
遠藤 俊輔

エンドウ シュンスケ  (Shunsuke Endo)


自治医科大学 附属さいたま医療センター センター長


1984年 筑波大学医学専門学群卒業 同病院外科レジデント
1989年 カナダ マギール大学実験医学研究部門研究員
大動脈内の血流解析 博士論文取得
1992年 自治医科大学胸部外科助手
1998年 宇都宮社会保険病院呼吸器外科科長
2000年 自治医科大学呼吸器外科講師
2004年 自治医科大学呼吸器外科助教授
2005年 自治医科大学附属さいたま医療センター呼吸器外科助教授
2008年4月 自治医科大学附属さいたま医療センター呼吸器外科教授
2008年10月 自治医科大学外科学講座呼吸器外科部門
兼 附属さいたま医療センター呼吸器外科 教授

所属学会 評議員
日本外科学会 代議員 将来計画委員 邦文誌編集委員
日本胸部外科学会評議員 学術部会委員
日本呼吸器外科学会 評議員 理事
日本呼吸器内視鏡学会 評議員
日本呼吸器学会 代議員 専門医試験委員
日本肺癌学会 評議員 X線検診部会委員
日本内視鏡外科学会評議員 学術委員
NCD 運営委員
Annals of Cardivascular Surgeon Editorial board






  • S Endo, Y Sakuma, Y Sato, Y Sohara
  • S Endo, T Yamaguchi, N Saito, S Otani, T Hasegawa, Y Sato, Y Sohara
    ANNALS OF THORACIC SURGERY 77(5) 1745-1750 2004年5月  
    Background. The benefit of thymectomy in myasthenia gravis management is recognized but the perioperative course can fluctuate. The goal of this study was to assess the feasibility and clinical benefit of dose-escalated steroid therapy with thymectomy for nonthymornatous myasthenia gravis. Methods. We reviewed the records of 69 myasthenia gravis patients who were followed up after undergoing transsternal thymectomy with extended anterior mediastinal dissection in our hospital between 1976-2000. Forty-eight patients in the programmed treatment group who had dose-escalated and de-escalated steroid therapy during the perioperative period comprised 17 patients with ocular myasthenia gravis and 31 patients with generalized myasthenia gravis. Clinical benefits and clinical remission, which was diagnosed when the patients were symptom-free without medications for at least 1 year, were compared with those of 21 patients in the occasional treatment group who received medications occasionally over the perioperative period. Results. Postoperative respiratory failure and myasthenic crisis did not occur in the programmed treatment group but did occur in 6 patients in the occasional treatment group. Remission rates in the programmed treatment group (mean follow-up, 6.4 years) were 30% at 3 years, 38% at 5 years, and 46% at 10 years; rates in the occasional treatment group (mean follow-up, 9.6 years) were 25% at 3 years, 25% at 5 years, and 45% at 10 years. Conclusions. Programmed steroid therapy in patients with nonthymomatous myasthenia gravis is feasible and it provides clinical benefit when fluctuating symptoms occur during the perioperative period.
  • S Endo, T Yamaguchi, N Saito, S Otani, T Hasegawa, Y Sato, Y Sohara
    ANNALS OF THORACIC SURGERY 77(5) 1745-1750 2004年5月  
    Background. The benefit of thymectomy in myasthenia gravis management is recognized but the perioperative course can fluctuate. The goal of this study was to assess the feasibility and clinical benefit of dose-escalated steroid therapy with thymectomy for nonthymornatous myasthenia gravis. Methods. We reviewed the records of 69 myasthenia gravis patients who were followed up after undergoing transsternal thymectomy with extended anterior mediastinal dissection in our hospital between 1976-2000. Forty-eight patients in the programmed treatment group who had dose-escalated and de-escalated steroid therapy during the perioperative period comprised 17 patients with ocular myasthenia gravis and 31 patients with generalized myasthenia gravis. Clinical benefits and clinical remission, which was diagnosed when the patients were symptom-free without medications for at least 1 year, were compared with those of 21 patients in the occasional treatment group who received medications occasionally over the perioperative period. Results. Postoperative respiratory failure and myasthenic crisis did not occur in the programmed treatment group but did occur in 6 patients in the occasional treatment group. Remission rates in the programmed treatment group (mean follow-up, 6.4 years) were 30% at 3 years, 38% at 5 years, and 46% at 10 years; rates in the occasional treatment group (mean follow-up, 9.6 years) were 25% at 3 years, 25% at 5 years, and 45% at 10 years. Conclusions. Programmed steroid therapy in patients with nonthymomatous myasthenia gravis is feasible and it provides clinical benefit when fluctuating symptoms occur during the perioperative period.
