
岡田 憲樹

オカダ ノリキ  (NORIKI OKADA)


自治医科大学 移植外科 助教






  • 平田 雄大, 眞田 幸弘, 大西 康晴, 岡田 憲樹, 山田 直也, 宮原 豪, 片野 匠, 大豆生田 尚彦, 水田 耕一, 佐久間 康成, 佐田 尚宏
    移植 54(総会臨時) 270-270 2019年9月  
  • Yukihiro Sanada, Takumi Katano, Yuta Hirata, Naoya Yamada, Noriki Okada, Yoshiyuki Ihara, Koichi Mizuta
    Transplantation 103(9) 1863-1870 2019年9月  
    BACKGROUND: We present retrospective analysis of our 15-year experience with pediatric living donor liver transplantation, focusing on the risk factors, treatments, and long-term prognosis for posttransplant biliary complications (BCs). METHODS: Between May 2001 and December 2017, 290 living donor liver transplantations were performed. The median age was 1.4 years old. The median observation period was 8.4 years. Biliary strictures were classified as anastomotic stricture (AS) or non-AS (NAS). RESULTS: Overall incidence of biliary complications was 18.6%, including AS in 46 cases, NAS in 6, and other classifications in 2. The mean period to diagnosis of the AS was 641 ± 810 postoperative days. The multivariate analysis showed that hepaticojejunostomy without external stent was an independent risk factor for AS (P = 0.011). The first treatments for AS were percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD) in 25 cases, double-balloon enteroscopy (DBE) in 19, and surgical reanastomosis in 2. The success and recurrence rates of PTBD treatments were 90.9% and 22.7%, respectively. The success and recurrence rates of endoscopic interventions under DBE were 93.6% and 75.3%, respectively. The 15-year graft survival rates in patients with and without AS were 95.7% and 89.1%, respectively (P = 0.255), but 2 patients with cholangitis due to multiple NAS underwent retransplantation. CONCLUSIONS: Posttransplant AS can be prevented by hepaticojejunostomy using external stent, and the long-term prognosis is good with early treatments using DBE or PTBD. However, the prognosis of multiple NAS is poor.
  • 眞田 幸弘, 大西 康晴, 岡田 憲樹, 山田 直也, 平田 雄大, 片野 匠, 水田 耕一
    日本小児外科学会雑誌 55(5) 1010-1010 2019年8月  
  • 大西 康晴, 眞田 幸弘, 井原 欣幸, 岡田 憲樹, 山田 直也, 平田 雄大, 片野 匠, 佐久間 康成, 水田 耕一
    日本消化器外科学会総会 74回 O22-1 2019年7月  
  • 眞田 幸弘, 片野 匠, 平田 雄大, 山田 直也, 岡田 憲樹, 大西 康晴, 佐久間 康成, 佐田 尚宏, 水田 耕一
    日本消化器外科学会総会 74回 WS12-5 2019年7月  
  • Okada N, Sanada Y, Onishi Y, Urahashi T, Ihara Y, Yamada N, Hirata Y, Katano T, Imai T, Ushijima K, Ogaki K, Otomo S, Mizuta K
    Liver transplantation : official publication of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the International Liver Transplantation Society 25(7) 1066-1073 2019年7月  査読有り
  • Yukihiro Sanada, Takumi Katano, Yuta Hirata, Naoya Yamada, Noriki Okada, Yasuharu Onishi, Yoshikazu Yasuda, Koichi Mizuta
    Clinical transplantation 33(6) e13570 2019年6月  
    BACKGROUND: We present a retrospective analysis of our experience with pediatric liver transplantation (LT), focusing on the long-term outcome of percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD) for post-transplant biliary strictures. METHODS: Fifty-three PTBDs were performed for 41 pediatric recipients with biliary strictures. The median ages at LT and PTBD were 1.4 and 4.4 years, respectively. The median observation period was 10.6 years. RESULTS: Post-transplant biliary strictures comprised anastomotic stricture (AS) in 28 cases, nonanastomotic stricture (NAS) in 12, anastomotic obstruction (AO) in 8, and nonanastomotic obstruction (NAO) in 5. The success rate of PTBD was 90.6%, and the 15-year primary patency rate of PTBD was 52.6%. The recurrence rate of biliary strictures after PTBD was 18.8% (9/48), and among the four NAS cases with recurrence, two underwent re-LT. The biliary obstruction rate was 27.1% (13/48). Among the eight cases with AO, five underwent the rendezvous method and three underwent surgical re-anastomosis. Among the five cases with NAO, one underwent re-LT. The recipient survival rate of PTBD treatment was 100%. CONCLUSIONS: The graft prognosis of AS by PTBD treatment is good and AO is curable by the rendezvous method and surgical re-anastomosis. However, the graft prognosis of NAS and NAO is poor.
