
鈴木 浩一



自治医科大学 一般・消化器外科、がん診療運営部外来化学療法室、がんゲノム医療室 教授
医学博士(1999年3月 浜松医科大学)





  • Koichi Suzuki, Ikuko Suzuki, Andreas Leodolter, Sergio Alonso, Shina Horiuchi, Kentaro Yamashita, Manuel Perucho
    Cancer cell 9(3) 199-207 2006年3月  査読有り筆頭著者
    We studied the relationships between genetic and epigenetic alterations in gastrointestinal cancer by integrating DNA copy number changes determined by arbitrarily primed PCR (AP-PCR) with DNA methylation variations estimated by methylation-sensitive amplified fragment length polymorphism (MS-AFLP). We analyzed about 100 different chromosomal regions by AP-PCR and over 150 random CpG loci by MS-AFLP in human colon and gastric carcinomas. DNA hypomethylation and hypermethylation alterations distributed gradually and increased with cancer patient age, in contrast with the age-independent genomic alterations. Increased DNA hypomethylation and hypermethylation correlated with increased genomic damage, but only hypomethylation was highly significant in multivariate analyses. We conclude that age-dependent accumulation of DNA demethylation precedes diploidy loss in a significant subset of gastrointestinal cancers.
  • Maryla Krajewska, Hoguen Kim, Chul Kim, Haeyoun Kang, Kate Welsh, Shu-Ichi Matsuzawa, Michelle Tsukamoto, Ronald G Thomas, Nuria Assa-Munt, Zhe Piao, Koichi Suzuki, Manuel Perucho, Stan Krajewski, John C Reed
    Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research 11(15) 5451-61 2005年8月1日  査読有り
    PURPOSE: Although most stage II colon cancers are potentially curable by surgery alone, approximately 20% of patients relapse, suggesting a need for establishing prognostic markers that can identify patients who may benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy. We tested the hypothesis that differences in expression of apoptosis-regulating proteins account for differences in clinical outcome among patients with early-stage colorectal cancer. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Tissue microarray technology was employed to assay the expression of apoptosis-regulating proteins by immunohistochemistry in 106 archival stage II colorectal cancers, making correlations with disease-specific survival. The influence of microsatellite instability (MSI), tumor location (left versus right side), patient age, and gender was also examined. RESULTS: Elevated expression of several apoptosis regulators significantly correlated with either shorter (cIAP2; TUCAN) or longer (Apaf1; Bcl-2) overall survival in univariate and multivariate analyses. These biomarkers retained prognostic significance when adjusting for MSI, tumor location, patient age, and gender. Moreover, certain combinations of apoptosis biomarkers were highly predictive of death risk from cancer. For example, 97% of patients with favorable tumor phenotype of cIAP2(low) plus TUCAN(low) were alive at 5 years compared with 60% of other patients (P = 0.00003). In contrast, only 37% of patients with adverse biomarkers (Apaf1(low) plus TUCAN(high)) survived compared with 83% of others at 5 years after diagnosis (P< 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Immunohistochemical assays directed at detection of certain combinations of apoptosis proteins may provide prognostic information for patients with early-stage colorectal cancer, and therefore could help to identify patients who might benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy or who should be spared it.
  • Kazuteru Hatanaka, Koichi Suzuki, Yoshiaki Miura, Kimiko Yoshida, Shumpei Ohnami, Yukio Kitade, Teruhiko Yoshida, Kazunori Aoki
    The journal of gene medicine 6(10) 1139-48 2004年10月  査読有り
    Interferon alpha (IFN-alpha) is used worldwide for the treatment of a variety of cancers. For pancreatic cancer, recent clinical trials using IFN-alpha in combination with standard chemotherapeutic drugs showed some antitumor activity of the cytokine, but the effect was not significant enough to enlist pancreatic cancer as a clinically effective target of IFN-alpha. In general, an improved therapeutic effect and safety are expected for cytokine therapy when given in a gene therapy context, because the technology would allow increased local concentrations of this cytokine in the target sites. In this study, we first examined the antiproliferative effect of IFN-alpha gene transduction into pancreatic cancer cells. The expression of IFN-alpha effectively induced growth suppression and cell death in pancreatic cancer cells, an effect which appeared to be more prominent when compared with other types of cancers and normal cells. Another strategy we have been developing for pancreatic cancer targets its characteristic genetic aberration, K-ras point mutation, and we reported that the expression of antisense K-ras RNA significantly suppressed the growth of pancreatic cancer cells. When these two gene therapy strategies are combined, the expression of antisense K-ras RNA significantly enhanced IFN-alpha-induced cell death (1.3- to 3.5-fold), and suppressed subcutaneous growth of pancreatic cancer cells in mice. Because the 2',5'-oligoadenylate synthetase/RNase L pathway, which is regulated by IFN and induces apoptosis of cells, is activated by double-strand RNA, it is plausible that the double-strand RNA formed by antisense and endogenous K-ras RNA enhanced the antitumor activity of IFN-alpha. This study suggested that the combination of IFN-alpha and antisense K-ras RNA is a promising gene therapy strategy against pancreatic cancer.