  • 気管支学 2004年  
  • 胸部外科 57 L143-L148 2004年  
  • Eur J Cardiothoracic Surg 26 787-791 2004年  
  • S Endo, S Otani, N Saito, T Hasegawa, Y Kanai, Y Sato, Y Sohara
    Objective: Massive hemoptysis is a life-threatening condition. Surgery is effective but we are sometimes reluctant to operate on patients with this condition. We reviewed our experience with patients who underwent emergency surgery for massive hemoptysis to verify the indications for non-emergency surgical intervention. Methods: We reviewed chest computed tomography (CT) and angiographic and pathological findings and the postoperative course of 25 patients who underwent emergency pulmonary resection in our department between 1979 and 2001 due to life-threatening hemoptysis. Results: CT revealed a persistent cavity within the radiological opacity before massive hemoptysis in 12 patients (48%). Of the 21 patients who underwent angiography, nine showed focal bleeding in one bronchial branch and the others showed bleeding in multiple branches. Of these nine patients, seven did not undergo embolotherapy mainly due to minor vascularity. In the remaining patients, embolotherapy was not indicated in six due to multiple bleeding feeders and recurrence after embolotherapy was seen in six. Pathological findings showed that eight of the 12 patients with multiple systemic shunts had a fungal infection. Operative morbidity and hospital mortality were 32 and 4%, respectively. There was no recurrence in patients who underwent surgical treatment. Conclusions: Early pulmonary resection is indicated in patients with hemoptysis of multiple branches from the cavity and chest wall, such as in fungal infections. When a bronchial branch is the only bleeding focus, superselective embolotherapy should be considered prior to surgery even if the localized focus of the bronchial branch shows minor vascularity on the angiography. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • S Endo, Y Sohara, F Murayama, T Yamaguchi, T Hasegawa, Y Kanai
    SURGERY 133(2) 207-215 2003年2月  
    Background. To clarify the effects of partial liquid ventilation, we visualized and morphologically analyzed real-time alveolar recruitment. in a model of acute lung injury. Methods. Male Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups: a group that underwent hydrochloric acid aspiration and mechanical gas ventilation (ALI group, n = 15), a group that underwent acid aspiration and partial liquid ventilation beginning 90 minutes after acid aspiration (PLV group, n = 15), and a group that underwent mechanical ventilation without acid aspiration (control group, n = 5). The number of ventilated alveoli and the diameter of the largest ventilated alveolus in each of 10 high-power fields observed on fluorescence micrographs with a tracer of labeled albumin were determined and averaged from 90 to 210 minutes after acid aspiration. Results. The number of alveoli in the PLV group significantly increased in comparison to that in the ALI group. The diameter of the largest alveolus in the PLV group decreased from 103.7 +/- 16.3 mum to 76.3 +/- 6.5 mug in until the end of the experiment. This diameter was equivalent to that in the control group. Conclusions. The excellent alveolar recruitment suggests that liquid ventilation ameliorates ventilator-associated lung injury.
