
金澤 丈治

カナザワ タケハル  (Takeharu Kanazawa)


自治医科大学 附属病院 耳鼻咽喉科 教授




  • 早乙女 泰伴, 尾崎 千宝, 丸茂 晴香, 赤木 祐介, 片平 信行, 金澤 丈治, 國枝 千嘉子, 駒澤 大吾, 鈴木 猛司, 中村 一博, 松島 康二, 渡邊 雄介
    音声言語医学 57(1) 105-105 2016年1月  
  • Takeharu Kanazawa, Daigo Komazawa, Kanako Indo, Yusuke Akagi, Yogaku Lee, Kazuhiro Nakamura, Koji Matsushima, Chikako Kunieda, Kiyoshi Misawa, Hiroshi Nishino, Yusuke Watanabe
    LARYNGOSCOPE 125(10) E338-E344 2015年10月  査読有り
    Objectives/Hypothesis: Severe vocal fold lesions such as vocal fold sulcus, scars, and atrophy induce a communication disorder due to severe hoarseness, but a treatment has not been established. Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) therapies by either four-time repeated local injections or regenerative surgery for vocal fold scar and sulcus have previously been reported, and favorable outcomes have been observed. In this study, we modified bFGF therapy using a single of bFGF injection, which may potentially be used in office procedures. Study Design: Retrospective chart review. Methods: Five cases of vocal fold sulcus, six cases of scars, seven cases of paralysis, and 17 cases of atrophy were treated by a local injection of bFGF. The injection regimen involved injecting 50 mu g of bFGF dissolved in 0.5 mL saline only once into the superficial lamina propria using a 23-gauge injection needle. Two months to 3 months after the injection, phonological outcomes were evaluated. Results: The maximum phonation time (MPT), mean airflow rate, pitch range, speech fundamental frequency, jitter, and voice handicap index improved significantly after the bFGF injection. Furthermore, improvement in the MPT was significantly greater in patients with (in increasing order) vocal fold atrophy, scar, and paralysis. The improvement in the MPT among all patients was significantly correlated with age; the MPT improved more greatly in younger patients. Conclusions: Regenerative treatments by bFGF injection even a single injection effectively improve vocal function in vocal fold lesions.
  • Chikako Kunieda, Takeharu Kanazawa, Daigo Komazawa, Yougaku Ree, Kanako Indo, Yusuke Akagi, Kazuhiro Nakamura, Koji Matsushima, Takeshi Suzuki, Yusuke Watanabe
    Journal of Otolaryngology of Japan 118(10) 1212-1219 2015年10月1日  査読有り
    When we operate on a vocal polyp or a vocal nodule with laryngeal microscopy, we always carefully measure their length and width then multiply the length by the width to get the area. We examined whether there is a correlation between the area of these lesions and the acoustic analysis of voice. Before the surgery and one month post-operation, we checked five acoustic parameters, maximum phonation time (MPT), range of voice, mean air flow rate (MFR) and acoustic analyses (jitter% and shimmer%). By doing this, we could arrive at the improvement rate of each of the five acoustic parameters. We examined whether there was a correlation between the lesion area and acoustic parameters before surgery and the improvement rates of these acoustic parameters. Examinations of polyps showed a correlation between the size and range of voice and Jitter% pre-operation, and showed a correlation between the size and improvement rate of range of voice, MFR, Jitter% and Shimmer post-operation. On the other hand, examination of nodules showed a correlation only between the size and range of voice pre-operation. Next we examined the correlation between the size and these acoustic parameters in the Elite vocal performer (EVP) group and extra EVP group. In the examinations of polyps, the EVP group showed a lower correlation between the size and acoustic parameters than in the extra EVP group. On the other hand, in the examinations of nodules, correlation between the size and acoustic parameters was low in both the EVP and extra EVP group.
  • Takeharu Kanazawa, Kiyoshi Misawa, Yuki Misawa, Takayuki Uehara, Hirofumi Fukushima, Gen Kusaka, Mikiko Maruta, Thomas E. Carey
    TOXINS 7(8) 2959-2984 2015年8月  査読有り
    Therapeutic outcome in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is poor in most advanced cases. To improve therapeutic efficiency, novel therapeutic targets and prognostic factors must be discovered. Our studies have identified several G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) as promising candidates. Significant epigenetic silencing of GPCR expression occurs in HNSCC compared with normal tissue, and is significantly correlated with clinical behavior. Together with the finding that GPCR activity can suppress tumor cell growth, this indicates that GPCR expression has potential utility as a prognostic factor. In this review, we discuss the roles that galanin receptor type 1 (GALR1) and type 2 (GALR2), tachykinin receptor type 1 (TACR1), and somatostatin receptor type 1 (SST1) play in HNSCC. GALR1 inhibits proliferation of HNSCC cells though ERK1/2-mediated effects on cell cycle control proteins such as p27, p57, and cyclin D1, whereas GALR2 inhibits cell proliferation and induces apoptosis in HNSCC cells. Hypermethylation of GALR1, GALR2, TACR1, and SST1 is associated with significantly reduced disease-free survival and a higher recurrence rate. Although their overall activities varies, each of these GPCRs has value as both a prognostic factor and a therapeutic target. These data indicate that further study of GPCRs is a promising strategy that will enrich pharmacogenomics and prognostic research in HNSCC.
  • 金澤 丈治, 駒澤 大吾, 印藤 加奈子, 赤木 祐介, 中村 一博, 國枝 千嘉子, 西野 宏, 渡邊 雄介
    耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊 (補冊142) 85-85 2015年6月  
  • Kiyoshi Misawa, Yuki Misawa, Haruki Kondo, Daiki Mochizuki, Atsushi Imai, Hirofumi Fukushima, Takayuki Uehara, Takeharu Kanazawa, Hiroyuki Mineta
    PLOS ONE 10(3) e0118588 2015年3月  査読有り
    Purpose The aim of this study was to define somatostatin (SST) and somatostatin receptor type 1 (SSTR1) methylation profiles for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) tumors at diagnosis and follow up and to evaluate their prognostic significance and value as a biomarker. Methods Gene expression was measured by quantitative RT-PCR. Promoter methylation status was determined by quantitative methylation-specific PCR (Q-MSP) in HNSCC. Results Methylation was associated with transcription inhibition. SST methylation in 81% of HNSCC tumor specimens significantly correlated with tumor size (P = 0.043), stage (P = 0.008), galanin receptor type 2 (GALR2) methylation (P = 0.041), and tachykinin-1 (TAC1) (P = 0.040). SSTR1 hypermethylation in 64% of cases was correlated with tumor size (P = 0.037), stage (P = 0.037), SST methylation (P < 0.001), and expression of galanin (P = 0.03), GALR2 (P = 0.014), TAC1 (P = 0.023), and tachykinin receptor type 1 (TACR1) (P = 0.003). SST and SSTR1 promoter hypermethylation showed highly discriminating receiver operator characteristic curve profiles, which clearly distinguished HNSCC from adjacent normal mucosal tissues. Concurrent hypermethylation of galanin and SSTR1 promoters correlated with reduced disease-free survival (log-rank test, P = 0.0001). Among patients with oral cavity and oropharynx cancer, methylation of both SST and SSTR1 promoters correlated with reduced disease-free survival (log-rank test, P = 0.028). In multivariate logistic-regression analysis, concomitant methylation of galanin and SSTR1 was associated with an odds ratio for recurrence of 12.53 ( 95% CI, 2.62 to 59.8; P = 0.002). Conclusions CpG hypermethylation is a likely mechanism of SST and SSTR1 gene inactivation, supporting the hypothesis that SST and SSTR1 play a role in the tumorigenesis of HNSCC and that this hypermethylation may serve as an important biomarker.
