
桑原 政成

Masanari Kuwabara


自治医科大学 地域医療学センター 公衆衛生学 兼 循環器内科 准教授
博士(再生医科学)(2014年9月 鳥取大学)
博士(医学)(2017年12月 自治医科大学)



  • Tatsuo Hosoya, Kenjiro Kimura, Sadayoshi Itoh, Masaaki Inaba, Shunya Uchida, Yasuhiko Tomino, Hirofumi Makino, Seiichi Matsuo, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Iwao Ohno, Yugo Shibagaki, Satoshi Iimuro, Naohiko Imai, Masanari Kuwabara, Hiroshi Hayakawa
    Trials 15 26-26 2014年1月16日  
    BACKGROUND: Hyperuricemia is a risk factor for the onset of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and is significantly associated with the progression of CKD. However, there is no sufficient evidence by interventional research supporting a cause-effect relationship. Hyperuricemic patients without gouty arthritis, whose serum urate (SUA) concentration is ≥8.0 mg/dL and who have a complication, are treated by pharmacotherapy in addition to lifestyle guidance. Nevertheless, there is no evidence that rationalizes pharmacotherapy for patients with hyperuricemia who have no complication and whose SUA concentration is below 9.0 mg/dL. METHODS/DESIGN: The FEATHER (FEbuxostat versus placebo rAndomized controlled Trial regarding reduced renal function in patients with Hyperuricemia complicated by chRonic kidney disease stage 3) study is a prospective, multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of febuxostat-a novel, nonpurine, selective, xanthine oxidase inhibitor. The present study will enroll, at 64 medical institutions in Japan, 400 Japanese patients aged 20 years or older who have hyperuricemia without gouty arthritis, who present CKD stage 3, and whose SUA concentration is 7.1-10.0 mg/dL. Patients are randomly assigned to either the febuxostat or the control group, in which febuxostat tablets and placebo are administered orally, respectively. The dosage of the study drugs should be one 10-mg tablet/day at weeks 1 to 4 after study initiation, increased to one 20-mg tablet/day at weeks 5 to 8, and elevated to one 40-mg tablet/day at week 9 and then maintained until week 108. The primary endpoint is estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) slope. The secondary endpoints include the amount and percent rate of change in eGFR from baseline to week 108, the amount and percent rate of change in SUA concentration from baseline to week 108, the proportion of patients who achieved an SUA concentration≤6.0 mg/dL, and the incidence of renal function deterioration. DISCUSSION: The present study aims to examine whether febuxostat prevents a further reduction in renal function as assessed with eGFR in subjects and will (1) provide evidence to indicate the inverse association between a reduction in SUA concentration and an improvement in renal function and (2) rationalize pharmacotherapy for subjects and clarify its clinical relevance. TRIAL REGISTRATION: UMIN Identifier: UMIN000008343.
  • Toshihiro Hamada, Masanari Kuwabara, Arisa Watanabe, Einosuke Mizuta, Akira Ohtahara, Hiroki Omodani, Masashi Watanabe, Hiroki Nakamura, Yutaka Hirota, Satoshi Miyazaki, Masahiko Kato, Kazuhide Ogino, Hiroki Kosaka, Ninomiya Haruaki, Shin-ichi Taniguchi, Kazuhiro Yamamoto, Hiroshi Kotake, Ichiro Hisatome
    Clinical and experimental hypertension (New York, N.Y. : 1993) 36(4) 251-7 2014年  
    PURPOSE: Long-term effects of a low-dose hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) with losartan (LOS) on uric acid (UA) metabolism as well as glucose metabolism have been studied in hypertensive patients in comparison with those of a low-dose HCTZ with telmisartan (TEL). METHOD: Fifty-nine hypertensive patients were allocated to a combination therapy with either losartan (50 mg/day)/HCTZ (12.5 mg/day) (LOS + HCTZ group: n = 37) or telmisartan (40 mg/day)/HCTZ (12.5 mg/day) (TEL + HCTZ group: n = 22), respectively. Before and 1 year after the treatment, blood pressure and biochemical parameters of blood and urine were evaluated. RESULTS: Both systolic and diastolic blood pressures significantly decreased in two groups, without any statistical differences among them. LOS + HCTZ caused no changes in the serum UA level or the ratio of UA clearance to creatinine clearance (CUA/Ccr), whereas TEL + HCTZ significantly increased the serum UA level and reduced CUA/Ccr. LOS + HCTZ did not influence CUA/Ccr in patients with their serum UA below 5.4 mg/dl, while LOS + HCTZ significantly increased CUA/Ccr in patients with their serum UA above 5.5 mg/dl. TEL + HCTZ significantly reduced CUA/Ccr in patients with their serum UA below and above 5.4 mg/dl to increase serum UA level significantly. Neither combination therapies caused any changes in fasting plasma glucose, HbA1c and HOMA-R. In patients with their serum UA level above 5.4 mg/dl, TEL + HCTZ increased HOMA-R, whereas LOS + HCTZ did not. CONCLUSIONS: LOS + HCTZ did not influence UA metabolism as well as glucose metabolism, likely because of inhibitory action of losartan on URAT1, although TEL + HCTZ were accompanied with impairment of the UA metabolism and glucose metabolism.
