tanaka, Shun-Ai Li, Yong Chen, Atsushi Miki, Kimiaki Tanaka, Shuhei Nakaji, Kohji Takei, Alejandro Soto Gutierrez, Jorge David Rivas-Carrillo, Nalu Navarro-Alvarez, Hee-Sook Jun, Karen A Westerman, Hirofumi Noguchi, Jonathan R T Lakey, Philippe Leboulch, Noriaki Tanaka, Ji-Won Yoon
    Nature biotechnology 23(10) 1274-82 2005年10月  
    A human pancreatic beta-cell line that is functionally equivalent to primary beta-cells has not been available. We established a reversibly immortalized human beta-cell clone (NAKT-15) by transfection of primary human beta-cells with a retroviral vector containing simian virus 40 large T-antigen (SV40T) and human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) cDNAs flanked by paired loxP recombination targets, which allow deletion of SV40T and TERT by Cre recombinase. Reverted NAKT-15 cells expressed beta-cell transcription factors (Isl-1, Pax 6, Nkx 6.1, Pdx-1), prohormone convertases 1/3 and 2, and secretory granule proteins, and secreted insulin in response to glucose, similar to normal human islets. Transplantation of NAKT-15 cells into streptozotocin-induced diabetic severe combined immunodeficiency mice resulted in perfect control of blood glucose within 2 weeks; mice remained normoglycemic for longer than 30 weeks. The establishment of this cell line is one step toward a potential cure of diabetes by transplantation.
  • Yong Chen, Naoya Kobayashi, Satoshi Suzuki, Alejandro Soto-Gutierrez, Jorge David Rivas-Carrillo, Kimiaki Tanaka, Nalú Navarro-Alvarez, Takuya Fukazawa, Michiki Narushima, Atsushi Miki, Teru Okitsu, Hiroshi Amemiya, Noriaki Tanaka
    Transplantation 79(10) 1378-85 2005年5月27日  
    BACKGROUND: Considering the scarcity of donor livers, it is extremely important to establish a functional culture method for isolated hepatocytes. As a tool for maintaining hepatocyte functions in vitro, dHGF, a variant of HGF (hepatocyte growth factor) with a deletion of five amino acids, attracted our attention because it is less cytotoxic compared with HGF. METHODS: We evaluated growth, albumin production, metabolizing abilities of ammonia, lidocaine, and diazepam of human hepatocytes in the presence of dHGF (10-1000 ng/ml). The gene expression of liver markers was comparatively analyzed. The effect of intrasplenic transplantation of dHGF-treated human hepatocytes into severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice was evaluated in an acute liver failure (ALF) model induced by D-galactosamine (D-gal). RESULTS: When 100 ng/ml of dHGF was utilized, metabolism rates of ammonia, lidocaine, and diazepam and albumin production per unit cell significantly increased. The gene expression analysis demonstrated the enhanced expression of albumin, HNF-4alpha, and C/EBPalpha in the hepatocytes treated with 100 ng/ml of dHGF. Transplantation of such hepatocytes prolonged the survival of the SCID mice with ALF induced by D-gal. CONCLUSIONS: The present work clearly demonstrates the usefulness of dHGF (100 ng/ml) for maintaining the differentiated functions of human hepatocytes in tissue culture.


  • 青木裕一, 笹沼秀紀, 下平健太郎, 木村有希, 目黒由行, 田口昌延, 森嶋計, 三木厚, 兼田裕司, 池田恵理子, 池田恵理子, 菅野敦, 福嶋敬宜, 佐田尚弘
    膵臓(Web) 38(3) 2023年  
  • Yuichi Aoki, Hisashi Oshiro, Akihiko Yoshida, Kazue Morishima, Atsushi Miki, Hideki Sasanuma, Yasunaru Sakuma, Alan Kawarai Lefor, Naohiro Sata
    BMC gastroenterology 20(1) 105-105 2020年4月15日  
    BACKGROUND: Capicua transcriptional repressor (CIC) -rearranged sarcoma is characterized by small round cells, histologically similar to Ewing sarcoma. However, CIC-rearranged sarcoma has different clinical, histological, and immunohistochemical features from Ewing sarcoma. It is important to differentiate between these tumors. CASE PRESENTATION: The patient is a 44-year-old man with a duodenal tumor diagnosed in another hospital who presented with a history of melena. Laboratory studies showed anemia with a serum hemoglobin of 6.0 g/dL. He was hospitalized and gastrointestinal bleeding was controlled successfully with endoscopy. However, he suffered from appetite loss and vomiting and progression of anemia a few weeks after presentation. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy showed a circumferential soft tumor in the second portion of the duodenum and the endoscope could not pass distally. Computed tomography scan showed a greater than 10 cm tumor in the duodenum, with compression of the inferior vena cava and infiltrating the ascending colon. A definitive pathologic diagnosis could not be established despite four biopsies from the tumor edge. Due to gastrointestinal obstruction and progression of anemia, a pylorus-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy with partial resection of the inferior vena cava and right hemicolectomy was performed as a complete tumor resection. The tumor was diagnosed as a CIC-rearranged sarcoma, but 2 months postoperatively local recurrence and distant metastases to the liver and lung were found. The patient died 3 months after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Although the only definitive treatment for CIC-rearranged sarcoma is surgical resection, the CIC-rearranged sarcoma is highly malignant with a poor prognosis even after radical resection. More research is needed to establish optimal treatment strategies.
  • 松宮美沙希, 猪瀬悟史, 田中保平, 高見真梨子, 崎尾亮太郎, 加賀谷丈紘, 太白健一, 宮崎千絵子, 田原真紀子, 三木厚, 鯉沼広治, 栗原克己, 金井信行
    日本臨床外科学会雑誌 81 2020年  
  • 吉田 淳, 笹沼 英紀, 片野 匠, 篠原 翔一, 森嶋 計, 三木 厚, 宮戸 英世, 遠藤 和洋, 佐久間 康成, 堀江 久永, 細谷 好則, 北山 丈二, 佐田 尚宏
    胆道 33(3) 581-581 2019年10月  
  • 篠原 翔一, 笹沼 英紀, 宮戸 英世, 森嶋 計, 三木 厚, 遠藤 和洋, 吉田 淳, 佐久間 康成, 北山 丈二, 佐田 尚宏
    胆道 33(3) 628-628 2019年10月  

