医学部 解剖学講座 組織学部門

大野 伸彦

オオノ ノブヒコ  (Nobuhiko Ohno)


自治医科大学 医学部解剖学講座組織学部門 教授
生理学研究所 超微形態研究部門 客員教授



平成7年 3月 筑波大学付属駒場高等学校 卒
平成13年 3月 東京大学医学部医学科 卒
平成13年 6月 東京大学医学部付属病院 内科初期研修医
平成14年 6月 公立昭和病院 内科初期研修医
平成18年 9月 山梨大学大学院 医学工学総合教育部 博士課程修了 医学博士
平成18年 10月 山梨大学大学院 助手 (解剖学講座第一教室)
平成19年 4月 山梨大学大学院 助教 (解剖学講座分子組織学教室)
平成19年 10月 山梨大学大学院 講師 (解剖学講座分子組織学教室)
平成20年 4月 米国クリーブランドクリニック 博士研究員
(平成21年 7月 全米多発性硬化症協会 ポストドクトラルフェローシップ)
平成24年 8月 山梨大学大学院 准教授 (解剖学講座分子組織学教室)
平成25年 4月 自然科学研究機構 生理学研究所 客員准教授
平成28年 4月 生理学研究所 特任准教授 (分子神経生理部門)
平成29年 5月 自治医科大学 准教授 (解剖学講座組織学部門)
平成29年 5月 生理学研究所 兼任准教授 (分子神経生理部門)
平成30年 4月 自治医科大学 教授 (解剖学講座組織学部門)
平成30年 4月 生理学研究所 教授(兼任) (分子細胞生理研究領域)
平成31年 4月 生理学研究所 客員教授 (超微形態研究部門)




  • Yasuyuki Osanai, Yao Lulu Xing, Shinya Mochizuki, Kenta Kobayashi, Jihane Homman-Ludiye, Amali Cooray, Jasmine Poh, Ayumu Inutsuka, Nobuhiko Ohno, Tobias D. Merson
    Molecular Therapy - Methods & Clinical Development 32(3) 101288-101288 2024年9月  
  • Reiji Yamazaki, Nobuhiko Ohno
    Acta histochemica et cytochemica 57(4) 131-135 2024年8月29日  
    Multiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis optica, Guillain-Barré syndrome and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy are representative demyelinating diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. Remyelination by myelin forming cells is important for functional recovery from the neurological deficits caused in the demyelinating diseases. Lysophosphatidylcholine-induced demyelination in mice is commonly used to identify and study the molecular pathways of demyelination and remyelination. However, detection of focally demyelinated lesions is difficult and usually requires sectioning of demyelinated lesions in tissues for microscopic analysis. In this review, we describe the development and application of a novel vital staining method for labeling demyelinated lesions using intraperitoneal injection of neutral red (NR) dye. NR labeling reduces the time and effort required to search for demyelinated lesions in tissues, and facilitates electron microscopic analysis of myelin structures. NR labeling also has the potential to contribute to the elucidation of pathologies in the central and peripheral nervous system and assist with identification of drug candidates that promote remyelination.
  • Reiji Yamazaki, Nobuhiko Ohno
    Journal of neurochemistry 2024年8月13日  
    Myelin is an insulator that forms around axons that enhance the conduction velocity of nerve fibers. Oligodendrocytes dramatically change cell morphology to produce myelin throughout the central nervous system (CNS). Cytoskeletal alterations are critical for the morphogenesis of oligodendrocytes, and actin is involved in cell differentiation and myelin wrapping via polymerization and depolymerization, respectively. Various protein members of the myosin superfamily are known to be major binding partners of actin filaments and have been intensively researched because of their involvement in various cellular functions, including differentiation, cell movement, membrane trafficking, organelle transport, signal transduction, and morphogenesis. Some members of the myosin superfamily have been found to play important roles in the differentiation of oligodendrocytes and in CNS myelination. Interestingly, each member of the myosin superfamily expressed in oligodendrocyte lineage cells also shows specific spatial and temporal expression patterns and different distributions. In this review, we summarize previous findings related to the myosin superfamily and discuss how these molecules contribute to myelin formation and regeneration by oligodendrocytes.
  • Mami Matsumoto, Katsuyoshi Matsushita, Masaya Hane, Chentao Wen, Chihiro Kurematsu, Haruko Ota, Huy Bang Nguyen, Truc Quynh Thai, Vicente Herranz-Pérez, Masato Sawada, Koichi Fujimoto, José Manuel García-Verdugo, Koutarou D Kimura, Tatsunori Seki, Chihiro Sato, Nobuhiko Ohno, Kazunobu Sawamoto
    EMBO molecular medicine 2024年5月24日  
    In the injured brain, new neurons produced from endogenous neural stem cells form chains and migrate to injured areas and contribute to the regeneration of lost neurons. However, this endogenous regenerative capacity of the brain has not yet been leveraged for the treatment of brain injury. Here, we show that in healthy brain chains of migrating new neurons maintain unexpectedly large non-adherent areas between neighboring cells, allowing for efficient migration. In instances of brain injury, neuraminidase reduces polysialic acid levels, which negatively regulates adhesion, leading to increased cell-cell adhesion and reduced migration efficiency. The administration of zanamivir, a neuraminidase inhibitor used for influenza treatment, promotes neuronal migration toward damaged regions, fosters neuronal regeneration, and facilitates functional recovery. Together, these findings shed light on a new mechanism governing efficient neuronal migration in the adult brain under physiological conditions, pinpoint the disruption of this mechanism during brain injury, and propose a promising therapeutic avenue for brain injury through drug repositioning.
  • Shota Murase, Youhei Mantani, Nobuhiko Ohno, Asaka Shimada, Satoki Nakanishi, Rinako Morishita, Toshifumi Yokoyama, Nobuhiko Hoshi
    Cell and tissue research 2024年3月15日  
    We previously clarified the histological characteristics of macrophages in the rat small intestine using serial block-face scanning electron microscopy (SBF-SEM). However, the regional differences in the characteristics of macrophages throughout the large intestine remain unknown. Here, we performed a pilot study to explore the regional differences in the ultrastructure of mucosal macrophages in the large intestine by using SBF-SEM analysis. SBF-SEM analysis conducted on the luminal side of the cecum and descending colon revealed macrophages as amorphous cells possessing abundant lysosomes and vacuoles. Macrophages in the cecum exhibited a higher abundance of lysosomes and a lower abundance of vacuoles than those in the descending colon. Macrophages with many intraepithelial cellular processes were observed beneath the intestinal superficial epithelium in the descending colon. Moreover, macrophages in contact with nerve fibers were more prevalent in the cecum than in the descending colon, and a subset of them surrounded a nerve bundle only in the cecum. In conclusion, the present pilot study suggested that the quantity of some organelles (lysosomes and vacuoles) in macrophages differed between the cecum and the descending colon and that there were some region-specific subsets of macrophages like nerve-associated macrophages in the cecum.





