
馬場 勝尚

ババ カツヒサ  (Katsuhisa Baba)


自治医科大学 外科学講座小児外科部門 助教







  • Yoshiko Usui, Shigeru Ono, Katsuhisa Baba, Yuki Tsuji
    Pediatric Surgery International 34(10) 1035-1040 2018年10月1日  
    Purpose: Congenital tracheal stenosis (CTS) is rare and challenging. Complete tracheal rings cause a wide spectrum of airway-obstructing lesions and varying degrees of respiratory distress. Although surgical reconstruction is the primary option for symptomatic CTS, sometimes an appropriate management strategy may be difficult due to other anomalies. We aimed to identify pitfalls in the management of CTS. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the records of patients with CTS during the last 10 years in our institution. Results: Sixteen pediatric patients were diagnosed with CTS. Of the 16 patients, 12 (75.0%) had cardiovascular anomalies including seven left pulmonary artery sling. Six patients with dyspnoea caused by CTS and three patients with difficult intubations due to CTS underwent tracheoplasty. Four patients underwent only cardiovascular surgery without tracheoplasty. Three asymptomatic patients were followed up without undergoing any surgical procedure. We repeatedly discussed management of four patients with especially complex pathophysiology at multidisciplinary meetings. Right ventricular outflow tract obstruction, tracheobronchial malacia, increased pulmonary blood flow, and pulmonary aspiration due to gastroesophageal reflux presumably accounted for their severe respiratory distress, and we forewent their tracheal reconstruction. Conclusion: The management of CTS should be individualized, and conservative management is a feasible option in selected cases.
  • 薄井 佳子, 小野 滋, 馬場 勝尚, 辻 由貴, 若尾 純子, 關根 沙知, 堀内 俊男, 眞田 幸弘, 水田 耕一
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 118回 1994-1994 2018年4月  
  • Insu Kawahara, Shigeru Ono, Katsuhisa Baba, Atsuhisa Fukuta, Yuki Tsuji, Yoshiko Usui, Taiju Hyuga, Shina Kawai, Shigeru Nakamura, Hideo Nakai
    Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports 3(2) 75-78 2015年  
    Covered cloacal exstrophy (CCE) is extremely rare condition. In patients with a single perineal orifice and no pubic bone separation, it is very difficult to suspect and/or diagnose CCE based on external signs alone. We present the case of a 2-month-old girl diagnosed with CCE based on cystography, ileostomy contrast study and cystoscopy.
  • 福田 篤久, 小野 滋, 馬場 勝尚, 薄井 佳子, 辻 由貴, 河原 仁守
    日本小児外科学会雑誌 51(6) 1042-1047 2015年  
    【目的】当科では小児急性虫垂炎に対し,保存的治療を第一選択としている.今回,我々の治療経験から小児急性虫垂炎に対する保存的治療の適応および限界について検討した.<br>【方法】2012 年1 月から2014 年8 月までに急性虫垂炎の診断で入院し抗菌薬を用いた保存的治療を行った53 症例を対象とし,保存的治療奏効群と保存的治療抵抗群に分けて比較検討した.<br>【結果】53 例中,奏効群は36 例,抵抗群は17 例.入院時体温は奏効群が37.4±0.7°C,抵抗群が38.2±0.8°C で抵抗群において高かった(p=0.01).入院時血液検査所見では,CRP が奏効群1.4±1.7 mg/dl,抵抗群9.7±7.0 mg/dl と,抵抗群で高値であった(p<0.01).画像所見では,虫垂最大径が奏効群8.4±2.7 mm,抵抗群11.3±2.5 mm と抵抗群で有意に腫大していた(p<0.01).糞石は奏効群の16.7%(6/36 例),抵抗群の76.5%(13/17 例)に認めていた(p<0.01).治療開始後24 から48 時間での白血球数は奏効群6,988.9±2,884.8/μl,抵抗群11,741.2±3,845/μl と,抵抗群で高値であった(p<0.01).再発率は奏効群8.3%に対し,抵抗群では36.4%と高率であった(p=0.042).治療開始から48 時間での2 群のカットオフ値は,白血球数9,650.0/μl,CRP 値が6.67 mg/dl と推定された.<br>【結論】治療後48 時間において白血球数が9,650.0/μl またはCRP 値が6.67 mg/dl を超える症例では早期の外科治療を検討すべきである.