  • Koichi Suzuki, Sumiko Ohnami, Chikako Tanabe, Hiroki Sasaki, Jun Yasuda, Hitoshi Katai, Kimio Yoshimura, Masaaki Terada, Manuel Perucho, Teruhiko Yoshida
    Gastroenterology 125(5) 1330-40 2003年11月  査読有り筆頭著者
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Genomic instability and the accompanying alteration of cancer genes play a major role in tumorigenesis. We evaluated the prognostic significance in gastric cancer of the degree of accumulation of relative genomic damage, assessed by arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction DNA fingerprinting. METHODS: Genomic damage was assessed by comparative analysis of paired normal and tumor tissue DNA fingerprints. The total number of alterations, scored as decreases and increases of band intensity with 2 arbitrary primers, were used as an estimation of the genomic damage fraction in 74 primary gastric cancers. Increases in DNA copy number were also analyzed by array comparative genomic hybridization in a subset of 30 cases. RESULTS: The number of altered bands varied among the tumors from none or a few to more than one third of the approximately 40 fingerprint bands. The relative values of genomic damage were consistent with the quantitative chromosomal alterations observed by array comparative genomic hybridization. When the tumors were stratified into 2 groups-above or below the cutoff of 0.22 for average genomic damage fraction-genomic damage fraction was a valuable prognostic indicator regardless of microsatellite instability status. Multivariate Cox analysis showed that the genomic damage fraction was a prognostic indicator, as well as a stage indicator (P = 0.0189). Survival was significantly diminished in tumors with a genomic damage fraction >0.22 (P = 0.0009). Moreover, in the 46 curative cases, genomic damage fraction was the only independent factor for predicting survival (P = 0.0061). CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that the degree of genomic damage estimated by arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction fingerprinting is a useful prognostic indicator for gastric cancer.
  • Shumpei Ohnami, Kazunori Aoki, Kimiko Yoshida, Sumiko Ohnami, Kazuteru Hatanaka, Koichi Suzuki, Hiroki Sasaki, Teruhiko Yoshida
    Biochemical and biophysical research communications 309(4) 798-803 2003年10月3日  査読有り
    The point mutations of the K-ras gene occur in as high as 70-90% of the cases with adenocarcinoma of the pancreas and apparently represent one of the key and early events in the carcinogenesis. However, the specific influence of the K-ras activation on global gene expression profiles in pancreatic cancer cells has not been elucidated. In this study, to promote elucidation of the K-ras-triggered molecular cascade(s) in pancreatic cancer, four pancreatic cancer cell lines with K-ras point mutations were infected with an adenovirus vector expressing an antisense K-ras RNA (AxCA-AS), and the change of gene expression was analyzed by oligonucleotide-based microarrays containing 12,626 genes. Among the genes showing more than 2-fold differences in the expression levels between the control- and antisense-K-ras-transduced cells, 7 genes were commonly up-regulated and 4 genes were commonly down-regulated in three or all of the four pancreatic cancer cell lines transduced with AxCA-AS. The altered gene expression levels observed by microarrays were confirmed by real-time RT-PCR methods. Then, the expression of the 4 down-regulated genes was examined in the untransduced surgical specimens of pancreatic cancer. The G-protein coupled receptor RE2 and phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase had negligible expression levels in all pancreatic cancers, whereas the syntaxin 1A and p120 catenin isoform were significantly up-regulated in pancreatic cancers containing K-ras mutations compared with a pancreatic cancer with wild type K-ras gene. The transcriptional regulation of those genes may be a part of the molecular cascades triggered by K-ras activation leading to the development and/or progression of pancreatic cancer.