  • Satoshi Miyazaki, Toshihiro Hamada, Shigemasa Hirata, Akira Ohtahara, Einosuke Mizuta, Yasutaka Yamamoto, Masanari Kuwabara, Yoshihito Nosaka, Osamu Igawa, Kazuhide Ogino, Masahiko Kato, Akio Yoshida, Haruaki Ninomiya, Jidong Cheng, Yuji Moriwaki, Kazuhiro Yamamoto, Ichiro Hisatome
    Clinical and experimental hypertension (New York, N.Y. : 1993) 36(7) 447-53 2014年  
    PURPOSE: To examine effects of a long-acting calcium channel blocker (CCB) azelnidipine on uric acid metabolism in hypertensive patients. METHODS: Azelnidipine was administered to 72 patients at a daily dose of 8 mg or 16 mg. In 22 cases out of the 72 patients, a different CCB was switched to azelnidipine. Blood pressure was measured and biochemical parameters of blood and urine were evaluated before and 2-3 months after the administration. RESULTS: Azelnidipine significantly decreased both systolic and diastolic blood pressure and the heart rate. It decreased both serum urate levels and the urinary uric acid to creatinine ratio (Uur/Ucr), but did not affect the uric acid clearance to creatinine clearance ratio (Cur/Ccr). Azelnidipine decreased both Uur/Ucr and Cur/Ccr in patients with Uur/Ucr ≥ 0.5 or ≥ 0.34, although it did not change these clearance parameters in patients with Uur/Ucr <0.5 or <0.34. Azelnidipine decreased the serum urate levels and Uur/Ucr in hyperuricemic patients with uric acid levels ≥ 7.0 mg/dL in males and ≥ 6.0 mg/dL in females. It did not change these parameters in normouricemic patients with serum urate levels <7.0 mg/dL in males and <6.0 mg/dL in females. Azelnidipine decreased Uur/Ucr and Cur/Ccr in hyperuricemic patients with normal or over excretion of uric acid, although it did not change these clearance parameters in hyperuricemic patients with uric acid hypoexcretion. CONCLUSIONS: Azelnidipine decreased the serum urate acid levels and Uur/Ucr, and this response was most prominent in hyperuricemic patients or patients with normal and over excretion of uric acid.
  • Kyoko Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Katsumi Yoshida, Koichiro Niwa, Yutaro Nishi, Atsushi Mizuno, Masanari Kuwabara, Taku Asano, Kunihiro Sakoda, Hiroyuki Niinuma, Fumiko Nakahara, Kyoko Takeda, Chiyohiko Shindoh, Yasuhiro Komatsu
    PloS one 9(3) e91067 2014年  
    BACKGROUND: The Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes chronic kidney disease (CKD) guidelines recommend that CKD be classified based on the etiology, glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and degree of albuminuria. The present study aimed to establish a method that predicts the presence of microalbuminuria by measuring the total urine protein-to-creatinine ratio (TPCR) in patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors. METHODS AND RESULTS: We obtained urine samples from 1,033 patients who visited the cardiovascular clinic at St. Luke's International Hospital from February 2012 to August 2012. We measured the TPCR and the urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR) from random spot urine samples. We performed correlation, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, sensitivity, and subgroup analyses. There was a strong positive correlation between the TPCR and ACR (R2 = 0.861, p<0.001). A ROC curve analysis for the TPCR revealed a sensitivity of 94.4%, a specificity of 86.1%, and an area under the curve of 0.903 for detecting microalbuminuria for a TPCR cut-off value of 84 mg/g of creatinine. The subgroup analysis indicated that the cut-off value could be used for patients with CVD risk factors. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that the TPCR with an appropriate cut-off value could be used to screen for the presence of microalbuminuria in patients with CVD risk factors. This simple, inexpensive measurement has broader applications, leading to earlier intervention and public benefit.
