附属病院 消化器センター

永山 学

ナガヤマ マナブ  (Manabu Nagayama)


自治医科大学 附属病院消化器センター 内科部門 病院助教



  • Manabu Nagayama, Yohei Funayama, Osamu Taniguchi, Kaoru Hatano, Kunihiko Oguro, Jun Owada, Hirotsugu Sakamoto, Tomonori Yano, Randy Scott Longman, Hironori Yamamoto
    Clinical journal of gastroenterology 17(5) 910-914 2024年10月  
    Ulcerative colitis (UC), a subtype of inflammatory bowel disease, occasionally manifests with extraintestinal manifestations. We present a 51-year-old male with refractory UC and immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) resistant to conventional treatments. The introduction of biologics, ustekinumab or adalimumab, resulted in clinical remission of colitis and improvements in platelet count. This case underscores the efficacy of biologics in managing refractory UC associated with ITP, emphasizing their potential to control intestinal inflammation and address concurrent thrombocytopenia, potentially avoiding surgical intervention.
  • Ulzii Dashnyam, Manabu Nagayama, Tomonori Yano, Hirotsugu Sakamoto, Makiko Mieno, Jun Owada, Kunihiko Oguro, Tsevelnorov Khurelbaatar, Keijiro Sunada, Alan Kawarai Lefor, Hironori Yamamoto
    DEN open 3(1) e239 2023年4月  
    BACKGROUND: Endoscopic balloon dilation (EBD) is an effective, minimally invasive treatment for Crohn's disease (CD) related intestinal strictures. However, restenosis frequently occurs and requires repetitive EBD or surgical resection. Since previous studies could not evaluate restenosis based on stricture diameter, factors affecting restenosis after EBD were unclear. This study aimed to identify these factors by precisely measuring the diameter of small intestinal strictures in patients with CD. METHODS: This single-center retrospective study enrolled patients with CD with de novo small intestinal strictures who underwent two double-balloon enteroscopy sessions (EBD and follow-up) between January 2016 and October 2021. Clinical and endoscopic data were obtained from electronic medical records. A calibrated small-caliber-tip transparent hood was used to precisely measure stricture diameters. Multivariate analysis was performed to identify factors associated with restenosis. RESULTS: Forty-eight patients (37 male) were analyzed. The total number of strictures detected decreased from 162 to 143. The mean diameter of all strictures and the narrowest stricture in each patient increased significantly from 8.6 to 9.8 mm and from 7.6 to 8.7 mm, respectively. Thirty-two (67%) patients developed endoscopic restenosis. Multivariate analysis showed that the presence of ulcers at the follow-up session was a risk factor for restenosis (odds ratio 9.4, p = 0.01). Patients with complete mucosal healing at both sessions (n = 21) showed significant improvement in the narrowest stricture (+1.7 mm, p = 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Maintenance of complete mucosal healing is significantly associated with avoiding restenosis after EBD in CD-related small intestinal strictures.
  • Masato Tsunoda, Yoshimasa Miura, Hiroyuki Osawa, Manabu Nagayama, Yuka Kagaya, Yohei Funayama, Takuma Kobayashi, Mami Togashi, Hiroki Hayashi, Yuji Hiraoka, Yoshie Nomoto, Chihiro Iwashita, Yuji Ino, Haruo Takahashi, Hisashi Fukuda, Alan Kawarai Lefor, Hironori Yamamoto
    The Kaohsiung journal of medical sciences 2023年2月22日  
    The pink color sign in iodine unstained areas is useful to differentiate esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) from other lesions. However, some ESCCs have obscure color findings which affect the ability of endoscopists to differentiate these lesions and determine the resection line. Using white light imaging (WLI), linked color imaging (LCI) and blue laser imaging (BLI), 40 early ESCCs were retrospectively evaluated using images before and after iodine staining. Visibility scores for ESCC by expert and non-expert endoscopists were compared using these three modalities and color differences measured for malignant lesions and surrounding mucosa. BLI had the highest score and color difference without iodine staining. Each determination with iodine was much higher than without iodine regardless of the modality. With iodine, ESCC mainly appeared pink, purple and green using WLI, LCI and BLI, respectively and visibility scores determined by non-experts and experts were significantly higher for LCI (both p < 0.001) and BLI (p = 0.018 and p < 0.001) than for WLI. The score with LCI was significantly higher than with BLI among non-experts (p = 0.035). With iodine, the color difference using LCI was twice that with WLI and one with BLI was significantly larger than with WLI (p < 0.001). These greater tendencies were found regardless of location, depth of cancer or intensity of pink color using WLI. In conclusion, areas of ESCC unstained by iodine were easily recognized using LCI and BLI. Visibility of these lesions is excellent even by non-expert endoscopists, suggesting that this method is useful to diagnose ESCC and determine the resection line.
  • Kunihiko Oguro, Hirotsugu Sakamoto, Tomonori Yano, Yohei Funayama, Masafumi Kitamura, Manabu Nagayama, Keijiro Sunada, Alan Kawarai Lefor, Hironori Yamamoto
    Endoscopy International Open 2022年9月30日  
  • Naoshi Arai, Kouichi Miura, Kenichi Aizawa, Mariko Sekiya, Manabu Nagayama, Hirotsugu Sakamoto, Hiroshi Maeda, Naoki Morimoto, Sadahiko Iwamoto, Hironori Yamamoto
    Scientific reports 12(1) 16206-16206 2022年9月28日  
    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a hepatic characteristic of metabolic syndrome, received significant attention in clinical settings. The multiple-hit theory is one of the proposed mechanisms of NAFLD, and gut dysbiosis is considered a hit. Thus, controlling gut microbiota is a potential target in the management of NAFLD, and probiotics can be used as a treatment agent for NAFLD. The current study aimed to investigate the efficacy of probiotics against nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in a hepatocyte-specific PTEN knockout mouse model that mimics the characteristics of human NAFLD. Probiotics were administered to male knockout mice for 8 or 40 weeks. Next, we assessed hepatic inflammation, fibrosis, carcinogenesis, and oxidative stress. Probiotics were found to reduce serum transaminase levels, NAFLD activity score, and the gene expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines. In addition, they decreased liver fibrosis grade, which was examined via Sirius red staining, gene expression of fibrotic markers, and hydroxyproline. Furthermore, probiotics suppressed the number of liver tumors, particular in HCC. Probiotics reduced oxidative stresses, including glutathione levels, and anti-oxidative stress marker, which may be an underlying mechanism for their beneficial effects. In conclusion, probiotics treatment had beneficial effects against NAFLD and carcinogenesis in hepatocyte-specific PTEN knockout mice.