  • Shunsuke Ohnishi, Sumiko Ohnami, Friedrich Laub, Kazunori Aoki, Koichi Suzuki, Yae Kanai, Kazunori Haga, Masahiro Asaka, Francesco Ramirez, Teruhiko Yoshida
    Biochemical and biophysical research communications 308(2) 251-6 2003年8月22日  査読有り
    Krüppel-like factors (KLFs) are key transcriptional regulators of cell differentiation and proliferation. Among the KLF family, the expression of KLF4 (GKLF) and KLF5 (IKLF) is highly restricted in the epithelial cells of several organs such as the gut and skin, and it has been reported that these epithelial-type KLF genes may be involved in colon carcinogenesis. Recently we found that Klf4 and Klf5 genes were significantly expressed in the developmental bladder epithelium of mice as well. Therefore, in this report we studied the involvement of the KLF4 and KLF5 genes in bladder carcinogenesis. First, we analyzed the expression of KLF4 and KLF5 in a variety of human bladder cancer cell lines and surgical specimens by RNA blot and in situ hybridization analyses. Both genes were highly expressed in the normal bladder epithelium, whereas KLF4, but not KLF5, was frequently downregulated in bladder cancer cell lines and cancer tissues. We then transduced the KLF4 and KLF5 genes into the bladder cancer cell lines using adenoviral vectors to examine the biological activities of the genes on those cells. The transduction of KLF4, but not KLF5, suppressed cell growth and induced apoptosis. Our study suggests that inactivation of KLF4 is one of the frequent steps towards bladder carcinogenesis.
  • Koichi Suzuki, Kazunori Aoki, Shumpei Ohnami, Kimiko Yoshida, Teruhisa Kazui, Nobuyuki Kato, Kazuaki Inoue, Michinori Kohara, Teruhiko Yoshida
    Biochemical and biophysical research communications 307(4) 814-9 2003年8月8日  査読有り筆頭著者
    Recently we reported that on-site interferon (IFN)-alpha production in the liver using an adenovirus vector can achieve a substantial confinement of IFN-alpha in the target organ and can improve liver fibrosis in a rat liver cirrhosis model. However, the major therapeutic effect of IFN for hepatitis C virus (HCV)-associated liver diseases is its antiviral effect on HCV. As a prelude to the in vivo HCV infection experiment using a primate animal model, here we examined the antiviral effect of IFN-alpha gene transfer into HCV-positive hepatocytes in vitro. The non-neoplastic human hepatocyte cell line PH5CH8 was inoculated with HCV-positive serum. Successful in vitro HCV replication and thus the validity of this model was confirmed by a strong selection for HCV variants determined by sequence analysis of the hypervariable region and an increase of HCV RNA estimated by real time TaqMan RT-PCR. One day after the inoculation of HCV, PH5CH8 cells were infected with adenoviral vectors encoding human IFN-alpha cDNA. HCV completely disappeared 9 days after the adenoviral infection, which is linked to the increase of 2('),5(')-oligoadenylate synthetase activity, suggesting that IFN-alpha produced by gene transfer effectively inhibits HCV replication in hepatocytes. This study supports the development of IFN-alpha gene therapy for HCV-associated liver diseases.
  • K Suzuki, K Aoki, S Ohnami, K Yoshida, T Kazui, N Kato, K Inoue, M Kohara, T Yoshida
    Gene therapy 10(9) 765-73 2003年5月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Several lines of evidence suggest that interferon (IFN)-alpha is effective in suppression of liver cirrhosis (LC) as well as hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, which is a major cause of LC in Japan. However, IFN-alpha often causes systemic toxicity such as flu-like symptoms, which precludes the IFN-alpha dose escalation required for clinical efficacy. Since IFN-alpha is rapidly degraded in the blood circulation, only a small amount of subcutaneously injected IFN-alpha protein can reach the target organ, the liver. It is expected that on-site IFN-alpha production in the liver overcomes the limitation of the conventional parenteral IFN-alpha administration. An adenovirus vector expressing the rat IFN-alpha gene (AxCA-rIFN) was injected intravenously into rats with dimethylnitrosamine-induced LC. While the subcutaneous IFN-alpha protein injection led to a transient elevation of the cytokine both in the liver and serum, the vector-mediated IFN-alpha gene transduction induced a significant amount of IFN-alpha detected in the liver but not in the serum. The injection of AxCA-rIFN prevented the progression of the rat LC, and improved the survival rate of the treated rats. Although no significant toxicity was noted in the animals, we showed that IFN-alpha gene expression in the liver can be efficiently downregulated by the Cre/loxP-mediated shut-off system, in case the IFN-alpha overdose becomes a problem. The study suggested for the first time the advantage and feasibility of IFN-alpha gene therapy for LC.