  • 桑原 政成, 西 裕太郎, 安齋 均, 西原 崇創, 高尾 信廣, 望月 俊明, 大谷 典生, 石松 伸一, 久留 一郎
    ICUとCCU 37(11) 847-851 2013年11月  
    【目的】急性上腸間膜動脈(Superior Mesenteric Artery:SMA)解離は診断に苦慮する疾患であり、同疾患の特徴について後向き検討を行なった。【方法】2004年4月から2010年8月に、当院の腹部造影CT検査結果よりSMA解離と診断した全症例を抽出。【結果】対象は8症例、2例は症状なく偶発的に発見された。急性SMA解離と診断した6例は全例が男性、年齢53.5±8.2歳。来院時所見は全例で突然発症の腹痛を認めたが、発症から当院受診までの時間、腹痛の部位、既往は多岐にわたっていた。疾患除外に有用と予想された、血圧、D-dimerは有用とはいえなかった。CT検査前に疑われた疾患では、憩室炎4例、大動脈解離1例、虚血性腸炎1例であった。入院後経過は全例良好で退院しており、再発例は認めていない。【結論】SMA解離の特徴として突然発症の腹痛はあげられるが、特異的な所見・検査に乏しく診断は困難といえる。腹痛精査でCT検査を行う際にはSMAの走行に留意し、鑑別にあげる必要があると考える。(著者抄録)
  • 桑原 政成, 西 裕太郎, 西原 崇創, 安齋 均, 新沼 廣幸, 大谷 典生, 石松 伸一, 久留 一郎
    日本集中治療医学会雑誌 20(4) 615-619 2013年10月  
    患者は、69歳、男性。高血圧で内服加療中であった。テニスプレー中に意識消失し、心停止のため心肺蘇生開始された。自動体外式除細動器で除細動施行後、呼吸再開し当院搬送となった。来院時、意識はJapan coma scale II-10、心電図で心房細動とV2〜V6でST低下、心エコー図検査で軽度左室肥大、びまん性壁運動低下が認められた。緊急心臓カテーテル検査で左前下行枝に90%狭窄病変が認められ、同部位に経皮的冠動脈形成術を施行された。心電図変化の改善、心エコー図検査で壁運動の改善が認められたが、心筋逸脱酵素の上昇は認められなかった。入院後の心臓MRI検査にて遅延造影陽性となり、心筋生検で心筋の錯綜配列、心筋線維化が認められ肥大型心筋症と診断され、植込み型除細動器の植込み後に退院となった。心臓カテーテル検査で虚血による心停止が疑われた場合でも、他疾患を合併することがあり、十分な鑑別と精査が必要である。(著者抄録)
  • 杉原 志伸, 加藤 雅彦, 浜田 紀宏, 荻野 和秀, 市田 公美, 桑原 政成, 山本 一博, 久留 一郎
    痛風と核酸代謝 37(1) 73-75 2013年7月  
  • 迫田 邦裕, 安齋 均, 猪原 拓, 桑原 政成, 渡邉 琢也, 浅野 拓, 水野 篤, 増田 慶太, 白井 丈晶, 西原 崇創, 新沼 廣幸, 西 裕太郎, 高尾 信廣, 丹羽 公一郎
    心臓 45(4) 475-481 2013年4月  
  • 桑原 政成, 浜田 紀宏, 久留 一郎
    医薬の門 53(1) 24-28 2013年3月  
  • 桑原 政成, 程 継東, 久留 一郎
    血圧 19(10) 872-879 2012年10月  
  • 桑原 政成
    Circulation 2(3) 62-70 2012年3月  
  • Tadashi Urashima, Yasutaka Kurata, Junichiro Miake, Masaru Kato, Kazuyoshi Ogura, Akio Yano, Masamitsu Adachi, Yasunori Tanaka, Kensaku Yamada, Toshihiro Hamada, Einosuke Mizuta, Masanari Kuwabara, Masahiko Kato, Yasutaka Yamamoto, Kazuhide Ogino, Akio Yoshida, Yasuaki Shirayoshi, Ichiro Hisatome
    Biomedical research (Tokyo, Japan) 32(5) 303-12 2011年10月  
    It is unknown whether salicylate enhances the action of antiarrhythmic agents on human Na+ channels with state dependency and tissue specificity. We therefore investigated effects of salicylate on quinidine-induced block of human cardiac and skeletal muscle Na+ channels. Human cardiac wild-type (hH1), LQT3-related mutant (ΔKPQ), and skeletal muscle (hSkM1) Na+ channel α subunits were expressed in COS7 cells. Effects of salicylate on quinidine-induced tonic and use-dependent block of Na+ channel currents were examined by the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. Salicylate enhanced the quinidine-induced tonic and use-dependent block of both hH1 and hSkM1 currents at a holding potential (HP) of -100 mV but not at -140 mV. Salicylate decreased the IC50 value for the quinidine-induced tonic block of hH1 at an HP of -100 mV, and produced a negative shift in the steady-state inactivation curve of hH1 in the presence of quinidine. According to the modulated receptor theory, it is probable that salicylate decreases the dissociation constant for quinidine binding to inactivated-state channels. Furthermore, salicylate significantly enhanced the quinidine-induced tonic and use-dependent block of the peak and steady-state ΔKPQ channel currents. The results suggest that salicylate enhances quinidine-induced block of Na+ channels via increasing the affinity of quinidine to inactivated state channels.
