- 所属
- 自治医科大学 分子病態治療研究センター 領域融合治療研究部 助教
- 学位
- 医学博士(自治医科大学)
- 201901001764535016
- researchmap会員ID
- B000349541
2019年1月 - 現在
2017年4月 - 2018年12月
2015年4月 - 2017年3月
2011年4月 - 2015年3月
PLOS ONE 19(9) e0309533-e0309533 2024年9月30日 査読有りAdult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL) develops from the infection of T cells with human T lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1). There are an estimated 5–20 million HTLV-1 carriers worldwide and the patients are frequently observed in subtropical Africa, the Caribbean, Middle East, South America, and South West Japan. The prognosis of ATL remains dismal due to rapid acquired resistance to treatment with cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agents. In particular, the development of novel therapies for relapsed or refractory (R/R) ATL is an unmet need. Previous clinical trials revealed that bendamustine (BDM) was effective as the first-line treatment for indolent lymphoma and R/R cases of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Its major advantage is that it has few side effects such as hair loss and peripheral neuropathy, and does not impair the quality of life. However, its efficacy has not been verified for ATL in pre-clinical or clinical studies. In this study, we have shown the cytotoxicity of BDM alone and in combination with novel agents including the histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor tucidinostat, the enhancer of zeste homolog 1/2 (EZH1/2) dual inhibitor valemetostat, and the Bcl2 family inhibitor ABT-737. The combined in vitro effects of BDM and tucidinostat were reproduced in a murine model without any obvious hematological toxicity. Our present results suggest that the combination of tucidinostat and BDM could additively prolong the survival of patients with R/R progressive ATL. The efficacy and safety of this combination are thus worthy of investigation in clinical settings.
Haematologica 109(10) 3414-3418 2024年6月13日 査読有り
Clinical and Translational Medicine 13(8) 2023年8月15日 査読有りAbstract Background The immunomodulatory drug lenalidomide, which is now widely used for the treatment of multiple myeloma (MM), exerts pharmacological action through the ubiquitin‐dependent degradation of IKZF1 and subsequent down‐regulation of interferon regulatory factor 4 (IRF4), a critical factor for the survival of MM cells. IKZF1 acts principally as a tumour suppressor via transcriptional repression of oncogenes in normal lymphoid lineages. In contrast, IKZF1 activates IRF4 and other oncogenes in MM cells, suggesting the involvement of unknown co‐factors in switching the IKZF1 complex from a transcriptional repressor to an activator. The transactivating components of the IKZF1 complex might promote lenalidomide resistance by residing on regulatory regions of the IRF4 gene to maintain its transcription after IKZF1 degradation. Methods To identify unknown components of the IKZF1 complex, we analyzed the genome‐wide binding of IKZF1 in MM cells using chromatin immunoprecipitation‐sequencing (ChIP‐seq) and screened for the co‐occupancy of IKZF1 with other DNA‐binding factors on the myeloma genome using the ChIP‐Atlas platform. Results We found that c‐FOS, a member of the activator protein‐1 (AP‐1) family, is an integral component of the IKZF1 complex and is primarily responsible for the activator function of the complex in MM cells. The genome‐wide screening revealed the co‐occupancy of c‐FOS with IKZF1 on the regulatory regions of IKZF1‐target genes, including IRF4 and SLAMF7, in MM cells but not normal bone marrow progenitors, pre‐B cells or mature T‐lymphocytes. c‐FOS and IKZF1 bound to the same consensus sequence as the IKZF1 complex through direct protein‐protein interactions. The complex also includes c‐JUN and IKZF3 but not IRF4. Treatment of MM cells with short‐hairpin RNA against FOS or a selective AP‐1 inhibitor significantly enhanced the anti‐MM activity of lenalidomide in vitro and in two murine MM models. Furthermore, an AP‐1 inhibitor mitigated the lenalidomide resistance of MM cells. Conclusions C‐FOS determines lenalidomide sensitivity and mediates drug resistance in MM cells as a co‐factor of IKZF1 and thus, could be a novel therapeutic target for further improvement of the prognosis of MM patients.
Blood Advances 7(4) 508-524 2022年8月 査読有りExtramedullary disease (EMD) is known to be associated with chemoresistance and poor prognosis in multiple myeloma (MM); however, the mechanisms of its development are not fully understood. Elucidating the mechanism of EMD development and its therapeutic targeting would greatly contribute to further improvement of treatment outcome in MM patients. Here, we show that bone marrow stroma cell-derived hyaluronan elicits homophilic interactions of MM cells by binding to surface CD44, especially long-stretch variants, under physiological shear stress and generates cell clusters that might develop into EMD. We recapitulated the development of EMD via administration of hyaluronan in a syngeneic murine MM model in a CD44-dependent manner. Hyaluronan-induced MM cell clusters exhibited the specific resistance to proteasome inhibitors (PIs) in vitro and in murine models via γ-secretase-mediated cleavage of the intracellular domains of CD44, which in turn transactivated PI resistance-inducible genes. Treatment of hyaluronan-injected mice with anti-CD44 antibody or γ-secretase inhibitors readily suppressed the development of EMD from transplanted MM cells and significantly prolonged the survival of recipients by overcoming PI resistance. The hyaluronan-CD44 axis represents a novel pathway to trigger EMD development and could be a target of the prediction, prevention, and treatment of EMD in MM patients.
Int J Myeloma (11) 7-9 2021年 査読有り
International Journal of Myeloma 9(1) 89-89 2019年5月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2024年4月 - 2027年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) 2021年4月 - 2024年3月
金原一郎記念医学医療振興財団 第37回基礎医学医療研究助成 2022年 - 2023年
日本骨髄腫学会 日本骨髄腫学会奨励賞 2022年 - 2023年
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 研究活動スタート支援 2019年8月 - 2021年3月