  • Takeharu Kanazawa, Kozue Kodama, Mitsuhiro Nokubi, Kazuo Gotsu, Akihiro Shinnabe, Masayo Hasegawa, Gen Kusaka, Yukiko Iino
    ENT-EAR NOSE & THROAT JOURNAL 94(3) 117-119 2015年3月  査読有り
    Solitary fibrous tumor (SFT) is a distinctive, relatively uncommon soft-tissue neoplasm that usually arises from the pleura. It occurs at various sites; head and neck lesions are very rare. While most of these tumors have a benign course, a small number have malignant potential. We describe a rare case of SFT arising from the left palatine tonsil in a 66-year-old Japanese woman. The mass was completely resected. Immunohistochemical studies were strongly positive for CD34 and bcl-2, mildly positive for phosphorylated protein kinase B and phosphorylated extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2, and negative for platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha and p53. These findings suggested that this tumor was benign. The patient showed no evidence of recurrence during 2 years of follow-up. We believe that the candidate prognostic marker should be checked to distinguish malignant from benign SFTs.
  • Imayoshi S, Kanazawa T, Fukushima N, Kikuchi H, Hasegawa M, Nagatomo T, Nishino H
    Case reports in otolaryngology 2015 846832-846832 2015年  査読有り
  • Takeharu Kanazawa, Kazumi Kawada, Takafumi Nagatomo, Hiroshi Nishino, Shunsuke Endo, Keiichi Ichimura
    Japanese Journal of Head and Neck Cancer 40(3) 349-355 2014年10月31日  査読有り
    Thyroid cancer is a well-differentiated cancer with favorable prognosis among the malignant tumors of the head and neck. However, extension into the mediastinum is observed in rare cases. Although there is a risk of fatal complications associated with the respiratory tract in such cases, increased surgical stress after sternotomy is predicted to cause frequent postoperative complications. Moreover, clear standards for operability have not yet been established. Therefore, in order to obtain findings related to operability and operative procedure, we focused on cases that differed greatly in operability and procedure based on the time when the operations were performed. We conducted a comparative examination of six cases in the 1980s (early cases) and four recent cases (late cases) in which sternotomy was performed at our department. The cases were compared in terms of the following: (1) background factors and extent of spread, (2) operative procedure, (3) postoperative complications, and (4) treatment outcomes. In the early cases, radical mediastinal dissection was performed aggressively for extensive spreading, including undifferentiated cancers (poorly differentiated cancer and squamous cell carcinoma) and papillary cancer further, the operative procedure was radical. On the other hand, in the late cases, radical mediastinal dissection was performed only for papillary cancer further, resection of the trachea and esophagus was conservative. Thus, patients in the late cases were discharged without any postoperative complications, and all patients survived. Therefore, it is considered that radical mediastinal dissection by sternotomy should be considered only in cases of mediastinal extension of differentiated thyroid cancer, where only few adjacent organs need to be resected.
  • Takeharu Kanazawa, Kiyoshi Misawa, Yuki Misawa, Mikiko Maruta, Takayuki Uehara, Kazumi Kawada, Takafumi Nagatomo, Keiichi Ichimura
    MOLECULAR MEDICINE REPORTS 10(3) 1289-1294 2014年9月  査読有り
    Galanin and its receptors, GALR1 and GALR2, are tumor suppressors and represent therapeutic targets in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). In the present study, it was demonstrated that the re-expression of GALR1 in GALR1 and GALR2-negative HNSCC cells suppresses tumor cell proliferation. This is mediated via extracellular-regulated protein kinase-1/2 (ERK1/2)-dependent effects on the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors (CKI) and cyclin D1. In combination with galanin, GALR2 also suppressed proliferation by increasing CKI and decreasing cyclin D1 levels. In contrast to GALR1, overexpression of GALR2 also induced caspase-3-dependent apoptosis. It was identified that in GALR2-transfected cells, galanin induced activation of ERK1/2 and suppressed cell proliferation. Galanin stimulation also decreased the expression of cyclin D1 and induced apoptotic DNA ladder formation in GALR2-transfected cells. Pretreatment with the ERK1/2-specific inhibitor U0126 and pertussis toxin prevented the suppression of cyclin D1 expression, however did not affect DNA ladder formation. In conclusion, GALR2 expression in the presence of galanin exerts antitumor effects via cell cycle arrest and apoptotic pathways, and reactivation of these pathways may have therapeutic benefits in HNSCC..
  • Misawa K, Kanazawa T, Imai A, Endo S, Mochizuki D, Fukushima H, Misawa Y, Mineta H
    Molecular and clinical oncology 2(2) 285-291 2014年3月  査読有り
  • Takeharu Kanazawa, Yusuke Watanabe, Daigo Komazawa, Kanako Indo, Kiyoshi Misawa, Takafumi Nagatomo, Mari Shimada, Yukiko Iino, Keiichi Ichimura
    ACTA OTO-LARYNGOLOGICA 134(2) 193-200 2014年2月  査読有り
    Conclusion: Similar to combined arytenoid adduction and medialization laryngoplasty (i.e. combined surgery) under local anesthesia, general anesthesia by intubation or by the laryngeal mask airway (LMA) method significantly improves phonological outcome. Thus, laryngeal framework surgery under general anesthesia is a promising surgical approach for selected patients with unilateral vocal cord paralysis (UVCP). Objective: The advantages of laryngeal framework surgery under local anesthesia have been described, but no studies exist concerning the difference in phonological outcome of laryngeal framework surgery performed under general anesthesia. To add new information, we retrospectively investigated the phonological outcome of the combined surgery performed under three different anesthesia protocols. Methods: Thirty-nine consecutive patients with severe UVCP underwent the combined surgery under three anesthesia protocols performed by a single surgeon: (1) under general anesthesia by intubation, (2) under general anesthesia using LMA, and (3) under local anesthesia. Results: Under all anesthesia protocols, the vocal cords of most patients could be positioned such that the best vocal outcome could be expected. Statistical analyses demonstrated improved maximum phonation time and mean airflow rate, and grade, roughness, breathiness, asthenia, and strain (GRBAS) scale in all patients, regardless of their anesthesia protocol. Furthermore, of the three protocols, local anesthesia had the shortest operation time.