  • 宮原 晶子, 坂本 博次, 井野 裕治, 林 芳和, 矢野 智則, 宇賀神 ららと, 永山 学, 竹澤 敬人, 砂田 圭二郎, 山本 博徳
    自治医科大学紀要 41 47-51 2019年3月  
    症例は65歳女性。30歳頃から鼻出血を繰り返し、近医にて鉄欠乏性貧血に対して鉄剤投与されていた。貧血が悪化したため当科入院となった。小腸カプセル内視鏡にて空腸粘膜に矢野・山本分類type 1b相当のangioectasiaが多発し、血性腸液を認めた。手指に毛細血管拡張病変も認め、遺伝性出血性末梢血管拡張症と診断した。経口ダブルバルーン内視鏡下にangioectasiaに対するアルゴンプラズマ凝固術を施行したところ、貧血の改善を認めた。その後、6ヵ月から1年程度の間隔でカプセル内視鏡を施行している。Angioectasiaの数が明らかに増加し、貧血の進行を伴う際には、カプセル内視鏡で確認されたangioectasiaが多発している領域に集中して内視鏡的治療を行っている。遺伝性出血性末梢血管拡張症では内視鏡的治療を行った後もangioectasiaが再発するが、病変数と分布を把握するためのサーベイランスとしてカプセル内視鏡検査を行うことで、より侵襲の高い内視鏡的治療を行う回数と処置時間を低減できる可能性が示唆される。(著者抄録)
  • 砂田 圭二郎, 永山 学, 矢野 智則, 山本 博徳
    消化器病学サイエンス 2(3) 120-126 2018年9月  
  • 矢野 智則, 坂本 博次, 小林 泰俊, 永山 学, 宮原 晶子, 東條 浩子, 山本 博徳
    胃と腸 53(6) 801-807 2018年5月25日  
    <文献概要>小腸出血では,年齢層や背景疾患などによって出血源となる病変の頻度が異なる.また,小腸出血に対する検査方法もさまざまだが,それぞれに長所と短所がある.適切な検査方法を選択して診断するためには,病変頻度と各検査の特徴を理解しておく必要がある.小腸内視鏡診療ガイドラインではOGIBに対する診断アルゴリズムが示されており,胸腹部造影CTを最初に行う検査として位置づけている.CTで有意所見があればバルーン内視鏡だが,有意所見がなければカプセル内視鏡を行って,その結果に応じてバルーン内視鏡などの検査を追加するか判断する.ただし,若年者ではCrohn病とMeckel憩室が比較的多いことから,当施設ではカプセル内視鏡よりも先に経肛門バルーン内視鏡を行っている.また,視野確保が困難なほど持続出血する血管性病変に対してはgel immersion endoscopyが視野確保に有用である.
  • 矢野 智則, 坂本 博次, 小林 泰俊, 永山 学, 東條 浩子, 宮原 晶子, 関谷 万里子, 砂田 圭二郎, 山本 博徳
    Gastroenterological Endoscopy 60(5) 1107-1115 2018年5月  
  • 矢野 智則, 坂本 博次, 小林 泰俊, 宮原 晶子, 東條 浩子, 永山 学, 砂田 圭二郎, 山本 博徳
    消化器内視鏡 29(11) 2022-2025 2017年11月  