  • 大友 慎也, 大柿 景子, 水田 耕一, 大西 康晴, 眞田 幸弘, 山田 直也, 岡田 憲樹, 平田 雄大, 牛島 健太郎, 森澤 雄司, 須藤 俊明
    TDM研究 36(2) 73-73 2019年5月  
  • 井原 欣幸, 大西 康晴, 眞田 幸弘, 岡田 憲樹, 山田 直也, 平田 雄大, 水田 耕一
    日本小児外科学会雑誌 55(3) 570-570 2019年5月  
  • 眞田 幸弘, 大西 康晴, 岡田 憲樹, 山田 直也, 平田 雄大, 片野 匠, 大豆生田 尚彦, 水田 耕一
    日本小児外科学会雑誌 55(3) 592-592 2019年5月  
  • 平田 雄大, 眞田 幸弘, 大西 康晴, 山田 直也, 岡田 憲樹, 片野 匠, 大豆生田 尚彦, 水田 耕一
    日本小児外科学会雑誌 55(3) 669-669 2019年5月  
  • 眞田 幸弘, 安田 是和, 片野 匠, 平田 雄大, 山田 直也, 岡田 憲樹, 大西 康晴, 水田 耕一
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 119回 PS-1 2019年4月  
  • 大西 康晴, 眞田 幸弘, 岡田 憲樹, 平田 雄大, 片野 匠, 山田 直也, 井原 欣幸, 菱川 修司, 浦橋 泰然, 水田 耕一
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 119回 PS-6 2019年4月  
  • Yukihiro Sanada, Shuji Hishikawa, Takumi Katano, Yuta Hirata, Naoya Yamada, Noriki Okada, Koichi Mizuta
    Liver transplantation : official publication of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the International Liver Transplantation Society 25(3) 510-514 2019年3月  
  • Yukihiro Sanada, Itsuki Naya, Takumi Katano, Yuta Hirata, Naoya Yamada, Noriki Okada, Yoshiyuki Ihara, Yasuharu Onishi, Koichi Mizuta
    Pediatric transplantation 23(2) e13352 2019年3月  
    BACKGROUND: Intracranial and pulmonary vascular anomalies are well-known complications and causes of mortality in AGS; however, visceral artery anomalies are less commonly recognized. Herein, we present a retrospective analysis of our experience with pediatric LDLT that focuses on the current problems with and treatments for visceral artery anomalies in AGS after LDLT. METHODS: Between May 2001 and December 2017, 294 LDLTs were performed for 285 pediatric recipients. Of these, 13 LDLTs (4.4%) for 12 AGS patients were performed. We classified the visceral artery anomalies into aneurysms and stenosis. RESULTS: The overall incidence of visceral aneurysm was 2 of 12 recipients (16.7%) and included a SMA aneurysm in one patient and an IPDA aneurysm with a subsequent SPA aneurysm in one patient; the ages of the diagnosis of visceral aneurysm were 16.3, 21.1, and 21.7 y, respectively. An endovascular treatment was performed for a progressive IPDA saccular aneurysm (12.0 × 14.5 × 15.0 mm). The overall incidence of visceral artery stenosis was 7 of 12 recipients (58.3%) and the median age at the diagnosis of visceral artery stenosis was 15.5 y (range 1.7-22.9 y). All 3 AGS patients with RA stenosis suffered from renal dysfunction (eGFR of 51, 78, and 51 mL/min/1.73m2 ). CONCLUSION: The morbidity of visceral artery anomalies is not negligible. The performance of periodic imaging examinations is necessary, even for infants, because it is difficult to detect visceral vascular anomalies in the infant stage.