  • Yuki Tsuji, Kosaku Maeda, Shigeru Ono, Satohiko Yanagisawa, Katsuhisa Baba, Yoshiko Usui
    JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY 49(11) 1605-1609 2014年11月  査読有り
    Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the use of a transumbilical incision for infants and children, as well as neonates, with various intraabdominal conditions. Methods: A retrospective study of transumbilical incision surgery was performed between June 2007 and June 2013. Patients were divided into two groups: group 1 of neonates and group 2 of infants and children. All operations were performed via an upper circumumbilical incision. Results: Thirty-six patients (22 males, 14 females) were treated via a transumbilical incision, with 20 patients in group 1 and 16 patients in group 2. A transverse incision extension was needed for 1 case in group 1 (intestinal atresia complicated by meconium peritonitis) and 4 cases in group 2 (two with ileus owing to adhesive bands, 1 with malrotation, 1 with ectopic pancreatic tissue in the duodenum). In cases with a dilated intestinal wall or intraabdominal adhesions, an optional extension of the transverse incision might be required. Only 1 case with ileus in group 2 developed a wound infection that was treated by drainage. The postoperative cosmetic results were acceptable in all cases. Conclusion: The transumbilical incision yielded a sufficiently large surgical field, and the surgical condition was easily and directly viewed. In all 36 cases, an adequate operation was safely performed. This approach is a safe and effective method for various intraabdominal disorders in not only neonates but also infants and children, and leads to an imperceptible incision. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Insu Kawahara, Kosaku Maeda, Shigeru Ono, Hiroshi Kawashima, Ryoichi Deie, Satohiko Yanagisawa, Katsuhisa Baba, Yoshiko Usui, Yuki Tsuji, Atsuhisa Fukuta, Sachi Sekine
    PEDIATRIC SURGERY INTERNATIONAL 30(9) 951-956 2014年9月  査読有り
    Nonoperative management is acceptable treatment for minor pancreatic injuries. However, management of major pancreatic duct injury in children remains controversial. We present our experience in treating isolated pancreatic duct injury. We describe the cases of three male patients treated for complete pancreatic duct disruption in the past 5 years at our institution. We performed pancreatic duct repair to avoid distal pancreatectomy and to maintain normal pancreatic function. All patients underwent enhanced computed tomography and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in the early period. The injuries were classified as grade III according to the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma classification. In two cases, we performed end-to-end anastomosis of the pancreatic duct during the delayed period. In the third case, we placed a stent across the disruption to the distal pancreatic duct. The patients' postoperative courses were uneventful, and the average hospitalization was 25.6 days after the procedure. At a median follow-up of 36 months (range 14-54 months), all patients remain asymptomatic, with normal pancreatic function, but with persistent distal pancreatic duct dilatation. We suggest that distal pancreatectomy should not be routinely performed in patients with isolated pancreatic duct injury.
