
岡田 憲樹

オカダ ノリキ  (NORIKI OKADA)


自治医科大学 移植外科 助教






  • Wakiya T, Sanada Y, Urahashi T, Ihara Y, Yamada N, Okada N, Egami S, Sakamoto K, Murayama K, Hakamada K, Yasuda Y, Mizuta K
    Pediatric transplantation 16(6) E196-200 2012年9月  査読有り
  • Yukihiro Sanada, Koichi Mizuta, Taizen Urahashi, Yoshiyuki Ihara, Taiichi Wakiya, Noriki Okada, Naoya Yamada, Toshitaka Koinuma, Kansuke Koyama, Shinichiro Tanaka, Kazuhide Misawa, Masahiko Wada, Shin Nunomiya, Yoshikazu Yasuda, Hideo Kawarasaki
    THERAPEUTIC APHERESIS AND DIALYSIS 16(4) 368-375 2012年8月  査読有り
    In the field of pediatric living donor liver transplantation, the indications for apheresis and dialysis, and its efficacy and safety are still a matter of debate. In this study, we performed a retrospective investigation of these aspects, and considered its roles. Between January 2008 and December 2010, 73 living donor liver transplantations were performed in our department. Twenty seven courses of apheresis and dialysis were performed for 19 of those patients (19/73; 26.0%). The indications were ABO incompatible-liver transplantation in 11 courses, fluid management in seven, acute liver failure in three, renal replacement therapy in two, endotoxin removal in two, cytokine removal in one, and liver allograft dysfunction in one. Sixteen courses of apheresis and dialysis were performed prior to liver transplantation for 14 patients. The median IgM antibody titers before and after apheresis for ABO blood type-incompatible liver transplantation was 128 and eight, respectively (P < 0.05). Eleven courses of apheresis and dialysis were performed post liver transplantation for 10 patients. The median PaO2/FiO2 ratio before and after dialysis for fluid overload was 159 and 339, respectively (P < 0.05). No bleeding or technical complications attributable to apheresis and dialysis occurred. The 1-year survival rate of the patients was 100%. Apheresis and dialysis in pediatric living donor liver transplantation are effective for antibody removal in ABO-incompatible liver transplantation, and fluid management for acute respiratory failure.
  • 眞田 幸弘, 水田 耕一, 浦橋 泰然, 井原 欣幸, 脇屋 太一, 岡田 憲樹, 山田 直也, 仁木 利郎, 近藤 福雄
    日本門脈圧亢進症学会雑誌 18(3) 67-67 2012年8月  
  • 岡田 憲樹, 眞田 幸弘, 山田 直也, 脇屋 太一, 梅原 実, 井原 欣幸, 浦橋 泰然, 水田 耕一, 藤原 岳人, 俵藤 正信, 安田 是和
    移植 47(2-3) 224-228 2012年6月  
    症例は9歳男児で、生後3ヵ月に先天性門脈欠損症と診断され、治療抵抗性の抗アンモニア血症、多発肝腫瘍のため8歳時に父親をドナーとするABO血液型適合生体肝移植を施行した。術前cytomegalovirus(CMV)抗体検査ではドナー既感染/レシピエント未感染であった。術後30日目に急性胃腸炎で入院し、いったん改善後に貧血、大量下血を認め、hypovolemic shockの状態となった。更に40℃台の発熱を認め、CMV腸炎による消化管出血の可能性を考え、免疫抑制剤を中止し、γ-globulin、ganciclovirの点滴治療を開始した。下部消化管内視鏡で回盲弁から10cm口側の回腸に出血源と考えられる多発潰瘍を認め、術後41日目のCMV抗原が陽性であり、CMV腸炎を疑った。その後CMV抗原値は減少し、解熱傾向となって免疫抑制剤を再開し、valganciclovir hydrochloride経口投与に変更し退院となった。以後CMV感染症の再燃はなく、術後2年6ヵ月で経過良好である。
  • Sanada Y, Ushijima K, Mizuta K, Urahashi T, Ihara Y, Wakiya T, Okada N, Yamada N, Egami S, Hishikawa S, Otomo S, Sakamoto K, Yasuda Y, Kawarasaki H
    Transplantation proceedings 44 1341-1345 2012年6月  査読有り
  • 水田 耕一, 浦橋 泰然, 井原 欣幸, 眞田 幸弘, 脇屋 太一, 岡田 憲樹, 山田 直也
    今日の移植 25(3) 193-195 2012年5月  
  • 眞田 幸弘, 浦橋 泰然, 脇屋 太一, 梅原 実, 井原 欣幸, 岡田 憲樹, 山田 直也, 水田 耕一, 菱川 修司
    日本肝胆膵外科学会・学術集会プログラム・抄録集 24回 536-536 2012年5月  
  • Yukihiro Sanada, Junko Aida, Youichi Kawano, Ken-ichi Nakamura, Naotaka Shimomura, Naoshi Ishikawa, Tomio Arai, Steven S. S. Poon, Naoya Yamada, Noriki Okada, Taiichi Wakiya, Makoto Hayashida, Takeshi Saito, Satoshi Egami, Shuji Hishikawa, Yoshiyuki Ihara, Taizen Urahashi, Koichi Mizuta, Yoshikazu Yasuda, Hideo Kawarasaki, Kaiyo Takubo
    WORLD JOURNAL OF SURGERY 36(4) 908-916 2012年4月  査読有り