  • Yuki Misawa, Kiyoshi Misawa, Takeharu Kanazawa, Takayuki Uehara, Shori Endo, Daiki Mochizuki, Takashi Yamatodani, Thomas E. Carey, Hiroyuki Mineta
    CANCER 120(2) 205-213 2014年1月  査読有り
    BACKGROUNDThere is accumulating evidence that galanin receptors (GALRs) may be tumor suppressors in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Promoter methylation status and gene expression were assessed in a large panel of head and neck primary tumors, based on the hypothesis that cytosine-guanine dinucleotide (CpG) hypermethylation might silence the galanin receptor 2 (GALR2) gene. METHODSGALR2 expression was examined in a panel of cell lines by using quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The methylation status of the GALR2 promoter was studied using quantitative methylation-specific PCR (Q-MSP). UM-SCC-1 was stably transfected to express GALR2. RESULTSGALR2 expression was suppressed in UM-SCC cell lines, whereas nonmalignant cell lines exhibited stable expression. GALR2 methylation found in 31 of 100 (31.0%) tumor specimens was significantly correlated with the methylation status of both GALR1 and Galanin. The observed GALR2 promoter hypermethylation was statistically correlated with a decrease in disease-free survival (log-rank test, P=.045). A multivariate logistic-regression analysis revealed a high odds ratio for recurring methylation of GALR2 and the gene pair GALR2 and Galanin, 8.95 (95% confidence interval, 2.29-35.03; P=.024) and 9.05 (95% confidence interval, 1.76-46.50; P=.008), respectively. In addition, exogenous expression of GALR2 suppressed cell proliferation in UM-SCC-1 cells with hypermethylated Galanin and GALR2-proficient cell lines. CONCLUSIONSFrequent promoter hypermethylation in association with prognosis, and growth suppression after re-expression, supports the hypothesis that GALR2 may act to suppress tumor activity. GALR2 is a potentially significant therapeutic target and prognostic factor for this cancer type. Cancer 2014;120:205-213. (c) 2013 American Cancer Society. Frequent promoter hypermethylation in association with prognosis, and growth suppression after re-expression, supports the hypothesis that GALR2 (galanin receptor type 2) may act to suppress tumor activity. GALR2 is a potentially significant therapeutic target and prognostic factor for head and neck cancer.
  • Takayuki Uehara, Takeharu Kanazawa, Hiroaki Mizukami, Ryosuke Uchibori, Tomonori Tsukahara, Masashi Urabe, Akihiro Kume, Kiyoshi Misawa, Thomas E. Carey, Mikio Suzuki, Keiichi Ichimura, Keiya Ozawa
    Cancer Science 105(1) 72-80 2014年1月  査読有り
    Galanin and its receptors, GALR1 and GALR2, are known tumor suppressors and potential therapeutic targets in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Previously, we demonstrated that, in GALR1-expressing HNSCC cells, the addition of galanin suppressed tumor proliferation via upregulation of ERK1/2 and cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors, whereas, in GALR2-expressing cells, the addition of galanin not only suppressed proliferation, but also induced apoptosis. In this study, we first transduced HEp-2 and KB cell lines using a recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV)-green fluorescent protein (GFP) vector and confirmed a high GFP expression rate (&gt 90%) in both cell lines at the standard vector dose. Next, we demonstrated that GALR2 expression in the presence of galanin suppressed cell viability to 40-60% after 72 h in both cell lines. Additionally, the annexin V-positive rate and sub-G0/G1 phase population were significantly elevated in HEp-2 cells (mock vs GALR2: 12.3 vs 25.0% (P &lt 0.01) and 9.1 vs 32.0% (P &lt 0.05), respectively) after 48 h. These changes were also observed in KB cells, although to a lesser extent. Furthermore, in HEp-2 cells, GALR2-mediated apoptosis was caspase-independent, involving downregulation of ERK1/2, followed by induction of the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein, Bim. These results illustrate that transient GALR2 expression in the presence of galanin induces apoptosis via diverse pathways and serves as a platform for suicide gene therapy against HNSCC. © 2013 The Authors.
  • Saito C, Kanazawa T, Yamaguchi T, Nakamura K, Ichimura K
    Case reports in otolaryngology 2014 975151 2014年  査読有り
  • 川田 和己, 西野 宏, 菊池 恒, 長友 孝文, 金澤 丈治, 市村 恵一
    頭頸部外科 24(2) 149-154 2014年  
  • Takayuki Uehara, Takeharu Kanazawa, Hiroaki Mizukami, Ryosuke Uchibori, Tomonori Tsukahara, Masashi Urabe, Akihiro Kume, Kiyoshi Misawa, Thomas E. Carey, Mikio Suzuki, Keiichi Ichimura, Keiya Ozawa
    CANCER SCIENCE 105(1) 72-80 2014年1月  査読有り
    Galanin and its receptors, GALR1 and GALR2, are known tumor suppressors and potential therapeutic targets in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Previously, we demonstrated that, in GALR1-expressing HNSCC cells, the addition of galanin suppressed tumor proliferation via upregulation of ERK1/2 and cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors, whereas, in GALR2-expressing cells, the addition of galanin not only suppressed proliferation, but also induced apoptosis. In this study, we first transduced HEp-2 and KB cell lines using a recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV)-green fluorescent protein (GFP) vector and confirmed a high GFP expression rate (>90%) in both cell lines at the standard vector dose. Next, we demonstrated that GALR2 expression in the presence of galanin suppressed cell viability to 40-60% after 72h in both cell lines. Additionally, the annexin V-positive rate and sub-G0/G1 phase population were significantly elevated in HEp-2 cells (mock vs GALR2: 12.3 vs 25.0% (P < 0.01) and 9.1 vs 32.0% (P < 0.05), respectively) after 48h. These changes were also observed in KB cells, although to a lesser extent. Furthermore, in HEp-2 cells, GALR2-mediated apoptosis was caspase-independent, involving downregulation of ERK1/2, followed by induction of the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein, Bim. These results illustrate that transient GALR2 expression in the presence of galanin induces apoptosis via diverse pathways and serves as a platform for suicide gene therapy against HNSCC.