  • 大柿 景子, 大友 慎也, 今関 稔, 鈴木 潤, 秋根 大, 大西 翼, 笹原 鉄平, 森澤 雄司, 須藤 俊明, 水田 耕一, 大西 康晴, 井原 欣幸, 眞田 幸弘, 岡田 憲樹, 平田 雄大, 今井 利美
    日本化学療法学会雑誌 67(Suppl.A) 258-258 2019年3月  査読有り
  • Yamada N, Katano T, Hirata Y, Okada N, Sanada Y, Ihara Y, Urahashi T, Ushijima K, Karasawa T, Takahashi M, Mizuta K
    Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 34(2) 418-424 2019年2月  査読有り
  • 大友 慎也, 今関 稔, 笹原 鉄平, 森澤 雄司, 須藤 俊明, 大柿 景子, 水田 耕一, 井原 欣幸, 眞田 幸弘, 岡田 憲樹, 平田 雄大, 片野 匠, 牛島 健太郎, 今井 利美
    日本化学療法学会雑誌 67(1) 130-130 2019年1月  
  • 大柿 景子, 大友 慎也, 牛島 健太郎, 水田 耕一, 浦橋 泰然, 井原 欣幸, 眞田 幸弘, 平田 雄大, 山田 直也, 岡田 憲樹, 片野 匠, 須藤 俊明
    日本小児臨床薬理学会雑誌 31(1) 191-191 2019年  
  • 平田 雄大, 眞田 幸弘, 浦橋 泰然, 井原 欣幸, 山田 直也, 岡田 憲樹, 片野 匠, 大友 慎也, 牛島 健太郎, 水田 耕一
    日本小児外科学会雑誌 54(7) 1414-1415 2018年12月  
  • 平田 雄大, 眞田 幸弘, 井原 欣幸, 山田 直也, 岡田 憲樹, 片野 匠, 水田 耕一
    日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌 32(2) 152-152 2018年12月  
  • 水田 耕一, 岡田 憲樹, 平田 雄大, 眞田 幸弘, 井原 欣幸, 佐々木 愛子
    日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌 32(2) 155-155 2018年12月  
  • Yukihiro Sanada, Takumi Katano, Yuta Hirata, Naoya Yamada, Noriki Okada, Yoshiyuki Ihara, Keiko Ogaki, Shinya Otomo, Toshimi Imai, Kentraro Ushijima, Koichi Mizuta
    Transplant international : official journal of the European Society for Organ Transplantation 31(11) 1216-1222 2018年11月  
    There are few long-term outcome reports for interventional radiology (IVR) treatments for vascular and biliary complications following pediatric living donor liver transplantation (LDLT). Herein, we presented our institution's experience and investigated the efficacy and issues of long-term outcome with IVR treatments. Between May 2001 and September 2016, 279 pediatric LDLTs were performed. The median age at LDLT was 1.4 years old, and the median observation period was 8.2 years. All the biliary reconstructions at LDLT were hepaticojejunostomy. The IVR treatments were selected as endovascular, radiological, or endoscopic interventions. Post-transplant hepatic vein, portal vein, hepatic artery, and biliary complications were present in 7.9%, 14.0%, 5.4%, and 18.3%, respectively. IVR treatment was the first treatment option in 81.8%, 94.9%, 46.7%, and 94.1%, respectively. The recurrence and cure rates following IVR treatment were 42.1%, 21.1%, 44.4%, and 34.0% and 84.2%, 97.4%, 100%, and 88.0%, respectively. The graft survival rates in patients with and without post-transplant vascular and biliary complications were 94.4% and 90.6%, respectively (P = 0.522). The IVR treatments for vascular and biliary complications following pediatric LDLT are the first choice option. Although the recurrence following IVR treatment is a major problem and it is necessary to carefully perform long-term follow-up, IVR treatments have good treatment outcomes.
  • Takumi Katano, Yukihiro Sanada, Noriki Okada, Koichi Mizuta
    Pediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society 60(11) 1033-1034 2018年11月  
  • 浦橋 泰然, 井原 欣幸, 眞田 幸弘, 岡田 憲樹, 山田 直也, 平田 雄大, 片野 匠, 菊地 健太, 五十嵐 昭宏, 池田 均, 水田 耕一
    日本臨床外科学会雑誌 79(増刊) 326-326 2018年10月  
  • 水田 耕一, 眞田 幸弘, 井原 欣幸, 大西 康晴, 岡田 憲樹, 山田 直也, 平田 雄大, 片野 匠, 牛島 健太郎, 今井 利美, 大友 慎也, 大柿 景子, 吉田 幸世, 尾沼 恵梨香, 藤原 エリ
    日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌 32(Suppl.) 38-38 2018年9月  