  • Shigeru Ono, Yuki Tsuji, Katsuhisa Baba, Yoshiko Usui, Satohiko Yanagisawa, Kosaku Maeda
    SURGERY TODAY 44(6) 1184-1187 2014年6月  査読有り
    The optimal management of microcystic lymphatic malformations (LMs) in children has not been established. We describe how we used the Ligasure (TM) Vessel Sealing System (LVSS) to achieve partial resection of refractory microcystic LMs in a 1-year-old boy. The child was admitted in respiratory distress caused by infection and swelling of cervical LMs. The LMs had been diagnosed prenatally, but had not decreased in size despite three treatments with OK-432 sclerotherapy. We performed direct dissection of the microcystic LMs using the LVSS with minimal intraoperative blood loss or lymphatic leakage. The LMs were resected as completely as possible without damage to the jugular vein or major nerves. His postoperative course was uneventful. Histological examination revealed complete sealing of the lymphovascular channels with obliterated lumens. Resection using the LVSS is effective and easy to perform for partial resection of microcystic LMs. We recommend the combination of initial OK-432 injection therapy and subsequent partial resection using the LVSS for refractory microcystic LMs.
  • 薄井佳子, 前田貢作, 小野滋, 柳澤智彦, 馬場勝尚, 辻由貴
    日本小児外科学会雑誌 50(2) 223-225 2014年4月20日  
  • Shigeru Ono, Kosaku Maeda, Katsuhisa Baba, Yoshiko Usui, Yuki Tsuji, Insu Kawahara, Atsuhisa Fukuta, Sachi Sekine
    Pediatric Surgery International 30(9) 957-960 2014年  
    Neonates with congenital tracheal stenosis (CTS) sometimes develop respiratory distress and may be difficult to intubate. We used balloon tracheoplasty with a rigid bronchoscope for emergency airway management in neonates with symptomatic CTS. Herein, we describe the balloon tracheoplasty procedure and the early outcomes following its use as the initial treatment of neonatal symptomatic CTS. We performed a retrospective analysis of five neonates with CTS who were initially treated with balloon tracheoplasty at our institution from January 2010 to December 2013. Five patients with a mean birthweight of 2,117 g were treated during the study period. Of these, four developed respiratory distress after birth, and all patients had difficult intubations. In all five patients, definitive diagnosis of CTS was made by rigid bronchoscopy and 3-dimensional reconstruction scan. A total of nine balloon dilatations were performed in five patients. Following balloon tracheoplasty, two patients were extubated, one was extubated after resection and end-to-end anastomosis following initial balloon dilatation, and one remained hospitalized with tracheostomy for tracheomalacia. The remaining patient died from tracheal bleeding associated with congenital heart disease. Although our sample size was small, balloon tracheoplasty is a potentially effective initial treatment for selected cases with neonatal symptomatic CTS. © 2014 Springer-Verlag.
  • 小川美織, 前田貢作, 小野滋, 柳澤智彦, 薄井佳子, 馬場勝尚, 辻由貴
    日本小児外科学会雑誌 49(7) 1244-1247 2013年12月20日  
  • Ono S, Maeda K, Baba K, Usui Y, Tsuji Y, Yano T, Hatanaka W, Yamamoto H
    Pediatric surgery international 29(11) 1103-1107 2013年11月  査読有り
  • Kosaku Maeda, Shigeru Ono, Katsuhisa Baba, Insu Kawahara
    Pediatric Surgery International 29(10) 1019-1022 2013年10月  査読有り
    Blunt trauma to the abdomen accounts for the majority of abdominal injuries in children. Pancreatic injury is the fourth most common solid organ injury, following injuries to the spleen, liver and kidneys. The most common complications are the formation of pancreatic fistulae, pancreatitis and the development of pancreatic pseudocysts, which usually present several weeks after injury. The nonoperative management of minor pancreatic injury is well accepted however, the treatment of more serious pancreatic injuries with capsular, ductal or parenchymal disruption in pediatric patients remains controversial. Based on the data presented in this literature review, although children with pancreatic injuries (without ductal disruption) do not appear to suffer increased morbidity following conservative management, patients with ductal disruption may benefit from operative intervention. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Kosaku Maeda, Shigeru Ono, Katsuhisa Baba
    PEDIATRIC SURGERY INTERNATIONAL 29(10) 1001-1006 2013年10月  査読有り
    Although many advances have improved the treatment of congenital and acquired laryngotracheal stenosis in children over the past two decades, the therapeutic decision-making process remains challenging for pediatric surgeons and otolaryngologists. Severe subglottic stenosis is a complex laryngeal injury that necessitates multiple airway procedures, and the approach depends on the exact nature of the cicatricial lesion and its effect on the vocal cord mobility. Therefore, it is imperative that the pediatric surgeons and otolaryngologists dealing with this situation should be well trained in endoscopy and laser treatment, in addition to open surgical intervention. Open re-do surgery remains the best choice in cases of severe congenital stenosis, glottic immobility, or after two to three endoscopic procedures have been performed without any significant improvement.