  • Shingo Matsuzawa, Takeharu Kanazawa, Takehiko Yamaguchi, Hiroshi Nishino, Kazumi Kawada, Keiichi Ichimura
    Head and Neck 35(10) E317-E320 2013年10月  査読有り
    Background: Epithelioid hemangioendotheliomas (EHEs) of the head and neck region are uncommon malignant neoplasms that exhibit various biologic behaviors characteristic of both low- and high-grade malignancy. A subgroup of EHEs identified as "high-risk" EHEs because of their size and mitotic activity is associated with an unfavorable clinical course and poor prognosis. Materials and Results: We describe the treatment of the first and, in terms of size, largest case of high-risk EHE arising from the neck. Despite wide excision, recurrence occurred 9 months after surgery, as had been expected. However, the tumor was found to express both vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and VEGF receptor 2, indicating the potential of anti-VEGF therapy in the treatment of such cases. Conclusion: The finding that a high-risk EHE arising from the head and neck region is characterized by expression of VEGF and its receptor provides further support for the development of targeted molecular therapies. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • Hiroshi Nishino, Minako Takanosawa, Kazumi Kawada, Takeharu Kanazawa, Keiichi Ichimura, Satoru Takahashi, Masanori Nakazawa
    Head and Neck 35(6) 772-778 2013年6月  査読有り
    Background Current goals for the treatment of maxillary sinus carcinoma include the preservation of vision, eating, communication, and appearance, as well as the achievement of a cure. Methods Japanese patients (n = 121) with maxillary sinus carcinoma were analyzed retrospectively. All patients underwent multidisciplinary therapy including minimally invasive resection, 20 Gy irradiation, and intra-arterial infusion of 5-fluorouracil. Results The 5- and 10-year overall survival rates were 73% and 68%, respectively. In 97 patients with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), the 5- and 10-year overall survival rates were 76% and 70%, respectively. All 29 patients with orbital invasion retained the orbital contents, and 21 of these patients demonstrated adequate visual acuity. There were 16 complications, including trismus (5 patients), double vision (5 patients), fistula formation (3 patients), and cataract (3 patients). Conclusion A multidisciplinary therapy, consisting of minimally invasive resection, irradiation, and regional chemotherapy, can yield good patient prognosis and quality of life after treatment. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • Nobuko Makino, Seiji Madoiwa, Tsukasa Ohmori, Kazuo Katoh, Shigeo Ookawara, Takeharu Kanazawa, Osamu Matsuo, Masumi Ichikawa, Jun Mimuro, Keiichi Ichimura, Yoichi Sakata
    INTERNATIONAL FORUM OF ALLERGY & RHINOLOGY 3(6) 458-467 2013年6月  査読有り
    Background Tissue type plasminogen activator (tPA) functions as a fibrinolytic factor in the blood and has unique roles in the nervous system. However, the role of tPA in the olfactory epithelium (OE) is still unclear. Generally, surgical ablation of the olfactory bulb (bulbectomy) triggers degeneration followed by regeneration of OE. In this experimental study, we investigated the role of tPA in OE regeneration. Methods Wild-type (WT) mice and tPA-knockout (tPA-/-) mice were subjected to bulbectomy. Reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), in situ hybridization, and immunohistochemical examination was done to detect tPA expression in the olfactory bulb and OE. Cellular proliferation and apoptosis was also monitored in the OE. Results Before bulbectomy, tPA was found to be expressed in the olfactory bulb and OE. OE degenerated to a similar extent in both strains between 0 and 3 days after bulbectomy. However, OE was thicker and contained more cells in tPA-/- mice than in WT mice at 7 days after bulbectomy. Moreover, the number of apoptotic bodies was reduced and the number of proliferating cells was increased in the OE of tPA-/- mice compared to WT mice, after bulbectomy. Transmission electron microscopy revealed continuous degeneration of the OE for up to 7 days after bulbectomy in WT mice. In contrast, we observed some intact olfactory vesicles and almost normal supporting cells in the OE of tPA-/- mice, at 7 days after bulbectomy. Conclusion The current findings show that the tPA-plasmin system plays an inhibitory role in the regulation of regeneration in the OE.
  • Kiyoshi Misawa, Takeharu Kanazawa, Yuki Misawa, Atsushi Imai, Takayuki Uehara, Daiki Mochizuki, Shiori Endo, Goro Takahashi, Hiroyuki Mineta
    The aim of this study was to define TAC1 and TACR1 methylation profiles for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) tumors at diagnosis and follow-up and to evaluate their prognostic significance and value as a biomarker of recurrence. TAC1 and TACR1 expression was measured in a panel of cell lines by quantitative RT-PCR. The TAC1 and TACR1 promoter methylation status was determined by quantitative methylation-specific PCR. Methylation was associated with TAC1 and TACR1 transcription inhibition. TAC1 methylation in 49/100 (49 %) of HNSCC tumor specimens significantly correlated with p16 methylation (P = 0.010), E-cadherin methylation (P = 0.041), galanin methylation (P = 0.037), and disease-free survival (P = 0.002). Stage III and IV patients manifesting TAC1 hypermethylation had significantly shorter survivals than did patients without TAC1 methylation (P = 0.022). TACR1 methylation in 34/100 (34 %) cases was significantly correlated with galanin methylation (P = 0.014) and GALR1 methylation (P = 0.004). TAC1 promoter hypermethylation was statistically correlated with reduced disease-free survival (log-rank test, P = 0.002). In multivariate logistic-regression analysis, methylation of TAC1 and of the gene pair TAC1 and TACR1 was associated with an odds ratio for recurrence of 3.35 (95 % CI, 1.37-8.19; P = 0.008) and 5.09 (95 % CI, 1.44-18.02; P = 0.011), respectively. CpG hypermethylation is a likely mechanism of TAC1 and TACR1 gene inactivation, supporting the hypothesis that TAC1 and TACR1 play a role in the tumorigenesis of HNSCC and that this hypermethylation may serve as an important biomarker.
  • Takeharu Kanazawa, Noriyoshi Fukushima, Shoichiro Imayoshi, Takafumi Nagatomo, Kazumi Kawada, Hiroshi Nishino, Kiyoshi Misawa, Keiichi Ichimura
    SpringerPlus 2(1) 153 2013年  査読有り
    Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP), a chronic upper respiratory condition characterized by diffuse multiple recurring papillomas, is thought to result from human papillomavirus (HPV) type 6 or 11 infection. Although RRP is an intractable disease, malignant transformation of RRP is rare. The underlying mechanism, however, has not been elucidated. We describe the clinical course of a patient who underwent more than 130 operations for RRP associated with HPV type 6 infection and subsequently suffered spontaneous malignant transformation to squamous cell carcinoma. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that malignant transformation might result from a genomic defect, such as p53 inactivation, leading to stimulation of uncontrolled cell proliferation by HPV type 6 for an extended period, but not directly because of HPV itself. Our results could help in the development of novel therapeutic strategies for severe RRP, although further studies are required before clinical application of molecular targeted therapies. © 2013 Kanazawa et al.