    Liver transplantation for biliary atresia is indicated whenever a Kasai portoenterostomy is considered unfeasible. However, the timing of liver transplantation in biliary atresia has not been precisely defined. Excessive shortening of hepatocellular telomeres may occur in patients with biliary atresia, and therefore, telomere length could be a predictor of hepatocellular reserve capacity. Hepatic tissues were obtained from 20 patients with biliary atresia who underwent LT and 10 age-matched autopsied individuals (mean age, 1.7 and 1.2 years, respectively). Telomere lengths were measured by Southern blotting and quantitative fluorescence in situ hybridization using the normalized telomere-centromere ratio. The correlation between the normalized telomere-centromere ratio for the hepatocytes in biliary atresia and the pediatric end-stage liver disease score was analyzed. The median terminal restriction fragment length of the hepatic tissues in biliary atresia was not significantly different from that of the control (p = 0.425), whereas the median normalized telomere-centromere ratio of hepatocytes in biliary atresia was significantly smaller than that of the control (p < 0.001). Regression analysis demonstrated a negative correlation of the normalized telomere-centromere ratio with the pediatric end-stage liver disease score in biliary atresia (p < 0.001). Telomere length analysis using quantitative fluorescence in situ hybridization could be an objective indicator of hepatocellular reserve capacity in patients with biliary atresia, and excessive telomere shortening supports the early implementation of liver transplantation.
  • Yukihiro Sanada, Koichi Mizuta, Taizen Urahashi, Yoshiyuki Ihara, Taiichi Wakiya, Noriki Okada, Naoya Yamada, Satoshi Egami, Yoshikazu Yasuda, Hideo Kawarasaki
    Background: Nonanastomotic biliary stricture is generally considered the most troublesome biliary complication after liver transplant. Nonanastomotic biliary stricture owing to immunologic cholangiopathy (such as acute cellular rejection) has not been reported. We describe 2 patients with the co-occurrence of nonanastomotic biliary stricture and acute cellular rejection after pediatric live-donor liver transplant. Case 1: A 13-month-old male infant with liver cirrhosis underwent an ABO-identical live-donor liver transplant using a left lateral segment graft. Eighty days after the live-donor liver transplant, fever with liver dysfunction and dilatation of the intrahepatic bile duct occurred. Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage and a liver biopsy were performed. The histopathologic evaluation indicated the presence of acute cellular rejection. After percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage and steroid pulse treatment, the patient showed good clinical outcome. Case 2: A 21-month-old female infant with biliary atresia underwent an ABO-identical live-donor liver transplant using a left lateral segment graft. Twenty-six days after the live-donor liver transplant, percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage for B3 and a liver biopsy were performed, owing to fever, with liver dysfunction, and dilatation of the intrahepatic bile duct. Histopathologic evaluation indicated the presence of acute cellular rejection. After percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage and steroid pulse treatment, the patient showed good clinical outcome. Conclusions: It is important for patients with nonanastomotic biliary stricture to undergo early liver biopsy because the nonanastomotic biliary stricture may be coincident with, or caused by, acute cellular rejection.