  • S Endo, Y Sohara, F Murayama, T Yamaguchi, T Hasegawa, Y Kanai
    SURGERY 133(2) 207-215 2003年2月  
    Background. To clarify the effects of partial liquid ventilation, we visualized and morphologically analyzed real-time alveolar recruitment. in a model of acute lung injury. Methods. Male Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups: a group that underwent hydrochloric acid aspiration and mechanical gas ventilation (ALI group, n = 15), a group that underwent acid aspiration and partial liquid ventilation beginning 90 minutes after acid aspiration (PLV group, n = 15), and a group that underwent mechanical ventilation without acid aspiration (control group, n = 5). The number of ventilated alveoli and the diameter of the largest ventilated alveolus in each of 10 high-power fields observed on fluorescence micrographs with a tracer of labeled albumin were determined and averaged from 90 to 210 minutes after acid aspiration. Results. The number of alveoli in the PLV group significantly increased in comparison to that in the ALI group. The diameter of the largest alveolus in the PLV group decreased from 103.7 +/- 16.3 mum to 76.3 +/- 6.5 mug in until the end of the experiment. This diameter was equivalent to that in the control group. Conclusions. The excellent alveolar recruitment suggests that liquid ventilation ameliorates ventilator-associated lung injury.
  • Eur J Cardiothoracic Surg 23, 467-472 2003年  
  • Shunsuke Endo, Mitsugu Hironaka, Fumio Murayama, Tsutomu Yamaguchi, Yasunori Sohara, Ken Saito
    Annals of Thoracic Surgery 74(3) 926-927 2002年9月  
    We report on a 67-year-old woman with a rare Scopulariopsis fungus ball in the right middle lung lobe. Pathologic examinations after right middle lobectomy showed that the lesion contained a moniliaceous mold fungus that was cultured and identified as Scopulariopsis. The patient's postsurgery course was uneventful. © 2002 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons.
  • Shunsuke Endo, Mitsugu Hironaka, Fumio Murayama, Tsutomu Yamaguchi, Yasunori Sohara, Ken Saito
    Annals of Thoracic Surgery 74(3) 926-927 2002年9月  
    We report on a 67-year-old woman with a rare Scopulariopsis fungus ball in the right middle lung lobe. Pathologic examinations after right middle lobectomy showed that the lesion contained a moniliaceous mold fungus that was cultured and identified as Scopulariopsis. The patient's postsurgery course was uneventful. © 2002 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons.
  • S Endo, F Murayama, T Yamaguchi, S Yamamoto, S Otani, N Saito, Y Sohara
    ANNALS OF THORACIC SURGERY 74(1) 185-190 2002年7月  
    Background. Diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary actinomycosis is difficult without surgical intervention. Methods. Thirteen patients (10 men, 3 women; mean age, 62 years) underwent pulmonary resection and were given a pathologic diagnosis of pulmonary actinomycosis at our institution between 1976 and 2001. To clarify when pulmonary actinomycosis should be suspected in patients and the role of surgical intervention, we reviewed preoperative clinical characteristics, computed tomography findings, surgical indication, operative procedure, postoperative clinical course, and outcome. Results. Ten patients (77%) had poor oral hygiene. Twelve patients (92%) were symptomatic, and 10 patients (77%) had hemoptysis. The mean interval between radiographic identification of the abnormality and surgical intervention was 8 months (interquartile range, 3.25 to 8 months). Computed tomography findings in all cases included radiologic opacity with air bronchogram or a low attenuation area. Lung cancer was diagnosed initially because of computed tomography findings of spiculation or pleural indentation, and operation was required in 8 patients (62%). The others were diagnosed with chronic pneumonia, and surgical intervention became necessary because of recurrent hemoptysis or prolonged illness. Six patients underwent lobectomy; the others underwent partial resection or segmentectomy. Neither complication nor recurrence has occurred. Conclusions. When patients, particularly those with poor oral hygiene, show radiologic opacity with an air bronchogram or low attenuation area on the computed tomography scan, pulmonary actinomycosis should be considered and penicillin should be administered as diagnostic therapy. Surgical intervention may be necessary when frequent hemoptysis has no resolution or lung neoplasm cannot be ruled out. (C) 2002 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons.