  • 桑原 政成, 久留 一郎
    腎臓 34(1) 29-34 2011年6月  
  • 浅野 拓, 西原 崇創, 桑原 政成, 渡邉 琢也, 水野 篤, 迫田 邦裕, 安齋 均, 新沼 廣幸, 西 裕太郎, 高尾 信廣, 林田 憲明
    Progress in Medicine 31(Suppl.1) 701-704 2011年4月  
    63歳男。3日前より胸部違和感を自覚し、就寝中に呼吸苦が出現した。症状が改善しないため、救急搬送となった。急性心筋梗塞を疑い、緊急冠動脈造影を施行した。左前下行枝6番に完全閉塞を認め、経皮的冠動脈インターベンションによるステント留置術を施行した。第4病日に発作性心房細動を認めた。低左心機能で、血圧コントロールが不良であることからアミオダロンを開始した。第5病日に人工呼吸器離脱、リハビリテーション開始となった。第9病日に心室細動(Vf)を発症し、アミオダロンの持続静脈内投与を開始した。その後もVf stormが改善しないため心臓補助装置を導入した。左脚後枝にカテーテルアブレーションを施行し、Vfは認めなくなった。しかし、Vfが再発し、TdPを想起させる多形性VTを認めた。一時的ペースメーカーを挿入し、多形性VTは消失した。第30病日にICD植え込み術を施行し、第77病日に退院した。
  • 桑原 政成, 安齋 均, 西 裕太郎, 内山 伸, 久留 一郎, 林田 憲明
    心臓リハビリテーション 15(2) 261-264 2010年6月  
    【目的】間欠性跛行の症状がある末梢動脈疾患患者への、「週1回、30分のトレッドミルあるいはエルゴメーターを用いた監視下運動リハビリテーション」はQOLの改善に有効か検討した。【方法】3ヵ月間の監視下運動リハビリテーション前後で、WIQ scoreを用いQOLの評価を行った。【結果】トレッドミル群で214±86.9点から290±62.7点と有意な改善(p=0.014)が認められたが、エルゴメーター群では改善傾向は認めるものの有意差は認めなかった。WIQ scoreの各検査項目別の検討では、トレッドミル群において、歩行時の不快感の程度(p=0.0177)、歩行スピード(p=0.0193)、階段を上がる能力(p=0.0293)において有意な改善が認められた。【結論】週1回、30分、3ヵ月間のトレッドミルを用いた監視下運動リハビリテーションはQOLの改善をもたらす可能性が示唆された。(著者抄録)
  • Yora Nindita, Toshihiro Hamada, Udin Bahrudin, Makoto Hosoyamada, Kimiyoshi Ichida, Chisato Iwai, Sunao Urashima, Masanari Kuwabara, Sulistiyati Bayu Utami, Einosuke Mizuta, Kensaku Yamada, Osamu Igawa, Chiaki Shigemasa, Haruaki Ninomiya, Takuya Tsuchihashi, Ichiro Hisatome
    Arzneimittel-Forschung 60(4) 186-8 2010年  
    Both an angiotensin II receptor blocker, losartan (CAS 124750-99-8) and a serum urate lowering agent, benzbromarone (CAS 3562-84-3) exert a uricosuric action by inhibiting urate transporter 1 (URAT1). A recent clinical trial indicated that losartan could reduce the level of serum urate in hypertensive patients treated with urate lowering agents, suggesting the different mode of action of losartan from benzbromarone. In the present study, the effect of losartan and benzbromarone on the level of URAT1 mRNA was determined in transfected HEK293 cells. Losartan caused a significant reduction of its mRNA level, whereas it was not affected by benzbromarone. These results indicate that losartan decreases the level of human URAT1 mRNA, which may underlie the uricosuric action of losartan in hypertensive patients treated with serum urate lowering agents.
  • 桑原 政成, 正本 庸介, 山田 宇以, 太田 大介
    心療内科 13(1) 59-62 2009年1月  