  • 眞田 幸弘, 浦橋 泰然, 岡田 憲樹, 水田 耕一
    肝臓 53(Suppl.1) A313-A313 2012年4月  
  • K. Mizuta, T. Urahashi, Y. Ihara, Y. Sanada, T. Wakiya, N. Yamada, N. Okada, S. Egami, H. Kawarasaki
    TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS 44(3) 780-783 2012年4月  査読有り
    Objectives. The aim of this study was to evaluate patients who developed varicella zoster virus (VZV) disease after pediatric living donor liver transplantation (PLDLT). Methods. Two hundred fifty-five patients who underwent PLDLT between 1995 and 2010 were included in this study. Pretransplantation vaccination of VZV was performed for all recipients except emergency PLDLTs. Posttransplantation VZV vaccination was administered to the patients with a low VZV antibody titer 2 years or more after transplantation. The clinical course and outcomes of VZV disease in cases were reviewed with the transplant database and hospital medical records. Results. Sixty-three patients developed VZV disease (chicken pox in 61, herpes zoster in 2) at a median onset of 36 months after PLDLT and at a median age of 4 years old, with a cumulative incidence of 25%. All chicken pox occurred in VZV antibody-negative patients. The onset of herpes zoster in the two patients occurred within 3 months after PLDLT; in addition, these patients were VZV antibody-positive patients. The clinical presentations of most patients were not serious and there were no disseminated infections. Although only 3 patients (5%) were hospitalized, the other 60 patients (95%) all showed a good response to oral antiviral therapy. Conclusions. Although VZV disease is an infectious disease with a high morbidity rate after PLDLT, it can normally be successfully managed on an outpatient basis at home. Pre- and posttransplantation vaccinations are effective for delaying the onset of chicken pox after PLDLT and to prevent it from developing into a serious illness.
  • Yukihiro Sanada, Taizen Urahashi, Yoshiyuki Ihara, Taiichi Wakiya, Noriki Okada, Naoya Yamada, Satoshi Egami, Shuji Hishikawa, Youichi Kawano, Kentaro Ushijima, Shinya Otomo, Koichi Sakamoto, Manabu Nakata, Yoshikazu Yasuda, Koichi Mizuta
    SURGERY 151(3) 404-411 2012年3月  査読有り
    Background and Aims. Congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunt (CEPS) is a rare venous malformation in which mesenteric venous blood drains directly into the systemic circulation. It is still a matter of debate whether conservative or operative strategies should be used to treat symptomatic CEPS. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of operative intervention in the management of CEPS. Methods. Between June 2004 and August 2010, 6 consecutive patients with symptomatic CEPS were treated in our department. There were 3 male and 3 female patients, with a median age of 3.5 years (range, 1-8). Their demographic, clinical, and laboratory data were analyzed. All patients were scheduled to undergo shunt ligation or liver transplantation Results. Living donor LT was carried out in 4 patients, and shunt ligation in 2. After a median follow-up of 25 months, all the patients are alive currently with marked relief of symptoms. Conclusion. Shunt ligation or LT for symptomatic CEPS is potentially curative. (Surgery 2012;151:404-11.)