  • S Endo, F Murayama, T Yamaguchi, S Yamamoto, S Otani, N Saito, Y Sohara
    ANNALS OF THORACIC SURGERY 74(1) 185-190 2002年7月  
    Background. Diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary actinomycosis is difficult without surgical intervention. Methods. Thirteen patients (10 men, 3 women; mean age, 62 years) underwent pulmonary resection and were given a pathologic diagnosis of pulmonary actinomycosis at our institution between 1976 and 2001. To clarify when pulmonary actinomycosis should be suspected in patients and the role of surgical intervention, we reviewed preoperative clinical characteristics, computed tomography findings, surgical indication, operative procedure, postoperative clinical course, and outcome. Results. Ten patients (77%) had poor oral hygiene. Twelve patients (92%) were symptomatic, and 10 patients (77%) had hemoptysis. The mean interval between radiographic identification of the abnormality and surgical intervention was 8 months (interquartile range, 3.25 to 8 months). Computed tomography findings in all cases included radiologic opacity with air bronchogram or a low attenuation area. Lung cancer was diagnosed initially because of computed tomography findings of spiculation or pleural indentation, and operation was required in 8 patients (62%). The others were diagnosed with chronic pneumonia, and surgical intervention became necessary because of recurrent hemoptysis or prolonged illness. Six patients underwent lobectomy; the others underwent partial resection or segmentectomy. Neither complication nor recurrence has occurred. Conclusions. When patients, particularly those with poor oral hygiene, show radiologic opacity with an air bronchogram or low attenuation area on the computed tomography scan, pulmonary actinomycosis should be considered and penicillin should be administered as diagnostic therapy. Surgical intervention may be necessary when frequent hemoptysis has no resolution or lung neoplasm cannot be ruled out. (C) 2002 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons.
  • Annals of Thoracic Surgery 72 889-893 2001年  
  • Annals of Thoracic Surgery 72 889-893 2001年  
  • S Endo, N Saitoh, F Murayama, Y Sohara, K Fuse
    ANNALS OF THORACIC SURGERY 69(1) 262-264 2000年1月  
    Symptomatic accessory cardiac bronchus is rare. A 52-year-old woman with an accessory bronchus, who had had frequent episodes of hemosputum for 6 years, suffered from empyema complicated by a right lower lung abscess infected with Pseudomomas aeruginosa. Resection of the anomalous cardiac bronchus after open drainage of the pleural cavity was successful. (C) 2000 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons.
  • S Endo, F Murayama, T Hasegawa, Y Sohara, K Fuse
    ANNALS OF THORACIC SURGERY 67(3) 847-849 1999年3月  
    We treated a 54-year-old man with an anastomotic obstruction after a right upper sleeve lobectomy. By using minimum intensity projection images that were generated from helical computed tomographic data sets that indicated a twisted slit enhanced with air a few millimeters in length, through anastomosis to the distal bronchus, we successfully treated the obstruction by bronchoscopic balloon dilatation. (Ann Thorac Surg 1999;67:847-9) (C) 1999 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons.
  • Japanese Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 47 14-19 1999年  
  • S Endo, Y Sohara, T Karino
    HEART AND VESSELS 11(4) 180-191 1996年  
    To elucidate the possible connection between blood flow and localized pathogenesis and tile development of atherosclerosis in humans, we studied the flow patterns and the distribution of fluid axial velocity and wall shear stress in the aortic arch in detail, This was done by means of flow visualization and highspeed cinemicrographic techniques, using transparent aortic tries prepared from the dog, Under a steady flow condition at inflow Reynolds numbers of 700-1600, which simulated physiologic conditions at early- to mid-systole, slow, spiral secondary, and recirculation flows formed along the left anterior wall of the aortic arch and at the entrance of each side branch adjacent to the vessel wail opposite the flow divider, respectively. The flow in the aortic arch consisted of three major components, namely, an undisturbed parallel now located close to the common median plane of the arched aorta and its side branches, a clockwise rotational now formed along the left ventral wall, and the main flow to the side branches, located along the right dorsal wall of the ascending aorta, Thus, looking down the aorta from its origin, the flow in the aortic arch appeared as a single helical flow revolving in a clockwise direction, Regions of low wall shear stress were located along the leading edge of each side branch opposite the flow divider where slow recirculation flows formed, and along the left ventral wall where slow spiral secondary flows formed. If we assume that the flow patterns in the human aortic arch well resemble those observed in the dog, then it is likely that atherosclerotic lesions develop preferentially at these sites of low wall shear stress in the same manner as in human coronary and cerebral arteries.
    TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS 26(2) 887-889 1994年4月