  • 前田貢作, 小野滋, 馬場勝尚, 河原仁守, 福田篤久
    小児外科 45(9) 977-982 2013年9月25日  
  • 前田貢作, 小野滋, 馬場勝尚, 河原仁守
    小児外科 45(5) 506-511 2013年5月25日  
  • 馬場 勝尚, 前田 貢作, 田附 裕子, 辻 由貴, 薄井 佳子, 柳澤 智彦, 小野 滋
    日本小児外科学会雑誌 49(1) 136-136 2013年2月  
  • 横井 暁子, 馬場 勝尚, 洲尾 昌伍, 園田 真理, 谷本 光隆, 荒井 洋志, 尾藤 祐子, 中尾 真, 西島 栄治
    日本小児外科学会雑誌 49(1) 146-147 2013年2月  
  • Kosaku Maeda, Shigeru Ono, Yuko Tazuke, Katsuhisa Baba
    Journal of pediatric surgery 48(2) 293-6 2013年2月  
    AIM: Congenital tracheal stenosis is an obstructive airway lesion that often presents as a life-threatening emergency. We had introduced the balloon dilatation and placement of the expandable metallic airway stent as a therapeutic option, and this study aimed to clarify the long-term outcomes in pediatric patients. METHODS: A retrospective review of five infants in whom balloon expandable metallic airway stents (10-40 mm long and 6-8mm in diameter) were inserted in 1997 to 2000 was conducted. RESULTS: There was an immediate improvement of respiratory obstruction in all five infants (aged 7 days to 12 months) with four weaned from ventilation. One child died after 9 months of palliative treatment. In all inflammation and granulation tissue developed over the stents, but this could be managed by scraping or balloon compression. Metallic stents have been in place a mean of 12 years (range 6 months to 13 years) after insertion without other complications. Four children are alive and well with their stents in place. Recently, an attempt to remove the stent was done in two patients who showed dyspnea on exertion. They underwent tracheoplasty following successful complete removal of metallic stent using cardiopulmonary bypass. CONCLUSION: Use of expandable metallic airway stents following balloon dilatation can be left for long periods to relieve tracheal obstruction. Development of granulation tissue is a major treatable complication. Removal of the stent was safely completed by open surgical intervention using a cardiopulmonary bypass. The airway stent may provide an important therapeutic option in selected cases with congenital tracheal stenosis.
  • 前田貢作, 小野滋, 馬場勝尚
    小児科学レクチャー 3(1) 189-192 2013年1月17日  
  • 安福正男, 久野克也, 馬場勝尚, 大西徳子, 小林光郎, 米谷昌彦, 坂元登
    小児外科 44(12) 1185-1190 2012年12月25日  
  • Satohiko Yanagisawa, Kosaku Maeda, Yuko Tazuke, Katsuhisa Baba, Yuki Tuji, Insu Kawahara, Tomokazu Nakagami
    Journal of pediatric surgery 47(12) 2327-31 2012年12月  
    Intrapericardial extralobar pulmonary sequestration is a very rare congenital lung anomaly. We report a case of this condition, detected as an intrathoracic cystic lesion by using prenatal ultrasonography. The neonate was born at 38 weeks of gestation with no progression of the lesion and no respiratory or cardiac symptoms. Ultrasonography and computed tomography (CT) revealed a 40 × 17 × 17-mm intrapericardial lesion, composed of cystic components and a solid component. Intrapericardial extrapulmonary sequestration was suspected largely because CT showed a vague aberrant artery. At the age of 3 months, elective surgery was performed, and the postoperative course was uneventful.
