医学部 脳神経外科学講座

川合 謙介

カワイ ケンスケ  (Kensuke Kawai)


自治医科大学 附属病院 教授/病院長






  • Yoshihide Sehara, Yuki Hashimotodani, Ryota Watano, Kenji Ohba, Ryosuke Uchibori, Kuniko Shimazaki, Kensuke Kawai, Hiroaki Mizukami
    Molecular neurobiology 2024年4月27日  
    It is established that neurogenesis of dentate gyrus is increased after ischemic insult, although the regulatory mechanisms have not yet been elucidated. In this study, we focused on Ezh2 which suppresses gene expression through catalyzing trimethylation of lysine 27 of histone 3. Male gerbils were injected with adeno-associated virus (AAV) carrying shRNA targeting to Ezh2 into right dentate gyrus 2 weeks prior to forebrain ischemia. One week after ischemia, animals were injected with thymidine analogue to label proliferating cells. Three weeks after ischemia, animals were killed for histological analysis. AAV-mediated knockdown of Ezh2 significantly decreased the ischemia-induced increment of proliferating cells, and the proliferated cells after ischemia showed significantly longer migration from subgranular zone (SGZ), compared to the control group. Furthermore, the number of neural stem cells in SGZ significantly decreased after ischemia with Ezh2 knockdown group. Of note, Ezh2 knockdown did not affect the number of proliferating cells or the migration from SGZ in the non-ischemic condition. Our data showed that, specifically after ischemia, Ezh2 knockdown shifted the balance between self-renewal and differentiation toward differentiation in adult dentate gyrus.
  • Chaoyi Qin, Frederic Michon, Yoshiyuki Onuki, Yohei Ishishita, Keisuke Otani, Kensuke Kawai, Pascal Fries, Valeria Gazzola, Christian Keysers
    Cell reports 42(11) 113432-113432 2023年11月13日  
    The action observation network (AON) has been extensively studied using short, isolated motor acts. How activity in the network is altered when these isolated acts are embedded in meaningful sequences of actions remains poorly understood. Here we utilized intracranial electrocorticography to characterize how the exchange of information across key nodes of the AON-the precentral, supramarginal, and visual cortices-is affected by such embedding and the resulting predictability. We found more top-down beta oscillation from precentral to supramarginal contacts during the observation of predictable actions in meaningful sequences compared to the same actions in randomized, and hence less predictable, order. In addition, we find that expectations enabled by the embedding lead to a suppression of bottom-up visual responses in the high-gamma range in visual areas. These results, in line with predictive coding, inform how nodes of the AON integrate information to process the actions of others.
  • 伊古田 雅史, 内山 拓, 笹井 祥充, 菊池 麻依子, 井上 美穂, 杣 夏美, 草鹿 元, 伴 知晃, 大貫 良幸, 川合 謙介
    日本交通科学学会誌 23(Suppl.) 69-69 2023年10月  
  • Shinichi Kumagai, Tomoyo Isoguchi Shiramatsu, Akane Matsumura, Yohei Ishishita, Kenji Ibayashi, Yoshiyuki Onuki, Kensuke Kawai, Hirokazu Takahashi
    Brain stimulation 2023年9月28日  
    BACKGROUND: We previously found that vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) strengthened stimulus-evoked activity in the superficial layer of the sensory cortex but not in the deep layer, suggesting that VNS altered the balance between the feedforward (FF) and feedback (FB) pathways. Band-specific oscillatory activities in the cortex could serve as an index of the FF-FB balance, but whether VNS affects cortical oscillations along sensory pathways through neuromodulators remains unclear. HYPOTHESIS: VNS modulates the FF-FB balance through the cholinergic and noradrenergic systems, which modulate stimulus gain in the cortex. METHODS: We investigated the effects of VNS using electrocorticography in the auditory cortex of 34 Wistar rats under general anesthesia while presenting click stimuli. In the time-frequency analyses, the putative modulation of the FF and FB pathways was estimated using high- and low-frequency power. We assessed, using analysis of variance, how VNS modulates auditory-evoked activities and how the modulation changes with cholinergic and noradrenergic antagonists. RESULTS: VNS increased auditory cortical evoked potentials, consistent with results of our previous work. Furthermore, VNS increased auditory-evoked gamma and beta powers and decreased theta power. Local administration of cholinergic antagonists in the auditory cortex selectively disrupted the VNS-induced increase in gamma and beta power, while noradrenergic antagonists disrupted the decrease in theta power. CONCLUSIONS: VNS might strengthen the FF pathway through the cholinergic system and attenuate the FB pathway through the noradrenergic system in the auditory cortex. Cortical gain modulation through the VNS-induced neuromodulatory system provides new mechanistic insights into the effect of VNS on auditory processing.
  • 井林 賢志, 大貫 良幸, 石下 洋平, 大谷 啓介, 中嶋 剛, 川合 謙介
    てんかん研究 41(2) 411-411 2023年9月  