  • Koichi Suzuki, Tomoko Dai, Ikuko Suzuki, Yuichi Dai, Kentaro Yamashita, Manuel Perucho
    Cancer research 62(7) 1961-5 2002年4月1日  査読有り筆頭著者
    Frameshifts in short mononucleotide tracts (SMT) in genes, such as TGFbetaRII and BAX, are common in gastrointestinal tumors of the microsatellite mutator phenotype (MMP). The significance of less common mutations has been recently challenged because frequencies as high as 50% were reported in some noncoding SMTs in MMP colon cancer cell lines (L. Zhang, et al., Cancer Res., 61: 3801-3805, 2001). We did not confirm these findings after examining >50 MMP gastrointestinal cancers for mutations in eight SMT loci with the highest reported frequencies. In three of these loci, no clonal mutations were detected, and they were infrequent (2.9-6.7%) in the other five. Length polymorphisms are frequent (25.7-43.9%) in one-half of these SMTs, suggesting an explanation for the discrepancy. Because of the peculiar features of MMP tumors, low prevalence of mutations in cancer genes may not be a disqualifying criterion for their functionality.
  • K Suzuki, T Kazui, M Yoshida, T Uno, T Kobayashi, T Kimura, T Yoshida, H Sugimura
    Japanese journal of clinical oncology 29(7) 323-31 1999年7月  査読有り筆頭著者
    BACKGROUND: Chemotherapeutic management of breast cancers is a difficult task as they show significant differences in chemosensitivity. The present study was undertaken to determine the usefulness of the apoptosis-related factors as indicators of tumor sensitivity to 5'-deoxyfluorouridine (5'-DFUR) in breast cancers. METHODS: (1) Forty-six breast cancer patients were randomly assigned to a group in which oral 5'-DFUR (1200 mg/day) was administered for more than 5 days before operation (24 patients) and a control group who received no preoperative chemotherapy (22 patients). Surgical specimens were examined for the frequency of apoptotic cells [apoptotic index (AI)] by a terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated deoxyuridine triphosphate nick end labeling method and for the expression of p53, BCL-2 and BAX by immunohistochemical staining. (2) Normal human diploid fetal lung fibroblast, IMR90 and SV40 transformed IMR90 were exposed to 5-FU. Apoptotic cells were detected by flow cytometry and BCL-2 and BAX mRNAs by real-time quantitative RT-PCR analysis. RESULTS: (1) No significant difference in the AIs or in BCL-2 and BAX scores was observed between the 5'-DFUR-treated and control groups. However, in the p53 negative subgroup (n = 36), AI and BAX scores were higher and BCL-2 scores lower in the 5'-DFUR group than in the control group (P = 0.006, 0.008 and 0.050, respectively). (2) The sensitivity of IMR90 was significantly decreased by SV40 transformation and the 5-FU-induced cytotoxicity was mainly due to induction of apoptosis. The BCL-2/BAX mRNA ratio was decreased in response to 5-FU in IMR90. These results correlated with our clinical data. CONCLUSIONS: Preoperative treatment with 5'-DFUR induced apoptosis and changes in BCL-2 and BAX expression in p53 negative breast cancers. p53 status, AI and the BCL-2/BAX ratio may be useful information for the choice of postoperative chemotherapy for breast cancer.
  • T Uno, T Kazui, Y Suzuki, H Hashimoto, K Suzuki, B A Muhammad
    Lipids 34(3) 249-54 1999年3月  査読有り
    We developed an oleic acid oil-in-water (o/w)-type emulsion of a new tacrolimus formulation that presented an improvement in the delivery of the drug for oral absorption. This investigation was undertaken to assess a sustained release drug delivery system and selective drug transfer into the lymphatic system. The whole blood concentration profiles after oral administration at a dose of 2 mg/kg and bone marrow, spleen, liver, lung, small intestine, kidney, brain, and whole blood distribution after oral administration at a dose of 1 mg/kg of o/w emulsion formulation of tacrolimus (O/W group) were compared with those of commercially available formulation (T group) in the rat. The mean diameter of the o/w emulsion droplets was 0.47 microm immediately after preparation. The tacrolimus entrapping efficiency of o/w emulsion was 71.3+/-5.0% in 12 h and did not change for 2 d. The area under the whole blood concentration-time curve (AUC) in the O/W group was significantly higher (P<0.01) than that in the T group. In contrast, the values of constant elimination rate and total clearance in the O/W group were significantly lower (P<0.01) than those in the T group, with a comparative bioavailability of 115.9%. The tissue concentration of tacrolimus in the O/W group was significantly higher levels in the bone marrow, spleen, liver, lung, and small intestine, and significantly lower in the brain and kidney, relative to the T group. The o/w emulsion of tacrolimus may be an improved dosage form via the enteral route.