  • Taiichi Wakiya, Yukihiro Sanada, Taizen Urahashi, Yoshiyuki Ihara, Naoya Yamada, Noriki Okada, Kentaro Ushijima, Shinya Otomo, Koichi Sakamoto, Kei Murayama, Masaki Takayanagi, Kenichi Hakamada, Yoshikazu Yasuda, Koichi Mizuta
    MOLECULAR GENETICS AND METABOLISM 105(3) 404-407 2012年3月  査読有り
    There are no objective and concrete guidelines for the management of Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency (OTCD). Based on previous findings, we hypothesized that patients with OTCD have a low Ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) activity in the liver, and therefore it would be better to determine the appropriate indications and optimal timing for liver transplantation (LT) based on the OTC activity. However, few data have so far been accumulated on the OTC activity in cases that are indicated for LT. The purpose of the present study was to clarify the OTC activity in cases that were indicated for LT. This study involved thirteen children with OTCD (8 males and 5 females) who underwent LT, and two females with OTCD who did not require LT. The OTC activity of the neonatal onset type ranged from 0% to 7.2%, while that of the late onset type who underwent LT ranged from 4.4% to 18.7%. The OTC activity of the late onset type which did not require LT was 33-38% based on a preoperative needle liver biopsy. Some late onset patients that underwent LT, showed an activity that was as low as that observed in the neonatal onset cases. This is the first report to show the results of measuring the OTC activity for serial OTCD cases indicated for LT. OTC activity might be an indicator to determine the indications for and the timing of LT in the late onset type, however, further investigations are necessary. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 眞田 幸弘, 相田 順子, 川野 陽一, 仲村 賢一, 泉山 七生貴[下村], 石川 直, 山田 直也, 岡田 憲樹, 脇屋 太一, 井原 欣幸, 江上 聡, 菱川 修司, 浦橋 泰然, 水田 耕一, 河原崎 秀雄, 田久保 海誉
    自治医科大学紀要 34 162-162 2012年3月  
  • 眞田 幸弘, 相田 順子, 川野 陽一, 仲村 賢一, 泉山 七生貴, 石川 直, 新井 冨生, 山田 直也, 岡田 憲樹, 脇屋 太一, 井原 欣幸, 浦橋 泰然, 水田 耕一, 田久保 海誉
    日本病理学会会誌 101(1) 287-287 2012年3月  
  • K. Mizuta, T. Urahashi, Y. Ihara, Y. Sanada, T. Wakiya, N. Yamada, N. Okada, S. Egami, S. Hishikawa, M. Hyodo, Y. Sakuma, T. Fujiwara, H. Kawarasaki, Y. Yasuda
    TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS 44(2) 469-472 2012年3月  査読有り
    Objectives. Cholestatic liver disease (CLD) is the main indication for liver transplantation in children. This retrospective study evaluated the outcomes of living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) in children with CLD. Methods. One hundred fifty-nine children with CLD who underwent 164 LDLT between May 2001 and May 2011 were evaluated. Their original diseases were biliary atresia (n = 145, 91%), Alagille syndrome (n = 8, 5%), primary sclerosing cholangitis (n = 2), and the others (n = 4). The mean age and body weight of the recipients at LDLT was 42 53 months and 14.0 +/- 11.0 kg, respectively. Results. Parents were living donors in 98%. The left lateral segment was the most common type of graft (77%). There were no reoperations and no mortality in any living donor. Recipients' postoperative surgical complications consisted mainly of hepatic arterial problems (7%), hepatic vein stenosis (5%), portal vein stenosis (13%), biliary stricture (18%), intestinal perforation (3%). The overall rejection rate was 31%. Cytomegalovirus infection and Epstein-Barr virus disease were observed in 26% and 5%, respectively. Retransplantation was performed five times in four patients; the main cause was hepatic vein stenosis (n = 3). Four patients died; the main cause was gastrointestinal perforation (n = 2). The body height of Alagille syndrome patients less than 2 years old significantly improved compared with older patients after LDLT. The 1-, 5-, and 10-year patient survival rates were 98%, 97%, and 97%, respectively. Conclusions. LDLT for CLD is an effective treatment with excellent long-term outcomes.