  • Kiyoshi Misawa, Takeharu Kanazawa, Yuki Misawa, Takayuki Uehara, Atsushi Imai, Goro Takahashi, Satoru Takebayashi, Andrew Cole, Thomas E. Carey, Hiroyuki Mineta
    Translational Oncology 6(3) 338-346 2013年  査読有り
    Purpose: There is accumulating evidence that galanin receptors (GALRs) may be tumor suppressors in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Promoter methylation status and gene expression were assessed in a large panel of primary tumors, based on the hypothesis that CpG hypermethylation might silence the galanin gene. Experimental design: Galanin expression was examined using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The methylation status of the galanin promoter was studied using bisulfate sequencing and methylationspecific PCR. UM-SCC-54 was stably transfected to express galanin. Results: Galanin expression was absent in 3/12 (25.0%) UM-SCC cell lines, whereas three nonmalignant cell lines had stable expression. Galanin methylation was found in 24/100 (24.0%) cases. HNSCC tumor specimens was significantly correlated with the GALR1 methylation status (P = 1.88E-06). The presence of galanin promoter hypermethylation was statistically correlated with a decrease in disease-free survival (log-rank test, P = 6.02E-05). A multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that methylation of galanin and methylation of the gene pair galanin and GALR1 had an odds ratio for recurrence of 8.95 [95% confidence interval (CI), 2.29-35.03] and 23.84 (95% CI, 2.74-207.17), respectively. UM-SCC-54 cells that are GALR1-proficient but have hypermethylated galanin exhibited suppressed cell proliferation following exogenous expression of galanin. Conclusions: Association of frequent promoter hypermethylation and gene silencing with poor survival, combined with growth suppression of HNSCC cells after forced gene expression, supports the hypothesis that galanin acts as a tumor suppressor. These data suggest that galanin and GALR1 are potential therapeutic targets and prognostic factors. © 2013 Neoplasia Press, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Akihiro Shinnabe, Mariko Hara, Masayo Hasegawa, Shingo Matsuzawa, Hiromi Kanazawa, Takeharu Kanazawa, Naohiro Yoshida, Yukiko Iino
    OTOLOGY & NEUROTOLOGY 33(5) 765-768 2012年7月  査読有り
    Objective: To investigate differences in middle ear ventilation mechanisms between pars flaccida and pars tensa cholesteatoma. Study Design: Retrospective case review. Setting: A referral hospital otolaryngology department. Patients: Sixty-six ears with pars flaccida cholesteatoma (mean age, 45.7 yr) and 19 ears with pars tensa cholesteatoma (mean age, 58.8 yr) were included. Patients with totally adhesive tympanic membranes or mixed-type cholesteatoma were excluded. Interventions: Patients underwent canal wall down tympanoplasty with canal reconstruction. The canal wall was reconstructed with tragal or conchal cartilage and cortical bone grafts. Main Outcome Measures: Habitual sniffing, preoperative sonotubometry results, mastoid pneumatization (maturation), and postoperative aeration around the stapes were investigated. Preoperative mastoid pneumatization and postoperative aeration around the stapes were measured on computed tomography scans. Results: Ten (15.4%) of 65 patients with pars flaccida cholesteatoma and 3 (15.7%) of 19 patients with pars tensa cholesteatoma were habitual sniffers (p = 0.5). Preoperative sonotubometry indicated that a patulous pattern was more common in ears with pars flaccida than pars tensa cholesteatoma (42.8% versus 7.1%, p < 0.05), and a stenotic pattern was more common in ears with pars tensa than pars flaccida cholesteatoma (85.8% versus 42.8%, p < 0.01). Preoperative mastoid pneumatization and postoperative aeration around the stapes were significantly better in ears with pars flaccida than pars tensa cholesteatoma (p < 0.01 and p < 0.05, respectively). Conclusion: Significantly different tubal function and mastoid pneumatization patterns suggest differences in ventilation disorders and cause between ears with pars flaccida and pars tensa cholesteatoma.
  • Takeharu Kanazawa, Yusuke Watanabe, Mariko Hara, Akihiro Shinnabe, Gen Kusaka, Takanori Murayama, Yukiko Iino
    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OTOLARYNGOLOGY 33(3) 303-307 2012年5月  査読有り
    Purpose: Laryngeal framework surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia but cannot be tolerated by some patients. To develop a new procedure for these patients, we evaluated voice outcomes after arytenoid adduction combined with medialization laryngoplasty under general anesthesia using a laryngeal mask airway (LMA) for unilateral vocal cord paralysis. Materials and Methods: Eleven consecutive patients with severe unilateral vocal cord paralysis, with a maximum phonation time of less than 5 seconds, underwent arytenoid adduction combined with medialization laryngoplasty under general anesthesia using an LMA. Each paralyzed vocal cord was observed by intraoperative videolaryngoscopy. The vocal cord was moved to the position where the best vocal outcome could be expected, according to 3 parameters obtained from glottal images. Results: All patients achieved a maximum phonation time of more than 11 seconds. The mean airflow rate, which ranged from 550 to 1000 mL/s before surgery, improved to less than 390 mL/s. Perceptual evaluation using the grade, roughness, breathiness, asthenia and strain scale also improved significantly. Conclusions: These results were equivalent to those of previous reports of surgeries performed under local anesthesia. Intraoperative endoscopic vocal cord observation through the LMA may have contributed to the positive results. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 茶薗 英明, 多田 雄一郎, 今西 順久, 佐藤 雄一郎, 金澤 丈治, 福島 啓文, 清水 顕, 加納 里志, 矢島 陽子, 大上 研二, 大塚 邦憲, 花澤 豊行, 長尾 俊孝
    頭頸部癌 38(2) 210-210 2012年5月  
  • 大塚 邦憲, 多田 雄一郎, 今西 順久, 花澤 豊行, 佐藤 雄一郎, 金澤 丈治, 福島 啓文, 清水 顕, 加納 里志, 矢島 陽子, 大上 研二, 長尾 俊孝
    頭頸部癌 38(2) 210-210 2012年5月  
  • Takeharu Kanazawa, Noriyoshi Fukushima, Hidetaka Tanaka, Juntaro Shiba, Hiroshi Nishino, Hiroyuki Mineta, Keiichi Ichimura
    Journal of Medical Case Reports 6 431 2012年  査読有り
    Introduction. Primary involvement of the salivary glands in small cell carcinoma is rare, and has one of the worst prognoses of salivary gland neoplasms. However, it has been reported that some cases have a favorable outcome, although the prognostic factors are still under consideration. Multidisciplinary therapy was usually required to achieve long-term survival. Recently, a resemblance of some small cell carcinomas of the salivary gland to cutaneous Merkel cell carcinoma was suggested the latter have the potential for spontaneous regression, which is related to a favorable clinical outcome. Case presentation. We present a locoregional advanced parotid small cell carcinoma with multiple lymph node metastases in an 87-year-old Asian woman. The tumor was controlled by surgery alone, and nine-year disease-free survival was achieved without any adjunctive therapy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the longest reported follow-up of head and neck small cell carcinoma. Conclusion: We believe this to be the first case of small cell carcinoma with involvement of the salivary glands reported in the literature with a good outcome after surgery alone without any adjunctive therapy. © 2012 Kanazawa et al. licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
  • Akihiro Shinnabe, Mariko Hara, Masayo Hasegawa, Shingo Matsuzawa, Kozue Kodama, Hiromi Kanazawa, Takeharu Kanazawa, Yukiko Iino
    OTOLOGY & NEUROTOLOGY 32(6) E46-E47 2011年8月  査読有り
  • Takeharu Kanazawa, Mitsuhiro Nokubi, Katsuji Takeoda, Kozue Kodama, Hajime Usubuchi, Yukiko Iino
    AURIS NASUS LARYNX 38(1) 123-126 2011年2月  査読有り
    Objective: We reported an extremely rare case of atypical laryngeal carcinoid, and examined the expression of several proteins for application of molecular targeted therapy. Method: Case report and review of the literature concerning atypical carcinoid arising from the larynx. The expressions of proteins were determined by immunohistochemical analysis. Results: We present here a case of atypical laryngeal carcinoid in a 79-year-old Japanese man, which was completely resected, and with no evidence of recurrence. On immunohistochemical analysis, neoplastic elements revealed, strong positivity for platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha (PDGFR alpha), vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2), and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), and were mild positivity for KIT. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that atypical laryngeal carcinoid could be completely removed if it is located in the limited lesion. PDGFR alpha, VEGFR2, and EGFR expressions in this case provide the evidence that atypical laryngeal carcinoid is the candidate for molecular targeted therapy, although further investigations are necessary. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Rika Inoue, Takeharu Kanazawa, Mamoru Morita, Yukiko Iino, Shigeki Yamada, Takashi Ishida
    OTOLOGY & NEUROTOLOGY 32(1) E7-E8 2011年1月  査読有り
  • Misawa K, Kanazawa T, Misawa Y, Imai A, Endo S, Hakamada K, Mineta H
    Cancer biomarkers : section A of Disease markers 10(3-4) 135-144 2011年  査読有り
  • Kanazawa T, Sarukawa S, Fukushima H, Takeoda S, Kusaka G, Ichimura K
    Annals of vascular diseases 4(3) 189-195 2011年  査読有り
  • Takeharu Kanazawa, Kiyoshi Misawa, Thomas E. Carey
    EXPERT OPINION ON THERAPEUTIC TARGETS 14(3) 289-302 2010年3月  査読有り
    Areas covered in this review: Our aim is to examine galanin receptor 1 (GALR1) and galanin receptor 2 (GALR2) as HNSCC therapeutic targets and explore opportunities and strategies for making use of GALR1 and GALR2 signaling. What the reader will gain: This review provides recent data about galanin receptor signaling and function in various cell types, especially HNSCC. Signaling through GALR1 induces cell cycle arrest and suppresses proliferation in HNSCC. Similar to GALR1, GALR2 not only induces cell cycle arrest but also apoptosis, which was not observed with GALR1. Take home messages: GALR1 and GALR2 act as tumor suppressors in HNSCC, in a p53-independent manner. The current data suggest that GALR1 and GALR2 are potentially significant therapeutic targets and prognostic factors in HNSCC.