  • 田附裕子, 前田貢作, 辻由貴, 馬場勝尚, 柳沢智彦
    小児外科 44(10) 970-973 2012年10月25日  
  • 荒井 洋志, 洲尾 昌伍, 園田 真理, 田村 亮, 馬場 勝尚, 岡本 光正, 橘木 由美子, 尾藤 祐子, 中尾 真, 横井 暁子, 西島 栄治
    日本小児外科学会雑誌 48(4) 796-796 2012年  
  • 園田 真理, 洲尾 昌伍, 田村 亮, 馬場 勝尚, 橘木 由美子, 岡本 光正, 荒井 洋志, 尾藤 祐子, 中尾 真, 横井 暁子, 西島 栄治
    日本小児外科学会雑誌 48(4) 795-795 2012年  
  • 前田貢作, 田附裕子, 馬場勝尚, 高野洋一, 柳澤智彦, 辻由貴, 久保田仁守
    小児外科 43(12) 1327-1331 2011年12月25日  
    症例1:3ヵ月女児。胎児MRIで右肺上部肺側に多房性嚢胞を認め、congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation of the lung(CCAM)I型が疑われた。出生後嚢胞の縮小傾向はなく、生後3ヵ月時に右上葉切除を行った。症例2:1歳2ヵ月女児。出生後の胸部CTで左上葉に多発する小嚢胞を認め、無症状のため体重が10kgを超えた時点で区域切除を施行し、病理所見はCCAM II型であった。症例3:3歳男児。生後2ヵ月のCTで右肺の下葉に多発小嚢胞を認め、無症状で経過したが病変に変化がなく、3歳時に区域切除を行い、病理所見はCCAM III型であった。症例4:6歳男児。生後3ヵ月時のCTで右肺葉外肺分画症と診断し、経過観察で症状はなく胸部陰影の変化もなかったが、希望により6歳時に摘出術を施行した。症例5:13歳女児。肺炎の治療中にCTで右下葉に多発した嚢胞を認めてCCAMと診断し、夏休みを利用して嚢胞部分の区域切除を行った。5例とも術後経過順調である。
  • 柳澤智彦, 前田貢作, 田附裕子, 馬場勝尚, 中神智和, 辻由貴, 久保田仁守, 河田政明
    小児外科 43(12) 1299-1302 2011年12月25日  
  • 田附裕子, 前田貢作, 辻由貴, 柳澤智彦, 馬場勝尚, 高橋尚人, 矢田ゆかり, 小池泰敬, 桑田知之, 松原茂樹
    日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌 47(4) 816-818 2011年12月20日  
  • 馬場勝尚, 前田貢作, 辻由貴, 中神智明, 柳澤智彦, 田附裕子
    小児外科 43(9) 955-958 2011年9月25日  
  • 別井広幸, 森雅人, 横森欣司, 大植孝治, 馬場勝尚, 桃井眞里子
    小児科診療 74(8) 1247-1250 2011年8月1日  
  • 田附 裕子, 前田 貢作, 馬場 勝尚, 柳澤 智彦, 辻 由貴
    日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌 47(2) 302-302 2011年6月  
  • 田附 裕子, 前田 貢作, 馬場 勝尚, 柳澤 智彦, 中神 智和, 辻 由貴
    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌 15(7) 573-573 2010年10月  
  • 前田 貢作, 田附 裕子, 馬場 勝尚, 辻 由貴
    日本小児外科学会雑誌 46(3) 429-429 2010年  
  • Maeda Kosaku, Tazuke Yuko, Baba Katsuhisa, Tsuji Yuki
    日本小児外科学会雑誌 46(3) 475-475 2010年  