  • 水田 耕一, 浦橋 泰然, 井原 欣幸, 江上 聡, 眞田 幸弘, 脇屋 太一, 岡田 憲樹, 山田 直也
    小児外科 44(2) 152-155 2012年2月  
  • Yukihiro Sanada, Taizen Urahashi, Taiichi Wakiya, Noriki Okada, Shuji Hishikawa, Youichi Kawano, Kentaro Ushijima, Shinya Otomo, Koichi Sakamoto, Koichi Mizuta
    PEDIATRICS INTERNATIONAL 53(6) 1077-1081 2011年12月  査読有り
  • 水田 耕一, 浦橋 泰然, 井原 欣幸, 眞田 幸弘, 脇屋 太一, 山田 直也, 岡田 憲樹, 江上 聡, 藤原 岳人, 佐久間 康成, 俵藤 正信, 安田 是和, 河原崎 秀雄
    日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌 25(2) 106-106 2011年12月  
  • 水田 耕一, 浦橋 泰然, 井原 欣幸, 眞田 幸弘, 脇屋 太一, 岡田 憲樹, 山田 直也, 江上 聡, 菱川 修司, 河原崎 秀雄
    移植 46(6) 651-651 2011年12月  
  • 眞田 幸弘, 浦橋 泰然, 脇屋 太一, 岡田 憲樹, 山田 直也, 鯉沼 俊貴, 小山 寛介, 田中 進一郎, 三澤 和秀, 和田 政彦, 草野 英二, 布宮 伸, 水田 耕一
    移植 46(6) 675-675 2011年12月  
  • 岡田 憲樹, 眞田 幸弘, 脇屋 太一, 浦橋 泰然, 水田 耕一, 藤原 岳人, 俵藤 正信, 安田 是和
    移植 46(6) 686-687 2011年12月  
  • Sanada Y, Mizuta K, Urahashi T, Ihara Y, Wakiya T, Okada N, Yamada N, Egami S, Hishikawa S, Ushijima K, Otomo S, Sakamoto K, Yasuda Y, Kawarasaki H
    Transplantation proceedings 43 4019-4024 2011年12月  査読有り
  • Yukihiro Sanada, Koichi Mizuta, Taizen Urahashi, Yoshiyuki Ihara, Taiichi Wakiya, Noriki Okada, Naoya Yamada, Satoshi Egami, Kentaro Ushijima, Shinya Otomo, Koichi Sakamoto, Yoshikazu Yasuda, Hideo Kawarasaki
    ANNALS OF TRANSPLANTATION 16(4) 7-11 2011年10月  査読有り
    Background: At the present time, indications of liver transplantation (LT) for jaundice-free biliary atresia (BA) patients include intractable cholangitis, portal hypertension and pulmonary vascular disorders. However, the timing of LT remains unclear. In the current study, we describe the therapeutic strategies for jaundice-free BA patients. Material/Methods: 129 BA patients were undergone LDLT between May, 2001 and April, 2010 in the Department of Transplant Surgery, Jichi Medical University, Japan. Results: The indications of LDLT for jaundice-free BA patients was 30 patients (30/129, 23%), and included portal hypertension (16 patients, 53%). Among the 16 patients with portal hypertension, there were 7 patients (7/16, 23%) in which uncontrollable gastrointestinal bleeding was an indication of LDLT. There were 5 patients (5/7; 71%) in which bleeding sites were not identified, and 3 patients (3/7; 43%) in which supportive treatments against collateral vessels were performed as a previous treatment. Conclusions: Even in jaundice-free BA patients, after supportive treatments for portal hypertension are performed, it is necessary to assess the esophageal and gastrointestinal varices regularly and to also prepare for LT simultaneously because there is a probability of the complication of uncontrollable gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • 浦橋 泰然, 水田 耕一, 眞田 幸弘, 脇屋 太一, 井原 欣幸, 山田 直也, 岡田 憲樹, 安田 是和, 河原崎 秀雄
    移植 46(総会臨時) 172-172 2011年10月  
  • 浦橋 泰然, 水田 耕一, 眞田 幸弘, 脇屋 太一, 井原 欣幸, 山田 直也, 岡田 憲樹, 安田 是和, 河原崎 秀雄