  • 井原 欣幸, 眞田 幸弘, 岡田 憲樹, 平田 雄大, 吉田 幸世, 尾沼 恵里香, 水田 耕一
    日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌 32(Suppl.) 61-61 2018年9月  
  • 眞田 幸弘, 片野 匠, 平田 雄大, 山田 直也, 岡田 憲樹, 井原 欣幸, 水田 耕一
    日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌 32(Suppl.) 61-61 2018年9月  
  • 岡田 憲樹, 眞田 幸弘, 井原 欣幸, 山田 直也, 平田 雄大, 片野 匠, 佐々木 愛子, 水田 耕一
    日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌 32(Suppl.) 63-63 2018年9月  
  • 水田 耕一, 眞田 幸弘, 井原 欣幸, 大西 康晴, 岡田 憲樹, 山田 直也, 平田 雄大, 菊地 健太, 片野 匠, 牛島 健太郎, 今井 利美, 大友 慎也, 大柿 景子, 吉田 幸世, 尾沼 恵梨香, 藤原 エリ
    移植 53(総会臨時) 285-285 2018年9月  
  • 岡田 憲樹, 眞田 幸弘, 大西 康晴, 井原 欣幸, 山田 直也, 平田 雄大, 片野 匠, 大友 慎也, 大柿 景子, 今井 利美, 牛島 健太郎, 尾沼 恵梨香, 吉田 幸世, 水田 耕一
    移植 53(総会臨時) 401-401 2018年9月  
  • 片野 匠, 眞田 幸弘, 平田 雄大, 岡田 憲樹, 山田 直也, 井原 欣幸, 大西 康晴, 今井 利美, 牛島 健太郎, 大柿 景子, 大友 慎也, 水田 耕一
    移植 53(総会臨時) 401-401 2018年9月  
  • 眞田 幸弘, 片野 匠, 平田 雄大, 山田 直也, 岡田 憲樹, 井原 欣幸, 水田 耕一
    移植 53(総会臨時) 403-403 2018年9月  
  • 納屋 樹, 眞田 幸弘, 尾沼 恵梨香, 吉田 幸世, 片野 匠, 平田 雄大, 山田 直也, 岡田 憲樹, 井原 欣幸, 水田 耕一
    移植 53(総会臨時) 408-408 2018年9月  
  • 吉田 幸世, 横塚 幸代, 尾沼 恵梨香, 井原 欣幸, 眞田 幸弘, 大西 康晴, 岡田 憲樹, 山田 直也, 平田 雄大, 片野 匠, 高久 美子, 水田 耕一
    移植 53(総会臨時) 461-461 2018年9月  
  • 眞田 幸弘, 片野 匠, 平田 雄大, 山田 直也, 岡田 憲樹, 井原 欣幸, 浦橋 泰然, 水田 耕一
    日本消化器外科学会総会 73回 376-376 2018年7月  
  • 岡田 憲樹, 眞田 幸弘, 浦橋 泰然, 井原 欣幸, 山田 直也, 平田 雄大, 片野 匠, 牛島 健太郎, 大友 慎也, 水田 耕一
    日本消化器外科学会総会 73回 952-952 2018年7月  
  • 平田 雄大, 眞田 幸弘, 浦橋 泰然, 井原 欣幸, 山田 直也, 岡田 憲樹, 片野 匠, 水田 耕一
    日本消化器外科学会総会 73回 991-991 2018年7月  
  • N. Okada, Y. Sanada, T. Urahashi, Y. Ihara, N. Yamada, Y. Hirata, T. Katano, S. Otomo, K. Ushijima, K. Mizuta
    Transplantation Proceedings 50(5) 1360-1364 2018年6月1日  査読有り
    Background: The hepatic clearance of endotoxin (Et) may reflect hepatic functional reserve and ischemic injury to hepatocytes. Therefore, we examined the relationships between Et activity (EA) and the metrics Pediatric End-Stage Liver Disease (PELD)/Model of End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) score and alanine transaminase (ALT) levels in the postoperative period. Methods: We performed 8 living-donor liver transplantations (LDLTs) for biliary atresia at our center from April 2012 to December 2012. EA was measured by means of an Et activity assay (EAA) in samples collected from a vein 1 day before LDLT, from the portal vein during the intraoperative anhepatic phase, from an artery 1 hour after reperfusion, from an artery on postoperative day (POD) 1, and from an artery or vein at PODs 7 and 14. Results: EAs generally remained at low levels. EA at the reperfusion period was significantly lowest. The correlation coefficient for the preoperative MELD/PELD score and the EAA was 0.837, and the corresponding P value was.009 thus, there was a significant relationship between the preoperative MELD/PELD score and the EAA. The correlation coefficients for ALT at POD 1 and EA during the anhepatic phase, at 1 hour after reperfusion, and at POD 1 were 0.64, 0.43, and 0.38, respectively, and the P values for these correlations were.08,.67, and.34. Thus, we observed that ALT and EA generally tended to be somewhat directly correlated, but no significant relationships between these 2 metrics were observed. Conclusions: Endotoxin metabolism reflects the hepatic functional reserve capacity of end-stage liver disease.
