
作山 葵

サクヤマ アオイ  (AOI SAKUYAMA)


自治医科大学 歯科口腔外科 病院助教




  • 作山 葵, 立川 敬子, 森 良之, 野口 忠秀
    日本口腔インプラント学会誌 37(2) 181-185 2024年6月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Aoi Sakuyama, Yoshinori Jinbu, Aki Yamamoto, Akiko Kashiwazaki, Junichi Hayasaka, Yoshiyuki Mori
    J Oral Maxillofac Surg Med Pathol 34 485-488 2022年7月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 作山 葵, 神部 芳則, 早坂 純一, 岡田 成生, 野口 忠秀, 森 良之
    日本口腔内科学会雑誌 26(1) 52-55 2020年6月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 佐藤 元, 作山 葵, 立川 敬子, 早坂 純一, 野口 忠秀, 神部 芳則, 春日井 昇平, 森 良之
    栃木県歯科医学会誌 72 3-7 2020年4月  
  • 林 宏栄, 作山 葵, 立川 敬子, 森 良之
    Japanese Journal of Maxillo Facial Implants 17(4) 309-317 2018年12月  査読有り
  • 作山 葵, 神部 芳則, 早坂 純一, 月村 久恵, 井上 公介, 林 宏栄, 岡田 成生, 野口 忠秀, 森 良之
    日本口腔内科学会雑誌 24(1) 7-12 2018年6月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 早坂 純一, 林 宏栄, 杉浦 康史, 作山 葵, 伊藤 弘人, 神部 芳則, 勝又 明敏, 森 良之
    歯科放射線 57(2) 92-93 2018年3月  査読有り
  • 赤堀 永倫香, 神部 芳則, 青山 裕美, 作山 葵, 森 良之
    日本口腔内科学会雑誌 23(2) 90-94 2017年12月  査読有り
    Glycogenic acanthosis(以下GA)は、しばしば消化管下部で見られる白色病変である。口腔内におけるGAの報告は非常に稀であるが、今回われわれは両側頬粘膜、口底部にGAを経験したので、報告する。症例1:40歳女性。両側頬粘膜の白色病変を主訴に当科受診。両側頬粘膜に表面平坦、境界不明瞭な白斑を認めた。生検結果によりGAと診断した。症例2:72歳女性。口底部の白斑を主訴に当科受診。生検を施行しGAと診断した。(著者抄録)
  • Kazuhiro Kon, Makoto Shiota, Aoi Sakuyama, Maho Ozeki, Wataru Kozuma, Sawako Kawakami, Shohei Kasugai
    The Journal of oral implantology 43(1) 3-7 2017年2月  査読有り
    The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of implant prostheses on the occlusal force and area as well as the distribution of occlusal loading in unilateral free-end and intermediate missing cases. Fourteen healthy subjects (7 free-end missing cases in the first and second molars and 7 intermediate missing cases in the first molar region) were included. Six months after the implant prosthesis was placed, an occlusal evaluation was performed with or without the implant superstructure by using Dental Prescale film and an occluder device. In free-end missing cases, the total occlusal force and area, implant-side occlusal force and area, and implant-side occlusal force and area of the residual natural teeth were significantly affected by the implant prostheses. In intermediate missing cases, the implant-side occlusal force of the residual natural teeth was significantly affected by the implant prostheses. In free-end missing cases, the proportions of implant-side occlusal force, non-implant-side occlusal force, and implant-side occlusal force of the residual natural teeth relative to the total occlusal force were significantly affected by the implant prostheses. In the intermediate missing cases, the proportion of the implant-side occlusal force of the residual natural teeth relative to the total occlusal force was significantly affected by the implant prostheses. The proportion of the occlusal area was also significantly affected. In free-end missing cases, implant prostheses significantly increased the occlusal force and area, which resulted in the proper occlusal distribution. In intermediate missing cases, an implant prosthesis may only improve the same-side occlusal loading of the natural teeth.
  • 作山 葵, 立川 敬子, 塩田 真, 春日井 昇平
    Japanese Journal of Maxillo Facial Implants 15(4) 247-254 2016年12月25日  査読有り
  • 去川 俊二, 杉浦 康史, 作山 葵, 早坂 純一, 野口 忠秀, 西野 宏, 森 良之
    顎顔面補綴 39(2) 42-48 2016年12月  査読有り
  • Minoru Sanda, Makoto Shiota, Chiharu Imakita, Aoi Sakuyama, Shohei Kasugai, Yasunori Sumi
    Imaging science in dentistry 46(3) 173-8 2016年9月  査読有り
    PURPOSE: Optical coherence tomography (OCT) has been investigated as a novel diagnostic imaging tool. The utilisation of this equipment has been evaluated through several studies in the field of dentistry. The aim of this preliminary study was to determine through basic experiments the effectiveness of OCT in implant dentistry. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To assess detection ability, we captured OCT images of implants in each of the following situations: (1) implants covered with mucosae of various thicknesses that were harvested from the mandibles of pigs; (2) implants installed in the mandibles of pigs; and (3) implants with abutments and crowns fixed with temporary cement. The OCT images were captured before cementation, after cementation, and after removing the excess submucosal cement. RESULTS: If the thickness of the mucosa covering the implant body was less than 1 mm, the images of the implants were clearly detected by OCT. In the implants were installed in pigs' mandibles, it was difficult to capture clear images of the implant and alveolar bone in most of the samples. Remnants of excess cement around the implants were visible in most samples that had a mucosa thickness of less than 3 mm. CONCLUSION: Currently, OCT imaging of implants is limited. Cement remnants at the submucosal area can be detected in some cases, which can be helpful in preventing peri-implant diseases. Still, though there are some restrictions to its application, OCT could have potential as an effective diagnostic instrument in the field of implant dentistry as well.
  • 谷口 健太郎, 作山 葵, 仁保 千秋, 林 宏栄, 渡辺 秀紀, 早坂 純一, 野口 忠秀, 神部 芳則, 立川 敬子, 春日井 昇平, 森 良之
    栃木県歯科医学会誌 68 7-11 2016年4月  
  • 作山 葵
    日本口腔インプラント学会誌 26(4) 831-832 2013年12月  
  • Aoi Sakuyama, Makoto Shiota, Tatsuya Fujimori, Yasuo Yamashita, Shohei Kasugai
    Journal of Oral Tissue Engineering. 5(2) 71-80 2007年  査読有り筆頭著者