  • Yukiko Iino, Hajime Usubuchi, Kozue Kodama, Hiromi Kanazawa, Katsumi Takizawa, Takeharu Kanazawa, Yasushi Ohta
    OTOLOGY & NEUROTOLOGY 31(1) 100-104 2010年1月  査読有り
    Objective: Eosinophilic otitis media (EOM) is characterized by the extensive accumulation of eosinophils in the middle ear mucosa and middle ear effusion and is usually associated with bronchial asthma. Eosinophilic otitis media patients show gradual or sudden deterioration of hearing. In our previous study, we reported that high-tone loss was more frequently found and more severe in EOM patients than in control patients with chronic otitis media. These findings suggest that not only bacterial infection but also eosinophilic inflammation in the middle ear may damage the inner ear. The present study was performed to determine whether eosinophilic inflammation is indeed related to deterioration of bone-conduction hearing level (BCHL). Patients: Fifty-five ears of 28 patients with EOM associated with bronchial asthma were included in this study. Middle ear effusion (MEE) samples were collected from all the patients, and the concentrations of eosinophilic cationic protein (ECP) and immunoglobulin E (IgE) were measured by fluorescence enzyme immunoassay. The BCHLs at 2 and 4 kHz for the worse-hearing ear of each patient were correlated with the concentrations of ECP and IgE. Results: The concentration of IgE in MEE significantly and positively correlated with BCHL at 2 and 4 kHz. The ears with a higher concentration of ECP in MEE also tended to show deterioration of BCHL at 4 kHz. Other clinical risk factors for BCHL deterioration were male sex, long duration of EOM, association with bacterial infection, severe inflammatory changes of the middle ear mucosa, and high serum IgE concentration. Conclusion: Eosinophilic-inflammation-related substances such as ECP and IgE are closely related to the deterioration of BCHL at high frequencies. Particularly, IgE concentration in MEE is a good indicator of BCHL elevation. We should always pay attention to the hearing acuity of EOM patients with the risk factors.
  • Takeharu Kanazawa, Pavan K. Kommareddi, Toshihide Iwashita, Bhavna Kumar, Kiyoshi Misawa, Yuki Misawa, Ilwhan Jang, Thankam S. Nair, Yukiko Iino, Thomas E. Carey
    CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH 15(7) 2222-2230 2009年4月  査読有り
    Purpose: Galanin and its three receptors (GALR1-3) are expressed in many normal tissues, but silenced in some tumors. Contradictory roles for galanin and its receptors in various tumors have been reported. To understand their function, investigations of individual galanin receptors are necessary. In head and neck squamous carcinoma cells (HNSCC) with silenced GALR1 and GAILR2, we showed that reexpressed GALR1 Suppresses tumor cell proliferation via Erk1/2-mediated effects on cdk inhibitors and cyclin D1. Others showed that GALR2 could induce apoptosis in neuroblastoma cells with wild-type p53, whereas GALR2 stimulated proliferation in small cell lung cancer. In this study, we investigated the role of GALR2 in HNSCC cells that have mutant p53 and do not express GALR1. Experimental Design: UM-SCC-1, a human oral carcinoma cell line with a splice site mutation causing a 46-bp p53 off-frame deletion, was stably transfected to express GAILR2 (UM-SCC-1-GALR2). Results: Galanin treatment of UM-SCC-1-GALR2 caused morphologic changes and a marked decrease in cell number that were not observed in UM-SCC-1-mock cells. Galanin and GALR2 resulted in decreased bromodeoxyuridine incorporation, p27(Kip1) and p57(Kip2) up-regulation, and decreased cyclin D1 expression. These effects were similar to GALR1 signaling in HNSCC, but GALR2 also induced caspase-3-dependent apoptosis, which was confirmed by Annexin-V staining and DNA fragmentation analysis. These were not observed with GALR1. Conclusion: This study shows that GALR2 reexpression can inhibit cell proliferation and induce apoptosis in HNSCC cells with mutant p53. GALR2 may be a feasible target for HNSCC therapy.
  • Kiyoshi Misawa, Yo Ueda, Takeharu Kanazawa, Yuki Misawa, Ilwhan Jang, John Chadwick Brenner, Tetsuya Ogawa, Satoru Takebayashi, ReidarA. Grenman, James G. Herman, Hiroyuki Mineta, Thomas E. Carey
    CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH 14(23) 7604-7613 2008年12月  査読有り
    Purpose: One copy of the galanin receptor 1 (GALR1) locus on 18q is often deleted and expression is absent in some head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) cell lines. To determine if loss of heterozygosity and hypermethylation might silence the GALR1 gene, promoter methylation status and gene expression were assessed in a large panel of HNSCC cell lines and tumors. Experimental Design: Promoter methylation of GALR1 in 72 cell lines and 100 primary tumor samples was analyzed using methylation-specific PCR. GALR1 expression and methylation status were analyzed further by real-time PCR and bisulfite sequencing analysis. Results: The GALR1 promoter was fully or partially methylated in 38 of 72 (52.7 %) HNSCC cell lines but not in the majority 18 of 20 (90.0%) of nonmalignant lines. GALR1 methylation was also found in 38 of 100 (38%) primary tumor specimens. Methylation correlated with decreased GALR1 expression. In tumors, methylation was significantly correlated with increased tumor size (P = 0.0036), lymph node status (P = 0.0414), tumor stage (P = 0.0037), cyclin D1 expression (P = 0.0420), and p16 methylation (P = 0.0494) and survival (P = 0.045). Bisulfite sequencing of 36 CpG sites upstream of the transcription start site revealed that CpG methylation within transcription factor binding sites correlated with complete suppression of GALR1 mRNA. Treatment with trichostatin A and 5-azacyticline restored GALR1 expression. In UM-SCC-23 cells that have total silencing of GALR1, exogenous GALR1 expression and stimulation with galanin suppressed cell proliferation. Conclusions: Frequent promoter hypermethylation, gene silencing, association with prognosis, and growth suppression after reexpression support the hypothesis that GALR1 is a tumor suppressor gene in HNSCC.