  • 平田 雄大, 眞田 幸弘, 浦橋 泰然, 井原 欣幸, 山田 直也, 岡田 憲樹, 片野 匠, 水田 耕一
    日本小児外科学会雑誌 54(3) 804-804 2018年5月  
  • 納屋 樹, 眞田 幸弘, 片野 匠, 平田 雄大, 岡田 憲樹, 山田 直也, 井原 欣幸, 浦橋 泰然, 水田 耕一
    移植 53(1) 57-62 2018年5月  
  • Sanada Y, Yano T, Urahashi T, Ihara Y, Okada N, Yamada N, Hirata Y, Katano T, Yamamoto H, Mizuta K
    Liver transplantation : official publication of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the International Liver Transplantation Society 24(3) 436-439 2018年3月  査読有り
  • 水田 耕一, 浦橋 泰然, 井原 欣幸, 眞田 幸弘, 岡田 憲樹, 山田 直也, 平田 雄大, 片野 匠
    外科 80(2) 131-137 2018年2月  
  • Y.Kawano, Y.Sanada, T.Urahashi, Y.Ihara, N.Okada, N.Yamada, Y.Hirata, T.Katano, N.Taniai, A.Matsuda, M.Miyashita, H.Yoshida, K.Mizuta
    Transplantation Proceedings 50(9) 2718-2722 2018年  査読有り
  • Y. Hirata, Y. Sanada, T. Urahashi, Y. Ihara, N. Yamada, N. Okada, T. Katano, S. Otomo, K. Ushijima, K. Mizuta
    Transplantation Proceedings 50(1) 60-65 2018年1月1日  査読有り
    Background: Antibody drugs have been used to treat steroid-resistant rejection (SRR) after liver transplantation. Although anti-thymocyte globulin has been used for SRR after liver transplantation in place of muromonab-CD3 since 2011 in Japan, the effectiveness of anti-thymocyte globulin after pediatric living-donor liver transplantation (LDLT) has not yet been reported. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of antibody drug treatment for SRR after pediatric LDLT in our single center. Methods: Between May 2001 and December 2013, 220 pediatric LDLTs were performed. Initial immunosuppression after LDLT included tacrolimus and methylprednisolone therapy. Acute rejection was diagnosed by use of a liver biopsy and the administration of steroid pulse treatment, and SRR was defined as acute rejection refractory to the steroid pulse treatment. Results: Acute rejection and SRR occurred in 74 (33.6%) and 16 patients (7.3%), respectively. The graft survival rates of non-SRR and SRR were 92.4% and 87.5%, respectively (P =.464). The median concentration of alanine aminotransferase before and after the administration of antibody drug was 193.5 mU/mL (range, 8–508) and 78 mU/mL (range, 9–655), respectively (P =.012). The median rejection activity index before and after the administration of antibody drugs was 5 (range, 2–9) and 1 (range, 0–9), respectively (P =.004). After antibody drug treatment, 12 patients had cytomegalovirus infections, 2 patients had Epstein-Barr virus infections, 3 patients had respiratory infections, and 1 patient had encephalitis. The cause of death in 1 patient with SRR was recurrence of infant fulminant hepatic failure. Conclusions: Antibody drug treatment for SRR after pediatric LDLT is safe and effective.
  • 眞田 幸弘, 片野 匠, 平田 雄大, 山田 直也, 岡田 憲樹, 井原 欣幸, 浦橋 泰然, 水田 耕一
    小児外科 50(1) 91-95 2018年1月  
  • 眞田 幸弘, 納屋 樹, 片野 匠, 平田 雄大, 岡田 憲樹, 山田 直也, 井原 欣幸, 浦橋 泰然, 水田 耕一
    日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌 31(2) 99-99 2017年12月  
  • 浦橋 泰然, 井原 欣幸, 眞田 幸弘, 岡田 憲樹, 山田 直也, 平田 雄大, 片野 匠, 水田 耕一
    移植 52(4-5) 426-427 2017年11月  
  • 吉田 幸世, 尾沼 恵梨香, 浦橋 泰然, 井原 欣幸, 眞田 幸弘, 岡田 憲樹, 山田 直也, 平田 雄大, 片野 匠, 大友 慎也, 牛島 健太郎, 水田 耕一
    移植 52(4-5) 464-465 2017年11月  
  • 尾沼 恵梨香, 眞田 幸弘, 吉田 幸世, 浦橋 泰然, 井原 欣幸, 岡田 憲樹, 山田 直也, 平田 雄大, 片野 匠, 大友 慎也, 牛島 健太郎, 水田 耕一
    移植 52(4-5) 465-465 2017年11月  