    移植 46(総会臨時) 227-227 2011年10月  
  • 井原 欣幸, 浦橋 泰然, 眞田 幸弘, 脇屋 太一, 山田 直也, 岡田 憲樹, 藤原 岳人, 安田 是和, 水田 耕一
    移植 46(総会臨時) 228-228 2011年10月  
  • 浦橋 泰然, 水田 耕一, 眞田 幸弘, 脇屋 太一, 井原 欣幸, 山田 直也, 岡田 憲樹, 安田 是和, 河原崎 秀雄
    移植 46(総会臨時) 230-230 2011年10月  
  • 山田 直也, 浦橋 泰然, 井原 欣幸, 眞田 幸弘, 脇屋 太一, 岡田 憲樹, 安田 是和, 水田 耕一
    移植 46(総会臨時) 273-273 2011年10月  
  • 松田 淳, 浦橋 泰然, 眞田 幸弘, 脇屋 太一, 井原 欣幸, 山田 直也, 岡田 憲樹, 安田 是和, 水田 耕一
    移植 46(総会臨時) 278-278 2011年10月  
  • 井原 欣幸, 浦橋 泰然, 眞田 幸弘, 脇屋 太一, 山田 直也, 岡田 憲樹, 藤原 岳人, 安田 是和, 水田 耕一
    日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌 25(Suppl.) 76-76 2011年9月  
  • 山田 直也, 眞田 幸弘, 浦橋 泰然, 井原 欣幸, 脇屋 太一, 岡田 憲樹, 水田 耕一
    日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌 25(Suppl.) 99-99 2011年9月  
  • 古川 祥太郎, 脇屋 太一, 眞田 幸弘, 浦橋 泰然, 井原 欣幸, 山田 直也, 岡田 憲樹, 安田 是和, 水田 耕一
    日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌 25(Suppl.) 100-100 2011年9月  
  • 村橋 賢, 眞田 幸弘, 脇屋 太一, 岡田 憲樹, 浦橋 泰然, 藤原 岳人, 俵藤 正信, 安田 是和, 水田 耕一
    移植 46(2-3) 178-179 2011年6月  
  • 岡田 憲樹, 眞田 幸弘, 脇屋 太一, 江上 聡, 浦橋 泰然, 菱川 修司, 藤原 岳人, 佐久間 康成, 安田 是和, 水田 耕一, 河原崎 秀雄
    日本小児救急医学会雑誌 10(2) 257-257 2011年6月  
  • Yukihiro Sanada, Koichi Mizuta, Tomonori Yano, Wataru Hatanaka, Noriki Okada, Taiichi Wakiya, Minoru Umehara, Satoshi Egami, Taizen Urahashi, Shuji Hishikawa, Takehito Fujiwara, Yasunaru Sakuma, Masanobu Hyodo, Hironori Yamamoto, Yoshikazu Yasuda, Hideo Kawarasaki
    TRANSPLANT INTERNATIONAL 24(1) 85-90 2011年1月  査読有り
    P>Bilioenteric anastomotic stricture after liver transplantation is still frequent and early detection and treatment is important. We established the management using double-balloon enteroscopy (DBE) and evaluated the intractability for bilioenteric anastomotic stricture after pediatric living donor liver transplantation (LDLT). We underwent DBE at Jichi Medical University from May 2003 to July 2009 for 25 patients who developed bilioenteric anastomotic stricture after pediatric LDLT. The patients were divided into two types according to the degree of dilatation of the anastomotic sites before and after interventional radiology (IVR) using DBE. Type I is an anastomotic site macroscopically dilated to five times or more, and Type II is an anastomotic site dilated to less than five times. The rate of DBE reaching the bilioenteric anastomotic sites was 68.0% (17/25), and the success rate of IVR was 88.2% (15/17). There were three cases of Type I and 12 cases of Type II. Type II had a significantly longer cold ischemic time and higher recurrence rate than Type I (P = 0.005 and P = 0.006). In conclusion, DBE is a less invasive and safe treatment method that is capable of reaching the bilioenteric anastomotic site after pediatric LDLT and enables IVR to be performed on strictures, and its treatment outcomes are improving. Type II and long cold ischemic time are risk factors for intractable bilioenteric anastomotic stricture.