  • Yukiko Iino, Hajime Usubuchi, Kozue Kodama, Katsumi Takizawa, Takeharu Kanazawa, Yasushi Ohta
    OTOLOGY & NEUROTOLOGY 29(7) 949-952 2008年10月  査読有り
    Objective: Eosinophilic otitis media (EOM) is characterized by the extensive accumulation of eosinophils in the middle ear mucosa and middle ear effusion and is usually associated with bronchial asthma. EOM patients show gradual deterioration of hearing and sometimes become deaf suddenly. However, there have been no systemic studies of bone conduction hearing level (BCHL) of patients with EOM. Patients: Seventy-one ears of 38 patients with EOM associated with bronchial asthma were included in this study. For controls, 65 cars of age-matched 60 patients with chronic otitis media (COM), who underwent tympanoplasty, were similarly studied. The BCHLs at 250, 500, 1,000, 2,000 and 4,000 Hz of EOM patients were compared with those of COM patients, and the clinical risk factors for the deterioration of BCHL in EOM were analyzed. Results: Two patients became profoundly deaf unilaterally after the onset of EOM. High-tone loss was more frequently found and more severe in EOM patients than in COM patients. The clinical risk factors for high-tone loss were older age, male sex, presence of pathogens, and condition of the middle ear mucosa. Conclusion: High-tone hearing loss and profound hearing loss were frequently associated with EOM, suggesting that inflammatory products of the middle ear invade the inner ear via the round window to cause inner ear damage. To prevent the deterioration of BCHL, the control of eosinophilic inflammation and bacterial infection is mandatory.
  • Takeharu Kanazawa, Hiroshi Nishino, Masahiro Hasegawa, Yasushi Ohta, Yukiko Iino, Keiichi Ichimura, Yutaka Noda
    EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY 264(7) 815-821 2007年7月  査読有り
    Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a multifunctional regulator of immune response and hematopoiesis. Recently, it has been reported that expression of IL-6 is correlated with prognosis in various cancer patients. In this study, we investigated whether the proliferation and invasion potential of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCCs) were influenced by IL-6. All HNSCC cell lines, HEp-2, HSC-2, HSC-4, and SAS, were tested by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and expressed the IL-6 receptor (IL-6R), and glycoprotein 130, which is responsible for signal transduction. HEp-2, HSC-2, and HSC-4 also produced IL-6. IL-6 inhibited the proliferation of HSC-2 and SAS, but the invasion potential of all the cell lines increased. Moreover, IL-6 down-regulated soluble IL-6R expression. Anti-IL-6R antibody abrogated the inhibited proliferation and increased invasion induced by IL-6. IL-6 stimulation also induced the extracellular regulated protein kinase 1/2 activation and increased vascular endothelial growth factor release. These results suggest that IL-6 can directly influence cell proliferation and the invasion potential as the first step of tumor metastasis.
  • 児玉 梢, 太田 康, 金澤 丈治, 椿 恵樹, 飯野 ゆき子
    耳鼻咽喉科展望 50(3) 170-177 2007年  
    急性副鼻腔炎に続発した頭蓋内合併症の2症例を報告し, 1990年以降に本邦において報告された鼻性頭蓋内合併症例に自験例を加えた38症例に関して検討した。症例1は29歳男性, 急性前頭洞炎に前頭葉脳膿瘍及び硬膜外膿瘍を合併した。抗菌薬の全身投与に加え内視鏡下鼻内副鼻腔手術, 開頭硬膜外膿瘍洗浄ドレナージ術, 脳膿瘍外減圧術が行われた。症例2は16歳女性, 前頭洞を主体とする急性副鼻腔炎に硬膜外膿瘍を合併した。抗菌薬の全身投与に加え内視鏡下鼻内副鼻腔手術, 穿頭硬膜外膿瘍洗浄ドレナージ術を施行した。2症例とも後遺症を残すことなく治癒した。38症例では脳膿瘍等の膿瘍性疾患が多数を占め, 原因病巣部位は前頭洞が多かった。また内視鏡下鼻内副鼻腔手術が大多数に, さらに脳外科によるドレナージ手術が半数以上の症例に対し施行され, 有効な治療法と考えられた。鼻性頭蓋内合併症は造影CTやMRIによる迅速な診断と脳神経外科と連携した適切な治療が必要である。
  • YH Liu, T Okada, K Sheykholeslami, K Shimazaki, T Nomoto, SI Muramatsu, T Kanazawa, K Takeuchi, R Ajalli, H Mizukami, A Kume, K Ichimura, K Ozawa
    MOLECULAR THERAPY 12(4) 725-733 2005年10月  査読有り
    Recombinant adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors are of interest for cochlear gene therapy because of their ability to mediate the efficient transfer and long-term stable expression of therapeutic genes in a wide variety of postmitotic tissues with minimal vector-related cytotoxicity. In the present study, seven AAV serotypes (AAV1-5, 7, 8) were used to construct vectors. The expression of EGFP by the chicken P-actin promoter associated with the cytomegalovirus immediate-early enhancer in cochlear cells showed that each of these serotypes successfully targets distinct cochlear cell types. In contrast to the other serotypes, the AAV3 vector specifically transduced cochlear inner hair cells with high efficiency in vivo, while the AAV1, 2, 5, 7, and 8 vectors also transduced these and other cell types, including spiral ganglion and spiral ligament cells. There was no loss of cochlear function with respect to evoked auditory brain-stem responses over the range of frequencies tested after the injection of AAV vectors. These findings are of value for further molecular studies of cochlear inner hair cells and for gene replacement strategies to correct recessive genetic hearing loss due to monogenic mutations in these cells.
  • T Kanazawa, H Mizukami, H Nishino, T Okada, Y Hanazono, A Kume, K Kitamura, K Ichimura, K Ozawa
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY 25(3) 729-735 2004年9月  査読有り
    Adeno-associated virus (AAV) is a non-pathogenic virus with a single-strand DNA genome. AAV vectors have several unique properties suited for gene therapy applications. However, an obstacle to their application is a low efficiency of transgene expression, mainly due to a limited second-strand synthesis. Previously, we reported that gamma-rays enhanced the transduction efficiency and cytocidal effect of AAV vector harboring the herpes simplex virus-thymidine kinase (AAVtk) and ganciclovir (GCV) system. In the present study, we investigated whether topoisomerase inhibitors (etoposide and camptothecin) enhance the AAV vector-mediated transgene expression and the killing effect by AAVtk/GCV system. The enhancement of transgene expression was observed in a concentration -dependent manner on human laryngeal carcinoma cells (HEp-2 cells) and HeLa cells. Southern analysis confirmed that etoposide enhanced the double-strand synthesis of the AAV vector genome in HEp-2 cells and HeLa cells. The cells were efficiently killed by AAVtk/GCV system, as expected. More importantly, both etoposide and camptothecin augmented the cytocidal effect of the AAVtk/GCV system. These findings suggest that the combination of AAV-mediated suicide gene therapy and treatment with topoisomerase inhibitors may have synergistic therapeutic effects in the treatment of cancers.
  • Ken Uehara, Takeharu Kanazawa, Masahiro Hasegawa, Masaharu Ura, Yutaka Noda, Tetsuya Tono
    Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica 97(1) 25-30 2004年  査読有り
    Recently, olfactory disturbance caused by various diseases has been an important symptom. In this study, 76 patients with olfactory disturbance seen at University of the Ryukyus Hospital between 1997 and 2001 were analyzed. Distribution of the disease caused by olfactory disturbance was as follows: 26 cases of rhinosinusitis, 47 of viral infection and 3 of head trauma. Patient characteristics, initial treatment and results of T &amp T olfactometry or intravenous olfactometry (Alinamin® test) did not significantly differ between the rhinosinusitis group and the viral infection group. To investigate whether the prognosis could be estimated by T &amp T olfactometry and intravenous olfactometry, the initial results of T &amp T olfactometry or intravenous olfactometry and improvements after treatment were longitudinally compared in the rhinosinusitis group and in the viral infection group. As a result, improvements in the disturbance were significantly correlated with T &amp T olfactometric findings in both groups. Similarly, improvements were significantly correlated to findings on olfactometry. These results suggested that initial examination for olfactory disturbance should be able to estimate the prognosis of the disturbance caused by various diseases.
  • Kanazawa T, Urabe M, Mizukami H, Okada T, Kume A, Nishino H, Monahan J, Kitamura K, Ichimura K, Ozawa K
    Cancer gene therapy 8(2) 99-106 2001年2月  査読有り
  • Takeharu Kanazawa, Hiroshi Nishino, Mamoru Miyata, Ken Kuriki, Kouichi Abe, Keiichi Ichimura
    Journal of Laryngology and Otology 115(1) 77-79 2001年  査読有り
    Haemangiopericytomas (HPCs) are rare vascular tumours that commonly involve the soft tissues of the trunk and lower extremities. In the head and neck, the most common sites are the nasal cavity and the paranasal sinuses, and unusually, the orbital region, the parotid gland, and the neck. We report a patient with HPC that originated in the infratemporal fossa and involved the pterygopalatine and the middle cranial fossae, apparently the first such case to be reported. Although the patient has undergone resection on three separate occasions, the tumour recurred. We then performed an extended resection using the infratemporal fossa approach type D. The patient has shown no recurrence in the past five years. Although histopathologic confirmation of this malignancy may be difficult, extensive resection remains the most effective treatment in such cases.
  • H Nishino, M Miyata, M Morita, K Ishikawa, T Kanazawa, K Ichimura
    CANCER 89(9) 1925-1932 2000年11月  査読有り
    BACKGROUND. Current goals for the treatment of carcinoma of the maxillary sinus include the preservation of vision, ability to eat, ability to communicate, and appearance as well as cure. METHODS. Seventy-five Japanese patients who presented with maxillary sinus carcinoma between 1979 and 1997 were analyzed retrospectively. There were 48 males and 27 females with a median age of 62 years. The mean follow-up period was 73 months. All patients underwent multimodality therapy including surgery through a sublabial incision, radiotherapy, and regional chemotherapy. The regional lymph nodes were treated only in those patients with cervical lymph node involvement. RESULTS. The 5-year and 10-year overall survival rates were 76% and 66%, respectively. In 65 patients with squamous cell carcinoma, the 5-year and 10-year overall survival rates were 77% and 66%, respectively. All 23 patients with orbital involvement retained the orbital contents and 17 patients demonstrated adequate ocular function. There was no disease recurrence reported among patients with involvement of the foramen rotundum or the foramen ovale, whereas two of the three patients with invasion of the foramen lacerum developed disease recurrence. There were 12 complications in 12 patients, including double vision (4 patients), cataracts (3 patients), trismus (4 patients), and fistula formation (1 patient). CONCLUSIONS. Control of the primary tumor site is important in the curative treatment of patients with maxillary sinus carcinoma. Combined therapy with conservative surgery, radiotherapy, and regional chemotherapy appears to be an effective method for local control and the preservation of ocular function. (C) 2000 American Cancer Society.
  • T Kanazawa, H Nishino, K Ichimura
    EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY 257(8) 433-435 2000年9月  査読有り
    Pleomorphic adenoma (PA) is the most common benign tumor of the major salivary glands. It can also occur in the minor salivary glands, mainly in the oral cavity, and in other sites in the head and neck region. We pre sent a very I are case of PA in the pterygopalatine fossa. Surgical resection of the tumor was performed via the transmaxillary approach. The patient has experienced neither surgical complications nor recurrence in the past 3 years. This case suggests that a localized benign tumor in the pterygopalatine fossa can be removed safely and efficaciously via a transmaxillary approach.
  • KM Matsuda, S Madoiwa, Y Hasumi, T Kanazawa, Y Saga, A Kume, H Mano, K Ozawa, M Matsuda
    CANCER GENE THERAPY 7(4) 589-596 2000年4月  査読有り
    When NIH 3T3 fibroblasts were transduced with a retroviral vector containing a cDNA for porcine pancreatic elastase 1 and cultured in the presence of affinity-purified human plasminogen, the exogenously added plasminogen was digested to generate the kringle 1-3 segment known as angiostatin, a potent angiogenesis inhibitor. This was evidenced by immunoblot analysis of the plasminogen digests using a monoclonal antibody specifically reacting with the kringle 1-3 segment, acid by efficient inhibition of proliferation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells by the plasminogen digests isolated from the culture medium of 3T3 fibroblasts. However, when Lewis lung carcinoma cells were transduced with the same vector and injected subcutaneously into mice in their back or via the tail vein, their growth at the injection sites or in the lungs was markedly suppressed compared with the growth of similarly treated nontransduced Lewis lung carcinoma cells. Nevertheless, the transduced cells were able to grow as avidly as the control cells in vitro. Assuming that the elastase 1 secreted from the transduced cells is likely to be exempt from rapid inhibition by its physiological inhibitor, alpha(1)-protease inhibitor, as shown in the inflammatory tissues, the elastase 1 secreted from the tumor cells may effectively digest the plasminogen that is abundantly present in the extravascular spaces and generate the kringle 1-3 segment in the vicinity of implanted tumor cell clusters. Although the selection of more profitable virus vectors and cells to be transduced awaits further studies, such a protease gene transfer strategy may provide us with a new approach to anti-angiogenesis gene therapy for malignant tumors and their metastasis in vivo.
  • Takeharu Kanazawa, Hideo Hagiwara, Ken Kitamura
    Journal of Laryngology and Otology 114(1) 47-49 2000年  
    We present here three cases of acute otitis media caused by a virulent group A streptococcal infection that rapidly led to deterioration in hearing. Two of the three cases presented with severe sensorineural and mixed hearing loss with multiple tympanic membrane perforations, and the third presented with severe bilateral sensorineural hearing loss following acute otitis media involving group A streptococci. All patients were treated with systemic (piperacillin) and topical antibiotics (ofloxacin ear drops): one patient also received a systemic steroid (betamethasone). Deafness persisted in one patient but in the other two, hearing gradually recovered. Severe cytotoxicity was considered to have occurred in all patients, resulting in multiple perforations of the tympanic membrane and necrosis in the middle ear.