  • Yukihiro Sanada, Koichi Mizuta, Taizen Urahashi, Minoru Umehara, Taiichi Wakiya, Noriki Okada, Satoshi Egami, Shuji Hishikawa, Takehito Fujiwara, Yasunaru Sakuma, Masanobu Hyodo, Yoshikazu Yasuda
    ANNALS OF TRANSPLANTATION 16(1) 66-69 2011年1月  査読有り
    Background: Although liver transplantation using liver allograft with hemangiomas has been previously reported, little is known about the fate of hemangiomas in the transplanted liver. We herein describe a case of pediatric living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) using living donor liver allograft with a hemangioma which is considered to the first reported case performing in vivo hemangioma resection. Case Report: A 27-year-old female was evaluated as a donor for her 2-year-old son with cholestatic cirrhosis due to biliary atresia. Preoperative ultrasonography and computed tomography revealed a 20-mm hemangioma located at lateral side of segment 3. During LDLT, an in vivo partial hepatic resection of the hemangioma of segment 3 was performed without the Pringle maneuver using intraoperative ultrasonography to keep the main portal triad of segment 3 before the donor liver resection, and the left lateral segment graft without the hemangioma, which underwent an intraoperative pathologic diagnosis, was transplanted into the recipient. The donor's postoperative course was uneventful and the recipient course was not observed subsequent liver necrosis, bleeding or bile leakage from the resection site. Conclusions: Liver allografts with hemangiomas can be accepted as potential liver allografts, and such hemangiomas should undergo be performed in vivo resection during LDLT irrespective of tumor size.
  • Mizuta K, Sanada Y, Wakiya T, Urahashi T, Umehara M, Egami S, Hishikawa S, Okada N, Kawano Y, Saito T, Hayashida M, Takahashi S, Yoshino H, Shimizu A, Takatsuka Y, Kitamura T, Kita Y, Uno T, Yoshida Y, Hyodo M, Sakuma Y, Fujiwara T, Ushijima K, Sugimoto K, Ohmori M, Ohtomo S, Sakamoto K, Nakata M, Yano T, Yamamoto H, Kobayashi E, Yasuda Y, Kawarasaki H
    Transplantation proceedings 42(10) 4127-4131 2010年12月  査読有り
  • Sanada Y, Mizuta K, Urahashi T, Umehara M, Wakiya T, Okada N, Hayashida M, Egami S, Hishikawa S, Kawano Y, Ushijima K, Otomo S, Sakamoto K, Fujiwara T, Sakuma Y, Hyodo M, Yasuda Y, Kawarasaki H
    Transplantation proceedings 42(10) 4555-4559 2010年12月  査読有り
  • 眞田 幸弘, 岡田 憲樹, 牧田 英士, 脇屋 太一, 梅原 実, 江上 聡, 浦橋 泰然, 河原崎 秀雄, 水田 耕一
    日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌 24(Suppl.) 148-148 2010年9月  
  • 牧田 英士, 眞田 幸弘, 岡田 憲樹, 脇屋 太一, 梅原 実, 江上 聡, 浦橋 泰然, 水田 耕一
    日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌 24(Suppl.) 149-149 2010年9月  
  • 岡田 憲樹, 眞田 幸弘, 脇屋 太一, 梅原 実, 江上 聡, 浦橋 泰然, 水田 耕一
    日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌 24(Suppl.) 153-153 2010年9月  
  • 水田 耕一, 浦橋 泰然, 梅原 実, 眞田 幸弘, 脇屋 太一, 岡田 憲樹
    今日の移植 23(4) 514-517 2010年8月  



